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Fandom Undertale RP

""Mark my footsteps, my good page Tread thou in them boldly Thou shalt find the winter's rage Freeze thy blood less coldly." Magnus begun to sing as he walked threw the blizzard as he begun to see house windows go out since the blizard was that strong, so this is what winter felt like to humans. Hm less beautiful then snoden he finaly managed to see a house far in the distance people were there smiling and being happy he walked over to the window hoping eh wasn't seen by anyone

("Froggit didn't want its soul afterall, so I took possession of it. Apparently Froggits like being flowers!") "Aw, thanks, uhh, who are you? I don't think we've formally met..." Asriel hopes nobody remembers his previous actions, he didn't want to be seen that way any more, "Umm, anyways, let's go see how the humans are doing up top!"
"I'm Undyne, formerly Captain of the Royal Guard, and currently unemployed, crashing on Alphys' couch... when Sans isn't using it." Undyne glared at the stocky skeleton lying on the couch. She didn't care that he was Papyrus' brother, he wouldn't get any special treatment from her.
Magnus smiled as he looked at all the people in there he did need something to drink he wouldn't bother knocking as he knocked on the door waiting for someone to answer. He needed warmth and time to get some fresh stitchings. He waited for someone to answer the door wondering who in the rustle and bustle inside would answer. he hoped he didn't bother the other's and he hoped thay wont' be scared of him like most people.

@Anyone inside the house
Undyne sighed as she heard another knock at the door. "Jeez, another visitor?! Cleaning all this up is gonna be hell..." She opened the door and looked at who was outside... He was a weird-looking one, she thought. "Yeah?"
"Hello...Um my name is Magnus and well it's cold out here and my stiches have been freezing up so if it is not to much trouble. Do you mind if i restitch my limb's i know it sound's graphic but im just full of cotton" he said looking at the small woman. TO her surprise he looks aufly sim miler to mettaton same height same figure but different appearance. He had to kneel down just to speak to her.

Seros entered the house which was able to support him or at least was big enough for him to properly stand. He walked a little more inside to where everyone was, and surprisingly he saw Astriel and Toriel there... "Well hello there! It's been awhile since we've last met, isn't that right Queen Toriel and Prince Astriel or would you prefer if I was less formal?" He walked towards them and while keeping his hearing focused on them he kneeled down to check Frisk in their sick state.

@The Reaper Of Souls
"thank you" he said as he continued to walk inside he saw what seemed to be a small woman with glasses in a lab coat maybe she can help him figure out how to stitch him back up he tapped her shoulder gently "Um excuse me you seem like a scientist so maybe you can help me" He said smiling as he then looked at the woman. Wondering what she would think so far no one is scared of him wich is for once comforting

"Um yes that's my name but who are you and why do you know my name" he said as he then begun to sit down on what seems to be a chair and cross his leg's but not all the way around half way and perched his leg on the other, he then wondered who was this woman. "I havn't met you before" he said wondering if he did but couldn't remember
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"Uhh, how, do you know my name?" Asriel then realized that he's, y'know, royalty, "Oh, wait, never mind. Hey, let's get going! I think Frisk needs a bit of space of they're going to get better..."
"Awesome! Let's go!" Asriel grand his winter jacket, and grabs other winter gear from his house, then begins the trek to where the barrier used to be.
"Oh please, just call me Toriel, or even just Tori! Now that we're up on the Surface, I am no longer a Queen, but just a regular monster." She said with a light smile. "And please make yourself comfortable..everyone else is leaving to get supplies for the pies I'll be making, and also some things for my dear sick child, Frisk.." She trailed off with a worried expression. "I really have no idea what to do for her... I think we might even have to go to the human village for a bit of help.."



Lumi had finally found a place to sit, seeing that the snow storm had also finally stopped. She sighed with relief and let out a small sneeze. "Gosh darn it! I shouldn't have been walking around in the snow like that.....now I'm starting to get sick. Now I won't be able to eat my sweets! I mean, not unless I want a tummy ache.." She groaned lightly to herself, starting to feeling a bit sad. The bench she was sitting on was right next to where the barrier used to be, and she was commentating on just going back to her old home in Snowdin. "Ah.....no... I can't do that! What the point of us being freed if I just go back to living underground!? Gosh, how foolish of me...." She pouted once again, and pulled out a lolipop for her to nibble on. "One piece of candy won't hurt...."
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Archdemon said:
Seros entered the house which was able to support him or at least was big enough for him to properly stand. He walked a little more inside to where everyone was, and surprisingly he saw Astriel and Toriel there... "Well hello there! It's been awhile since we've last met, isn't that right Queen Toriel and Prince Astriel or would you prefer if I was less formal?" He walked towards them and while keeping his hearing focused on them he kneeled down to check Frisk in their sick state.
If Frisk was going to say hello, they said it sneeze. They didn't mean to sneeze right Seros's face, but He was in their line of fire.
"Woah, I never realized Hotland was soo hot! I thought it was just called that because it was warmer than freezing..." Asriel had removed his winter gear, and was searching his person for a wallet for some nice cream.
Undyne shed her winter coat, leaving it lying on the ground. She much preferred her standard tank top to any other clothing... save for her armor. "Here, Prince, I gotcha," she said, handing the young prince 20G.
"Oh thanks, Undyne!" Asriel bought some nice cream, and distributed it around the little group, giving Undyne the change, "This lunch break was sponsored by Undyne the Undying, the first monster to suplex themself simply to prove nothing is impossible." Asriel chuckles at that fact, and read the message on the wrapper, "You look super spiffy today!"
Undyne laughs at Asriel's comment, then opens up her Nice Cream and reads the wrapper. "'Have a wonderful day.' Who writes these things? That's the most generic line I've ever seen," she says as she eats the treat.
Seros flinched when frisk sneezed on him, he wiped the snot off his face and continued to examine frisk. "Please open your mouth and say Ahhhhhhhhhhhh." Once frisk had done so, Seros used one of the many lights on his body to light up their mouth. He then felt their forehead and stood up "Nothing to worry here! The child just has cold with a sore throat, it's perfectly normal for humans to contract this sickness as it is harmless. Frisk will be sick for awhile but they should still go to school as it won't affect their education."

Seros went back out to his house and came back with the book he was ready and sat down at an available table to which he can continue reading his book to which he brought with him.

@The Reaper Of Souls

Bunni stays near Papyrus, too nervous to talk to these people who she did not know, quivering a little. People scared her, since they usually attacked, screamed, etc. She had gained the idea that it was dangerous to be seen, or talked to, to the point where she completely avoided contact with anyone, and now, she was standing near a ton of strangers.


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