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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
As Saundary tapped his shoulder and motioned for him to get up he finally regained his mechanical air. Slowly he got up again, running his fingers through his hair to mask how messy it had gotten, and then fixing his tie and jacket. Once he stood he turned towards her to address her question.

"Only at designated times or when my body indicates a need Miss Etrasmus. I also have been issued a calorie limit, of which I currently have 165 points left." Basically he was on a permanent diet, but to him it was completely normal as it had been all he had ever done. It didn't matter as much what he ate, as long as he just got all his nutrients and stayed below the calorie limit. Of course he also couldn't like things or complain about it, so in the military facilities he had basically been fed cardboard with vitamin supplements.

As he spoke he watched her, and his eyes fell upon the wet spot on her shoulder, a cobalt glow in his eyes for a second as his vision was enhanced with heat sight. The general temperature of the air was colder as the ship had gone into night mode, and his sight revealed a greenish spot in an otherwise orange and red person. Within a blink his vision returned to normal, the celestial blue and azure hues of the night taking over the scene again.

"For your own well-being I suggest you change into dry clothes Miss Etrasmus. It is relatively easy to get sick in an close-encounter environment with a compromised immune system."
Vince slid his arms around Adira so he could pull her into a warm hug. The feeling of her running her hand through his hair was amazing, but in many ways Vince felt lost. Judging from Adira's comment about that being the first time anyone had kissed her though he figured they were in the same boat together. Couldn't ask for better company. "You are the first person to hug me since I left home for the Outliners."

When she asked him if he could sleep Vince chuckled quietly before nodding. "I think I could doze off, as long as I can have you in my arms anyway."

As Saami took his time regaining his composure, Saundary adjusted her shirt somewhat, so its cold warmth wouldn't cling to her skin so much. It was when she was finished had she heard him inform her of his calorie limit. It was strange, yet very interesting because most humans, and aliens the like, don't apply such a limit to themselves at most. Straightening her shoulders, she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, in the process of exhaling she sneezed abruptly, twice, stumbling back a couple of steps. "Atew! Ah --" Cue Saami's murmur of a silver-toned voice.

"For your own well-being I suggest you change into dry clothes Miss Estrasmus --" She sneezed again, as Saami had continued to address her. "It is relatively easy to get sick in an close-encounter environment with a compromised immune system." With a wave of her hand, Sandy had dismissed the thought as she looked up at the male, her thumb and forefinger cupping her bottom lip. She pondered whether or not she should actually listen to the wisdom in his advice, however, she chose not to. I'll be fine, she thought. There was no harm being done, and most of her colds had only consisted of sneezes and silence. Nothing new, of course. With flushed cheeks, Sandy sneezed once again, her head whipping downward, before she looked away in immediate embarrassment. Maybe she ought to listen to her boss, although she hadn't wanted to; her brows furrowed in frustration as she attempted to hide her flustered face with her short hair. "Mmn, fine," she mumbled, succumbing to his suggestion, even though she stood rooted in the same spot like a stubborn child. For the first time tonight, Sandy had a dominate frown on her face that did not have any intention on leaving as she pouted.​
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Saami had been about to turn around when she agreed, but her body language and tone told him she wasn't going to. So instead he watched as she stood there like a toddler holding its breath because it didn't want to eat, indifferent and patiently waiting for her to stop. He wasn't judging or annoyed, and though he was looking at her he could just as well have been staring at any random passerby, his figure held nearly unnervingly still. After a little while he found the right time to talk.

"I would advice you to head my words Miss Etrasmus. It is most important for not only the crew's but also my own survival that you are in top condition when performing your job." There was no concern in his voice, except perhaps for targets, numbers and statistical chances. In his eyes and voice caring for her was little more than a means of a mechanical optimization, though in his mind he would much regret her getting sick, not if he could help it. "If you so happen to get sick I can and will send you away to the medical department." She was a smart girl, she would get the point. He was, in the first place, her boss, and in charge of many others. He had a responsibility that could not be swayed by the whims of her irrationality, no matter how free it might be. Though somehow he did perhaps regret it ever so slightly that he once more was a machine.
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Sandy sneezed again, frowning some more as she heeded Saami's words. She had already begun walking when he had mentioned 'medical department', and she never once liked the medical department. She often felt uncomfortable under any medical department's care, like an experiment rather than a person - an irrational dislike. "I will go change," she concluded, her voice cool, and leveled, as she wiped away the childishness in both her behavior and expressions. She knew she would've been quite alright if she were to have a cold, but even she knew better. Resisting the urge to even cup her arms in warmth, she proceeded in heading down the hall with her eyes tracing the white walls with signs that would most likely lead her to her quarters. Any sight of lavender beauty was only a moment well spent.

