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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Vince's whole body tensed up when Adira asked about the meaning behind it. Could he trust her with that information? God knew he wanted to trust somebody with it, but to actually tell another person about it? The dirt he would spill on himself, and SIAD for that matter, would get him executed if the right people knew about it. Not only that, but knowing Adira she would try to help him, which also meant getting rid of the sedatives. Sure, they only worked for so long, but they were the only things that he had found to keep it suppressed. If his body detoxed completely there was no telling what it would do.

When the bottle in his right hand cracked slightly Vince realized that he had been tensed and quiet for far too long. He eased off on his grip and chugged down the beer before setting the bottle aside. Even now he realized his left hand was shaking as he reached up and scratched at the back of his neck. He could still find the scar running horizontally at the nape of his neck, and if he pressed his fingers along either side of the vertebrae he could make out to faintest feeling of extra tissue. "Its......", he started to explain everything, but stopped himself. Could he really trust her?
Adira was quite surprised when the bottle in his hand cracked, and she noticed his hand shaking. She set her glass down, moving in her seat a bit so she could see him better in the rather dim light. "Woods... you can tell me. You've seen my blood results, you saw my back, you should know that if people knew about those things I'd be kicked off my position. I can't hold anything against you. I wouldn't even if I could. I will not tell this to anyone, I swear. I - I'm not going to think of you any differently. Just, please tell me. I want to help if I can, even if that's just by being here so you can talk." She had trusted him, so... why couldn't he trust her? Wasn't that how trust worked, kind of a mutual thing?

Sandy laughed, it was between a chuckle and a giggle as she slowly pushed herself off of the ground. Her head immediately began to throb, but after a few seconds of trying to balance herself - she was quite alright. "Not calculated chances, Saami. I am talking about the opportunity: luck, fortune, risks, probabilities that can not always be predicted." Giddily, Sandy leaned forward, staring down in to his turquoise eyes with ruby eyes lustful for mischief and fun. "The un-pre-dict-able," She whispered, and she snatched his hands immediately into hers like a little girl. Thus, she attempted to pull him, her small hands barely performing any strength compared to his oddly large palms whilst thoroughly announcing, "Trust me, sir. We're going to have a bit of fun!"

Deep down, Sandy somewhat pitied the INANES, the fact that their life appeared to have no purpose when she thought, and felt, otherwise. Acquiring this general piece of information, she wanted them to at least show that a part of them can still have a bit of fun; that they can somewhat feel more than what was implied. Saami, he seemed very different regarding his responses - peculiar alongside his existence, actions, mannerisms, and speech. No, Sandy thought. He's still a man; and she was going to show a little bit of carelessness with the INANES, and just enjoy the time spent with whatever goofy thought that came to mind, pairing with her unusually passionate behavior.​
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Saami indeed would never have been able to calculate such things, though he didn't quite feel like he wanted to ascribe that to chances or faith. Had Saundary looked at him for longer she would've seen a split second of surprise. However it was fairly clear she was still too intoxicated to notice much, and that she intended no harm, which meant he couldn't engage except trying to talk her out of it. Still it was quite odd as none ever had tried to do such a thing like dragging him along. Even stranger was the sight of a six foot INANES being lead along by an alien girl significantly smaller than him, and he could only be relieved none was there to see it.

