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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Calm as ever Saami watched and caught Saundary as she got dizzy, having expected nothing less. Drunk and spinning didn't go together after all. Neither did twirling and pants though. So patiently he waited for her to have wasted most of her energy, not all of it, but just enough. "I assume I will just have to see for you then Miss Saundary." While he talked he gently took her hand and put the one that so far had been on his back on her waist, firmly enough to lead but not forceful. "It will be a lot easier this way." Moment of truth. He never actually had danced before, after all. He doubted she'd notice his mistakes though, tipsy, twirling and probably not caring about it anyway. Good thing he had a photographic memory and impeccable control over his body, allowing him to lead without bumping into anything or standing on her toes.

Somehow he wondered why he wasn't more uncomfortable doing this, though perhaps it was because he couldn't take cargo pants and tipsy that serious, not even while he was holding a girl and breaking all possible protocols. After the first few steps he just kind of forgot, except maybe where the desks and railings where so they wouldn't bump into them. It wasn't a hard dance, nothing tricky, and considering she liked twirling that was all they really did. He didn't trust himself with actually improvising a dance, nor did he trust a tipsy Saundary to be able to, and least of all did he trust the world with the secret that he could to begin with. Yet in the violet light of Odian even simple things turned wonderful, despite cargo pants, the metal floors and it being neither the right time nor thing; even broken rules shone beautiful in lavender.
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Adira tensed for a moment before relaxing against him. This was something normal people did to comfort each other or show affection. Slowly she moved so she could lightly wrap her arms around him. "I'm sorry.... I'm sorry I broke down. I should have kept it all to myself. And I'm sorry for everything that happened to you too. You didn't deserve all of that...." She was glad he had told her, and it had felt good to tell someone who understood to some extent, but now she seemed weak. Like someone who was more worried about herself than her crew. And that wasn't how she was.
Vince felt a strange calm wash over him when Adira wrapped her arms around him. He knew that hugging her was comforting, but he hadn't expected to receive any comfort in return. It felt nice. After a couple of moments he pulled away and gently cupped her face in his right hand. "You are one of the strongest people I know. In many ways I am envious of you. You run a tight crew and keep them in line despite having personal torment that you deal with. That takes real spirit." When she apologized on his behalf he shook his head. "Sometimes we just have to live with things we didn't deserve. I have to live with something inside of me that might change my life drastically at any time, but that is my burden. So far it has kept me alive though."
Adira didn't even flinching when he cupped her cheek. Odd, she normally flinched at everything. Then again, alcohol helped slow reflexes nicely. She almost laughed at his complement; if he knew how she had managed to run her crews, he'd probably be mad at her for personal neglect. But that didn't matter, they were kind of her family, so wasn't she supposed to give up things for them? At the moment, though, it was just her and Woods. This was one of the first times she'd ever been shown affection, definitely the first time anyone had cupped her cheek. It felt... nice. She smiled a bit. "Then I am thankful for it, if it has kept you alive."
Vince slowly rubbed his thumb over Adira's cheek a moment or two before pulling his hand away. "Maybe it would be best to try and relax some? Its been a rough day." Vince stood up and gathered the empty bottles to dispose of them in Adira's trash. In truth he didn't want to leave her, and he made every movement slow and deliberate to stay that much longer around her, but he also knew that they both needed some sleep if they could get it. "With as much alcohol and synthehol we've drank we should be able to doze off with ease."
Adira glanced up at Woods as he walked away, then back down to the remaining synthehol, which she gathered up and put back in her closet. She glanced at him again and hesitantly said, "You can stay here if you like. The whole night, I mean. If you're too... drunk, or tired... to go back to your own room. Or you just don't want to run into any hammered crew members in the halls." After a moment, she paused and rolled her shoulders again, her scars aching again.

Some how, she felt comfort in his words and even agreed, for she knew that maybe she might be a bit too drunk to be spinning. However, as they began the first couple of steps into the dance she couldn't help the permanent grin as her soft, tipsy laced, laughter floated into the velvet silence in a silky trail of lilac from Odian's glow, travelling with each spin. Odian; Sandy had never been to any other planet, or moon, besides Earth, Mars, and the Moon. She mostly accepted this mission in hopes of traveling elsewhere, to explore, and this was the very beginning of a story she could tell her aging Ancestors.

