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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

Comet said:
Alli smirked, "I consider a lot of things fun." She chuckled as she looked over at him. "Kinda wanna see if everyone else is Okay, but since you dragged me away I don't know where they went." She grinned at him in a joking way.
Being in a new place made Cory explore everything around them, picking up small things to examine them and other things.

@Deadly Darkness
(Never answered me.xc @Deadly Darkness )
I smile kindly. "It's ok, I know you didn't mean to." She looked at the berries the white haired girl held. They weren't the ripest of things, but the gesture was sweet.

(Sorry @Comet !!!)

Johnathan smirked, looking over to her. "Well since they're off doing who knows what, how can I entertain you?" He grinned, his chocolate brown eyes locking with hers.
Hunter watched the two girls' interaction with a small smile, before he noticed it was quiet. Then he realized why, "Guys, Has any one seen the Alli and the others?"
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( "the Alli" )

(And it's okay!! @Deadly Darkness )

Alli shrugged, "I dunno. I'm not hard to entertain though." She kept a level look with his chocolate brown eyes, mapping out every streak and detail in them. "I like your eyes, they're pretty." She admitted, smiling at him.

Cory ignored the two, deciding to go off on her own. She shifted into her Thylacine form and bounded off, smelling food as she went off.
Johnathan chuckled softly, "Well thank you. I'd compliment your eyes, but then your lips my get jealous, and then your adorable ears would feel left out, and then your sexy laugh would start to question why it wasn't good enough. So instead," He grinned as he turned to face her. "Alli, You're absolutely beautiful, from your incredible eyes to that laugh I can't resist." He smiled his usual boyish smile.

Elizabeth looked around, shocked that she had completely forgotten about the others. "Last I saw them was before the fight broke out. Maybe they're still there?" She said more so as a question than a statement.

"I'll sniff them out." Hunter said with a sigh before he went outside to looks for them, easily finding Alli and Johnathan, hehe could call to them he started to hear Johnathan even at the distance he was at. His eyes involuntarily went yellow, as he walked over he started to partially shift, involuntarily again, making his features look more like a Feral's than anything, soon he was upon them glaring death at the Raven, "everyone's at the house wondering where you are. where's Cory?" His glare never once left Johnathan.

(The drama is real people, the drama is real!)
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(Comet always gets off at the same time, so she's out. I'll respond tomorrow!)
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Alli didn't have time to answer Jonathan, her cheeks a light pink, when Hunter came up. She looked at his angry look that was directed towards Jonathan then looked around, trying to look anywhere but his eyes. Her heart started racing when Cory was no where in sight. "She's... Not here." She replied, standing up quickly to go find Cory.

Cory in her thylacine form ran it of a restaurant with a burger in her jaws. She had three angry people chasing her, shouting things at her but she didn't care. They wouldn't be able to catch her. She just kept running, running around people and over things.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
I wandered outside again and strolled into the forest, having become quite fond of the vibrant greens of the area. "When are they going to take action... I mean jeeze! I've been travelling for like a week!" I muttered to myself, quite annoyed at this mission taking so long. "I suppose the people are nice but betraying them is gonna be painful if it takes too long" i stared up at all the care-free bird floating around above me. "Lucky, I'm a bird but i still have to work" i walked back to the house, calm and collected again, not panicking as much about my mistake anymore
Elizabeth followed quickly behind Hunter. She watched as he partially shifted in what she could only imagine was jealousy, which caused her heart to way heavily in her chest. Johnathan stood up, his eyes holding Hunter's as he smirked. He then turned his attention back to Alli who was growing panicked. He gently set his hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry, we'll find her." His mouth began to stretch until it formed a beak. He gave a slight wink at her before shifting completely. Taking off, he then went in search for the small girl.
Hunter watched as Johnathan flew away, "I really don't trust him." He snarled, as he watched the raven fly, before he realized he partially shifted and returned to normal,
Alli looked at Hunter finally with a raised eyebrow. She didn't say anything though, instead, she rolled her eyes and shifted, running in a different direction that Jonathan took, hoping that going different directions would give them a better direction.

Cory was happily being chased.. Until she slammed into a metal cage, the gate behind her closing. The cage was too small for her to shift into her human form, so she cowered in the corner of the cage as one person came out behind her, one of the people that was chasing her, then the other two people that were chasing her run up. All of them grinning at her. "Well now the restaurant has a new pet."

