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Fandom Transformers: Rise of the Beasts

A pod, to big for a sparkling, too big for a full grown mech, came falling from the sky and crashed straight on top of the abandoned spaceship before blowing up. "Ow, ow, ow." A small yellow autobot femme mumbled as she tried to move. "Piece of tin- ow- another failure- ow…" she hissed in pain and decided to just stay where she was. "Primus, Wheeljack, you really needs to make up better stuff." She mumbled to herself.
As Shroud and Stream made there scouting runs they fly over the pod at high speed Shroud wuld continue foward as Stream wuld start to fly over the pod multiple times but dosent see nobody only the pod

(Dam i was lucky i was scouting)
Yellow looked up and saw two scouts in the sky. "Great- ow." She hissed. "Now I got two deceptions on my aft as well… Sentinal is really going to kill me this time." She tried moving again, but everything still hurt too much. "Maybe if I stay still and quiet they will just go away."
Stream wuld fly over one more time but see nothing of interest as she finishes Shroud flys over and continus to the oposit way

"Stream you check that thing out"

"Yep nothing only a pod"

"its a pod and...."

"um...its not inportant?"

what do pods have inside tell mi that"

things and im not going in there thanks"

"rememeber what steel said check for anything of interest and tell him ok"

Fine hope is not a desepticon the last time i got shot for that"

yea sure whatever"

Stream and Shroud wuld land near the Pod and look at i for a wille befor Stream got closer to check it out

Yellow held here breath and closed her bright blue eyes, maybe if she played dead the two would disappear and she would be able to contact Sentinal or Wheeljack if everything was still working. Now she cursed herself for having bright yellow armor, she wasn't as visible as usual thanks to the dirt and dark smoke, but you could never be to careful around others. Go away, go away. She thought in her head and lay as still as possible.
Stream wuld only take a peek befor rapadly going away

"Check nothing ok now lets go"


"What? i did check theres nothing"

stream...i have bin with you for over 10 years and knowing you well you dint check anything"

Really how can you tell"

"....forget it lets go steel is not going to wait long but wen we get back were going to talk"

"Lets go alredy i hate being in the midle of nowere"

Shut up and lets fly"

Shroud wuld transforme to his bomber and Stream to here Fighter and head South back to the cave
Yellow breathed out in relief and tried to push herself up, no matter how painful, but she accidentally pushed a button, which caused the alarm to go off. "Oh great, the breaks don't work, but the freaking alarm does?" She snarled. "You're brilliant Wheeljack, you just wrote me a deathnote on my head… No wonder you don't have a spark mate!"
Shroud and Stream wuld here the alarm and turn towards the pod

"I though to Check the dam thing?!"

Sorry wy you dint do it then"

Shut your speaker and move"

Shroud and Stream wuld be near the pod again and they wait with there wepons ready

"i will check it out you stay here if somthing is hostile take it down"

Got it"

Stream wuld equipe here EMP shotgun abd Shroud wuld carfully aproche the pod
"Scrap." Yellow whispered and tried to reach for one of her energy grenades, but was just out of reach. She looked to the side and saw two figures coming up through the smoke. Her eyes filled with energon tears in fear but they wouldn't fall. She had never been so scared before, why couldn't her "dad" actually make something that worked for once? She couldn't die, because if she died then Wheeljack would be all alone again and have no one by his side to test his inventions or help him out.
Shroud wuld enter the pod and look around and see the bright yellow Robot and aim his Null ray at the figure

"What side ar you in"

He wuld say lound and clear

"Shroud whats going on in there?"

Stream stay were you ar ok...Answer mi question"
Yellow wanted to answer, but she was to scared to talk. This bot was bigger then her, a lot! She was more like the size of overgrown sparkling and the other one was… well not. He could almost crush her with his foot. She crawled backwards and fell from her chair, causing her to tear up even more in pain. "P-please d-dont h-hurt me." She stammered. The red eyes were scaring her and the fact that she was so small wasn't helping either.
Shroud wuld see a Aoutobot logo on here he loward his gun and say

"I wont hurt a sister in need as i fight for freedom not for power"

Shroud says as Stream wuld enter the pod and see the scared bot

"Shroud its a aoutobot Steel is going to be happi we found a nother 1"

"Alright...come with us"

Shroud says wating if she responds
"I-I c-can't walk." Yellow stuttered, not really trusting the two. Anyone could fake a autobot logo. 'Happy they found another one?' That wasn't helping Yellow calm herself. She didn't want to die. She was bought not to trust just anyone and for actually once she was going to follow that rule. "I-It's okay, I-I'm f-fine. My k-keeper will p-probably c-come for m-me soon a-anyways." Or so she hoped.
Shroud wuld get up and go towards Stream

"she need help we need to bring here to Base i will continue foward to make sure the path is clear"

"Got i will try to bring here to the base anyway you ar a scary"

Sis...its about here not mi i will scout ahead"

Ok be carfull"

Shroud wuld transforme to his bomber and scout ahead and stream wuld walk near the girls and crauch down

"hey dont minde him he is not great with robots he is tempermental....im Stream im a maximal ok you dont need to worri i wont harm you come on dont be shy"

Stream says extending here arms toward the Small Bot
Yellow didn't know what to do really, a maximal? Could she really trust that? I'm so grounded. She thought and grabbed Stream's hand. Yellow knew she needed help, she could feel the energon dripping from her side. "Dad is going to kill me." She mumbled to herself as she pulled her self up a little. "Ow." She hissed in pain again. "He might actually do it next time unless Sentinel reaches me first."
"dont worri Steel Claw will know what to do now we need to take you to saftey"Stream says geting up and holding here hand

Is going to be a long walk back so expect to be tired"

Stream says as she wait for her to feel ready to go and she contacts Shroud

Shroud is the path clear"

Yep no Hostiles or anything is a clean walk back to base"
"Where are you taking me?" Yellow asked a bit cautious, still not trusting the whole thing. She blinked her energy tears away and took a deep breath. "You guys don't really look like good guys."
Stream wuld smile "we ar taking you to a hiden Maximal base were you will be safe"

as Stream answers she dint whanted to lie to the Bot
"we were desepticons but we whanted to fight for freedom and peace and thats why we join the Maximal the apperens of sombody dosent tell what they are"Stream smiles for a while and says

comeon we will protect you as we walk Shroud is watching from above"

"Aha." Yellow mumbled as Stream carried her. "Well, everybody has a choice, but why would you want to be a Decepticon in the first place? It's a free choice on who's side you want to be on, well, at least that's what I learned. I'm Yellow Stance, by the way. Sorry for not introducing myself earlier, but Sentinel taught me not to just introduce myself to everyone."
As Stream got out of the pod Carrieng here she aswerd "Well its not easy wen your born as a desepticon and Nice to meat you Yellow Stance im Slip Stream but they call mi Stream for short mi Companion is Shroud he is the 1 in the sky now watching over us"
"We need you to fix a ship for us, we are leaving this planet." Steel said. Shatter blast's eyes lit up, he then screams with glee. "I have always wanted to be an explorer!" Shatter blast exclaimed.

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"This is Shroud we were scouting for some time and we found a Aoutobot is mostly the size of a sparkling or similer"

"This is Slip stream i have here with mi were making our way back to the cave we will be there shortly"
"So what do you do?" Yellow asked Stream. "Like what is your profession? And what about him?" She pointed at the sky towards Shroud. "He's you're… Spark mate or something?

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