As Saami lead, Saundary was too busy contently admiring their form - she was practically floating. Not once has she stepped on his feet, or broke their synchronization, in favor of her current condition. Making conversation, Saundary said: "I wonder what other places we will get a chance to discover, hopefully I will get to join the dispatched expedition." It was silent before her smile faltered somewhat; what did they see on Odian? What all could they have done? "Do you think you were scared?" She wanted to ask, her eyes drifting to the window, her optics transitioned from rose red to leafy green as the pair danced in and out of the light.

And some how , Sandy thought she was being strange because there was a longing in her voice, and her eyes, as she glanced at Odian's storm that faced them directly; stranger because she was wondering if her boss thought he was scared. He was an INANES, but he never sounded like one to her, what were they supposed to sound like? She even went so far as to wonder what kind of lonely life he experienced behind the calculations; tracing his features with her eyes she continued to ponder before looking away, Sandy concluded that it did not matter. Those curios matters can be dealt with on another day, at another chanced occasion - despite the irregular occurrence of the scene.​
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Saami quietly watched Saundary glide below him, ever so slightly holding her just to guide her so he could enjoy that sight for a bit longer. Just a little bit longer. That was his excuse with every step he took, despite the ties of responsibilities and rules tugging on his mind. Please just let me be human for a bit longer. It was the sound of her laughter, the feeling of her being so warm... the sight of her being free, unlike any other sight he had ever seen. With each of her steps he wanted to join her more badly, and despite them being in the same spot, he knew that the world from her perspective had to be so much more beautiful. The simplicity of her questions, being able to wonder such things and voice them, every single thing she did was drenched with humanity and she was likely none the wiser about it.

"I am sure there will be many opportunities for you to join the ground crew Miss Saundary, not all weather patterns can be seen from space." The words were the same as always, but behind them he was doubting if he should even say them. He knew it would be selfish to withhold that information, in the hopes that she wouldn't go there. And as idle as it was to hope, as useless and worthless it was to a machine, he hoped she didn't go. Because that would mean she could be lost, and even if it was just a silly dream in the spur of a lavender moment, he wanted to dance with her again.

And then her question about fear tore him apart. Silently he broke under the realisation. "It is impossible for me to get scared Miss Saundary. Just like it is impossible for me to hate, or love. I feel nothing." What would there be for him to fear? He had no family, no dreams, no aspirations, there was nothing he could fear losing. But then what was it he had felt mere second before? He had feared for her hadn't he? No... that wasn't right, that wasn't like it should be. He couldn't, no matter how badly he wanted to be human, to be free. It would never happen, it would be wrong to hope for that. It would be wrong for him to hope.

He'd never be like her, and it would be cruel to give her a friend like him. It was selfish to limit her because he wanted her freedom. There was nothing for her to gain from being with him, there was nothing a machine like him had to give to her. No matter how badly he wanted to leave, to go somewhere he was truly in his place and where he belonged... there would never be such a thing for him; he was unwanted. Forever in limbo between the painful freedom of mankind and the restricted purposes of machines. It was unfair to expect the most free of beings to subject herself to that.

As she drew circles in the ever moving violet of Odian, he drew back into the static blue of screens. If he truly was her friend... wouldn't it be best to let her go? Slowly his fingers slid out of hers, he didn't need to do anything for it, as he was going back and she was still dancing forwards. She didn't need him to lead, she didn't need him to be there at all. In itself her existence was infinitely better than his, all his presence did, was show how she could be pure even when holding something truly putrid.

"My apologies Miss Etrasmus. I am afraid I have to go." In more than one way. Where his eyes before had been hiding joy and liveliness, he needn't do so anymore... as it had left him already. Slowly he fell back into the shadows of the bridge, his footsteps sounding awfully loud and rigid on the metal. Before they had sounded like a ghost lightly tapping, now they were heavy like those of a doll. They echoed as he made his way to the door, the ties on his mind finally winning. Though now he gave in to them, he started to feel others; loose strings of emotions and tenderness carefully draped around his soul, of which he hadn't really known he had it until then.

The purple of the hallways was cold, and he wondered if it was because they didn't have Saundary to stir them. The only motion they had to reflect in here was in violet tears rolling down his white skin. Had Saundary compared him to a canvas before, it was more than true; and he was painting himself sad. It was no wonder he wasn't scared, because now he knew the truth... he was already dead.
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Vince turned around and looked at Adira as a smile slowly eased its way over his face. "I wouldn't mind that, as long as you are okay with it." He didn't want to impose himself on her or anything inappropriate. "I mean, I'm not trying to come off like I'm coming onto you or anything. Not that you aren't pretty, I just..." Vince sighed as his brow furrowed and rubbed his temples. Smooth.

