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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Vince didn't really know what to think or do, and in the end he chuckled quietly before running his hand through his hair as his eyes bounced between her eyes and her lips. He wanted to kiss her again, but he didn't want to push his luck or accidentally drive her away from him. He'd never felt this concerned for someone before. Concerned, though? Was it concern? In truth he wasn't sure what he was feeling at the moment, he just knew that he liked it. "So, uh..." Vince smiled as he pulled his eyes away from Adira's. They drifted down to her lips again, then down her neck before....

Don't let her catch you ogling her! "Are-are you feeling any better?"
Adira regretted the silence being broken and Vince's sudden awkwardness. They had been so comfortable a moment before. She smiled slightly and put her hand over his before looking him in the eyes again. "I feel much better now, thank you. I'm sorry I woke you." After a few seconds she looked down at their hands, her smile fading a good bit. She could tell him. "But, I'm scared that I'll have another nightmare. I - I think I might just stay up the rest of the night.... Otherwise I may wake up screaming again and that'll wake you.... Before the other night, when we were speaking, I'd never fallen asleep after a nightmare." She'd rather stay awake than have him leave. But on the other hand, she was very tired....

Saami hadn't expected to be tackled down into a hug, but at this point he knew that there was probably nothing she did that he would ever expect. For a short moment he tried to resist in surprise, unable to comprehend what it was exactly that was happening. But then he felt her warmth and the realisation came over him that she was hugging him, there was nothing in him left that could fight. His chest moving erratically from sobbing and every breath he took painful he sank down on his knees submitting to her warmth and kindness.

All of it felt wonderful, and that only made it hurt so much more. There had been none to hug him before, and now she did mercilessly so. Cruelty lying in that she was the only one, only proving how alone he truly was. As he felt her fingers run through his hair he laid his head down on her shoulder, sobbing like a small child. The pain of finally giving in soared through him, sedated by everything she did. He could feel the softness of her body, the warmth of her breath, the scent of her perfume... drawing him in... and he might as well have been drowning in her.

"There's more to you than I thought. . I'm so happy." The words fell into his head and broke the last of his resilience, stripping him of any dignity he could have been holding on to. It wasn't even the meaning, merely the sound of her voice was enough to destroy him. His cries were muffled by her shoulder, yet even then anyone could hear that those ungodly sounds could only come from the harsh pain of breaking. He was confused, lost and hurt, his only solace lying in the girl he was so desperately holding on to, his fingers digging into her back. Frightened he held her as tight as he could, so scared of being left alone again that it made him nauseous.

"Don't leave me... please..." The words came from deep within, whispered between sobs in a voice equally broken as his mind. They too nearly drowned in her, and at this point his tears had drenched her shoulder so much it started running down into her back. Yet he still spoke them, and even if she couldn't hear the words, they had carried his worst fear; finally managing to escape from the prison that he called a soul.


Nadanya had about expected a reaction like Marshall's, in fact that was why she did it in the first place. Despite him pushing her making her tumble back a bit and bruising her shoulder, she'd seen worse. With an evil grin on her face she just took the few steps back and returned to her place. She had never been smart enough to back off.

"That's payback for my credits Mister Scruffy. That squeak alone is enough to entertain me for the next few years." She mimicked his surprised face nearly taunting, but soon after was already distracted by something else. "So, is that thingy your tinkering? Seems like a decent amount of care, though she could use some shiny new bolts." Nadanya could appreciate a machine being cared for, like she did with her babies; the smaller ships on board the Lullaby. "I'm more of a flying type myself, did some space ship repairs, and then rolled into this little cushion of a job. Head Enginee, yadayada Nadanya Noronywich." She spoke fast and full of energy, doing her heritage as an Alphirian Stormrider proud, before finally introducing herself and stretching out her hand, not quite caring that Marshall's were covered in grime. "Oh yeah, and I can smuggle you new shinies." To prove her point she pulled a packet of bolts she had nicked for her own tinkering projects out of her pockets and waved it in front of him like someone would do with a treat to a dog.
Vince felt a sudden crushing feeling in his heart. He didn't want her to be upset. He took her hand and squeezed it gently before moving closer to her. "Don't apologize, its okay. Really it is." His hand had reached out to cup her cheek again as he brushed his thumb across it. "Would you rather me stay up with you? I wouldn't mind it as long as it helps you." For a moment Vince wondered if his synthetic arm felt any different than actual human tissue. Was it cold and clammy? Shut it Woods.

