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Futuristic Transsolar

After the first return, we will obtain the following upgrade:

  • Hoverboard (fast horizontal travel; no height)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jetpack (able to scale high ledges; no flight)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Of course Nadanya had joined in the lounge, having just usurped the power in a lightbulb and very much ready to go. Besides her sat a bottle of wine, already half empty but to her it was more like drinking soda. She hadn't quite known Rea, as they were in different worlds, but the loss of one of them had certainly put a damper on her mood anyway. The best way to get rid of this was of course to get drunk on energy and let the gambles take away her sorrows. Luck was on her side anyway, having just drawn the sun and several other promising Arcana Cards. Aside from that she had seen a wonderful sign in her coffee foam that morning, and nothing could stop her now. With a little mental prayer to the gods she played out her cards.

"Nineteen, beat that Mr. Scruffy." Her smile was wide and her voice fast and loud, as it always was. She took another swig of her bottle of wine, then slammed it down on the table a little harder than she had meant to, but the other sounds in the lounge drowned that out fairly quickly. "I didn't come here to go home broke!"


Quietly Saami sat in his chair, watching out over the bridge, the purple-hue swirls of Odian looming through the window, crowned by a halo of reddish light and a darkened Othid turning quietly below the ship. Like the calm before the storm, and the scale of it was frightening. Though not frightening enough to keep him from his tasks; instead of looking outside he was tied to his screens. Everyone else was already gone to sleep or drink and play, so he was alone on the bridge with nothing but the dimmed evening lights. Numbers and formulas rolled by as he checked them, approving and correcting mentally. At this point it was fully wireless, he didn't even need a keyboard as everything went by mentally. This night too he'd stay up, working, like always really. He didn't really mind, besides, it wasn't like he was supposed to dream... he wasn't allowed to.
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Adira glanced over her shoulder at the lady who slammed her cards down, but turned back to her drink after only a glance. She suddenly remembered something she had meant to do earlier, after she'd patched herself up in her room before seeing Marshall, she was supposed to do that.... She opened her communicator and messaged Saami, "Announce that there's to be a day off tomorrow. In honor of Rea." And to work off the hangovers some people were certain to have, but she didn't mention that. She closed her communicator and put it back in her pocket again.
Saami heard and saw the flashing beeps of getting a message, seeing it was from the captain as the words passed his vision. Quietly he switched to the intercom system, mentally formulating his words before speaking in his usual emotionless, calm tone. "On orders of the captain, tomorrow will be a day off in remembrance of Miss Attune. Be sure to take good care of your mental state. Repeat, there will be no work tomorrow." Except for of course the people absolutely critical to the ship, but everyone else could do as they pleased. It was probably for the best, people going crazy from despair being the last thing he wanted on a spaceship.

Saundary had heard Woods voice and nodded back with nothing else to say. Supposedly, the female had been quietly admiring the people as they cheered and laughed, watching from the stool in front of the bar. She was not aware of the Captain addressing her, her selective hearing taking its course as she tipped the glass down towards her lips and finished the rest of the drink in a rush. It buzzed, causing her body to hum in response as she smiled every so often. Her facial expression hadn't really changed as every so often she would laugh when they had, affected by their merriness whilst her mind was elsewhere. Glancing heavenward toward the entrance, she spotted a man with ivory hair adorning his head. Besides the Captain, he was the second person to have such a bright color on his person. Cocking her head, she mumbled, "Are you," and yet she never finished vocalizing her thoughts as she watched him come and go. Turning to bid adieu to both Vincent, and surprisingly her Captain, Adira, she paused to watch as they engaged in conversation. After a short moment, so as not to miss a chance to confront the feathery man from before, she leaned over Vincent to address the two of them as she said, "I am sorry, but this is when I take my leave for now," flashing them a friendly smile, she rested a warm hand on Vincent's shoulder and turned to him; a little too close for comfort, but she was too antsy to care as she finished with, "Vincent." Later turning to her Captain as she then heard from the woman's lips, "Announce that there's to be a day off tomorrow. In honor of Rea," into her communicator. Sandy frowned at this, the lounge was full of merry, talkative men and women aboard. Why not announce the message yourself, she thought. Right then and there, Sandy quickly injected, "Cap'n Adira," She grimaced slightly, all the while, she was cheery as she said goodbye, a little too cheerful, but it was still friendly and who's to say it wasn't the buzz? Preparing to leave, she placed the, now empty glass of wine unto the bar and left the lounge. The moment she ended up outside, she heard:

