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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"My name is Jay, and this raven is Edge. As for the reason why they were after me is because-" Jay took inhaled and exhaled. "As you can tell i'm a fox, but i'm no regular fox. I'm a kitsune. A Japanese fox-spirit. Some call me a demon fox-spirit because I can kinda control fire. Why they were chasing me is because my kin is not accepted. They thought I burned a few villages when I was young and then killed everyone I loved because of a rumor. They still chase me to this day." Jay put her katana away.
Hunter took a moment to process this, before bursting into laughter, "They think your a demon!?" He said in between fits of laughter, "You don't look like you could burn down a house much less a village!" He said finally getting his laughter under control.
She scowled at him, "Maybe not a house, but I have burned people to death. They deserved it though, right, edgy?" She cooed at the raven and scratched his chin. Edge croaked and nuzzled his head to hers
"So have I, as well as tear their limbs off and beat them with em, and a hella lot worse." He said before he hears a moan of pain, and walked over to the body I emitted from, before curb stomping the skull with an audible crunch and splatter if grey matter, "See?"
Elizabeth flinched, watching Hunter crush in the skull of a once living human. If she was quiet before, she was mute now, stunned into silence. She tried averting her eyes from the bloody scene, but found that she couldn't.
Jay grinned, "impressive." Her head turned to the girl named Elizabeth. "Hey, thank you for helping out too." She smiled.
Hunter watched the two gurl talk, he Noticed Elizabeth seemed a little off, "um, Elizabeth, are you ok? You seem a little, nauseous."
She managed a smile to Jay before looking back to Hunter. She'd be lying if she were to say she was fine; the urge to gag clawed at her throat, but she somehow kept it in. She nodded as her golden gaze slowly drifted back towards the headless body. Blood leaked from his neck, the clumps of smashed brain mixed with the shards of bone made it look almost like a glass plate covered in mash potatoes had been dropped, the plate shattering beneath it.
Hunter saw Elizabeth's gaze land on the headless corpse, "Oh right, your not used to this type of stuff." He said as he put a hand on her shoulder, "Listen, this is stuff your gonna have to accept, take your time though."
Jay nodded her head in agreement, "It gets easier the more you do it. After first, you'll have a weak stomach, but the more bodies the better you'll get."
Something she would have to learn to accept? Why did murder and mutilation have to be something she'd get used to? Was this what being around these people would do to her? Wear away at her until a dead face is just something normal? Elizabeth pulled her shoulder from Hunter's grip, her head shaking slightly. She then began shaking her head more violently. Tears collected in her golden eyes in a mixture of anger, sadness, and disgust. It'll get easier?! The more bodies the better?! Elizabeth took one last look at the two people in front of her before sprinting off into the forest.
Hunter reached out as if trying to grab Elizabeth, "ELIZABETH WAIT!" he yelled before giving chase, shifting. "ELIZABETH!" he yelled as he followed her.
Jay watched as the two run into the forest. "Hmm, he'll help her." She started walking in the opposite direction. She felt the weight taken off her shoulders, Edge flew to the direction of them and then stood on the street. "No, Edge, absolutely not. More hunters will be here. We gotta go." She declared. The raven croaked at Jay. "Fine! We'll go and make sure they're okay and then we're going, understand?" Edge croaked and then flew into the forest. Jay ran and jumped into the trees. Just stay hidden, she thought as she followed the raven.
She shifted mid sprint; she knew she wouldn't be able to out run him, but she hoped his turning wasn't as sharp as hers. She quickly began zig-zagging between trees.
Hunter knew he wasn't as maneuverable as Elizabeth, so he opted for the next bed thing to following her, smashing through the trees that he couldn't avoid. "ELIZABETH, PLEASE WAIT! LET ME EXPLAIN!"
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She looked over her shoulder in shock as he smashed through multiple trees. Quickly she shifted back into her human form and dropped to the ground. Due to the speed they were going at the only way Hunter could avoid hitting her was by jumping over her. Once he was skidding past her she leaped onto one of the broken trees that leaned on another tree. She climbed quickly, tears blurring her vision. "Why?" She called back raggedly.
"Because, your mu friend and I don't want you to go through this alone!" He said shifting as he walked towards the fallen tree stopping at the trunk, "Listen, I did say you would have to accept what I did, but that doesn't mean you would have to do it yourself, nor would it ever get easier. Every life I have ever taken weighs on my soul, but I remember that the where thieves, rapist, and murders."

(@Comet, I did say no promises)
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Jay moved from tree to tree. Her was beating fast and her vision began to blur. She was pushing her luck with the fox inside of her. Just make sure they're okay and then we could go.

She stopped a few tree away when she saw Elizabeth. She jumped up to the top of the tree and scout the area. They wouldn't hurt them, would they? A half of dozen hunters were a three miles away from the two. Jay shook her head, they were safe and it was time to go. She whistled and the bird flew to her shoulder. "Let's just rest here for awhile, okay?" Jay mumbled. She felt sick, tired and cold. Just a little rest.
Deadly Darkness](Already worked it out [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32994-comet/ said:
@Comet[/URL] :D I'll also brief you on what you missed, it wasn't too much)
(Where did you work it out at? xD tag me in it please.cx

And please do.)
Johnathan turned at the sudden turn of events. His eyes widened at the sudden blood shed, something went off inside of him. He scooped up Cory and grabbed a hold of Alli's hand. He pulled her with him, using all strength as she tugged against him. "We can't stay it's not safe! I know you can take care of yourself, just please," he looked back at her with almost a look of desperation. He then continued to drag her along until they far enough away. @Comet
Alli pouted but complied, looking back at the others having fun without her. She didn't get to see Hunter and Elizabeth go off, but she sat their and pouted, glaring at Jonathan. "Alright, since they're having fun, what are we gonna do?" She asks.

Cory clung ont Jonathan with a look of awe at the battle behind her, glad she doesn't have to be in this one.

@Deadly Darkness
Elizabeth looked down at Hunter, or rather the blur that was him. The sudden running, nauseousness, and crying had left her more than a little light headed. "O-Ok," she spoke softly as she clung to a nearby branch for support. She closed her eyes in hopes that the area would stop spinning.


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