His eyes wandered over Adira's features again, straying frequently down to her lips and her eyes. He was sitting in front of her now, their faces still a comfortable distance from each other. Vince felt some conviction, but he didn't know if he should give in or not.
"I can try to help you relax again if you want. Maybe we could replicate another night like that."
Adira smiled slightly to him. He said he wouldn't mind.... Adira moved a bit to make room for him so he could be comfortable instead of sitting on the edge of the bed. She put her hand over his hand cupping her cheek and smiled a bit as she sat up against the headboard. She didn't want to inconvenience him, but she was just so tired.... She was scared she might alienate him, but she was more scared of staying awake the whole night. "I think that would be nice. If - if you don't mind it, of course...."
Vince sat back against the headboard and relaxed. "I don't mind at all.", he said with a smile. He had sat within mere inches of Adira, close enough to feel the residual warmth of her body next to him. "What do you want to talk about?", he asked after a moment. He thought over a few things before continuing. "If I had my photo album I could show you pictures of Earth and the area I grew up in. It was pretty; one of the few places that is still green actually. If you want open fields and lots of green you have to go to Mars now. But it was still nice."

When he sunk to the ground Saundary became a tad bit taller than him, and she laughed as she squatted to allow better access to her shoulder, and eye level. Loosening her hold around his neck, she continued to run her fingers through his hair whilst resting her chin on his shoulder. "Now, now," she murmured. "Lets try not to draw attention to ourselves, yes? I don't want our secret to be shared." Chuckling, her body shook - reacting to her attempts to lighten the mood. Secrets, huh?

Currently, Sandy felt like her mother when she would cry to her about how she got a paper cut, or accidently slam her hand between the doors. It wouldn't make sense seeing as most doors are made to sense the thermal energy from our bodies, but at the time Sandy was too busy playing with her abilities and suffered a lot from her childish mistakes.

Straightening her back, she looked down at the wailing INANES, so vulnerable and very wounded. Nothing she did, or said would make this any better, so she leaned forward and rested her head on his instead. Closing her eyes as he shed his tears and soaked her tank top. He had whispered, pleaded in this pregnant silence painted by the iridescent hues of blue, teal, lilac, and sheen white metallic walls as his wails muffled any hints of life nearby. "Don't leave me. . . please. . .," and she bit back a soft, and caring smile as she replied with a promise:

"I won't." She wasn't going to, she hadn't planned on it, and it was quite obvious that tonight's irregular turn of events was forever going to be a heart throbbing memory that would rest between her ribs, and beneath her breast, 'till the day it gave out. Attempting to lighten up the mood again, even though she was very serious, she looked down, pulling away a little, "You better not leave me," and she hadn't known why she said. But, it had to be said, for whatever reason - it had to. Every life had to be cherished, no matter how tarnished. "Please?"
Adira thought for a few moments, then quietly asked, "Did your family... I mean.... This will sound stupid, but...." Adira looked to her feet before looking back up at him hesitantly. "Did your family ever celebrate things?" What was the word for it? When the family got close together on days free from work.... She blushed a bit, before finally asking, "I mean, like, holidays? I know my old Captain celebrated things, but I never understood, but I've read a couple things where holidays came up before, and, my crew seemed excited for them.... Um... "
Elvengarda said:

Nadanya had about expected a reaction like Marshall's, in fact that was why she did it in the first place. Despite him pushing her making her tumble back a bit and bruising her shoulder, she'd seen worse. With an evil grin on her face she just took the few steps back and returned to her place. She had never been smart enough to back off.

