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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

(@Comet, No promises)

Hunter noticed a girl with a raven on her shoulder walking towards them, taking a sniff he smelled fox, "Hey look over there." He pointed out the girl to Elizabeth.
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Johnathan followed Alli's gaze, spotting the doe and wolf. With a small smile Johnathan wrapped his arm around Alli like Hunter. He put his face close to hers, whispering in her ear. "Let's see what he thinks of this," He grinned. "And I love your hair just the way it is."

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow as she looked off in the direction Hunter had pointed.

(I'll try to keep this slow for you @Comet )
(i'll make sure that I wont write too much and too fast.)

Jay walked up to the lookers. "Hello, my name is Jay and this is Edge." Jay points to the Raven that cocks his head at the people. "Have you ever wanted to see a magic act? I can blow your minds, but it'll cost ya." She gave a fake smile. Her eyes were tired and she just wanted to eat. The forest was being crowded by the hunters that were trying to find her, so this was her only way to get food. That or steal, and she really didn't want to do that.
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Hunter raised an eyebrow at the girl with a raven on her shoulder, he could the hunger in her eye. Reaching into the bag that contained the gold, he pull out 100 and gave them to the girl, "No need for the magic."
She gave a skeptical look at the wolf. Her hand hesitated in the air and then she grabbed it. She looked inside the bag to see the gold coins and she almost choked up. "Why? This I so much." She held the bag close her chest. "We're eating tonight, Edgy." She smiled at raven. He croaked and nuzzled his head to hers.
"Just answer me. Why is such a young girl working for pocket change?" He asked removing his arm from Elizabeth's shoulder.
Her mind reeled at the guy's question. What do I tell him? That I'm an orphan? That I have no one to watch over me? To protect and care for me? No. "Umm, I . . . I just don't have job at the moment and my mom always told me that if you want money, you gotta work for it." She gave another fake smile. Her cheeks were starting to hurt from it.
"You know I don't like being lied to." He said with a flat look on his face, "But if you don't want to tell that's all you."
Her smile disappeared, he could see enough to know that she was lying, so what was the point. Her eyes became dull as she looked up at the man. "I'm-" She turned around and smelled the air. The hunters are coming. She tugged her hood up more to hide her face. "Edge, shoo." The raven flew off her shoulder and flew in the opposite direction of the hunters. She turned back around at the wolf. "Listen, they're hunters coming for me." She pointed at the men, wearing their cloaks. "I need your help in keeping me safe, please."
"I can just kill them if you'd like." Hunter said with arms crossed, "But if not I know a safe house here in Evergreen."

(The safe house option has heavy plot development, killing them is the best option if we don't want to have Comet be lost.)
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(Then, let's have some fun.)

"No, this is my battle and you already done enough. I just don't want to get innocents in the crossfire, so if you could, maybe push them away, somehow? I won't have to worry about them and let my animal take control of this predicament."
Elizabeth's eyes widen before she nodded. Seeings how her human form probably wouldn't help too much she shifted, hoping to use her antlers to keep people back.
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She looked back at the two then turned her head back at the hunters coming to her direction. "Look what we have here, Kole. A demon. Don't fight with us, sunshine. It's time to die." One hunter said and the other smile. "It doesn't have to be this way. I didn't kill anyone." Jay hands shaked and her eyes turn into amber-colored fox eyes. "You think we would believe you, a monster? I don't understand why your parents kept you." Kole asked in disgust. Jay sighed and cracked her head, "You definitely deserve this now."
Hunter followed Elizabeth's idea and shifted, he would use his ranges and menacing appearance to keep bystanders away, "Let's move." He said quickly before darting off to get the citizens moving.
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The hunter drew their swords and Jay took her katana out of its sheath. A fire appeared in her eyes. "I'm so sorry." She mumbled as her katana hit the ground. "Edge!" She yelled and the raven appeared, flying to one of the hunter's face. Blood started to leak out of the claw marks that Edge. Jay sighed and looked at the sky. She then looked at the two, who were dealing with the citizens. She lunged at the hunter and began to fight.
Elizabeth grunted as she rubbed her hoof down on the ground. She lowered her head using her antlers as a wall or ram if it came to that. She moved a long with Hunter, trying to keep as many people back as she could without hurting them.
Hunter was pacing back and forth, snarling and snapping at citizens making them back away. Looking at the fight he noticed a hunter had gotten behind Jay, "Behind you!"
She heard the wolf's voice and turned to see a hunter swing his sword her direction. She quickly duck down and heard a thud. She rolled her right and saw that the hunter sword was a few inches in his friend's chest. "Tsk, tsk, tsk," She smiled as the hunter, with the sword in his chest, fell to the ground, groaning in agony. "You monster, you made me do that!" He swung for her, again. Jay stood up and blocked his sword with her katana. They began to fight once more.
Hunter watched the fight, most pedestrians having left for fear. "Hey you need any help?!" He asked Jay as he studied the hunters, they could easily be taken down especially seeing as they weren't using there beast form.
Once most civilians were out of the way Elizabeth stepped back in an attempt to get out of the way. She remained as a deer though, just in case something turned south.
She turned her head to the wolf and grinned. "I got it." She dodged the sword and backed up. She then lunged herself at the hunter and did a butterfly kick to his chest. A heavy thump came from him as he hit the floor. She lifted her katana to his chest and strike down into him.

The other hunter got up and slashed her chest. Jay hissed as the wound stung. She backed up, "Maybe I do need some help." The hunter growled at her and showed his fangs.
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Hunter nodded and darted towards the hunter attacking Jay, with a powerful lunge he pinned the hunter and ripped his throat out, "is that all of them?" He asked getting off of the fresh corpse.
"Yeah, thanks again. If there is anyway that I can make it up to you two, since you both have help me out, just tell me." She whistled and Edge flew to Jay. His feathers and beak was matted in blood. The gash that the hunter made started to heal up. "By the way, what's your guys name?" She glanced down at the wolf.
"Hunter, the deer is Elizabeth." He said nodding towards the doe, before shifting, "so two questions. One, why were these idiots after you? And two, your name."
Elizabeth shifted back into her human form. She wasn't entirely comfortable revealing her name to this stranger, but was glad Hunter had otherwise she would've come off as suspicious.

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