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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

"Hurt is like being sad or angry. However, the hurt that the clumsy cold sore is experiencing is hurt inflicted onto the physical form. Enough hurt can render someone helpless." Chirin stared at Sora impassively, and once again got closer to him. "Why did you leave?"
Seera916 said:
Sarah sighs as her wing Thingys disappear and she jumps off the building into a ally
[QUOTE="Kawaii Centipede]"I used to be part of the CCG. That might be where you saw me. I wasn't that popular though only taking care of C-ranked ghouls." Sora whispered. Sora then backed up so that he wasn't so close to him.
"Hurt is when you feel pain." Sora said.

[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]
"Hurt is like being sad or angry. However, the hurt that the clumsy cold sore is experiencing is hurt inflicted onto the physical form. Enough hurt can render someone helpless." Chirin stared at Sora impassively, and once again got closer to him. "Why did you leave?"

Reika just stared blankly at both Chirin and Sora.

"Reika-chan can't physically feel anything," she commented.
"I got too friendly with ghouls. I decided to leave then." Sora said.

"There are some people who can't feel pain. Very few though." Sora said. Some people can't feel pain because of birth defects. Then there are people who can't feel pain because of other reasons like Reika.
[QUOTE="Kawaii Centipede]"I got too friendly with ghouls. I decided to leave then." Sora said.
"There are some people who can't feel pain. Very few though." Sora said. Some people can't feel pain because of birth defects. Then there are people who can't feel pain because of other reasons like Reika.

CIPA is not very common, but she's got it. I'm willing to bet it's even less common in ghouls.

"Reika-chan wonders what it would be like to be able to feel thing like pain," she said.
[QUOTE="Kawaii Centipede]"Depending on the type of damage it feels different. It's not pleasant though i can say that." he said.

"Better that than nothing," Reika hummed.
Sarah sees a normal looking girl,


But Sarah is hungry
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]
"Since you don't feel pain, do you accidentally bite your tongue or mouth sometimes?" Chirin asked thoughtfully, pulling his book out again.

Reika giggled at that.

"Sometimes, but not so much anymore," she chirped.
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]
"Since it's in your mouth, do you accidentally eat the pieces you bite off, too?" Chirin asked inquisitively, scribbling in his book.

"Eh. Who knows. I don't really care about that. If it happens, it happens," Reika said and giggled again.
"Do you usually take notes?" Sora asked.

Raiden was soaring through the sky with his mask on looking for food. He was looking down for people to eat, he also did some air tricks for fun. He then saw a ghoul eating a girl in the ally. Another girl was also walking in the ally and she was about to see her eating. Raiden then dived down and bit the girls neck and covered her mouth so she couldn't scream. After she died he looked over towards the ghoul. "That was a close one hi, My name is Raiden. You aren't one of those cannibals. Are you?"

[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]
"No. This is for fun." He held the book up to show a picture of a sheep and a wolf together in a mountainous region.

xD That reminds me of Juuzou with Shinohara at the zoo.

Reika looked at the picture.

"Ah! That's so cool!" Reika chirped.
Chirin smiled kindly and impassively, then ripped the page out of his book. He tore it into two pieces, and gave one of each half to Sora and Reika. "Since you like it, I'll give you both the picture. I am, afterall, magnanimous and kind." The sheep half was given to Sora, and the wolf to Reika.
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]Chirin smiled kindly and impassively, then ripped the page out of his book. He tore it into two pieces, and gave one of each half to Sora and Reika. "Since you like it, I'll give you both the picture. I am, afterall, magnanimous and kind." The sheep half was given to Sora, and the wolf to Reika.

"Thank you very much!~" Reika laughed cheerily, as polite as Juuzou could be when he wanted to be.
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves](Bye~)
"You are welcome." Chirin shut his book and returned it to his pocket.

Suddenly, Reika's posture stiffened as her nose twitched lightly ad she turned her head to stare over her shoulder to the right of her.

"Momma? What's she nearing this way for?" Reika wondered aloud, not really caring that Chirin could hear her estranged words.

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