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Fandom Undertale RP

The figure seem to stand there still while speaking out loud, behind the gasmask, saying again in the Recieved Pronuncuation (AKA Royal British): 'And even if this one really needed for the bloody, unfair fight between many for the one ... this one would've left. After all, like I have said, it is none of your business, the royal blooded... In fact, I would propose the tragic story of the people of Hotland... Yet this one knows for sure, that 'Water' will start flowing, without the care go father.' The figure would start mocking Undyne, rephrasing her quote back to the day. Then, it just still stands there, in the wait untill Undyne will actually react, not looking at anyone else.
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(ohhh maaan Undyne I think he has a crush on youuu!)

Asriel started tearing up, remembering his own terrible tale, being turned into a soulless flower etc. etc.


Coury looked at the masked figure, "If I know you, then I must've forgotten, because nobody I know dislikes Undy--" Coury remembers.
Bunni floated about, glaring at the person that stood before her and her friends. She hovered in front of Undyne, not able to protect much due to er standing height. She looks ready to attack anything that stood in her way.
"Uhh, Alright..." Asriel rushed back behind the store's double doors.


"I guess I'll take that as my leave." Coury followed the Prince of Monsters back into the store.
Bunni shoved Papyrus into the store gently, and remained outside. She went into her unsolid, transparent form, which was quite hard, if not impossible to hit.
The fog of dust and steam slowly faded as the figure appeared clearly infront of them. Before them was standing 6 feet tall monster with blood red cape-hoodie and light armor. His face is hidden behind dark gasmask as his arms were exposed, showing his possible race. He chuckled while speaking loud "I'm neither enemy nor friend, yet this one hopes that Amphibian Knight remember the Royal Guard codex." The lizard took of his gasmask with swift move, looking at Undyne with a grin.
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Lumi jumped at the sudden voice that call out to her and she quickly turned to face the monster that did so. "Y-yes? Hello?" She answered back with confusion, not recognizing the royal scientist from where she was standing. "How may I help you?" Lumi pondered, her voice soft and sweet.

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Undyne's eyes narrowed at the sight of the monster before her. "So, you finally show your face back here again... Salamandra."


"Um... W-We're having a little party... W-Would you like to come in...?"

'Indeed, this one is... After all, with all what is happening in the Underground, with ... bloody campain that was just about to finish and how you manage to easily let human slip from your hold... This one showed curiocity in seeing... if the skills has numbed here. After all, I couldn't hide in shadows forever...' The lizard blinked as he still was eyeing down Undyne. He then slowly lowered his hoodie, revealing his head fully, having light resemble with 'The royal Scientist' in some lines. He slowly slided the sword out of the sneath while holding it in right hand. He lets out light hissing while saying ' In fact... how such DETERMINED creature, like you... related to water and yet fail the task of 'Allmighty King' ... Hehe, you know.' Salamandra grins while staying out there, allowing his cape to wave in the air.

"The plan changed, Salamandra. Humans aren't our enemy anymore. The human... Frisk saved us. Now, if you know what's good for you, you will stand down." Undyne's grip tightened on her spear. She didn't have her armor, so if it came to battle, she would be at a disadvantage. Even so, she refused to yield.

Salamandra sighned heavily while looking away, then - lifting one's head while speaking up 'Hmm, excuses... excuses everywhere. Oh well, aside from darn politics... I am here for something that YOU owe me - my honour and ... - he tosses his view away as he was thinking over something, sighing heavily once again, - and the sense of thrill that you can feel in a fight... After all, the Codex say that we are to fight against each other, one on one... to finally determine the roles. After all, curiocity has killed the cat, yet it still fuels my brain... I want to see your capabilities, after so much time passed... ' He lifts his sword that has some strange style - both simple and yet with some parts and handles, tubes and cogs. He holds it up forward, pointing at Undyne's sight. 'The victor shall decide the faith. If you win, I shall stand down from whatever fraction I was following and ... be your eternal puppet... your eternal guardian and the guardian of your kins. The one who loses - is bond to the decision of the victor. We fight till one of us give up. Sounds fair, Madame Water?' - sounds a little bit uncertain, making light pauses in his speech yet still stands straight in both mind and words.