Alli heard voices and walked towards it, her ears perked. When she saw Cory In a cage, her blood boiled and her eyes turned a soulless black color as she pounced, her jaws wide open as she clamped them down on the forearm of one of the chasers, dragging him down to the ground with her.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter watched Alli, before shifting himself a d sniffed for Cory's scent, and followed it not realizing he was going the same direction as Alli. Finding the end of the trail he saw Alli attacking some chefs and Cory in a cage. Deciding a better way to deal with this, he howled summoning a pack of Grey wolves, barking orders to the pack attack and subdued remaining people. "Don't you guys know not to attack shifters?" He said as he returned to his human form and opened the cage.
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After the pack of wolves came, each guy ran away in fear, not wanting to deal with the wolves. Alli walked over to Hunter and Cory, who jumped into Hunter's arms once he opened the cage door. "Thank you, she mumbled around a mouthful of hamburger, glad that they saved her.

Alli looked at the two before howling up into the air for Jonathan to come, to tell him that they found Cory. She shifted back into her human form to wait.

@Deadly Darkness @kenryuko
Hunter sighed at the Thylacine in his arms, "Don't talk with your mouth full Cory." He said before putting her down, as he waited like Alli was, until a cheat with a messenger bag stopped in front of them, "Are any of you Hunter Nelson?" The courier asked, to which Hunter stepped forward and was handed a letter.
Alli turned her attention to Hunter and the letter in his hands. She moved towards him, behind him, and got on the tips of her toes to put her chin on his shoulder to look over. "Whatcha got therreeee?" She asked, her face next to his as she looked on.

Cory laid down, in her thylacine form, and ate the hamburger, making satisfied noises as she did so.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter shrugged and opened the letter, reading it, "It's from my dad! He wants to talk to me in person back at Lycona!" He said with complete shock, he hadn't spoke to his family since he was 15.
"Where did everyone go..? Have they found me out and run? Dammit!"i yelled as i quickly shifted and sprinted through the forest. "How could they know..? Could they read minds and knew all along? Did they suspect me all this time?" I hissed at myself, sprinting as fast as i could back to the camp, hoping to reach there in half the time i normally would. "They're gone! We need to move! I don't know but when i got back they weren't there!" I yelled, out of breath. "I am so dead..." I mumbled almost silently
Alli looked at it suspiciously. "Your dad huh..?" She asked, moving in front of him and crossing her arms. "You sure..? After so many years you've been apart from him and now he wants to tak to you? Not right." She made a clicking noise with her tongue as she waited for a reply.

Leonidus watched as Priscilla panicked, "They are as blind as ever, your not the only one watching them. They are merely looking for their friends. Now return to your post." He ordered quickly.


Hunter shrugged, "it's his hand writing and signature, even has his scent. So he must have good reason, or is being forced. More than likely it's the former as he is one tough man." He put the letter in a jacket pocket before sitting down on a nearby bench.

Both Elizabeth and Johnathan took off in search of the thylacine. Though after a few minutes he heard the familiar howl of the hound. Flying rather close to the ground he swooped in, quickly shifting back to his human form. "Glad to see you found her." He smiled, but a look of confusion quickly came over him as he looked at Cory. "Where'd you get the food?"
kenryuko said:
Leonidus watched as Priscilla panicked, "They are as blind as ever, your not the only one watching them. They are merely looking for their friends. Now return to your post." He ordered quickly.

Hunter shrugged, "it's his hand writing and signature, even has his scent. So he must have good reason, or is being forced. More than likely it's the former as he is one tough man." He put the letter in a jacket pocket before sitting down on a nearby bench.

"Th-they are..? Sorry.. I am a little on edge..." I mumbled highly embarrassed as i walked back, my face a bright pink the entire way
Cory looked up at Jonathan with a cheeky Thylacine smile, tipping, "took it." She then finished it off, shifting back to her human form with a satisfied smile.

Alli left Hunter be, he was obviously set on seeing his dad, so she wasn't going to ruin his good mood with her superstitions. Instead, she walked over to Jonathan and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "Thanks for helping look for Cory." She smiled at him. From before, she could tell that Hunter didn't like Jonathan around her...he didn't seem jealous when he got around Elizabeth, but she wanted to test her theory about it.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness

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