"Miss Etrasmus, forgive my intrusion, by there would be far more suitable candidates to have fun with. I do not think you understand the grave importance of me completing my tasks." It didn't sound very convincing as he was still hobbling after her, and he himself knew he actually had time to spare if it came to it. "I do realise you are intoxicated, but I will have to remind you that I am your boss Miss Etrasmus and this is highly unheard of." He very very much doubted that was going to work either, she didn't seem like the type who would ever give any gravity to things like ranks and formalities. Clearly proven by her dragging him along.
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Vince shook his head as he said, "You don't know what you are asking." Maybe she did? He looked at Adira carefully before sighing, his head sinking to his chest before he stood up and sat down with his back to the Captain. "Don't freak out, just..trust me. Place your first two fingers at the nape of my neck. You'll find a horizontal scar." He waited until she had pressed her fingers against his neck before he continued. "Now run your fingers up along the sides of the bone for two inches and press them in gently. You'll know when you feel it." The combined agitation of the alcohol and emotional stress had caused it to wake slightly, and when the gentle pressure pushed against it, it coiled around under his skin like a nest of serpents.
Adira definitely thought this all was odd, but when she felt it, her stomach dropped and she nearly shivered, but she managed to keep herself still. She quietly cursed to herself before saying with notable concern, "What the hell is that?" Did it hurt him? What did it even do...? Nobody puts something like that in someone for no reason.
"That is a genetically altered symbiotic life form designed in secret by a private individual that SIAD found out in the frontier. He and his team were discovered during a raid, and instead of throwing them into prison for illegal genetic splicing, SIAD recruited them to develop new enhancements, gene dope, and splices for their operatives. This symbiote was developed to aid in regulating an operatives gene mutations." Vince stood up and walked over to the table to grab another beer. This time he didn't pull the bottle away until it was empty.

Although it was true, that Sandy was indeed intoxicated, she hadn't drunken that much, so she would most likely remember the entirety of the evening. Yet, even so, Sandy was cloaked in warmth and excitement - her youth was particularly evident now for she hadn't the thought or care in the world regarding formalities and ranks. Gleefully, she dragged her boss into the center of the room, closest to the window whilst thoroughly ignoring his protests. If anything, this tall mister could have turned around and went back to doing his work if it was oh-so vital. Double checking the vastness of the Bridge, she looked toward the door and noticed it was open, anybody could walk in and disrupt her childish fun. "Hold on, please. Stay right there." In the darkness, the light accompanied by the planetary glow beyond the glass behind her, Sandy ran toward the entrance of the Bridge and closed it. It slid shut with ease, and she found no need to lock it, for such measures were unnecessary.

Returning to the attentive Saami, she stood in front of him, and look up because he was rather tall, while smiling at him with open mischief and tease. "Now, Saami, what do you think, this rather intoxicated, Miss Saundary Estrasmus has planned for you?" As she asked, she began to twirl nonchalantly every couple of seconds while peering up at him, her red eyes flickering to a leafy green color - a trait somewhat similar to a cats; waiting patiently for his answer to her question once again. In the process of spinning around, she hummed. Every step and twirl was complimented by the point of her toes even though she was wearing jet combat boots, a pair of tan cargo pants, and a fitted Tee shirt with a neckline stopping just below her collar.​
Adira looked at him for a few seconds before picking up her drink again. The things some people would do.... No, actually, it didn't surprise her. And if she let herself think about it, she knew she would become irate, because she knew what some people would do to others. She shook her head and finished off her glass. "So... you need it to keep the mutations in check.... You can't even get rid of it...." Had Woods even agreed to that...? Or had they just done it? Her hand slowly moved to the inside of her elbow without herself even realizing it. That was something she didn't like to think on.... "You know... I was always told, 'It could be worse,' because worst off was dead. But I know that's not true at all. So, I sometimes have to wonder why I keep fighting." There were times, and things she'd seen, where death was the preferable option. She shuddered a bit, then slowly said, "I visited a psychiatrist once, when I was a new Captain. They told me that I had some... thing, four letter acronym, I'm too inebriated to remember, and after that I kept lying and pretending I was fine... because I didn't want to risk being grounded, for them to take my ship from me. I didn't want to lose my crew... they were the closest thing to a family that I've ever had. I didn't want to risk losing everything. Because to me, that would be worse than death." Adira was quiet for a few moments before asking, "What's worse than death for you?"
Over time, the cheer and joy of a homemade Casino slowly dissipated- especially when Marshall was winning hand after hand and draining several crew members paychecks. Though many could say Marshall had earned more than a few enemies in his time as a Mercenary, he himself recognized that enemies were innumerous, he would always have them. It was friendship that decayed, friends that wasted away, people who didn't want to kill him were few and far between and it was ironic that he would have such an epiphany during a game of Blackjack. Though now as he watched the crowd of drunken crewmembers slowly scatter he felt a somber smile creep across his lips and his eyes fell to the table, a large stack of loot was splayed before him, ranging from money to watches and a sudden heaviness filled his chest.

