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Fantasy Unleash the beasts (old)

"Well at least we know where Cory gets her drugs." He said with a smile on his face, "Though, it couldn't have been all bad. Right?" He asked as he finished up his steak and placed some gold on the table to pay the check.
She snorted, "you have no idea Hunter. He has some of his workers looking for me. I met one earlier and he told me to go home but I refused." She finished her food and gently laid her head on his shoulder, a sleepy look coming to her face.

(Ok I'm just gonna put this on record and say your really lagging on Cory, she has so much potential to be a great character)

Hunter petted Alli's head gently, making sure to scratch behind her ears, "Well you wont have to go it alone." He said as he looked at the time, around mid-morning, "Lets go look around town some." He suggested, not really wanting to move.
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(I knowww, I keep trying to involve her. xD )

Cory coughed, "quit with this. I will not third wheel." She made a pouty face then added, "and I don't do drugs!" She picked up a pecan from her plate and threw it at Hunter, an angry look on her face that only made her look cute. "Stahp it." She whined.

Alli smiled and nodded, sitting up then laughing at Cory. "Chill out, we pick on you cause it's fun and you're young." She smiled at the girl across the table, chuckling slightly.

"Well you act young at least." Hunter spoke catching the pecan with ease and tossing it into his mouth, "Besides, I'm give you rides!" He said I'm a mock serious voice.
"Then enoug with the..

Lovey Affection between you two. It's making me sick." Cory poured, crossing her arms over her chest and crawled out of the booth, waiting for the other two.

Alli lightly pushed Hunter, showing that he needed to get out first so she could. She had a small smirk on her face. "Lovey affection huh? Never heard of such thing Cory." She teased, making the girl give a serious look.

"Me neither," Hunter said as he stood, "But then again you'd probably be to young to understand." He said smirking like Alli had.
Alli followed suit, standing by him. "Please, do explain Cory." She joked.

Cory gave her a hard glare before rolling her eyes and walking out. "Nope! You two should know!! Ain't telling." She did the little mouth lock and key thing and stood there, waitin for the other two.

Hunter couldn't take anymore and burst out laughing, "Whatever You say, drug addict!" He said as he got his laughter under control and walked to the shopping district, hoping to make some sales from the loot.
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The doe walked along the trees, weaving through the low branches and protruding roots. Johnathan sat perched on one of her antlers. They had been quiet for some time, but Johnathan was right. She needed the peace and quiet. It was nice not having to think about what to say or do, she could just walk around and it would be fine. The two emerged from the foliage near the shopping area. Her sense of smell was nothing compared to a wolf's, but she recognized Hunter's scent and decided that there was no harm in enjoying his company.
Alli rolled her eyes at Cory, a small laugh in her chest as she walked beside Hunter. She looked around when she smelled Elizabeth, knowing that she was around somewhere. "I smell her but I don't see her." Alli said, looking around.

Cory slowed down to walk beside the two, but she still wasn't talking. When she heard that Elizabeth was around somewhere, she started looking around for the doe, not wanting to be third wheel anymore.

@kenryuko @Deadly Darkness
Hunter heard Alli say said something about smelling her, and took a quick sniff. Pinpointing the origin, before walking towards where Elizabeth was, "I got her location."
Johnathan jumped off of Elizabeth's antler and seamlessly transformed mid air. It was graceful until he stumbled, trying to stay up right. He let a boyish laugh, turning back to the doe. "Still working on the landing." He grinned. Elizabeth smiled before shifting to her human form.
Hunter saw Johnathan shift and land with a stumble as Elizabeth changed herself, "Fancy meeting you here." He said with a smile on his face as he crossed his arms
Alli walked up to them with Cory skipping behind, greeting the two new comers. "You two gonna join us on whatever we're doing now?" Alli asked, Cory looking at everything with a curious look. "Can you guys hurry? I wanna see everything!" Cory exclaimed excitedly.
Elizabeth smiled. "Sure, I don't see why not." The two joined the small group. "So where are we headed?" Johnathan questioned.
Hunter looked at Johnathan, "Shopping district, try to sell our loot firm yesterday, then maybe head to towards Gemono after." He said as looked at the different objects in the shops.
Each shop held different things: trinkets, hats, pastries. Everything was brightly colored, grabbing for the attention of the consumer. Elizabeth always enjoyed small shops and stands; there was something wondrous and magical about them that reminded her of her childhood. She found a gentle smile attached to her face. It felt comfortable and right, so she only continued to smile as she looked around.
Hunter watched Elizabeth with a smile, "enjoying your self?" He asked putting an arm around her shoulder, as he scanned the merchandise and keeps.

(Watching Gods of Egypt, sorry for the wait)
Alli looked around, putting big floppy hats over her white hair and posing in a small mirror and laughing, switching hats. "Hey, being here would be a great way to get my hair a brown color." She suggested, turning around but finding no one listening to her. She snorted to herself and turned back towards the mirror and looking for a new hat.

Cory just looked at everything bright, zipping towards new things. "everything is interesting!!" She exclaimed.
She was surprised at the feeling of someone's arm around her. Looking back she was somewhat taken aback by Hunter's presence. She took in a deep breath and continued looking over the objects. "Quite so." she responded. Johnathan smiled at the two before redirecting his attention to Alli. "That's a cute hat on you. What do you think about it on me?" He picked up the large floppy hat and placed it on his head with a grin.
"Slow down Cory, you'll break the space time continuum if you don't." Hunter said with a chuckle as he watched his thylacine companion dash about the different stores. His arm still having not left Elizabeth's shoulder.
Alli gave him a serious thinking look, playing along then shaking her head. "Nah, but this one looks better." She removed the hat and replaced it with fedora, taking the floppy hat and putting it on her own head and posed in the mirror again with Jonathan. "Fire man." She joked, looking at him in the mirror and seeing Hunter and Elizabeth together in the background. A straight look came to her face, covering her smile but then her smile took its place back and she laughed with Jonathan, pulling off a scarf and wrapping it around his neck. "Nowww you look better." She joked, smirking at Jonathan.

@Deadly Darkness

Cory stopped and turned to look at Hunter with a smile, "but if I stop I'll miss a lot." She whined then continues to zip around to look at everthing.

Jay sighed, her katana hidden from people's view and her hood up. Her stomach grumbled at the smell from the vendors. Edge, her raven, stayed silent on her shoulder. The only thing that made Jay stand out. She walked around and spotted a few people, one was putting on different hats and the other was running around, a perfect catch. "What do you think, Edgy? Shall we get some dinner?" Edge croaked and then Jay walked to the group. Hoping to get their notice.
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