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Fandom Undertale RP

Undyne remained silent as she stared down her opponent. Suddenly, she waved her spear, generating several more in the air around her. She launched the extra spears at Salamandra.


"I-I think Toriel m-might need help."

Jogs from side to side in light dashes while lifting his left hand, forming it into the shape while some magical energy form the fireball, tossing few into the sides of spears that fly in his side, perhaps trying to cause some of them to ricochet from the energy, causing him to lose some of his energy, yet keeping the concentration. He seem to keep the distance as well, like he is waiting for her to attack, sparing. He keeps his guard. 'Oi! Comeone! What is with ya spirit laddie?! That is not the Undyne that lad knows!'
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"Oh, you want me to go all-out? I was going easy on you 'cause I can tell it's been a long time since you've fought... But if you really want my full force, then here it is! NGAAAAAHHHHH!!!" Undyne swiped her spear in front of her and crouched down into an aggressive pose. She generated a large number of energy spears and fired them at Salamandra from all sides.

Tries to keep the jogging while hoping like energiser bunny from side to side, trying to inch closer yet the hail of spears seem to actually cause some problems - Salamandra trips at the momment, almost meeting his eye with the spear yet he managed to roll in just in time to evade it. He tried to generate the 'Firewall' (Dem Puns) which somewhat could stop some of the spears, keeping the go.
Undyne kept the assault up, unrelenting. Little did Salamandra know, she blunted the points of her spears. They would hurt a lot if they hit him, but they could not possibly kill him. "Give it up, Salamandra! You may be the burning fire, but I'm the raging sea! And as everyone knows, water puts out fire!"

Grins as sweat appears on his forehead from the energy exhaustation. He realises something as he just lowers his hand, allowing the shield absorb the spears for the last momments. And swiftly, Salamandra held on the pouch on his left, holding the item while saying 'Ya pooch might go forward, yet this laddie uses brain!' - light gently form around the device as it gently glows white. He then hops out of the collapsing wall and tosses the device forward at the Undyne as bright flash breaks out, causing her left eye to be blinded for a momment. The device rolls down to her feet while beeping, exposing the club of dust infront of her, covering her in the smokescreen.

[salamandra uses 'MAG.Flash Alpha' combined with smokescreen

That costed him some more magic points over the advantage.]

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Tries to tread lightly around the Undyne in the thick club of smoke, trying to reach for her back and, instead of striking her - he attempts to grab her in a chokehold, trying to sound melodic and gentle 'Oh... I feel your warmth... *Sniff* Ahh... that smell, that good old smell... I always wanted to sense it once again back then, hehe.' He instead tries to gently touch her cheek with his nose and lay gentle lick on one's cheek. The nose felt cold as his hands holding her tightly, yet, at the same time, not determined enough to chocke her unconciousness or dead, just enough to restrain her. His tounge seem to be humid and cold, feeling the taste of her scent as so as his breath. It is really strange of him to act like that in such stressful fight. 'In fact... all this sitting in... darkness seem to only make me even more lonely... than I thought... No fuel for my... blazing fire... ' He lets out the chuckle as gentle blush could appear on his face

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Would get pushed heavily out of the hold with the spear as part of his light-weight armor (The metal part) flies off as he gets pushed with a thud, grunting in pain as his teeth seem to be cletching. He then instead tries to loom forward and send the strike with the handle of his sword into her side, trying to pay the same coin.

Undyne brings up her spear to block, but miscalculates the attack and is hit by the handle. She stumbles a bit, but recovers and brings her spear down on Salamandra.

The smoke seem to fade off as it reveals Salamandra, standing with some strugle yet still standing and with the grin, keeping his sword raised and touching the spear point. Then, suddenly drops the sword on the ground while lifting his hands, cletching them into his fists, saying 'Thats good Undyne, but... are we fools that trust our lives to the weapons? We need to return back to basis... Hand to hand... it is basis of the all combat... Comeone...' - He basically asks for even more ridiculous fight - fist fight. He just waves his hand in a call. He just stands there, all vulunable and it could just take one precious hit to knock him out. Grin is still seen on his face, mixed with light pain.