Scratching at his cheek, Marshall chugged down his can of beer and packed away the deck of cards and stacked his winnings neatly on the table and gazed down at the veritable bounty presented to him.

What would she think of me now.

With a sharp breath, Marshall turned his back on all the bets lost free for anyone to come and take them. It wasn't an easy task, old habits die hard and all that and yet Marshall felt a sense of relief and didn't spare the ill-gotten goods a second glance. For now, he had one friend that had always been there for him, a friend that he had so wrongfully neglected since their return. It was a short walk to the Cargo hold, and the Tin-Can awaited it's oh so welcome maintenance and for the fuel line to be removed.

Marshall tossed the deck of cards on the makeshift camp he'd built out of used crates and some old tarps, a testament to his willingness to isolate himself and stick close to what he knew. He patted the armor on the elbow and disconnected the fill-line for the flamethrower, peaking over the Tin-Can's arm and looking up at the blank facepiece.

"You good now, buddy? Let's take a look at that Actuator" Retrieving a nearby toolbox, Marshall took a flashlight to the armor's leg and got to work.
Vince returned to his seat as he thought over Adira's question. To him the answer was obvious, but he knew it would warrant some explanation on his part. "What is worse than death? Knowing that I am a ticking time bomb, but not knowing when that bomb will go off." He looked back over at the beer, though he turned away after a moment. Drunkenness wasn't going to help him here. "I couldn't have gone up against that Xyvir one on one without some major balls or good weaponry. At the time all I had was my knife, so I guess that time it was fear for my life that kept my here. I fought the Xyvir as a test. It was only a few days after the scientist had inserted the symbiote inside of me, and I was still groggy and in pain.

My body was trying to adapt to the symbiote as it worked it's way into my system. You see, it is connected to my entire body through my spine. Nervous system, cardiac system, all of it. And it hurt worse than anything I've ever experienced, but they wanted to test everything out as quickly as possible, so the doc lied to them about my recovery time. Only a few minutes into the fight it ended up cutting my arm off. In all rights I should have died, but the symbiote saved me. Self preservation and all. If I died, it would die, so it constricted the blood vessels and arteries where my arm once was to keep me from bleeding out."

Vince looked Adira directly in the eyes as he spoke again. "What is worse than death to me? Not knowing if I'm human any more."
Adira looked at him for a few moments, then quietly said, "I've met Canarans more human than some people I knew who were human by blood. I've seen proof that they're not human." She hadn't liked those people any, and she didn't like thinking about them. Well, she had actually killed a good number of them. But that just made her feel worse. Not even realizing it, she whispered, "You can't do what they did... and still be human...." Adira caught herself and shook her head a bit, before saying, "I think it's questioning your humanity... that's kind of what makes you human. Morality, having a conscience, sympathy, empathy, all of that." Adira set down her glass, deciding that she didn't want to drink any more tonight. She rolled her shoulders, noting the dull ache in her back. "If you want my opinion, I'm pretty sure you're human."

Saami quietly watched as Saundary twirled in front of him, unsure what to make of the situation. It wasn't like it was really elegant either, in her cargo pants. Surely it was dancing, he recognised it as so much, which was impressive as machines didn't dance. The only notion he had of it was perhaps as a self-taught formality he had picked up through bits and pieces, mostly from high-class balls held by the military generals.

"I recognise the pattern as dancing Miss Etrasmus, though I am unsure what that has to do with me specifically." Was she expecting him to dance with her? That couldn't be though... she surely knew he wasn't supposed to be able to dance, and even if he could it was so out of character he doubted that was the actual plan. None would look at him and expect him to dance, but then again none would look at him while tipsy and think he'd make a good person to chitchat with. "As of now I can not get a grasp on you Miss Etrasmus. My software dedicated to social interaction and behaviour is limited." Still, somewhere, somehow he... liked it? These antics of her, it was interesting to say the least, and like a breathe of fresh air after being treated like a robot for all his life. Except of course for Rea, who had perhaps displayed a similar innocence, not the same but one he too had been so fond of and so sad about to let go. It made him slightly glad to see there was still innocence here, even after her death. Though right now he had more pressing issues to deal with... namely a drunk Miss Saundary.

