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Fandom Undertale RP

Bunni seemed to become extra nervous, seeing so many people. Fidgeting with her hands, she looked down, shaking a little, and becoming a bit more transparent, only sticking around since Papyrus seemed so excited, and she'd hate to disappoint him.

"Oh, heheh, didn't know the recipe called for less water... Oops." Asriel was kind of embarrassed from putting too much water in. "Hey Mom. While we're making this, why don't you go and make some pie?"
Toriel had been sitting there all along, just watching everything in comfortable silence. It really was nice to have this many people around, almost like they were a huge family. In her eyes, they really were. She blinked out of her daydream and faced towards her son, and smiled brightly. "Why, of course my child~ I shall make the usual flavor" She grinned, and headed towards the kitchen, feeling happier then she's even been.


"Oh my gosh!! It's way too cold....why am I doing this to myself..?" A young one-eyed monster murmured to herself as she clumped through the snow, holding bags of sweets and baked goods. One would think that she would be used to walking in snow, but the snow on the Surface proved to be completely different from Snowdin. She sighed, and giggled at the sight her breath turning into vapor in front of her. "Why do I have to like sweets so much? I could have just waited...ah, who am I kidding?!" Lumi pouted. "I can barely feel my toes, I really need to hurry home, or at least find a place to warm up.." With a shiver, she continued forth, eager to finally get out of this harsh snow and eat her sweets.
The water started to boil, and Asriel carefully added the rigid noodles into the pot, "Heheh, thanks Mom!" He said with a laugh.
Tori looked over at Undyne and smiled. "Sure~ Could you gather the ingredients for me please? I'll need eggs, butter, flour...things like that... Oh, and of course butterscotch and cinnamon!~ But I don't mind making any other flavor if you want something else" She spoke gently, all the while getting the pie pans ready and pre-heating the oven. "You might have to go to the store, why don't you and Papyrus go together?" Toriel turned to face Undyne with a small smile and handed her some money. "Also feel free to buy anything else you want!"
Undyne nodded, then went to the pantry. She tossed a bag of flour out, which landed on the counter, spilling some into the boiling spaghetti. She then went to the fridge and grabbed butter and eggs, setting them down more gently on the counter. She went back out to the living room and called out. "Suit up, Papyrus! We've got a mission from the Queen!"
Frisk felt better being surrounded by friends and family, but the nagging cold seemed to worsen. Their breathing was a bit labored, making a mixture between a wheezing and a whistling groan. Frisk still shivered,but their coughing fits had died down, yet Frisk still had their elephant sneezes.


The sudden giant sneeze nearly sent the tiny table flying, instead the bowl took the damage, sending its contents all over Frisk. The hot soup burned their hands and had spilled onto Frisk's clothes.
Hearing all the commotion behind her, Toriel looked and gasped, seeing Frisk burn themself. She quickly went over to them and picked them up, taking them over to the sink to watch off their hands with cold water. "Oh goodness!! My dear child, I hope you're not so badly burned.." She nearly cried, her voice filled with worry.
Asriel looked over to the pasta to see a thin paste forming at the top, and an open bag of flour, "Looks like we're going to have pasta pie!" Asriel chuckles, but stops when he hears Frisk sneeze and send soup everywhere. Asriel moves the pie-sta pot away from the sink to avoid any more accidents. He begins tidying up the flour mess.
Nyannno said:
Hearing all the commotion behind her, Toriel looked and gasped, seeing Frisk burn themself. She quickly went over to them and picked them up, taking them over to the sink to watch off their hands with cold water. "Oh goodness!! My dear child, I hope you're not so badly burned.." She nearly cried, her voice filled with worry.
"It just stings... I'm fine"

Frisk's voice sounded warped and strange, evidence of a sore throat and stuffy nose. This 'Cold' certainly was doing a number on them, their skin was hotter then it was when Alphys checked. The cold water soothed their hands, but the heat was still there.
Alphys' face filled with worry. Despite the care they were giving Frisk, the child wasn't showing any signs of recovery. In fact, it seemed to be getting worse. Alphys wondered if Frisk's time in the Underground, with its magical climate extremes, had weakened their immune system. After all, the child had been from a dusty ruin to an arctic land, a humid cave, and a boiling volcano. She silently cursed her minimal knowledge of human biology as she watched on.
Bunni watched all of these people she didn't know, looking down. She felt extremely awkward and out of place. Rubbing her arm, she would have frowned if she had a mouth. Bunni let one of her ears flop down, and sat in a corner, hugging her knees, shivering a little.
Asriel dragged his eyes away from the pie-sta for a minute, and saw the beauty that was the winter landscape outside, "That's beautiful! Hey, guys! Uhh, the storm cleared out. Of we aren't Snowdin, could we go check it out?" (also, why is this marked as closed? Are we going to have a limited application process or something, because "closed" usually means it's dead.)
(I had no idea this had started. RIP)

Sans snored away on the couch, oblivious to all the commotion around him, and he'd probably stay that way until somebody sat on him. Meanwhile, the computer bounced angrily with all the messages from Impact.

Stop ignoring me! Hey! Don't make me come out to your side and rustle your jimmies! hEY! Look over here! LISTEN TO ME!
"That would be great! In fact, I've been working on building a big stairway up to the surface through Mt. Ebott. I'm sure the barrier would have stopped that, but that's out of the equation. I'm rambling, aren't I?" Asriel is really enthusiastic about that stairway he's building.
Sans made a grumbling noise as he turned over onto his belly. "Dunno. Maybe an eternity ago..." He yawned, the overly push pillow he was resting his head on would probably have a permanent indent if he ever decided to get up.
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Seros was minding his own business in his library room inside his semi-Big house, it has to be since he's extremely tall. He heard commotion outside to see Frisk in the snow and Alphys herself helping them up and rushing them inside. He stared for ten more seconds and went back to reading the book. It's a very interesting book, it's about the transportation of the surface world and how it's made and how they work. Soon he saw more movement out of the corner of his eye and saw that more people were entering Alphy's house, oh and Undyne's too. Fearing something had happened to the young child he took out some winter clothes for his huge body and once he put them on went outside and arcross the road. He knocked on their door a few times and waited for someone to answer.
"Sans, y-you have got to stop t-teleporting into others' houses..." Alphys said, sighing. The stocky skeleton was more than a handful for whoever was around.

"That'd be a great opportunity for the monsters still in the Underground to come up!" Undyne smiled at Asriel. She then heard a knock at the door, and turned around to answer it. She stopped cold at the large monster standing outside. "Uh... Hi."
Seros looked down at Undyne "Ah hello there! I'm Seros, your neighbor across the street! I'm just here to see whether or not the human Frisk is alright considering the amount of people coming to your house. That might not be the reason but I'd still like to check up on the child if I may, can I come inside please?" He tried to smile but the realized he couldn't as his Angler fish-like facial features couldn't replicate the facial expression.

Undyne stood aside and allowed the tall monster in. "Sure, join the party that we're apparently having!" She then turned and shouted at the lanky skeleton inside. "Papyrus, let's go! We've got work to do!"

He turns to face Bunni, face seemingly excited.


Serfi noticed all the commotion and felt as if he were intruding again. But he hoped that wouldn't matter too much. He looked around the room and noticed a couch. For some reason (probably because he was a pillow), he felt compelled to go towards it. He floated towards the couch, pulled himself up, and pulled his arm into the pillow. Nice and cozy... He looked like an ordinary pillow now, closing his eyes and relaxing.

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