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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin snapped a picture of Suzuya patting Reika on the head. He stared back at her dully, holding back yet another yawn. "Suzuya-senpai, that's not nice. I mean, just because she's some kind of idiot doesn't mean you have to say it out loud. It's pretty obvious already. Insulting people is rude."

"So what if Juuzou-kun insults Reika-chan, or whether anyone else does for that matter? Reika-chan doesn't really care about that because Reika-chan is a worthless nothing, so it's fine. Heh heh~," she said, smiling at Chirin.
"You must have been bullied mercilessly or suffered terribly to hold such a low opinion of yourself... Chirin-chan thinks that since Reika-chan thinks she's a worthless nothing, it's okay if Reika-chan disappeared, right? A worthless nothing like Reika-chan doesn't have friends, right? A worthless nothing like Reika-chan has nothing worth living for... right?" A small, saccharine smile had grown on Chirin's face. He fiddled with the strap of his guitar case absentmindedly. "Worthless nothings don't deserve to be happy. They don't deserve to be alive. They just take up precious space and resources, Reika-chan. Well, it's not my problem if you think that of yourself. However, it appears more to me that your immunity to insults is due to your thick skull."

((Ahem, I'd like to say now that Chirin is an unrepentant douche bag and I apologize if he ever upsets anyone or says anything cruel or triggering. Reika-chan is precious as f, by the way.))
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]
"You must have been bullied mercilessly or suffered terribly to hold such a low opinion of yourself... Chirin-chan thinks that since Reika-chan thinks she's a worthless nothing, it's okay if Reika-chan disappeared, right? A worthless nothing like Reika-chan doesn't have friends, right? A worthless nothing like Reika-chan has nothing worth living for... right?" A small, saccharine smile had grown on Chirin's face. He fiddled with the strap of his guitar case absentmindedly. "Worthless nothings don't deserve to be happy. They don't deserve to be alive. They just take up precious space and resources, Reika-chan. Well, it's not my problem if you think that of yourself. However, it appears more to me that your immunity to insults is due to your thick skull."

((Ahem, I'd like to say now that Chirin is an unrepentant douche bag and I apologize if he ever upsets anyone or says anything cruel or triggering. Reika-chan is precious as f, by the way.))

xD Perfect moment in my mind.~

"Heh~ It's nothing like that. Reika-chan was just abandoned a really long time ago, but there' son point in bothering to care about that. Whether Reika-chan deserves to live or not is inconsequential. There's no reason for Reika-chan to continue living, and sometimes the only way to truly survive is to just die. But that would be boring, so Reika-chan doesn't care about living or dying. That's the only reason Reika-chan is still alive," she said.
Chirin adopted a thoughtful look on his face. "I expected a stronger response, rather than such a weak and carefree one. I have decided that this is no longer worth my time and dinner." He turned away from Reika and Suzuya, and began walking away. "Goodbye, Reika-san, Suzuya-senpai.I have to go now. We will meet again, Reika-san."
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin adopted a thoughtful look on his face. "I expected a stronger response, rather than such a weak and carefree one. I have decided that this is no longer worth my time and dinner." He turned away from Reika and Suzuya, and began walking away. "Goodbye, Reika-san, Suzuya-senpai.I have to go now. We will meet again, Reika-san."

"Bye bye, funny man!~" Reika chirped, waving at him.

"See ya," Juuzou said, not even looking at Chirin when he said it.
(i have no idea where we are so im just gonna make this opening)

kairu got out of the cafe, "Owowowowow..." limping, and having a rag around his leg. "Ok this....officially...sucks monkey balls."
Tsumi's expression of agitation had flowed away, and Tsumi returned to his normal expression glaring at Touka for a moment before giving his answer placing his finger on the outside of his mouth stretching it out "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" he says stuffing his hands back in his pocket's and quickly looking away "Whatever, it's gone anyway no use arguing with some stupid girl."
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Tsumi's expression of agitation had flowed away, and Tsumi returned to his normal expression glaring at Touka for a moment before giving his answer placing his finger on the outside of his mouth stretching it out "Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah" he says stuffing his hands back in his pocket's and quickly looking away "Whatever, it's gone anyway no use arguing with some stupid girl."

"You're really annoying, you know that?" Touka growled, starting to walk off with an eyetwitch.
Making a hand puppet of her while she speaks, adding on top of her comment "Oh you just don't know me enough." saying it with a smirk on his face, stuffing his hands back into his cat hoodies pockets walking off the opposite way she was going, all the while thinking 'What a troublesome girl..she could be fun~".
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Making a hand puppet of her while she speaks, adding on top of her comment "Oh you just don't know me enough." saying it with a smirk on his face, stuffing his hands back into his cat hoodies pockets walking off the opposite way she was going, all the while thinking 'What a troublesome girl..she could be fun~".

Jetstream said:
Limp, limp, limp, limp, limp "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow..."
Touka sighed, glad Tsumi wasn't following her anywhere. As she walked on, she noticed Kairu limping.

"Hey, you okay?" she called over to him.
Touka just near him, asking about him. "Uh, not really, just had a Whackjob of a girly faced man with stitches shanking me with knifes."
Tsumi just continued walking, while a thousand different thoughts tainted his mind on the verge of insanity, Tsumi came off very in control.