The internal bridge lights dimmed to indicate the evening had turned into night, and there was nothing to light scene but the violet light falling through the large windows, accompanied by a fainter blue light of the screens on stand by. Intrigued, yet showing only expectancy for her answer in his eyes, he watched her twirl in those clothes completely not suited for it, as patient as always. It would be a good memory, no matter how strange. And perhaps all good memories were in themselves strange...


Still yelling she walked through the halls, the electricity having worn off but not her temper. Door after door was closed though, and the hallways had gotten dark. The only light was a faint radiant glow coming from her, indicating she was still under the influence of her powers. It wasn't quiet with her around, it would never be and she never wanted something else. Not needing to sleep she wandered, trying to find something interesting to yell at, or at least to complain about. It was her favourite pastime after all.

Eventually she strayed into the cargo bay, only to find Mr. Scruffy himself tinkering with his machine. A grin crept on her face thinking about all the mischief she could do to pay back for her losses. So badly feigning interest in a few crates not too far away she took out a wrench from the repair kit mounted on the wall. For a while she watched him, wondering if the man ever showered, going by the smell he didn't. But as an engineer, she'd smelled worse than oil, iron and sweat.

"You might need this, Scruffy." She held out the wrench past his shoulder... and unbeknownst to him she ever so slightly charged it with electricity. Not enough to do any damage, but enough to give him a nice, entertaining shock.
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Vince didn't know if it was the alcohol or relief, but for some reason he started laughing. "I don't mean to seem rude. I guess you don't have to have other things alienate you from people. I've done it well enough on my own as is." Vince scratched at the back of his neck. "Sometimes I wish that damn thing wouldn't move around so much. It itches." After a moment he looked back up at the Captain almost like he was trying to piece something together. "You never really explained everything about what happened to you before you know."
Adira smiled when he laughed. "You weren't being rude, no worries." Once he asked about her, though, her smiled faded and she looked at the empty glass on the table. Maybe more alcohol wouldn't hurt.... "It's not anything I like to think about... or talk about.... I can't even remember some of it, the rest of it I couldn't forget no matter how hard I tried.... Once it stops bugging me for a few months, the nightmares start again, and it's like I'm right back... there." Adira absently reached up and brushed her fingers through her hair. He had told her, why couldn't she tell him? But it hurt... but maybe it'd hurt less if she told him.... She was too scared too tat the moment, though, as was clear by her slight shivering.
Vince nodded some. He understood about not wanting to talk about these things. But if she could convince him to open up some then he could convince her. "At least you don't have a living creature inside of you moving around every now and then. Back when it was first inserted into me it would try to understand my body systems, so it would send out nerve impulses and cause me to twitch." Vince hoped a little humor would help ease off her nerves. "Its okay if you don't want to talk about all of it. Maybe try to get a little bit out." He reached out carefully and laid his hand on top of Adira's.

Sandy paused mid-twirl and gave Saami a once over, her head cocked to the side like a puppy as one of her eyes flickered a soft green hue in the darkness. She had to admit, the blue glow from the unattended monitors were rather nice, and everyone on board was most likely eating dinner in the mead hall or going to bed. The violet and navy hues from the planetary beside her were like the twilight of the night in the midst of a sunset which was very well admired. Humming, her cracked smile only grew on her right cheek, like a Cheshire cat, as she nodded her head in response to Saami's question. "Why yes, I expect you to dance."