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Moves his arm first as he just stands in defence stance, absorbing punches while trying to return some back, fighting till at one point he and Undyne would grab on each other shoulders, holding in the push. ' I am so glad that honor still means something to you... That you are not some petty snake that would bite the weaken... ' He keeps on the hold while somewhat feels pitty for his own decisions at this point, looking away, even somewhat loosing the grip.
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The chuckle seem to get out as he loosen his grip even more, being pushed backwards slightly while he then speaks 'I am the prisoner of my faith, I am the prisoner of Uncertainty. You don't know how it feels when you seem to lose the line between truth and gossips, overthinking all about politics, wars that our King seem to drive us all in before and let us shed the blood of thoes... And the time passed, breaking that barrier with that unknown strengh... Perhaps he was right...? And all my efforts - were meaningless... *Sigh* I only blame myself... I blame myself only in betraying my one... and only friend... Made the worst possible crime - betray... your own sister-in-arms... ' He looks away, feeling even more painful, that his actions are actually indeed unjustified.


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Undyne's expression changed for a split second to one of pity, then back to her angry expression. She spun Salamandra around, grabbed him around the waist, and suplexed him. She turned to face him, panting slightly. "Look, Sal. You're not a bad guy. I'm willing to forgive you for deserting the Guard. But picking fights out of nowhere like this... Especially in front of the Prince! You gotta stop that!"

He was just laying on the ground, feeling like trash as he just refuses to give up, looking up at the celling, he just realises that he is perhaps getting too old for this and all he just needed - some friends. He slowly sits on his arse while folding his legs forward, looking at Undyne with honor, gentle smile appears on his face, despite of the pain that was bitting him on whole of his body. 'You forgot that Guard suppose to be ready whenever is possible, no matter the setting. Anyway... guess I shall do what I have done once again before ... just like that day.' He raises his hand while letting out of his lips 'I, Salamandra, the ex-Royal Guard officer, shall once again accept the defeat and from now on shall fulfill my promise, to aid Undyne - the Captain of the Royal Guard in everything, being the guardian. I hope this shall... heh... let the old bridges get back on its ropes.' He smiles, looking at her with some more confidence, already sure that his decision was right and that he has no regrets on that matter.
Undyne offered a hand to Salamandra, helping the ex-guard up. "I'm no Captain anymore. The Guard's been disbanded, by order of King Asgore himself. There was no reason for us to stay together, since we decided that humans aren't our enemy anymore."

Grabs on Undyne's hand while pulling himself up, holding her hand firmly. He looks at the side while then back at her, saying 'Well, the Royal Guard Jurisdiction was just basically the formality, but in our hearts, we keep the codex and shall remember ourselves as that, since it is more or less like destiny. Never let your guard down... But this still doesn't affect on my words that I have said eariler. The first word is golden and thus I shall keep it. After all, I needed some habbited place to stay, since... I was feeling that I am going to lose myself from that lonelyness. It is pleasure to be with you in one lines, Undyne.' He says it with some pride in his words, yet at the same time - mildly, still feeling bad for his actions. 'In fact, I was always willing to meet The Royal Scientist herself because she is basically my kin.' He said that with warm smile on his harden face.

'Oh, you can? That would do nicely. So her name is Alphys then... Sounds good.' - he nods, regaining his stance while fixing his belt. He then trots to his sword that was laying on the ground, grabbing it with his hands while quickly sliding it into the sneath on his left.

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Looks at Undyne while sighing, he stands there, near her, holding his hands crossed as he comes up with topics to speak later, unless Undyne has something else on her mind. Suddenly, he lets out light chuckle 'I wonder, how had you just easily fell for my 'Flash-an-Smoke' trick. You didn't learn it since our last fight, huh?' He seem to playfully mock Undyne.

@electroShogun (If you really wish to)
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