Anyhow, there was no way she remembered the directions she had come from, she practically ran to and fro from any random section on the ship earlier. Needless to say anymore, Miss Saundary Estrasmus was lost, and she bit down on the insides of her cheek to prevent any coloring to form on her cheeks, despite her embarrassment, whilst she took relatively long strides down the vacant hallways. Her heart beating erratically as she began to worry the moment she realized she was a long way away from her chambers.​
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Saami followed Saundary, and what were large steps for her was a normal walking pace for him. He knew they'd be in for quite a walk when she started off with going in the wrong direction, but he didn't show any signs of wanting to correct her, always about tree feet behind her like an obedient watchdog. Eventually he decided enough was enough though, and as she stopped to look around the dark, vacant inner walkways of the ship where there was only the haunting blue glow of the dimmed internal lights, he took an extra step and stood beside her.

"Forgive my intrusion Miss Etrasmus, but the fact that you are heading the opposite way of where you proclaimed you were going has me thinking you are perhaps lost. With your permission I can escort you to the correct location." When he looked at her with the unchanging patience and certainty he usually displayed, he couldn't help but notice she was slightly red and he could hear her heartrate elevate even as he spoke.
Adira smiled and kissed his cheek before pulling away a bit. It was almost scary how much she'd come to trust him in such a short time. "I'm just fine with that condition." She settled down on the bed and gave him room to lay down before looking up at him expectantly.
Vince settled down and snuggled up against Adira before wrapping an arm around her and kissing the back of her neck. He couldn't explain why he was so comfortable around Adira, or why either of them trusted the other so quickly. Maybe it was because of the similarities in the history? Vince decided not to pick everything apart. They had each other, and they both seemed to be happy. That is all that mattered at the moment.

Vince pulled the covers up around the two of them before wrapping his arm around Adira again. "Are you comfortable?"
Adira smiled and laid her hand over his. After a moment she moved so she could face him, and lightly pressed her head against his collarbone before putting one arm around him possessively. This felt oddly safe and comfortable, especially considering how foreign physical contact was to her. She closed her eyes and sighed contently. "Mhm."
Vince froze for a second as Adira pressed her head against his chest. His arm was still wrapped around her, and he held it tightly against her back as he slowly tucked his head down against her's. He wanted to make sure she felt safe, which was something he knew he could do. If anything he knew he could offer her safety. He had been trained and forged into a weapon for war, but now he had a new purpose, a new mission. This time, it was also something he wanted to do. "Close your eyes then, and don't worry. I'm not going anywhere."
Adira relaxed against Vince, her heartrate slowing as she drifted toward sleep. She almost hesitated, to make sure he fell asleep, but decided to trust him. This feeling of security was completely new to her, but she liked it quite a bit. She wasn't even scared of having a nightmare, because she knew that even if she did she would be okay. He had proved that to her. And she would be there for him. She was very fond of the idea. It was something she'd have to contemplate more when she was awake, as she had fallen asleep after only a few moments.
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Even though she hadn't wanted to, an awkward laugh bubbled upward as she brought her dainty hand upward and ran it through her hair. "I suppose I am lost," she quietly admitted to herself, agreeing with Saami, of course. Knowing Saami was behind her, she let out a soft exhale as she turned to him, and although some what bubbly due to her ambiguity, she had asked:

"May you please escort me to the correct location?" A basic agreement to his suggestion as red met turquoise hues, hers almost fuchsia in the light, yet particularly red all-in-all. As Saundary waited for a response she took a moment to admire his hair once more, the ends like silvery strands in the lighting. Weightless, and as she recollected the feel between her fingers she didn't even resist the urge to run her fingers through his hair again. Well, it was a strange attempt since she was shorter than Saami, so she stood on her toes and fanned her fingers through the roots of his hair, near his hairline as she lightly brushed stray strands away from his face. Of course, Sandy was rather close to her boss, and she ignored all formalities, but since the beginning - when she was intoxicated - she never really cared and she couldn't bring herself to care now. Thinking about it, if he had caught her wrist and stopped her before she could continue to brush even more locks of silvery white hair away from his visage, she would most likely react differently. She wasn't sure how she would feel, but thinking about the situation. . . she would probably be hurt, and maybe even confused. The very thought had hurt her, for it was quite obvious she was most likely overstepping bounds now that he had regained his composure, plus his way of addressing seemed rather different compared to before. What once was confusion, and maybe even passion, turned to stiff addresses. The sudden change had to be calculated, however, she never expected something so firm in just one night. At the most, she expected this revert in the morning; hesitantly, she tried to remove her hand from the soft texture of his hair of his hair - brows some-what furrowed, lip bitten due to the complexity of her thoughts as the silver lace in her ruby eyes had them appear softer, and slightly sadder - not quite - than before.​
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Saami had already opened his mouth to reply to Saundary when she had stretched out her hand to touch him. It was quite unexpected, even from her, but he had fast reactions, so his hand had shot up nearly immediately to take hers away. And then he felt her soft touch. Pale fingers veiled in a serene night blue hovered just above her wrist, so close that they moved the tiny hairs on her arm yet not truly touching her.