Grabbing hold of his hands, she lifted them up and held them there as she stared at his face, admiring his white hair and his turquoise eyes. "Do you know how to dance, Saami?" She stood on her toes, keeping herself balanced there as she attempted eye level so she wouldn't have to look up so much, for she was relatively smaller than him although it did little to change the height difference. When she asked him this she remembered him saying: "As of now I can not get a grasp on you Miss Estrasmus. My software dedicated to social interaction and behavior is limited." Limited. Thinking about her question, she changed it, for judging by who, and what, he was she had to have known that Saami knew how to dance. Instead of expecting him to answer her question, she asked. "Will you dance with me, Saami?" Pulling back, she let go of one of his hands, twirling around while holding unto the other, laughing merrily as her short cerulean locks spun with her. Everything is limited, this moment was limited, living is limited, smiling and laughing is unlimited and limited - a contradictory statement. The very word was contradictory in itself, and she couldn't help but think past it all as she attempted to make her INANES boss comfortable, yet uncomfortable at the same time. Plus, she had to admit, she looked rather ridiculous in her attire, yet who was to care? Definitely not Sandy. While the girl twirled, she cheered, the alcohol talking: "Lets be friends!" While humming pleasurably at the end.​
Friends with her boss. Saami wasn't quite sure how she got it in her head that that would work, but then again she seemed to have many things in her head and even as a human he didn't understand half of them, let alone as a machine. Still, there was none around, and in some ways he had a duty to keep the crew of the ship happy, as it was tied in with the safety of the ship in some ways.

"I do know how to dance, but I do not think the type is entirely suited for this situation. However, would it make you happy Miss Saundary?" To dance, to make friends, it applied to all of her questions really. For tonight and all alone, what would it truly matter? His existence was solely to die in the name of someone else, he was made as a mindless replacement of a soldier with a family, to die in his place. It wouldn't matter in the end, how uncomfortable, or even dangerous it was to him, it was most of all a memory she would carry of him, and he was fairly sure he'd live longer in those than he did in the physical world.

So he let her twirl about until she was dizzy - which wasn't long with the alcohol in her system - , and then decided it was his turn. Awaiting patiently he put one arm behind his back and stretched out the other as if for her to take it. If he died tomorrow he could just as well make himself her friend for tonight. If only for tonight...
Adira looked at his hand, then at his eyes. It was clear to her, he was definitely human. She looked at his hand again as she smiled a bit and said, "You know, Woods... I don't know how much I can tell you, since I don't... I don't even know how old I am...." Her smiled faded as she shivered slightly. "When I was around eight... I estimate, at least.... I got grabbed. I don't even know what colony I was from. I can't remember anything before.... Anyway, I woke up on a ship. I remember seeing the paneled walls... square steel with bolts and rusty edges, like you see in the pictures of old sailing ships.... And some men came and escorted me out into this room with bright lights, where there were other people talking quietly. I didn't realize at that time that I was being appraised. They came to their decision and I got sent off to their disgusting excuse for a med bay to be outfitted with my collar. Because, you now, I was a slave after that. But I was a lucky one. They marked me as valuable cargo - so the men couldn't touch me except for punishment...." Adira felt tears run down her cheeks as the memory of the pain from her collar stung her, her muscles visibly tensing for a few moments before she forced herself to relax.
Vince nodded slowly. He had busted up slavers before back in the team. Most were pretty nasty people, which was saying something for the rim worlds. Most people out there were nasty because they needed to be, slavers were a step above because they chose to be. He didn't know why he was so moved by Adira's tears though. He scooted his chair closer before taking her hand and squeezing it gently. "I know what the collars are. I've met your slavers before. Busted up a bunch of them back in the team."
Adira looked at his hand for a moment before slowly squeezing back. Was he... comforting her? She didn't know what to call this. Whatever he was doing, though, it was nice. "I was the only slave who knew just about anything about medicine. So when a slaver got hurt once, he cut me a deal: he'd take off my collar for an hour if I would patch up his arm. It felt fantastic having that collar off for an hour... but it was so much worse when he put it back on. Having felt it off for that short amount of time, but then having the weight on my neck again, the pain along my spine...." Adira looked at him again then back down at their hands, squeezing his gently. "Most of the slaves were younger than me. They'd come to me, rather than go to the medbay. I learned that if I played like I was obedient, I could have some wriggle room with the rules and help them. So... so I played the part.... For a while anyway... I was there for a year. Over a year, I think. But I didn't let them break me. So, after a while... they pulled out those damned electric cable whips... you know, the ones outlawed from even farm use? With the ridges the could be filled with chemicals to make the scars form faster, or to make it hurt more? Yeah. Yeah... those." Adira shuddered at the memory of the whips. It wasn't enough to whip the slaves, the shocks would leave the pain lingering for minutes, and the quick scarring meant no worries about lethality - but it hurt horribly, and the scars weren't well formed. She hadn't realized how hard she was squeezing Woods' hand, and forced herself to ease her grip some.
Vince hadn't been worried about Adira squeezing his hand. She hadn't hurt him that was for sure. For some reason he found himself gently rubbing her hand with his thumb. Perhaps it was to help keep her calm, then again maybe it was something else. He wasn't sure at the moment. In truth he found his own feelings conflicted. On one hand he felt himself wanting to hold back, to keep to himself and not let anyone close to him. On another it felt good to have someone that he could trust. If he was going to err he decided he was going to err on the side of trust.

