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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

Sighing, he didnt know what happened to Reika all this time. She did though looking like she was having fun.

"Why hello there..." Looking to the doorway, Kairu saw a woman in a blue surgery apron over her white lab-coat.

"they told me you were at near adult age, but haven't told me how cute you were."

Oh God... is she like this to her patients??! She may be worse than the nurse! "Um... well I do get that a lot." He felt drowsy, "Are you-"

Giggle "No I'm not like those people on the job." She sounded like she read his mind before he could finish his question. She must've been around mid twenties. Being new to upper leg surgery, she might as well have a blast.

"Right then, lets get you treated." With a snap of her fingers, two nurses, one male, and the other was the nurse before. They gripped on his bed and got Kairu rolling towards the surgery room. Giggling sounds, and other noises to Kairu's ears, he thought it was just the sedation. "He's so cute, I could just Eat. Him. Up."
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]
Tremki just sighed again "What a pleasure.." he said sarcastically, placing his head on his palm tapping his fingernails on the desk, waiting for whatever is next.

Tsumi noticed the muffled sound, glaring to that direction which was the hospital 'Friends? Lovely.' he leaped to the other rooftops following Juuzou & Reika from a safe distance even though he wasn't making a sound while running.

Juuzou turned off into an alley, Reika still giggling like a little kid.
((Hah, those doctors are giving off "ghoul" vibes.. Unless they're just cougars...))

Chirin stood in front of the hospital, staring up at blankly as he finished the last remnants of his instant congee. A bag from the nearby convenience store hung in his hand, and a pineapple gripped in his other. A week ago, a case involving some ghouls hunting a runaway ten-year-old resulted in the victim, said ten-year-old getting badly injured. Chirin had been advised to go visit the victim or something, to check how they were doing. He honestly didn't see the point in visiting the victim but... eh... they had already informed the hospital that he'd be arriving...

He stepped inside the hospital, and strolled over to the receptionist desk. "I'm here to visit Yasunori Yamato." Blah blah hospital visitation procedure blah blah. Blah. Shit, where was he supposed to go again? He had completely ignored the receptionist. Ah well, he'd find the kid himself. Pffft, it's not like he could just ask the receptionist where the room was again. He wandered down the halls of the hospital, glancing offhandedly around a corner. There was a teenager being rolled on a gurney to the surgery room... Sucks to be him...
"Achoo!" The nurses and doctor gave him a pat, then a bit of a rub. "You'll be fine sweetie, we'll have you patched up." These people are giving good and bad vibes, he didn't know who to trust.

(glad someone caught that)
Chirin watched the group from around the corner, looking very much like a stalker at the current moment. 'So cute that you can just eat him up?' Ugh. It felt like he just vomited slightly in his mouth. If she was flirting, then that hag certainly wasn't doing a good job at it. She just sounded like a man-eater.

A man-eater... A ghoul....

Oooh, this hospital visit was a very good choice, ooooh yes. Ohohoh.
Tsumi eyed off the two as they ran down an alley, following them he decided 'It's a good time to play.' leaping down in front of them chuckling as he stood face to face with the two "Poor, poor children; dying at such a beautiful age..Isn't it beautiful." he said in an eerie tone while thinking to himself 'Let's rip them apart piece by piece, c'mon it'll be fun..I just want to see that dead expression on their faces..and the expression when they see each other die slowly" letting out a sinister chuckle afterwards.

@Reika Suzuya
in the ER, they've gotten him hooked up. "You're going to get sleepy again, night night handsome" Everything came to a blur and he was sedated.

The doctor put on her gloves and mask .
"I'll show this young man I mean business." The surgery began.
Chirin stared through the windows on the doors of the ER. Really, if anyone saw him they'd think that he had some kind of surgery fetish or he was a stalker. He was 110% prepared to totally bust into that room (like that weird American punch-man!) and kick ghoul butt at the sign of any ghoulish activity. And if he interrupted the surgery... he was 99% sure that someone could live without a leg.
Luckily, the knife wound didn't make it to the bone, but some muscle fibers were shredded. Fixing and patching, Kairu's leg up. they put a skin coverup and wrapped his leg with a cast bandages.