It was like she had managed to lock all if his joints, his cogs and his movements just by touching. Everything but his heart, for that damn thing instead decided to pound twice as loud, and he could hear it rush in his ears. For what seemed like forever, but in reality were just a few seconds, he stood there fighting back his machine tendencies. Or was it the machine fighting his human tendencies? He couldn't tell.

The knowledge was there though, that he couldn't accept any advances. Not while he was still half of a person that had to fill everything hallowed in his being up with cogs and calculations, it would be unfair to have her love half a man wouldn't it? As the thought crossed his head he just mentally shook it. No, that wasn't it was it? He was probably just misinterpreting the signals, she was just bubbly and kind and free, of course she wouldn't love him. Who would? There was nothing to love about him and this was all just an idle hope caused by how damn faulty he was. She'd treat anyone like this wouldn't she? The elevated heartrate, the rise in body temperature, that would simply be the alcohol. He was the one mistaken here.

Even if alcohol lowered one's body temperature and had no such drastic effect on the heart in low doses...

Slowly and gently, so that she could pull away at any time she wanted and wouldn't get hurt by his grip, he closed his fingers and brought her hand down. The machine came to move again but was less alive for it, as he breath out a held breath and continued talking like nothing had happened.

"Order understood Miss Etrasmus. Follow me if you will."
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He had done it, he took her hand away from his hair quicker than ever before. Somehow she counted the seconds: 57 seconds. She knew it, and she reacted with her brows furrowing, painting her expression more near sad if not for the fact, no matter how rough his grip, he still held her hand. Oh dear, je's holding my hand, she thought. She's only ever seen her parents hold hands in front of her while leaning really close. Was it natural? Had he wanted to hold her hand romantically?

No, it was probably left over alcohol that caused her heart to continue to race at its elevated speed, and the strange mechanical warmth between their fingers caused a hum to run through her body: she liked it. She liked it and she refused to let go, not for a romantic purpose, but because his hand felt nice as it cupped her small hand, the warmth felt nice compared to the cold air on her soaking shirt. Instead of pulling away, she had hoped he would allow her to continue holding his hand as he began to walk in the correct direction than before. Never bothering to move far, rather she strayed close so as their arms nearly touched.

If he were to pull away the moment he learned she had no intention in pulling away, she would blush warmer than she was now at the thought of asking, "May I please continue to hold your hand? Just for a short while?"
Saami had started to walk into the correct direction when he felt a little tug on his hand, realising Saundary was still holding it. For a moment he stood still and headed her question, surprised on the inside, but he couldn't show that of course. It couldn't be right? That she actually... maybe it was just for comfort? That would have to be it.

"If you so desire Miss Etrasmus, though the chance of you getting separated from me is slim as it stands." In his systems it progressed as a request to not let her go lost, but it didn't sound like it was as simple as that. But there wasn't anything truly simple about her was it? She was so unique in every way that it would be impossible for his programs to correctly deduct what she was actually getting at.

So, he closed his hand around hers, more firmly than he had held her wrist before, as this time he didn't want her to be able to escape it as easily. "The estimated time until arrival at your room is thirteen minutes, I assume this falls within your definition of a short while." Without waiting for a response he turned around again and walked on, adapting his steps to hers. Yet for some reason he couldn't help but walk a fraction of a step shorter than he would have intended to, wondering why he was so hung up about being just two seconds closer to her. In his mind he couldn't yet grasp what she was getting at, if it was just her personality, or if she actually liked to be with him. But he knew he liked to be with her, no matter what she truly thought of him.