Saundary nodded. "Opportunities, yes," she whispered. There will come a time where she will be able to join them, and that a lone was what she was telling herself before. She just never thought it possible. Caught up in the midst of enjoying their dance, she lifted her dancing gems and stared up at him whilst waiting for his response, patiently, of course. While waiting, for it didn't take him long to reply to the question that somehow ended their dance, Sandy had noticed that Saami held an air about him. It was almost as if he himself was just as innocent as she, a dandelion sprouting in a clover field with weeds and the lot accompanying it, and she so much wanted to blow that innocence away and guide it in the right direction. Where it would land and grow once more in a state of freedom. No longer tied down by the mechanics of a robot that would be the roots of its very existence, and rather bathed in sunlight and free rain.

"How nice that would be," she thought out loud, her voice, however, inaudible as she heard him say:

"It is impossible for me to get scared Miss Saundary. Just like it is impossible for me to hate, or love. I feel nothing." Sandy knew this, for it was dumb of her to ask such a question that she knew the answer to, but it wasn't like she had actually agreed with that; and she suddenly felt aware of what she had possibly done seconds after Saami had left her standing there in the middle of the bridge: ask the wrong question.

"My apologies Miss Estrasmus. I am afraid I have to go." And almost as if time had stopped, Saundary swayed with a soft smile on her visage before her petals dropped in confusion. Apologize, afraid, had he not said that it was impossible for him to be scared? And go? Wait -

She stumbled forward and when he left the bridge, she felt a lump form in her throat. Was she about to cry?

Dumbfounded, she stood there and she suddenly felt cold, almost as if the intoxicated warmth had left her just as fast as he had pulled away from her. It was unexpected, and still very confused, Sandy decided not waste another minute while heading for the door. Her feet picking up speed until she was running out of the Bridge a little faster than intended, slamming unto the wall outside of it, but she pulled away from it immediately. Her indigo hair left in disarray as she scanned both sides of the hallway before spotting a fairly familiar, tall, and lean, shadow at the end of the hallway. Seeing as it was empty and majority of those awake are out getting dinner at the mead, or preparing for the next day, Sandy ran after him before coming to a stop when he was just a couple of yards away. "S-Saami," she called. When she had done so, all she could do was power walk towards him and hopefully tap his back. "Wait," her voice broke at the end as she attempted to grab hold of him; she was so confused. Had she done something wrong or had he something else to do? If so, she would've liked it if he had said so before abandoning her like that.​
Asira chuckled a bit as she took off her jacket and tossed it over the back of her chair. Fumbling with words, she knew how that felt, not that it was a problem she had run into in ages."I'll blame that on the alcohol." She sat down on the edge of her bed and starting pulling the pins out of her hair so her bun came undone into a long braid, which she set to undoing until finally her long hair was hanging loosely about her shoulders. "You have your pick of chairs, couches, whatever. I know you wouldn't take the bed, we went over that once."
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Vince looked over at the couch before flopping down on it, though he did find himself watching Adira as he let her hair down. He didn't want to agree with her on the alcohol comment. In many ways he meant what he said about her being pretty, but he didn't exactly want her knowing that at the moment. "I'd sooner crash on the couch than the chair. At least here I can stretch out completely." Vince put his hands behind his head and sighed contently. He was glad that Adira hadn't made him leave. He wanted to be close to her, and having any excuse to do that he would take. "In truth I think I prefer sleeping in a foxhole to sleeping in a chair."
"Well no need to choose one or the other, you have a couch. Blankets are in the bottom right cabinet." Adira could just now feel the effects of the synthehol fully hitting her. She shook her head a bit before taking off her boots and flopping onto her bed, pulling the covers up once she got comfortable. She didn't exactly want to sleep, she could tell she was going to have a nightmare - alcohol always seemed to bring the memories to the front of her mind - but she was already very tired. She wanted to apologize in advance for in case she woke up screaming, but she just couldn't bring herself to. She wanted to thank him for deciding to stay - but again, she just couldn't bring herself to. Finally she just said, "Good night, Vince," before letting herself start to doze off, having forced the fear to the very back of her mind.
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Vince grabbed a blanket from the cabinet before returning to the couch and getting comfortable. When Adira said her goodnight he looked over at her, a slightly curious expression on his face before he to closed his eyes. "Good night Adira." It didn't take him long for the affects of the alcohol and synthehol to kick in a start dragging him to sleep. He didn't fight it, instead he embraced it, welcomed it like an old friend. Any chance he had at getting to sleep easily he would take. Maybe it was his muddied conscious that forced him to stay awake night after night. He always longed to find peace somehow, and right now it came in the form of a bottle.
Saami had heard her follow him, starting with the bang of her hitting the wall. Why? Why was she so determined to catch up to him? Didn't she know it would only make things harder? And just at the worst of times too... for all intends and purposes she had already succeeded in making him human. There was no escaping it now was there? This had been a mistake on his part, more than anything.

