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Dice Trial by Fire - Exalted 2e OOC

In an earlier post, someone asked what to do about having a Linguistics Ability at five and being able to learn new languages. At that point, treat them like Specialties with no limit on how many you pick up, costing 3 xp each.

Also, I am going to give everyone a free dot of Old Realm or the Dragon Kings' High Holy Speech. You can say that it is something you remember from a past Exaltation, brought to the surface by hearing the Dragon Kings talking. I want to make sure that everyone can communicate.

Finally, I'll toss you guys 3 more xp that can be spent anywhere you wish. I'll repost this in the Characters thread as usual.
Yay, Heaven will be pleased with Sirocco! With those 3 XP, she finally learned her first dot of Occult! On her way to becoming a fearsome Sorceress
I'm still chipping away at the wishlist of defense charms... lords knows I'll probably need them soon if the contingency plan fails.
My meta concerns are about the prospect of having to duel an Elder Solar when alternative methods of conflict resolution eventually fail. Especially if we have to do so in his own manse.

In character, this path has been laid out for awhile and it's just a matter of working through the wishlist I laid out.
My ACTUAL plan to deal with that case is to convince him by whatever means seems convenient in the moment to travel in the orb with me. I was simply going to release the vehicle in midair and let him fall to his doom, but perfect soaks would render it hilarious but futile...

What tweak could make this looney toons strategy work, I wondered... Then it dawned on me. If I drop him into Chiang Av one of three things happens.

1. Death on impact, the Realm is oddly freaked out but credit the deed to the dragons or some such nonsense...

2. Survives impact, death by hunt. Oh well guess a surprise counter assault to the hunt failed and their mark is dead.

3. Survives impact and hunt. Saves us the trouble of burning the place down (in a manner of speaking). We get to fight a now tired opponent instead of fresh and intrenched.

What are the odds we'll get to see this plan through? Slim, but the thought of it made me smile at least.
FML s'gettin late. Almost forgot to introduce our Sidereal. Hopefully, that's enough to keep things movin.
Ooh, I'm diggin' the new 'Dark mode' here on the website. I like the black/electric blue color scheme, and having the white text against the dark backdrop definitely helps make it stand out better than the bright one did.
I use the Dark background myself, and I like how the color of the dice we throw is now bright and easier to see. It used to be very dark, and hard to read.
I use the Dark background myself, and I like how the color of the dice we throw is now bright and easier to see. It used to be very dark, and hard to read.
You're not kidding! I just looked back at the Main thread to check for myself, those dice really do pop-out quite nicely!
I'm going to try to have a IC post up later on today. I have a few errands to run right now.
Rykon Rykon Oops, sorry! I must've misremembered the Imperial rights. I think we discussed the religious rights of citizens once before, and you already said we'd have restrictions to avoid cults and such. Usually I recheck the lore you posted before I refer to them IC, but didn't this time. So I'll just treat it as Viktor momentarily misremembering it IC and remembering it properly now that Aredin has corrected him.
It would make sense in that we want more freedom than immaculate calendars, but no dark cults
Yay, Heaven will be pleased with Sirocco! With those 3 XP, she finally learned her first dot of Occult! On her way to becoming a fearsome Sorceress
I'll definitely get around to addressing the sorcery angle, believe me. So sad I missed the opportunity before.
Oh! So, uhm...what should I do to add characters to Heaven's hare-I mean, uh, Heaven's list of intimacies?

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