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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Johnathan found himself rolling his eyes again. Jeez, this guy is a serious asshole. He kept his arm around the doe, looking down at her with a kind smile. "So, what do you like to do for fun, Elizabeth?" She looked up from her clasped hands to Johnathan. "Reading, I suppose. I paint sometimes, but only small things."

"But do you enjoy it?" He looked at her with a raised eyebrow. She looked down before nodding. "Then it doesn't matter if it's something small or not, all that matters is that it makes you happy." He grinned.
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Alli chuckled as Cory hunkered down on Hunter comfortably, falling asleep after a long day. Alli asked, "why? He didn't do anything to you." She bumped her shoulder into his, glancing over her shoulder at the two again. I already know why she's upset, Hunter doesn't see it, see her feelings for him..

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter sighed, "I don't know, but i just feel like he isn't tell us something. Then again I may just be paranoid." He said with a shrug.
They soon reached the house. Johnathan ran in and returned a moment later with Elizabeth's jacket and a pair of black boots. "I hope these aren't too big." He jogged over to the blonde haired girl, handing her the items. While she put them on he turned to the wolf. "So how long will it take us to get to Gemono?"
Hunter shrugged, "Depends on how fast we move. At my top speed, a little less than a day, walking about five." He said turning and started toward the gates of Evergreen.
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With a quick nod he followed behind the two, sticking close to Elizabeth. He imagined it they would be there in less than five days, but to sprint the entire way to fit in one day seemed ridiculous, not even taking into consideration if anyone else would be able to keep up. Obviously Alli would, but something told him that if Cory wasn't on Hunter's back she wouldn't be able to.
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(Not really, been thinking of making a Mortal Kombat RP for some time but can't ever get around to it.)
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I didn't sleep that night. I waited until everyone was asleep before sneaking off and telling the commander where we were going, then went and practised ice magic at some nearby lake, by the time i returned it was almost morning so i simply ate some food i had in the small bag i usually had tucked on my back. A small logo had been ripped off and it was worn from my various travels
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Hunter awoke not long after the sun started to rise, noticing Priscilla was up. "It's good to see my student up early for training." He said with smirk.
I looked at him grumpily. "I'm up for it! I bet ya i will hit you today" i smirked, feeling rather confident as i stood up and walked over to a small open space and got into my stance
Hunter held up a hand to stop her, "Not today, you need to work on your power for your swings so instead," he said as he walked over to quite a thick tree and grew his claws with a partial change and slashed near the bottom before picking the entire tree up and setting it before Priscilla, "you have to make through this trunk on a single slash."
"The whole thing..?" I asked, my enthusiasm a little gone now "that trees is so thick though..." I mumbled to myself before swinging and barely cutting halfway into the tree
Hunter watched as Priscilla failed her first try, "Again." He said promptly as he sat down Indian style.
I tried again and got the same results. "This isn't getting me anywhere! How did you get so strong? I saw you punch a man through a wall when we first met"
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Hunter was silent for a moment debating his answer. "I was got it the start of it through being an unwilling experiment for a twisted scientist from the legion, and from there I worked to increase my strength." He said in an almost robotic voice.
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"Umm... By legion, you mean the legion of beasts?" I asked. "I'd heard that they had done expirements but never actually seen the results, maybe i could get some information" i thought to myself
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"Yeah." Hunter said as he stood up, "I was the first sane success they had, until I broke free and killed some of the assistances and guards. Enough of that though back to training, now it's not only about the strength of your swing it's about where as well, this time I want you to look for a weak point in the bark, excluding your earlier strikes."
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I looked at the huge tree, searching it with griffin eyes before striking it, cutting around three-quarters of the way. "I suppose strength doesn't come over night..." I mumbles, thinking on what he had said. "Pretty sure i heard about that" i thought inwardly "we were all ordered to search for three days straight..."
"Your doing good." Hunter said with a smile, as he walked up to the cut tree, before slicing off the scareed part the trunk off and moving it out of the way for a blank slate. "Now do that same thing again, but faster."
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I repeated, still thinking about the whole legion thing. I searched and slashed, still finding it tough to cut through the halfway mark
"Good, but you seem distracted. Is something wrong Priscilla?" Hunter asked as he studied her form for any problems.
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"W-what? Nothings wrong! I am just a little tired is all" i panicked a little "don't look at me that way! It's creepy"

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