As he heard the lavender voice call out his name he felt a shiver run up his spine, the knowledge that he had hurt and confused her not making things any better. How was it that all of a sudden she of all people had such an effect on him? It didn't make sense... nothing about this night made sense. And neither did his actions anymore. Part of him simply wanted to shake off her hand and keep walking on, just like he had always done. But hadn't that been the problem? If all he did was listen to the parts of him that were there, how was he ever to fill up the voids in his being? What useless freedom would his be if it were to be empty...

Slowly he turned around, until he was facing the windows. A turquoise eye looked at her, flowing over with tears coloured purple streaming down his face. After a while he opened his mouth to answer her, and the first thing he tried to formulate were excuses and distractions, yet he knew lies wouldn't work here. They hadn't worked from the start. So for a few more moments he stayed silent, until, under the absurdity of the situation, a small, sobbing smile appeared.

"You caught me, Miss Etrasmus..." Soon after which followed seven years worth of tears. It was odd that tears of loneliness were spilt in the company of someone, and that only when he was free was he subjected to his emotions... there truly was nothing right about this.
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Adira felt herself being picked up as she was carried away, blood pouring down her back. Her body hit the ground as they tossed her into her “room”. Her body hurt from getting thrown around, but her spirit wasn’t broken in the least. The instant they were gone, she glared at the door, mentally promising to murder all of them. The electric shock that ran down her body made her stop thinking about that though, and focus on survival. After a few moments, that was gone, leaving her panting, gasping for breath as the shock from her collar wore off. She could feel a warm hand on her shoulder, and turned to look, scared she was going to get whipped again. No, it was Mira.... A small, frail young girl with big, brown eyes that looked at Adira in concern. Adira smiled and moved to sit up, which she accomplished with the young girl's help, the fresh cuts on her back reopening and bleeding more. She gasped out in pain, though this time the pain resonated through her soul; because, she wondered if maybe she should stop fighting. Was it even worth it anymore? Nothing was worth this pain.... Adira looked at Mira and gave her a reassuring smile that she didn't feel. "I promise, we'll get out of here soon," she told the girl, but the voice didn't even sound like hers, it was hoarse from screaming. The girl smiled and hugged Adira lightly. The door to their small cell opened again and a big man came in with two chains. Adira shifted her position to be between Mira and the man, but the man just attached one of the chains to her collar and pulled her out of the way. She threw herself between the man and Mira again, and the man pulled her way, the collar yanking on her throat. "You beg for another whipping already, bitch? Alright, then, two slaves with one whip." The man dragged the two young girls out to be locked up for another whipping, and try as hard as she could, Adira couldn't protect Mira. As the whip began cutting into her back, she heard Mira crying, "Adira, you promised!" before she faded from consciousness, letting the darkness take her from the pain.

Adira woke up with a short scream before she caught herself, leaning forward as she brought her knees closer to her chest and held her head in her hands.
That's why I was so protective over Rea.... And now I failed her, too. Her body shuddered as the memory of the pain from the whipping ran through her, making her stop breathing for a few moments before she forced herself to take in air. I tried so hard, Mira.... I did.... Even when you were sold, I tried so hard, I've hunted the galaxy over.... I promised to protect the rest, and I failed, and now I failed again.... On top of her guilt, she knew that Rea was one of her only chances of understanding human culture, understanding her own people. Rea had been her chance for redemption. Being redeemed from the animosity between herself and her own people. Maybe redemption from failing Mira, too. Adira didn't even realize she was crying, she was focusing on trying to breathe through the pain.
Lydia didn't want to go back into her room. There were the sketches there, the sample of web. Though they all would be hidden, she wouldn't be able to draw her vision away from where they sat behind a drawer or beneath a stack of books. She still had plenty of thinking to do; should she engineer a spider-seeking parasite, bacteria or virus? Parasite would be easy to breed, if they had eggs of parasitic creatures on board. But she didn't like parasites, they were some of her least favorite creatures of any. But if she could find something, then it wouldn't be difficult to give it a taste for arachnids. After all, there were spiderworms and the like. Even so, such a thing might not confine itself to the temple, unless there was some kind of well there... And Lydia decided she shouldn't ride on chance.