Even though she was cold, Saundary had leaned in every two steps due to the warmth that drew her in every passing second. A content smile would ghost her lips every so often and she felt better knowing that there was only thirteen minutes left until they arrived to the Quarters hall, along with the spoken fact that she couldn't separate and she hadn't wanted to. Clasping his hand firmly, she held it with her right thumb caressing the back of his hand every so often. Each step was careful, and patient, and Sandy did her best in trying not to notice how he fell into step with her. Maybe he hadn't wanted to arrive so soon? Seeing as Saami does have longer legs, thus he is faster than her. Whatever else, she hadn't minded. Instead, she replied - three minutes later - with a soft, "Alright."

This moment could never top their dance from before, but it was still just as memorable. Slightly tired, and equally cold, Sandy rested her head on his arm as they walked down the vacant hallways, her left hand holding his wrist, as she kept her heavy lids open.​
Vince smiled when he heard Adira's breathing slow down to the steady rhythm of sleep. He pulled her a little closer and kissed the top of her head before closing his eyes. It felt amazing having someone he could trust, but this was something else completely. He had never before considered finding someone and settling down, but now that this....relationship with Adira had begun he found himself thinking ahead of himself and into the future. Could he actually see himself settling down with someone, maybe even Adira? The thought seemed nice, and it was because of that that he pushed it from his mind. There was a lot to come between now and the future, and getting your hopes up could end in misery. Yet....being around her gave him hope. His fingers tangled in her hair as they lay together. If there was someone he would consider settling down with, even though they had just begun to know each other, Adira was it. That thought alone put a smile on his face as he slipped off into sleep.
When he had accepted to her holding his hand, Saami hadn't expected her to basically take his whole arm hostage. Though he didn't actually dislike her being so close, he was definitely not entirely comfortable either. What if someone saw them like that? At this point he wasn't worried about himself, but more about what they'd think of Saundary. Though in all honesty he was still confused as to why she was so interested in him. It hadn't been the first time someone had shown an interest in him, but the ladies (and occasional gals) that did weren't exactly doing it with... proper intend nor did it seem like they were particularly right in the head. He'd usually just ducked out from under them trying to straggle him into whatever it was they wanted him to do. It definitely wasn't holding his hand, not like Saundary did now, and he felt nearly bad that his mind had shifted to the earlier mentioned people.

When his eyes fell down onto her in a split second of curiosity he saw she was tired, which was perhaps a better explanation for why she was leaning on him. His internal clock told him it was late indeed, and he doubted she had enhancements like him that prevented her from getting tired. Maybe he needn't think so much into it, it was fairly clear that whatever feelings she held towards him, he wasn't going to escape them. Not just because he couldn't, but because he didn't want to. So instead he just enjoyed it for all the nine minutes and forty-five seconds they had left.

Even if he could see the seconds ticking down, even if he knew time was just a constant made in the minds of men, he couldn't help but wonder why those nine minutes and forty-five seconds didn't seem to last as long as usual. Before he knew it the door metal door with the name 'Saundary Etrasmus' on it appeared clear and nearly insultingly ordinary at the end of the hallway, though he knew a normal person probably couldn't read it from that distance.

"We have arrived Miss Etrasmus. I can recommend you get into dry clothes, then rest for the remainder of the night." That would have been the end of the sentence, the end of fulfilling his side of the request. Yet he felt like it didn't suffice... like there was some other invisible request he could never fulfil standing open, and as it was asked to him when he was a man, he could perhaps only complete his duty to her as one. So as he let go of her hand and stepped behind her back to return to his usual tasks he dared to set a step out of his bounds for one more moment.

"As it would be a shame if I didn't meet you again at breakfast Miss Saundary." It was a whisper uttered in passing, so soft that he had to lean in to make sure she could hear it, his breath resonating in a few strands of hair around her neck. And just because he wanted to feel her touch for a short moment longer, he let his index and middle finger stroke the back of her hand, so quick and gentle that one could wonder if he had actually touched her.

Before she could turn and catch him off guard again he started walking, the hand that had moved to touch her going to fix his crumpled collar in such a fluid motion that it was impossible to see if he hadn't meant to do that all along. Right left first, left leg second, and he was already gone before his machine equivalent had turned the corner.
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As Saundary walked with him, her cheek resting on his arm, she hadn't wanted to let go or even stop. Not until her legs gave out and he was still there. Time passed quickly too, she wasn't aware that they were so close, or that her eyes were near closing until she heard Saami's silver-toned voice say, "We have arrived Miss Etrasmus. I can recommend you get into dry clothes, then rest for the remainder of the night." Rest, she'd do it, but her eyes had widened a fraction before she wiped at her sleepy eyes. It wasn't long before she attempted to look heavenward when she thought her nose had rubbed Saami's cheek, or was it his clothes? She was too tired to comprehend the simplest of details. Had he stepped behind her, when was he behind me?