". . . Mr. Scruffy. . . I didn't come here to go home broke!" and voices cheered and hands were clapping, woman and men's laughter mingling and dancing with the faint scent of alcohol beginning to take its course. It was at that very moment, did an idea come to Sandy's mind since she hadn't voiced her opinion. Rushing back in, she snatched a vacant chair and made herself savvy as she stood atop it with a wide grin and an exclusively wide smile as her theatrics blended with the merriment. "I have heard from the Captain herself that there is to be a day off! In honor of our lost member, Rea! A toast, and a drink for we shall drink as if she were here, drinking her last drink for her!" Snatching a near empty glass of beer, she held it up high as those who listened did the same and yelled, nodded, and hummed respectfully to their hearts content in agreement to the young lady's care and enthusiasm. "To Rea!" After taking a quick, large swig from the alcohol in her hand, she hopped down and left it where she found it. Returning to the goal in hand, and that was to catch that white haired young man. Once she was out of ear shot of the lounge, she frowned. Confused and lost, for she hadn't remembered which way he had went. After looking helplessly around, she decided to walk around the ship, checking every room before she moved on to the next. Being the fast walker she was, it was only a minute after she left the lounge did she hear Saami's voice in the speakers. The girl, being the lightweight she was, was practically burning off the drunk behavior that would have come; if not for the goal she had fixated on her self when she left the lounge. It was a wonder she was still walking, and every passers by she giggled before smiling, greeting them in the most friendliest manner as she received the same amiable smiles back. She was near giving up when she finally decided to ask some girl, with a short brown bob, if she had seen the young man. Of course, the girl said she had, and Sandy practically bounced with joy as she had asked where and once she heard where, she was heading towards his direction in a heart beat.

The moment she made it to the bridge was when she finally sighed, slightly exhausted, and leaned against the frame. Staring at the back of his head as he tended to his responsibilities on his bright screen. She admired him from afar before she finally broke the silence, he was most likely comfortable with, with, "I have been looking for you."
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Saami looked up from his screens as she talked, as it was protocol to be polite and address whomever was talking to him. "I do not understand. You already saw me five minutes ago. I assume you misspoke and meant to say 'I have been looking at you'." It wasn't like he hadn't noticed, the smell of alcohol, troubled footsteps and most of all a distinct breathing coming from the corner. Not often he revealed how good he was at detecting people, but right now it had been easy enough, with the silence and everything. It was nearly impossible for her to sneak up to him here, especially not when she was clearly intoxicated. "If you require my help please state what it is you are having trouble with and why." Quietly he stared at her, awaiting a response. This time though he was actually looking past her instead of pretending to have an uncanny valley stare, mentally continuing his calculations.
The ruse of the card game was a good momentary distraction for Marshall's unquiet mind. Though his problems were certainly still as prevalent as ever, for the moment his mind was enveloped in the game. For the time being, he played the role of the house and although Blackjack may have been a game with better chances, it is as the old saying goes; the House always wins. He kept the game going, people bet money, they bet drinks, they bet smokes, it was a regular rousing event and helped clear ones mind far more than sulking at a bar could ever do.

It wasn't long before his cigar burned down and he dabbed out the small little nub that remained and eyed up at the lounge, seemed folks were either joining the game or getting up to leave. His eyes made their way to the door and landed solidly on Saami, something seemed off about the INANES. The faint glimmer of life in the usual lifelessness of the machine sent a shiver down Marshall's spine, and he glared at Saami for as long as he stood in the doorway like a broken machine about to reap its creators. His attention was suddenly drawn to the table as the girl slammed down the glass and called him; "Mr. Scruffy". He flashed a smile at her and looked back at the door to see Saami gone.