Breeding or creating an infection or disease to target cave-like environments, or Arthropoda specifically would be more difficult-- viruses were little more than bits of DNA, and bacteria couldn't cross-breed. She doubted that while the Lullaby's laboratories might have equipment for analyzing DNA, it wouldn't have much in the way of altering it. Would it? Maybe, maybe not...

In her bout of thinking, Lydia had begun to wander. Again. Eventually, she was dragging her feet down some hallway, she was not sure which. She was suddenly interrupted and blundered into a wall at the sound of a woman's rather choked-sounding voice accompanied by crying. Lydia's head swung back and forth for a moment, a bit disoriented from her collision with the wall and from the dimmed lights. After several moments though, she noted down at the end of another of the ship's many corridors two people, one with white hair and the other...

Wait, as far as she was aware, the only two people on this ship with vividly white hair at all were Adira and Saami, the INANES. The crying one of the two there had vividly white hair.

What? Didn't he say at their meeting that he couldn't feel emotion? If the INANES couldn't feel emotion, then why was he showing it? No, this didn't-- it just didn't make sense.

But Lydia's interest was revived, at least.

She stood where she was for a moment before trying quietly to reverse course back to her room, the one she didn't want to retreat to, for her tablet. This was going into her notes!
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Vince shot up and looked around the room for a few moments before realizing that Adira had had a nightmare. Without a word he walked over to the bed and sat down beside her. He wasn't sure what to do with her, but he knew that being around her might help. Finally after a few moments he quietly said, "Sometimes if I wake up from the nightmares I'll pull out an old photo album I have from back home on Earth. I'm not sure why I kept it all these years, but I am glad that I did. I used to take photos back home, before I enlisted. Mostly pictures of birds or animals and landscape, anything but people. I'm shit when it comes to taking pictures of people."
Adira took a few moments to catch her breath before looking up at Woods. After a few moments, she quietly said, "I don't have any photos." She winced as the pain wracked through her body again, but it was ebbing away. What did it matter, eventually she would be in pain again. She glanced at Woods and quietly said, "I was getting whipped again. But I realized why Rea's death upset me so much. She reminded me of... of a friend. A friend I was very close to. Whom I also failed. Who didn't deserve anything bad to happen to her." She looked down at her knees again. It had felt good to speak earlier, maybe if she tried now.... But she couldn't bring herself to say Mira's name, like that somehow might endanger Mira. "I still look for her. My friend. She got sold, but I still look for her whenever I'm on shore leave. And Rea... Rea looked like an older version of her. She was innocent and sweet like her. And - and I... I had hoped... that she could help me understand... people... life... These things I don't understand like music between the notes. Maybe there would be... some kind of redemption in it...."
Vince thought over what Adira had said for a few moments. When the idea came he nodded before saying, "I can help you if you want. I can look back into my SIAD facial database and see if we can find her, if you want." Vince knew that Adira would have to be there to find the right face, but there was a possibility that she would be in the database. "With as many people that we have busted out of slaver captivity I wouldn't be surprised if she was in there somewhere."
Elvengarda said:

Still yelling she walked through the halls, the electricity having worn off but not her temper. Door after door was closed though, and the hallways had gotten dark. The only light was a faint radiant glow coming from her, indicating she was still under the influence of her powers. It wasn't quiet with her around, it would never be and she never wanted something else. Not needing to sleep she wandered, trying to find something interesting to yell at, or at least to complain about. It was her favourite pastime after all.

Eventually she strayed into the cargo bay, only to find Mr. Scruffy himself tinkering with his machine. A grin crept on her face thinking about all the mischief she could do to pay back for her losses. So badly feigning interest in a few crates not too far away she took out a wrench from the repair kit mounted on the wall. For a while she watched him, wondering if the man ever showered, going by the smell he didn't. But as an engineer, she'd smelled worse than oil, iron and sweat.

"You might need this, Scruffy." She held out the wrench past his shoulder... and unbeknownst to him she ever so slightly charged it with electricity. Not enough to do any damage, but enough to give him a nice, entertaining shock.
Completely absorbed in the repair of his beloved war machine, Marshall hadn't even noticed the girl enter. His eyes were fixated behind the shaded vista of the welding mask and imprinted his silhouette behind the blue glow of a welding torch. It didn't take long for Marshall to weld the belt guard in place and he leaned back to examine his work, a faint grin on his lips. It'd been too long since the ol' Tin-Can got some real maintenance done on it. Next came the actuator itself, Marshall reached inside felt around for a nut, then another, and another, and so on. Eventually he had six of the nuts and bolts around him and the leg actuator laying beside him on a grease stained towel.