"Bastards.", he growled when Adira brought up the whips. He knew what those were all too well. He'd seen a slaver try to use on during the raid. Fucker had swung it at him, not that it did any good. Vince had put two in the chest and one in the grape, dropping him before the whip had even really moved that much. "How did you get out?"
Adira looked at his hand for a few seconds, then glanced at him with tear filled eyes and smiled a bit, though her eyes didn't reflect her smile. "I snuck into the control room and took out their controls, sending them crashing into a shitty little iceball of a planet... I didn't even know until later how it turned out, one of them hit me and sent me into one of the walls, I passed out. Science Division found them all, the slaves and slavers. I was too badly wounded from the crash to be shipped off to Earth or whatever colony like the rest of them. So I was stuck there for years. Some alien family took me in. There were maybe a few other humans on that planet besides me. Maybe a few. That "family" that took me in, they thought that since they had 'saved' me that I owed them. So I had to work in their fields or else they wouldn't give me any food. That's why my hair is white on the ends, it was bleached - all the sun reflecting off the snow. Harvested vertales, a little plant that only grows in far below freezing temperatures. I stole books, hid them, learned everything I needed to know about anything to do with starships. I snuck on a Science Division ship around four years later. And here we are." Adira laughed mirthlessly and shook her head. "Here we are, first mission, our archeologist is killed and I had to call a retreat. And now, we're drunk, and I told you about me past. So... yeah." She was trying to cobble her front of nonchalance back together again, but her shivering clearly showed that it wasn't working. But for some reason she gained some comfort from Woods holding her hand.
Sandy had heard him say: "I do know how to dance, but I do not think the type is entirely suited for this situation. However, would it make you happy Miss Saundary?" She thought about that question; would it make her happy? It wouldn't make her happy, but it would please her that he would dance with her - what was the difference? She hummed and twirled continuously, eventually her hand left his own as she answered: "Yes." It wasn't long before she was experiencing some the side effects, her head spinning along with the floor beneath her feet tilting; attempting to stop, she stumbled on her feet and reached out for something to grab - clearly indicating that she was dizzy. A bit scared, mainly flustered, Sandy attempted to keep herself upright as she felt her hand in his palm; hers obviously smaller in comparison to his own as her slender fingers coiled around his wrists softly. "Ah, I can't see," she mumbled while chuckling. Everything was moving and she needed to stop spinning, but it felt nice to spin. Spinning made her feel like she was flying and free. Why doesn't Saami spin around, I wonder if he thinks about those kind of things - freedom and the like, she thought. Although, all that did was cause her head to pound, the rather tipsy young lady not helping her self if she doesn't calm down. Even so, she continued with her cheerful innocence, despite the small grimace, for she still wanted to dance.

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Vince watched as Adira's emotional state slowly began to fall apart. For whatever reason he reached up and ever so gently wiped away the tears from her cheeks before pulling her into a hug. What in the hell are you doing Woods? If he knew the answer he wouldn't have asked, or so he guessed. Why he had allowed himself to open up to Adira at all still floored him. If there is one person I will let myself trust from now on, though, it will be her.

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