"As it would be a shame if I didn't meet you again at breakfast Miss Saundary," and his voice was soft, faint that she almost missed the words he had whispered near her ear. His touches were also fleeting, and she suddenly felt very confused regarding how she felt at this very moment. Before long, Saami left her standing there, a few ways before her bedroom door as she listened to his retreating foot falls. When she could no longer hear them, she turned around as his shadow disappeared down the hallway. Too smart to object, and act on her strange emotions, Sandy had decided it would be best for her to change now. The moment she had stepped into her chambers, she immediately shed the cold and sticky clothing from her body and folded it neatly before placing it onto her chairs t'whom which were assorted neatly around her bedroom table. Rather than take a warm shower, Sandy shed her boots, her pants, and threw on a pair of shorts from her opened luggage that rested by the foot of her full-sized bed on a small ledge at the end. Her vibrantly assorted room cloaked in darkness that she hadn't planned on disturbing.

It wasn't until she was near asleep did Sandy realize that Saami had called her 'Miss Saundary,' and she cupped her hands beneath her chin as she slid onto her bed, body laced beneath the warmth of her covers. Lilac and lavender, one darker than the other - Lavender - had drifted in and out of her consciousness like quiet ripples from the last rain drop of the season. Her voice laced in honey as she whispered, "Good night," into the darkness.​
3487/12/06 06:55:00 SST

Saami stood in his room, having finished up all the work he had left to do over the remainder of the night. He'd just showered and was now buttoning up his jacket with quick and precise motions, straight as always. Yet as he did so his thoughts seemed a bit off, and he wasn't sure what had happened just a few hours before, it felt more like a dream than anything, even if it was burnt into his memory. Every detail and image he could recall clear and precise, but when he remembered, truly remembered, what he had done it was more like a hazy glow spread from his chest to his head with every breath. He had no clue what was happening, but he wondered why he was actually excited to eat his breakfast now, or for anything really.

About thirty minutes later he sat down in the mesh hall with his food; some yoghurt with fruits, honey and oats, an apple and a cup of tea as his breakfast. There weren't that many people yet, considering it was a day off, he wasn't surprised by it. Still he decided to sit down in a more silent corner, making his calculations as he ate, his duties as head pilot not really allowing him to stop working completely as he still had to make sure the ship remained safely in orbit and motion.
Adira woke up slowly, having heard the quiet chirp from her tablet. She opened her eyes for just a moment before closing them again, trying to savor the feeling of security she was experiencing. She could feel Vince's fingers in her hair and his arm around her, his head still tucked down over hers. She knew she had to get up soon for work, but this feeling was so... oddly welcoming. Now that she thought of it, why had she let them get so close? She had nothing to offer him but companionship - that was all some people needed when they hirt, but for a relationship? She was "damaged goods" in many ways and he didnt deserve to have to deal with that. There was danger if their relationship continued - if they were found out, they'd need to take tests to prove that it didn't affect their performance... and then people would know.... But she couldn't bring herself to pull away or wake him, she wanted this time to last as long as possible.
The tablet chirp was enough of a different kind of noise that Vince opened his eyes and yawned. Instantly he was met with the feeling of another person pressed against him, his fingers tangled in hair, and the sight of a room that wasn't his own. In any other situation Vince would have been worried, but now he simply smiled before pulling back slightly so he could check to see if Adira was awake. "Its morning cap. You up yet?" Vince had to chuckle at himself for already giving Adira a pet name, though his humor was short lived when he realized that he couldn't feel his right arm again. He went to move it, and manged to untangle it from her hair with ease, though it wouldn't respond to much else.
Cold sleep for a cold, cold, heart. Conflicted about his behavior, Marshall found there truly was no rest for the wicked and was displeased to find it being more literal than he'd like. He spent the whole night overhauling the Tin-Can and all it's faulty parts, all the while he indulged in his forgotten friend and downed two entire cases of beer through the night. It was a miracle that he'd been able to repair anything, let alone without hurting himself or damaging the equipment but Marshall was a simple man and attributed the true miracle to be that a bathroom was so close by.

Nothing passed fasted than unfiltered beer.