His hands black as pitch, Marshall finally looked up at Nadanya as she played around with his tools and shook his head. A soft chuckle escaped his lips as he saw her grab the hulking wrench off the wall and brought it over to him. He stood up straight as she approached and watched her as she extended her arm and held the wrench out for him to take.

"What exactly do you expect me t-" he began as he reached out and grabbed the tool from her only to jerk his arm back as it zapped him and waving the hand in the air as a painful yelp exploded from his lungs, complementing the loud clatter of the metal wrench against the floor of the cargo hold. His pain quickly turned to anger and he flashed a venomous look towards the girl. His hands balled into fists and he instinctively pushed the girl- perhaps harder than he intended too but it really showed off how strong the Mercenary was.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!? Are you trying to kill me? It takes less than..." He stopped himself mid sentence and waved his hand around a few times as if to shake out the pain.
Adira looked up at Woods for a moment in surprise. "Really?" Adira thought for a few moments. It had been years, Mira probably looked different - if she wasn't dead - but Adira was certain she could recognize her. That didn't make her feel any better about it all, but it did give her a spark of hope. She thought back on that day that Mira was sold, and the memory made her shudder, but she knew the remembered Mira's face. She looked at Woods again before very quietly saying, "Thank you."

Saundary's hand fell as he stopped, and her eyes immediately flew to his face. She was scanning it for answers, and the answer she received was that he could cry. He could feel, emotions often restricted to mechanical beings such as an INANES. An INANES can cry, which means he's not just a regular INANES, he's also - possibly - human, and for a moment she didn't know what to do. Her lips were twitching between tears of her own and a smile, but also a frown because she was honestly concerned - for why was he crying? With a sad, sobbing smile, he told her in the silence of the hallway, "You caught me, Miss Estrasmus. .," his voice trailing off at the end, hanging in there as his turquoise eye looked at her with definite, prominent, emotion.

And, slightly panicked, yet also oddly happy, Sandy hopped on her feet before she threw her arms around his neck. The young lady nearly tackled the large male down due to the force she had dedicated into this hug. She didn't know what to say, not yet, in fact she hadn't wanted to say anything. Instead she just held him as she continued to think about the lilac tears she had seen just a few seconds ago. She hadn't meant for it, but her hands went so far as to run through the back of his ivory head of hair. Attempting to comfort him, since she was small in comparison to the male and had to stand on her toes before leaping unto him with such great force. It was such a marvelous feeling, moment, occurrence, and whatever else, that Sandy felt her heart racing beneath her breast as she laughed the incoming tears away. She hadn't done anything wrong, he left because he had his own personal reason, and in doing so, he had stopped to address her rather than hide away and continue on walking. Something that would most likely hurt her feelings if he had.

Failing to refrain from saying anything, thus breaking the silence, she said into his ear: "There's more to you than I thought. . I'm so happy," and she meant it. She was very happy, she was right, and despite the odds, her boss had to be suffering. For the lilac tears, and the warmth it brought as she felt there soft dues fall unto her pale shoulders, painting them lightly, it spoke more than what he was willing to at this very moment. Despite the informal behavior in this vacant hallway, nothing else could compare to the feelings, and this unconditional hug, that she shared with Saami.​
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Vince wrapped his arms around Adira and held her for tightly, and for once he didn't question himself about it. Somewhere deep inside him he knew the answer to his question, and he was comfortable with it. After a few moments Vince moved back some before kissing Adira's forehead tenderly, his hand straying to hold her cheek until he pulled back. His smile was genuine, but he couldn't find the words to somehow make the whole moment make sense. Did it need to though?
Adira had been surprised by Vince's actions, but she didn't tense up, instead leaning slightly against him as he held her. It was silent except for the sound of his heart beating, and that helped calm her down all the way. He's definitely human, she thought as she listened to his heartbeat. She looked up at him as he pulled away, closing her eyes as he kissed her forehead. Was this what it felt like to be cared for? She'd had crewmen who were close friends, who worried for her occasionally, but this was different. She could tell by the odd feeling in her heart. Almost like fear, but pleasant. When he pulled back again she opened her eyes and smiled to him before wrapping her arms around him and burying her face against his neck. After a few moments she pulled away and smiled up at him again, the silence singing loud, but beautifully so.

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