"Fine, then," Undyne said. She stepped around Bunni, gently pushing the ghost with the hilt of her spear. She wouldn't involve any others in this. It was between her and him.
Notices Undyne's mood at the momment while lifting eyebrow, saying in his raspy accent 'Oi, what is wrong with ya? Aye thought ya more enthusiastic in fight.' He waits till her first move, already knowing that he is done for, the fear gently wrapped one's head for a momment, yet he tried to push it away, trying to focus. 'Well then... let the strongest win, let the courage and faith fill us with strengh. ' He tosses his glaze towards Undyne's eyes, saying with his battlecry, loud and suddenly: ' EN GUARDE! ALLONS-Y! Show me what you have got!'

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Undyne closed her eyes for a moment, then let out her own battlecry. "NGAAAAAHHHH! I won't lose to you!" She lunged at Salamandra, thrusting her spear at his shoulder.
Luminita's eye brightened up at word party, and she nodded happily. Now she finally has a place to put down all these sweets. "A-ah, sure... I'd love to join! I just so happen to have a ton of sweets, and I can share them with everyone!" she bubbled with joy, walking over to the other monster without a second thought. "Um, I'm Luminita, but you can just call me Lumi~ Thank you so m-much for...-Oh! I know who you are! You used to be the royal scientist for king Asgore....Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for not recognizing you sooner.."
He kept his eyes on her long enough to somewhat predict her action as he tried to time the thrust with his sword slash, trying to capture her spear in the lundge, using his arms to keep balance on the block.

[Meanwhile, this battle music plays out, because why not?]


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Alphys blushed as Lumi spoke. "I-It's all right... I'm n-nobody special, really..."


Salamandra's block slightly knocked Undyne off-balance, but she quickly recovered and held her spear in defense.

"Well, nevertheless...thank you for inviting me to your party~ May I ask, who all is here?" Lumi asked lightly, a small shy smile on her face. "Is the human child who freed us also here?!"

Lumi just nodded, yet flinched at the name Papyrus. Her face instantly flushed and she looked down at her boots. "P-P-Papyrus will b-be here..?? That's c-cool~" She hasn't seen the taller skeleton in a long while, but it wasn't like she knew him personally, she just remember seeing him a lot in Snowdin, always going on about pasta or puzzles. After a while, she ended up with a huge crush on the guy. And now she was making her feelings quite obvious. Lumi composed herself and without another word walking into the house to place down the sweets.
Coury strikes up a friendly conversation, "So, kid, how's life? You're friends are bound to mortally wound each other, neither fighting style superior, stuck in an endless stalemate... What're you doing over here?"


Asriel recounts the most recent events, "Uhh, nothing much. That's some pretty philosophical nonsense, like yin and yang. Frisk is sick and things happened, so now we're getting ingredients for butterscotch-cinnamon pie."


Coury laughs, "You mean ButtsPie? Awesome. Hey kiddo, If you see Gaster Sans, say hi for me, it's been a while. Specifically exactly one adventure long ago was the last time we saw each other."
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Seros kept on reading his book about the human automobile, it's quite fascinating how humans have achieved so much in the technological field without the aid of magic and their somewhat weak physical matter of a body. He kept writing notes on the different parts and how to fix them, where they are, how they work, etc.... "Humans are so fascinating......." He mumbled to himself. Without realizing it until the cyclops had placed the sweets on the dining table in which he sat at, he looked up to see a cyclops "Oh, hello there! My names Seros, it's a pleasure to meet you!" He was well into his studying before he remembered he was at a party, or a small one at best. Now that he thinks about it, he hasn't really learned much about the tale of Frisk.... Maybe Toriel and Him could spend some time discussing such a topic and also learning more about the people who surround him.

Luminita turned to look over at the monster sitting at the end of the table. She's never seen anything like him before, but she smiled nonetheless and went on to organize the sweets on the table. "Ah...h-hello Seros...it's very nice to meet you too!~" Lumi finished, her voice soft. Her face was still a bit flushed from earlier, but now she was finally calming down a bit. "Um...Does anyone need help with anything else? I can do whatever's needed..?"

@electroShogun @Archdemon
Salamandra backs off while holding his Sword tightly, looking at Undyne while keeping the grin, holding it with semi-attack/defence manner. He seem to walk from side to side as his eyes was on Undyne, without taking his view away from her. He then speaks 'Hmm, you seem to be... scared. I felt that anger and hate in your spear. Did I do something utterly painful, huh?' Feels how his hands and legs slightly shaked in nerve, not really in the shape after that much time against almost even oponent.

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