"Come on, come on, come on, come on, COME ON!!!"

"Let's have some fun Tsu tsu, pleease"

"You know you want to...you ALWAYS want to!"

Tsumi had quickly gone from the main streets to the alleyways, he walked through sliding his hand on the walls.

"Yes, yes this is a good place Tsu Tsu, now let's have some fun Tsu tsu, fun..fun, fun, fun, fun, Fun!, Fun!, FUN!!!"

Tsumi sat in a corner within the alley curled up in a ball, his left eye beginning to glow red as Tsumi responded to his thoughts "Not tonight."
Jetstream said:
Touka just near him, asking about him. "Uh, not really, just had a Whackjob of a girly faced man with stitches shanking me with knifes."
"You mean that CCG guy? Jeez, he's crazy. What'd you do to set him off?"
Jetstream said:
"Oh just another personality kicked in, then, actually anything i do kicks him or her, to gear for that."
"There must be something about you that really pisses that guy off. Need any help?"

Tremki woke up in 'Lab 6' within the CCG main building. It had been four years Tremki had spent in the CCG main building, only ever switching between three different rooms which they tested his new Kagune prowess and how it can help them in the fight against Ghouls. To Tremki all this training and power was worthless, he never enjoyed conflict he had seen no purpose in it just like he failed to see purpose in many things, the only reason he had agreed to all of this in the first place was to gain his memories back. The CCG had promised him the first time he woke up in their lab that if he had willingly allowed them to test on him, he could have his memory & freedom.

Tremki had thought in his mind
"Today is the day, after this I only need to survive out on the field for a week..and I can finally get my memory back."

He was still strapped down in a metal chair he always thought cold without most of his clothes, the scientists had often been very cautious of his movements as if they thought he's strike, he could only wonder why; he'd never attacked them before.
Jetstream said:
"please? im just trying to get to the ER"
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
Tremki woke up in 'Lab 6' within the CCG main building. It had been four years Tremki had spent in the CCG main building, only ever switching between three different rooms which they tested his new Kagune prowess and how it can help them in the fight against Ghouls. To Tremki all this training and power was worthless, he never enjoyed conflict he had seen no purpose in it just like he failed to see purpose in many things, the only reason he had agreed to all of this in the first place was to gain his memories back. The CCG had promised him the first time he woke up in their lab that if he had willingly allowed them to test on him, he could have his memory & freedom.

Tremki had thought in his mind
"Today is the day, after this I only need to survive out on the field for a week..and I can finally get my memory back."

He was still strapped down in a metal chair he always thought cold without most of his clothes, the scientists had often been very cautious of his movements as if they thought he's strike, he could only wonder why; he'd never attacked them before.

"Right," Touka said with a nod and helped Kairu to the nearest ER.

Tremiki is so cool.~
Jetstream said:
"Thanks for the help..." limping as they walked. "Whats new to ya?"
"Nothing much, really. Hey, Kaneki came back not that long ago if you want to draw him," Touka said, keeping him from falling as they walked.
(Why thankyou Reika ^_^ )


The scientists finished off their tests on Tremki, when finished they all glared at each other as if waiting for something; that was until one of them had nodded as if gesturing the 'all clear' at least that's what Tremki had gathered from watching them. The scientists faced back to Tremki, unstrapping him from his chair and giving him some space to get up, it had been several days the scientists made him sit in that chair, analyzing his body functions as well as his brain waves making sure he kept in an average state throughout the tests & adjustments. Tremki slowly got up, once actually on his feet wobbled and fell a few times before being able to stand properly "This is a pain in the ass." he commented as he tried standing. The scientists then led him out the lab and into a room filled with people, "Now, just wait here until your new partner & adviser arrives." the scientests said to Tremki, leaving him in the room filled with a bunch of people, they all didn't seem too bad but some did come off as 'odd' to Tremki, not really bothered by the others Tremki waited in silence, he had already waited this long.

(Now I'm gonna wait for someone from the CCG to come and be Tremki's partner or whateves)

[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]"Nothing much, really. Hey, Kaneki came back not that long ago if you want to draw him," Touka said, keeping him from falling as they walked.

"Sounds good for me, if ya know anyone you can tell them im in the hospital." They came to the ER, and reported a application as the wound as a 'accident in alleys.'
Tsumi had ached that night, he tossed and turned his stomach rumbling as his mind keeps telling him

"Let's play Tsu tsu, let's play!"

"Why hold out? You never do.."

"Don't reject me Tsu Tsu! DON'T KEEP ME HERE!!!"

"Tsu tsu I'm sorry.."

Tsumi never did well at fighting his natural urges, in fact this was the first night in a long time he did refuse them, uncertain why but he just didn't feel in the mood tonight, maybe it was the argument with that stupid baka girl he ran into earlier, he didn't know but it wouldn't matter as he fell asleep not long after, he was clearly exhausted.

(And that sounds good to me :P )
Jetstream said:
"Sounds good for me, if ya know anyone you can tell them im in the hospital." They came to the ER, and reported a application as the wound as a 'accident in alleys.'
"I'll tell them," Touka agreed. "You want me to wait for you?"

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