"That's payback for my credits Mister Scruffy. That squeak alone is enough to entertain me for the next few years." She mimicked his surprised face nearly taunting, but soon after was already distracted by something else. "So, is that thingy your tinkering? Seems like a decent amount of care, though she could use some shiny new bolts." Nadanya could appreciate a machine being cared for, like she did with her babies; the smaller ships on board the Lullaby. "I'm more of a flying type myself, did some space ship repairs, and then rolled into this little cushion of a job. Head Enginee, yadayada Nadanya Noronywich." She spoke fast and full of energy, doing her heritage as an Alphirian Stormrider proud, before finally introducing herself and stretching out her hand, not quite caring that Marshall's were covered in grime. "Oh yeah, and I can smuggle you new shinies." To prove her point she pulled a packet of bolts she had nicked for her own tinkering projects out of her pockets and waved it in front of him like someone would do with a treat to a dog.
Gripping his wrist Marshall continued to glare a the woman as she rattled off her reason for zapping him. In the end, he didn't care, he was just pissed about being zapped in the first place. Balling and un-balling his fist he felt that last few tinges of electricity make their way through his body and eventually the pain was gone in its entirety.

"Your money's in the lounge. I didn't take it." He said, quietly yet harshly as he eventually turned away from her and knelt down by the Actuator. Being embarrassed wasn't something he was used to and he handled it by trying to ignore her, she insisted on ruining that defense mechanism. He glanced over his shoulder at her as she inquired about the Tin-Can and scoffed as he loosened the barrel case with an allen wrench.

"He is just fine. I've had to make due with what repairs I could get him... I'm not exactly popular among Empire folks. Though they always pay well." a feeling of empowerment came over him as he thought about the Empire officer having to sign his credits over to him, knowing that he had quite a rap sheet but nothing that they could pin on him. By the time he'd soned back into the present, the barrel was loose and he pulled the piece off, exposing the slotted shaft inside the casing. Not to mention the girl had insisted on telling him about her own preference in machines, to each their own but Marshall had never been fond of flying. You have much more control on the ground.

"Ships are fine. But nothing beats the control of boots on the ground. When I'm inside the Tin-Can here..." He tapped the leg of the armor suit with an allen wrench. "There's only three directions: Left, Right, and Straight through the enemy's ass." He put a cloth over the opening and stuck a screwdriver beneath the cloth only to have a low clank be heard as the shaft was cleared from being stuck in the down position. The cloth stopping it from flying across the room. He took the shaft from the casing and examined the bent metal, that was the cause of the sticky leg mechanics. He waved the bent shaft at Nadanya as if she could hear his thoughts and set it aside.

The girl seemed useful, he couldn't vouch for her mechanical prowess but she seemed able to get him tools and parts that maybe Adira and Woods didn't need to know about, so he'd humor her for now. He couldn't help but feel a bit guilty, he'd made progress in changing himself and here he was- already planning to use her up, like any other.