"Mr. Scruffy huh? Well I've got some bad news for you Wino:" He said checking his own cards, a smile creeping across his face. He flipped his card and revealed an Ace to compliment that 9 on the top, twenty even. "I didn't come here to leave broke either." he said waving his hands towards himself as the group was a myriad of angry grumbles and hooting and hollering at the victory of the House. "Alright, pay up losers! That includes you Sparky." He said crossing his arms victoriously.
Sandy was caught off guard when he addressed her, and as she took that moment at the entrance to regain her composure, she felt her pulse settle down. Once it was at its calmest, she entered the bridge and took slow steps before she looked around regarding where she should sit. Unsure, she chose to sit on the floor, her legs crossed, as she peered at the work this snowy haired guy was working on. The room was quiet again, and it mainly consisted of her watching him as he watched the screen and the responsibilities he was tending to. "Wouldn't it be rather strange for me to admit that I was looking at you?" She decided to finally talk after a half a minute of silence, "I also came to see you because I have never seen you before, yet feel like I know you, and your hair is rather. . what's the word?" Bringing her arms beneath her breasts, she pondered with a thoughtful glance around the Bridge, her eyes settling on the violet hues of Odian's hurricanes outside the glass panes. As she admired the way it looked, she finally found the word she was stumbling on for the couple of seconds that had passed; a burgundy glow crowning Odian marvelously as she returned her gaze back to the male before her, staring at his hair as she whispered: "Exceptional." When she figured he wouldn't say anything else, she continued on talking. "What are you up to?"

"You see me every day. I am the only INANES on the ship and your direct superior." Again Saami turned towards Saundary as he spoke, the protocol of politeness one he liked to uphold. "My hair is white because I produce no melanin, but has no exceptionalities beyond that."