When the artifical din indicated it was morning, a puffy eyed, groggy, half-drunk half-hungover Marshall stumbled into the halls of the ship, leaning against walls and doors as he made his way to his room. He was proud of his accomplishment of repairing the ol' Can, it was a feat for a man sober and so he retired to his room for a congratulatory shower, shave, and brandy. He'd almost fallen asleep in the shower, the hot water like a Lullaby to his against his inebriated skin. A quick grooming of his ever scraggly shadowed beard left him looking almost presentable, if it weren't for the drunken craze in his eyes and death in his smile. Afterwards, he sat on his desk, opened a drawer and brandished a bottle of grape Marc and popped the cork off with a shiny dagger he'd stolen off the corpse of some poor Empire soldier he'd killed during one of their Spec Ops raids against the slavers he'd been employed by. Foul memories, but they were his.

Lifting the spirits to his mouth, he took a couple of deep gulps and his body shuddered against the strong taste.

"WOOOH. FUCK YEAH!" he shouted, slamming the hilt of the knife against the desk, causing the pistol to drop on the floor. His eyes drifted to the gun and he quickly scooped it up off the floor, strapped it to his waist and covered up the weapon with an old, stained vest. He examined himself in the mirror, brandy in one hand, flipping the looted knife in the other, he felt a strange belonging in this "form". This was the real him, or at least it was Marshall, perhaps Garrett truly had died all those years ago but he didn't have much time to think about such things. His stomach gurgled with the agony of hunger and who was Marshall but to oblige?

With fresh pair of jeans, brown long-sleeved shirt, and yellow vest adorn a clean body, Marshall practically swaggered down the hall, occasionally lifting the brandy to his lips or balancing the dagger on his finger tips. Eventually, he made his way into the kitchen and his smile disappeared almost instantly when he spotted Saami sitting there. The Damn thing looked creepier than normal, and Marshall just watched him silently for a few seconds before taking another swig of the Brandy and walking towards the table.

He didn't say a word s he suddenly plunged the knife into the table, dangerously close to Saami's hand, the sharp steel and microsaw equipped on the Ex-Soldier's knife cut clean through the table down to the hilt and made an obnoxiously loud BANG! Marshall still said nothing, he simply eye balled Saami with contempt and eventually turned away from him, leaving the knife embedded in the table. The drunken Mercenary whistled "Three's Company Too" as he popped a bagel into the Toaster and turned back to look at Saami, leaning his ass against the counter.

"Sorry, do I have permission to use your cousin here? " he said pointing around his body, at the Toaster. He chuckled to himself and (if Saami responds) immediately barked at the INANES.

"Shut the fuck up. " he finished whistling as he retrieved the cream cheese from the refrigerator and deliberately ended the last note of the song as he wrenched the knife free of the table.
Saami's breakfast was rudely interrupted by a drunken Marshall, one which he had smelled coming still despite having showered. As hesaw the knife plunge down to the table his eyes glowed bright blue for a second, his vision taking in everything before he realised it wasn't going to land on his hand. Instead he looked Marshall in the eye as the knife stood in the table, not even flinching while the few people that where in the room startled, gasped and looked on in shock.

He had indeed wanted to talk as the man put in a bagel, but instead to warn him that carrying a weapon in the open was a violation of the rules. Being shouted at to shut up didn't stop him from stubbornly repeating it like his protocols told him to do. Mr Marshall treated him like a robot, then he was not going to get any different treatment than that. This included employing every perk his body allowed; sending records of both real time streams and the memory of the knife being plunged at him towards all means of communication he had with the captain and the defense team. After which he calmly put his spoon back into his bowl and stood up, ready to act if necessary.
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Warnings fell of deaf ears as Marshall glared at Saami ad he stood up from the table, a sober Marshall may have just made a Mr. Roboto joke, but drunken Marshall was far stupider. The bagels popped out of the Toaster and Marshall took his eyes off Saami only to get the two freshly toasted pieces of bread. Marshall used the knife to cut out some of the cream cheese and apply it to the bagel.

"You all the sudden have some balls, Sam I Am?" He said licking excess cream cheese from his fingers and taking another drink of the Brandy. He pressed the bagel pieces together and held it like a sandwich as he turned back to face Saami. His eyes were as cold as the INANES and when Marshall took a bite of the bagel he squared his shoulders.

"Take your fucking eyes off me." He said, quietly, coldly. Marshall gripped the knife tightly in his free hand and just barely aimed the tip at Saami.

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