"Uhh.. That's alright. I'm sure I can requisition anything I need." Admittedly, he was off-put by her waving the bolts around like he was dog. She had the smugness of Empire-folk and it irked him good. Still... "I'll take 'em though. Word of Advice by the way: don't treat me like I'm some ignorant little Empire soldier. I'm neither Empire, nor a soldier. Don't belittle me, it won't end well for you." He held his hand out for her to put the bolts in and shot her a threatening glare.
Vince laughed casually before thinking back over his memories. "Yeah we celebrated some. My parents always made it a point to celebrate the old holidays on time every year. My dad always said that the holidays used to be special, that they had more meaning to them than just a reason to get off from work. They were special times of deep importance, and families came together around these times to be with one another and share in meals and gifts. Some family members would come from all over the planet or from Mars or the Moon and stay for the duration. My family was very old fashioned in some ways, but it not in a bad way. They kept the the meaning behind the holidays, and they understood that family was meant to care for one another."
Adira smiled a bit, already having calmed down considerably. "I knew it. I knew holidays were for family. I was always too scared to ask." Had she asked, that would have put her clearly out of place, and made the people around her question. She was comfortable enough around Woods, though, she could ask. "I like that, though... family's meant to care for one another.... I thought that was how it worked, but I wasn't sure. I always liked to think it was...."
Vince nodded before he looked over at Adira, his hand reaching out to grab hers gently. He rubbed his thumb over the back of her hand as he said, "Families take care of each other, even in the worst of times. They always have your back, and your best interest in mind. They love you unconditionally, sometimes even recklessly." Vince thought over a few things before looking back at Adira. "One thing I have learned over the years is that there are two types of family. One you are born with, the people that you are related to through blood. And then there is the one you choose for yourself. It is made up of people you choose to love, and who choose to love you. I find that the second group is usually stronger and tighter than the first."
Adira smiled again, relaxing even more. So, there was still hope that she could have a family, then.... "That sounds really nice...." She realized she was starting to drift off and moved a bit so she could lay her head against Vince's shoulder, taking a chance and hoping her would be okay with it. "Thanks for explaining those things to me." She closed her eyes, but didn't want the conversation to end just yet. "What are you going to do when we get some shore leave back at Arid Harbor in a few months?" Though she asked it, she fell asleep halfway through whatever response he gave.

Saami finally stopped crying after the longest time, having shed enough tears to leave a large, wet patch on Saundary's shirt. Quietly he let go of her, the full extend of what he just had done hitting him in the face as if someone had just whacked him with a metal pipe. Trying to calculate his way out of embarrassment he stared at the ground in front of him, the circuitry in his eyes shifting as it seemed like he got his mind back. He was still sitting on his knees, in front of her, about a foot between the two of them. Violet light cast long shadows, and as he raised his eyes again, turquoise clashed with ruby red.

For a short moment he wondered why he wanted to look away from her, as never before he had felt that way, and even if he had, she was the person he should be least afraid of. Yet knowing what she had just witnessed, he couldn't, it was physically impossible for him to look at her and have what he just did confirmed. As he turned his head towards the night sky and Odian passing by, he was glad the light was so brightly coloured. Otherwise it would have been more obvious that his cheeks had gained a reddish hue.

"I won't leave you Miss Saundary... I'm your boss. There are also no physical ways to leave, so the question would be obsolete." It was his mechanical and calculated answer, trying to buy time to figure out what the correct actual response was to a request like hers. Still watching the night sky he opened his mouth again to talk.

"I will do everything I can not to leave you alone," He turned his head a bit and looked at her, being taller than her and thus looking slightly down on her. There was nothing about his demeanour that could be perceived as menacing though, perhaps determined, but if anything he appeared soft and gentle. "I promise."


Nadanya glared at Marshall as she handed him the bolts. "You better ain't be any of those uptight bastards, cost me too much time of my life and they're way too scraggy about pay anyway." She looked Mr Scruffy, which she had already renamed Mr. Grumpy in her head, up and down, very much disliking the way he looked. "And don't try to use me, I didn't survive the harbour by playing nice with old men. That's something for college students." Demonstrating it she held her thumb and pointy finger closer, blue sparks of electricity crackling between them. "I like your buddy," she nodded at the tin-can standing rigid as ever. "so I'm going to help you maintain him, but if you try to pull some funny shit you're on your own, and I'll make sure engineering won't even hand you a screwdriver. Capich?" She didn't wait for an answer, she had had her fun and said her say, so there was nothing left for her with the grump himself. Instead she pivoted on her heels, her long black hair swaying around and occasionally sparking, and was back on her way out of the cargo bay to find something more fun to do.
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Vince couldn't help but smile as Adira rested her head on his shoulder. He made sure to adjust to her so that she could be comfortable. "I figured I would look back over the security reports first, that way I can get all of the work out of the way and leave me with time to spare..." Vince realized that Adira had fallen asleep. He looked at her for a few moments before kissing her head. "In honest truth I had hoped that we could spend some time together back in Arid Harbour. I know it's not the nicest of places, but we don't get any leave until then. I also thought that I might help you look for your friend. But lets save these conversations for a time when we are both awake." Vince carefully laid Adira down on her pillow before laying down beside her, his arm around her protectively as he dozed off.
Dr. Chrice Jones