While talking he wondered what reason she actually had to be here. He knew she was an alien, so perhaps she had no concept of how INANES were treated, but he doubted that. It could very well be admiration for his technological properties, it was not like he had any others. "I am processing calculations." As he spoke the lines on the screen continued moving even while he wasn't looking directly at it, indicating he was working while talking at the same time.
Vince hadn't really known what to think of Sandy. The hand on his shoulder, the closeness between them when she said her goodbye, and the manner with which it was dealt, all peaked his attention to some degree, as it would with any man honestly. Once her hand had departed Vince flipped his whiskey glass back on it's end for the bartender. Once it was filled he took a quick gulp, downing the glass before sitting it down again. Needless to say Vince felt quite odd having just experienced that slightly intimate moment with Adira sitting next to him. Not really knowing what to say himself, Vince waited for Adira's coming comment.
Adira glanced at Woods. She had noticed Sandy's actions, but decided against saying anything. But he seemed to be expecting a response. She drank some of her rum before saying, "She got tipsy very quick, I must say." Adira had also noted her standing up to make an announcement in front of everyone and drinking from some random person's drink, as well as how she'd walked out. Anyone could tell she'd drunk too much. Then again, Adira wasn't more than a glass or two away from that herself. "And I think you're blushing, Woods." That was mostly just a joke to break any awkwardness between them.
Woods laughed before taking a sip from his refilled whiskey. He was just now starting to feel the slight buzz from the alcohol. "You sure it's not just the alcohol?", Vince said with a smile. "What happened to the synth stuff? I thought you weren't touching the real deal?"
"Forgot, didn't care enough to specify when I sat down, something like that." In all honesty, she knew that the real stuff got one buzzed quicker, so she'd decided to go with the real stuff, which was plenty enough effective, she could tell. Even slightly intoxicated though, she kept up the casual mask, though once in a while it'd slip as she grimaced at her drink for a millisecond or shook her head slightly, trying to focus on something other than her emotions and memories. She finished her drink and sighed heavily. It had been a long day....
Vince finished off his whiskey before flipping the glass over again and pushing it away. This time he was done for sure. He turned to Adira and propped his arm up on the bar before resting his head in his hand. "Judging by the grimace I'm going to take it that you are starting to feel that rum a little. Don't go over board. I'd hate to have to be that guy who carries the Captain to some room after they both have been drinking." Vince had a smile on his face, an obvious give away that he was picking.
Adira chuckled. "You carried me to my room once, didn't you? Didn't share the room, though. And neither of us were drunk. Don't worry, I don't plan on drinking any more. I never dink so much that I can't walk without stumbling." She paused and looked at him for a few moments before quietly saying, "Why are you drinking?" She doubted it was just because of Rea. While she knew he was a man with a lot on his mind, she was curious.
Vince's eye twitched slightly before he rubbed his temple. He hadn't been expecting the tides to be turned suddenly. "Can't a guy have some whiskey every now and then?" Again Vince smiled his telling smile. "I've got a lot on my mind, most of it I'd rather not talk about."
Adira nodded. "I know that feeling, that's for sure. But, you ever want to talk about it, I'm never so busy that I can't make some time." She sighed and shook her head a bit. For some reason she was remembering the last few times she'd gotten inebriated. She tried to think of something else, but her mind just kept wandering to earlier that day. She could feel the throbbing in her shoulder grabbing for her attention, but she just ignored it. After a few moments she sighed and chuckled, "I may have drunk more than I thought."
Vince chuckled quietly. "Best thing for that is to walk away before we get any worse off." Vince got to his feet before stretching and rolling his right shoulder some. "Care for a walk?"
Sandy was more talkative once she had a drink, opening up more and a lot more approachable. Staring at this man, his words regarding seeing him everyday caused her to wrack her brain for a memory because. . . it's no secret to herself, or anyone else, that she is a spacey, and rather odd, young lady. She even remembered having wanting to fix that, but the entirety of the Lullaby was a distraction within itself, a long with the adventurous excitement that came with it and its inhabitants. Squinting, she examined his facial features before she settled with, "No, sir. I do not believe that is true, for my Direct Superior is Second in Command - Co-captain Saami," she nodded firmly. Sure of herself as she looked away with a stubborn jut of her head towards the window. Her eyes closed when she did this, even though she couldn't help but peek through her dark lashes and look out at the iridescently violet Odian. "I'm always around the Captain, but always when he leaves to do other work. I transition with others, so seeing him is also near impossible. There's also no way you're him, you sound different."
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Adira nodded a bit and stood up, adjusting her coat before she started to walk. Once they were in the hallways alone, she relaxed visibly. AT least she didn't have to worry about half the crew seeing her or overhearing anything she said. After a few moments, she said, "You know... I have a rule. I only drink after I've killed someone. I know, I didn't directly kill Rea, it's stupid to feel guilty, but... It just doesn't feel right, how she went. She was too... nice for that. Too innocent. I planned on asking her about Earth culture. Have a chat about it.... Anyway, pointless now."
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Saami quietly turned his head, the lines of codes falling silent for a moment revealing his initial surprise. Was she truly that absent minded or on to something more? "I assure you I am Saami Miss Etrasmus. If you are confused by this name my production code is 042/13." He turned around in his chair and briefly showed the barcode in his neck, as he was ought to do when identifying himself. He was however glad to look away from her, as confusion broke through on his face for a short moment. "Perhaps my voice is slightly warped by the distance or the radio communications."
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Sandy's brows furrowed as she turned to look at the barcode on his neck. In doing so, she frowned due to the fact that she didn't understand why it was necessary. "You're the INANES?" Although it was a dumb question, it didn't stop her as she continued to talk in a soft tone. "I've never really met one in person, or maybe I have, but I do not recall meeting any INANES." Untucking her arms from beneath her chest, she cuffed her knees as she bashfully added, "My apologies, sir."
Vince shook his head. "I'd be drinking for weeks straight if that was my rule. I've done enough killing for the both of us." When the conversation turned back to Rea he sighed, clearly frustrated about the whole ordeal still. "Hell of a way to start of the maiden voyage huh?" Vince looked over at Adira, laying a hand on her shoulder reassuringly. "Don't even start to take blame for that. It wasn't your fault. None of us could have predicted that those eight legged bastards were down there."
Adira smiled a bit before chuckling, though her smile quickly faded. "Don't worry, I don't feel guilty, I am just... frustrated and... confused. At life overall, I guess. Most frustrating part is, there's nothing I can hit. Nothing I can punch or shoot. So I don't really know what to do. I just.... This is one of those things, there's nothing I could have done, nothing I can do. And that's frustrating as all hell. I can't stand being helpless." After a few moments,s he shook her head. "I already spent enough of my life helpless."
Saami continued to focus on his screen, the calculations whirring past again. "Apologies are not necessary miss Etrasmus. I do not feel and I can not get insulted or even hurt by words. You were mistaken, which is now solved." It seemed nearly odd for her to not realise that she'd been delegated by an INANES only now. Or to not even notice him at all, it wasn't like he tried to hide in the middle of the bridge, and his uniform clearly indicated him as the head pilot. Just to be sure she was educated on the matter he continued speaking. "INANES are a rare occurence outside of the military. We are not android or machines. Instead genetically engineered and infused with technology. Most are used as replacement forces for the army, but I was assigned as the head pilot of the SSE Lullaby due to being mismade. If this information is not sufficient I can answer any more questions you might have."
"I can always walk you to the security team training center. We have plenty of heavy bags in there if you want to hit something. Of course after alcohol consumption neither of us are allowed near a firearm, otherwise I'd have to handcuff us both and toss us into the brig."

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