"All done~"

"All done~"
Weren't those maybe ghouls going to do anything? At this rate, he'd just bust in there with his Quinque and attack them just for the hell of it. Wait, he'd get probably suspended for that. Really, watching this was getting boring quickly. He stared blandly as the doctors finished the surgery.
"When was that last time you ate?"

"Weeks ago, coffee just doesn't fill up much."

"He looks so yummy, but what do we do, help them or eat them?"

"Who really cares? we can eat dead carcases in the morgue, but I would like to screw this patient."

The two Ghouls finished surgery and brought Kairu back to his room. Letting him have time to wake up.
He was right! Of course he was! Sure, he wasn't on duty right now, but it was okay. He trailed behind them to the patient's room, and unhooked his guitar case from his back, holding it by his side. Chirin knocked on the door politely, waiting to be allowed inside.
"Oh, come in! I was just getting him to wake up, are you a family member?"

Kairu groaned into waking up, and shifting in his bed.
Chirin smiled sadly, at the nurse. "Well, I am, but really distantly. I-I was actually coming to visit–I mean, sorry, stay– him when I heard that he'd been sent to the hospital.... Tokyo's becoming even more dangerous than before..." He stared somberly down at his feet, shaking slightly. "H-he's gonna be alright, right? It isn't anything life-threatening?" Chirin grabbed the ghoul by her arms, tears filling his eyes. "Please, h-he's... the only family I have left... after... I-I'm sorry... " His voice cracked and trailed down to a soft whisper, pretending not to notice the awakening patient.
"O-oh I'm so sorry, don't cry, he's alright, he's alright. It's just a stab wound, we had him fixed up. Oh good he's waking up, you can stay here sure. May I have your name before I leave?"
"Kaname. Kaname Usotsuki." He let out a shaky, broken laugh. "W-we don't have the same last name... T-thank you..." Chirin wiped the fake tears from his eyes, hands trembling. "Thank you so much..." He sat down at the end of the bed, cradling the guitar case.
The nurse left. Door closed. Kai opening his eyes while the monitor gave out beeps at a steady rate. Everything was a blur, then notices a blurred figure. "W-whos there?"

Stay cool, Chirin! You may have fucked up, but you have to continue the skit! Remember what your father told you to do!

Chirin's eyes widened, and he stood up abruptly. Before rushing to the bedside, Chirin made sure to check the name of the patient on the clipboard on the wall. He rushed to the bedside, and scrunched his eyebrows together worryingly. "Y-you're awake! Oh, thank goodness!"
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"Who...who the hell are you?" That voice, he didn't recongize it. His vision almost became clearer than before, and sat up a bit. Facepalming from dizziness.
Chirin smiled, eyes slightly bloodshot. "E-erm, you probably don't know me... S-sorry for popping up on such a short notice... I'm Kaname Usotsuki. I'm, er..." He scratched the back of his head sheepishly. "I'm your third cousin. I came to find what family I had left... I-I'm sorry if I'm troubling you."
Chirin shook Kairu's hand gently, as if he were afraid to hurt Kairu. "Well... Apparently our great-great grandparents had a falling out, and the two families split up... or something of the sort. My mother–sorry, my late mother–just told me the bare details." He tried to smile at Kairu, but it faltered at the edges.
Maela quietly walks along the busy streets of Tokyo minding her own business occasionally bumping into random civilians followed by a "Watch where your walking".She tucks her faces deeper in to her coat and picks up a scent of a few ghouls, she turn her head to look at the direction the scent was wafting from.Her head pointing towards the hospital."Shit" she mumbles under her breathe as she walks faster away from the building trying her best not to look suspicious in any way possible.
His vision came out clearer, "Ok, well. Who told ya i'd be in the hospital for a leg injury? The only person i told was Touka, do you know her?"

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