Doc leaned back in her chair, rubbing the bridge of her nose lightly. The last of her assistants had just left, though hesitantly. She sighed and muttered, "Fuckin'....hate filling out death reports. Can't even fill out half of it 'cuz there's no body." Doc stood up and stretched, pacing around her small office for a few moments before sitting down again. She looked down at the tablet for a few moments before sighing. This was what she got for being chief of medical. For a few moments, she had to wonder how many more of these she would have to fill out.... Going by the fact that this was their first mission, quite a few. After staring blankly at the tablet for a few more moments she sighed and turned it off, going to her room to finally sleep.
Red. Red all over the sky. No, a red haze? Vince felt his head throbbing as he opened his eyes, his vision bloodshot and hazed with a blood red hue. He couldn't see out of his left eye for some reason. Then came the all too familiar clicking sound. That clicking ticking that made his whimper and look around frantically before the claws dug into his gut and lifted him into the air. The Xyvir threw him against the wall hard enough he felt something crack inside of him. Blood splattered from his gaping lips as the beast stepped forward again. And then it collapsed and melted before his eyes, revealing a naked body body beneath. Vince struggled to crawl over to the familiar figure, the effort made all that more strenuous by only having one arm. He reached out and laid his hand on the body as tears of blood streaked down his face. "Adira....please no."

The body turned over and looked at him, only for him to recoil in terror as it turned out not to be Adira, but the bomb strapped child he had put down. "No! I killed you! You can't be here!"

The child crawled towards Vince, the gaping bullet hole oozing black slime as it's mouth hung slack, revealing a maw of undulating cords like a nest of serpents. The body crawled on top of him, pinning him to the ground as it's blank, milk white eyes stared at him. Then, to his horror, fingers eased out from it's mouth and pulled the body apart, revealing a monstrous form writhing with the strange serpentine shapes. Vince stared at this form in horror, raising his hand to cover his mouth before stopping halfway. The beast was mimicking his movements.

And then he realized that it wasn't mimicking him. It was him. He felt something dripping down over his face as the terror sank in, causing him to look up only to find Adira hanging from meat hooks above him. "Why Vince?", her body asked before a sadistic smile spread out over her mouth as the black writhing mass burst forth from her body...

Vince shot upright in the bed, sweat pouring off him as he looked around the room frantically. He checked over his body as his panic stricken mind tried to make sense of what he had seen. When he had double checked to make sure he was himself he felt the sobs slowly rack his body as he placed his back against the headboard.
Adira woke up, sitting up to see Vince crying. She hesitantly moved closer, not wanting to spook him. After a few seconds, she laid her hand on his shoulder, letting him know that she was there, before wrapping her arms around him and pulling him into a hug. It had helped her, so now she prayed that it would help him.
Vince felt a light touch against his shoulder amidst his misery. Before he could look up he was suddenly enveloped in Adira's arms. He put up no resistance, instead he fell into the embrace as he laid his head against her shoulder. His own arms wrapped weakly around her waist as he let the tears fall. He wasn't sure if it had been the alcohol or what. He wasn't even sure if he really wanted to know what the trigger was. Whatever the fuck it was, though, it was over now. "I...I didn't mean to wake you up."
Adira pulled back lightly, looking at his eyes for a few seconds before reaching out and wiping off his tears. She was glad to see that he was responding and not caught up in the nightmare. But she still didn't like seeing someone as dignified as him crying, taunted by nightmares. "You have nothing to be sorry for." She waited a few seconds before hugging him again, moving one hand up to tangle in his hair lightly. Her objective was to distract him from any lingerings of the nightmares, like he had done for her. "Are you okay now?"
Vince focused on catching his breath as he gently rested his chin on Adira's shoulder again. "Mhm...I think so." He closed his eyes, sighing as he focused on the feeling of her fingers winding through his hair. There was some residual aching in his right shoulder, as if the memory caused old wounds to flair back up. Despite the now fading terror and embarrassment of having woken up Adira Vince found himself gently rubbing her back as he leaned against her. It wasn't the only thing he noticed either. His head was canted slightly and pressed against the crook of her neck, his arms held her close against him. He could feel her chest rising to gently push against him with each breath, and then there was her hand tangling lightly through his hair. If those weren't enough than all he had to do was remember the fact that he was in her quarters, in her bed. Not that they had crossed any lines at this time, but things were looking very intimate. "I don't want to talk about it.", he said after a moment. "None of it was right."

Saundary held him for a long while, a growing patch of tears soaking her shirt that she ended up both wet and cold, snickering as she let go the moment he stopped. After he had, he looked elsewhere and she stared at him, a small laugh bubbling softly in her throat as she admired what was supposedly bashful behavior? She was not quite sure, yet he was mellow all the while. With her eyes somewhat heavy, and his words pleasing her, she willed herself to stand to her feet. Although wobbly, she still held her own and immediately stretched her limbs above her head with great fortitude. "That's nice," she yawned, unintentionally, "I wouldn't want it any other way," and as she said this, she looked down at him this time. Forever smiling as she tapped his shoulder, willing him to get up with a wave of her hand. "Come on, stand up," she demanded, mockingly while looking around the vacant, white hallway. The Lullaby lulled in Odian's orbit as vibrantly colored hues of violet painted the hallway, and Saami's hair. Sandy really liked his hair, it suited him very well.

Trying not to be too distracted, she had randomly asked, with a playful gleam in her eyes, "Do you ever get hungry?"
Adira nodded a bit. "That's okay. I understand." God, did she understand. She noticed that he was rubbing her back and responded, by breathing slower, not realizing she had been holding her breath earlier. That was just how she worked; getting worried over people but hiding it so they wouldn't worry in turn. Hiding everything for others' benefits, that was just... how she was. She had cracked under the pressure earlier, but she was fine now. Patiently she listened, waiting for his heart and breathing to slow more, before she whispered, "I won't let go. Not until you're alright. I'm not going anywhere, I promise." She was a bit scared that he would reject her or try to put up a facade and push her away, but it felt right to her. That alone was scary, that she was going almost purely on her emotion, which was something she never did. Saying that wasn't like any other words they've exchanged, which tried to provide cover for their real thoughts and feelings; this was quiet, honest, heartfelt and entirely open. And in a way, that vulnerability scared her. But she felt it had to be said, no matter what the fallout was.
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Vince didn't know what to think, say, or feel about what Adira had just said. All he knew was that it felt right. Whatever tension had been there eased off as he relaxed into her arms. He'd never been vulnerable to anyone before, yet he didn't feel like this was a bad thing. Adira seemed to understand some of what he'd been through. In any other situation he would have balked at the idea of letting another person see him cry or to have someone hold him like this. Adira was different though. So strangely and wonderfully different.

After a few quiet minutes Vince sat back and took a deep breath before looking up at Adira and smiling slightly. His hand brushed gently over her neck before stopping against her shoulder, though he continued to rub his thumb over her skin gently. "Thank you."
Adira was glad when he relaxed into her arms; she knew that he was alright, and that she'd done the right thing. She smiled reassuringly, thankful that he hadn't pushed her away. It felt odd, his hand on her shoulder, but she wasn't going to push him away in any form. "Can you sleep again? Or would you like to talk? I'm okay with either, honestly." She took his other hand in both of hers, gently, slowly rubbing her thumb over his palm.

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