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Fandom Tokyo Ghoul RP

Tsumi walked on the path that ran down the road, Tsumi had skipped between each square block trying to get a further distance than before taking long leaps making him look like he were running on the moon. Tsumi had not often cared about concealing his identity, he believed that to truly survive he would have to sprinkle the truth with lies, which I had done admitting to many of his true identity yet acting as if he were harmless, of course this all changed when he truly did show his true self. Tsumi had remained walking down the streets "Damn it's cold!" he shouted his voice echoing through the area.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Tsumi walked on the path that ran down the road, Tsumi had skipped between each square block trying to get a further distance than before taking long leaps making him look like he were running on the moon. Tsumi had not often cared about concealing his identity, he believed that to truly survive he would have to sprinkle the truth with lies, which I had done admitting to many of his true identity yet acting as if he were harmless, of course this all changed when he truly did show his true self. Tsumi had remained walking down the streets "Damn it's cold!" he shouted his voice echoing through the area.

Touka walked with her hands in her pockets as she headed home for the night.
Tsumi continued walking down the same path after shouting, after walking by a black cat his attention was caught completely hook line & sinker! Tsumi had always felt a strange love towards Cats, them being his favorite animal he had always picked up strays placing them in his own home, while chasing down the street for the black cat, he had run straight into Touka not noticing she was there.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Tsumi continued walking down the same path after shouting, after walking by a black cat his attention was caught completely hook line & sinker! Tsumi had always felt a strange love towards Cats, them being his favorite animal he had always picked up strays placing them in his own home, while chasing down the street for the black cat, he had run straight into Touka not noticing she was there.

"Ow! Hey, watch it!' Touka yelled, annoyed.
Falling straight back on his ass, Tsumi looked up to Touka dazed by her appearance for a moment; he quickly bounced up dusting himself off watching as the black cat he was chasing earlier scurry off letting out a slight sigh at the sight. "Sorry for that" he said bowing his head down more than a few times in a way that could be called rushed.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Falling straight back on his ass, Tsumi looked up to Touka dazed by her appearance for a moment; he quickly bounced up dusting himself off watching as the black cat he was chasing earlier scurry off letting out a slight sigh at the sight. "Sorry for that" he said bowing his head down more than a few times in a way that could be called rushed.

Touka signed, standing up.

"Quit bowing your head so much, it's creepy."
Tsumi returned back to his normal posture taking a deep breath pressing his finger on his chin out of curiosity "Well, I wouldn't have to if you just moved outta the way." he said, having a slightly agitated expression on his face from her last comment. "She has an odd smell about her, could she also be a ghoul?" he thought to himself while talking to her.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Tsumi returned back to his normal posture taking a deep breath pressing his finger on his chin out of curiosity "Well, I wouldn't have to if you just moved outta the way." he said, having a slightly agitated expression on his face from her last comment. "She has an odd smell about her, could she also be a ghoul?" he thought to himself while talking to her.

"You're the one not looking where you're going, baka!" Touka snapped at him.
Tsumi going from a laid back posture firing up quickly as she called him 'baka', with a more annoyed expression on his face Tsumi came back with "What are you talking about lady!? You just came out of no where! I was minding my own damn business and you barged into me!" becoming pretty flustered quick from his expression it was probably possible to see a bit of steam coming from his ears.
[QUOTE="Sinister Clown]Tsumi going from a laid back posture firing up quickly as she called him 'baka', with a more annoyed expression on his face Tsumi came back with "What are you talking about lady!? You just came out of no where! I was minding my own damn business and you barged into me!" becoming pretty flustered quick from his expression it was probably possible to see a bit of steam coming from his ears.

"If you'd been paying attention to where you're headed, then you wouldn't have run into me in the first place!" Touka yelled back, an eye twitching in annoyance.
Tsumi snickered at her comment "Well I was after something, I had no time to pay attention to someone stupid like you, shouldn't you be home by now anyway it's way too late for a girl like you to be out!" he added stuffing his hands in the pockets of his cat hoodie giving off another agitated expression towards Touka

@Reika Suzuya
"Hwaah, it's cold out today. I'm hungry. I'm cold. It's cold. I want rice porridge."

Chirin let out a large yawn as he strolled down the sidewalk, lightly illuminated by the streetlights. The bell he wore all the time jingled softly in the night. His guitar case rested heavily on his back, but he carried it as if it weighed nothing. Really, it was late. His partner had left him to return home by himself to go drinking with his friends. I-it wasn't Chirin's fault that he was underage! B-baka! He slapped the imaginary figure in his head. The ol' "tsun-tsun moe kyun~<3!" charm always amused him.

Though seriously, it was friggin' cold. He fiddled with the sleeves of the high-school uniform he always wore. He really wanted to get back to his warm (not really, his heater was broken) and cozy (hah, if you call having Spartan tastes cozy) apartment and get some rest.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]
"Hwaah, it's cold out today. I'm hungry. I'm cold. It's cold. I want rice porridge."
Chirin let out a large yawn as he strolled down the sidewalk, lightly illuminated by the streetlights. The bell he wore all the time jingled softly in the night. His guitar case rested heavily on his back, but he carried it as if it weighed nothing. Really, it was late. His partner had left him to return home by himself to go drinking with his friends. I-it wasn't Chirin's fault that he was underage! B-baka! He slapped the imaginary figure in his head. The ol' "tsun-tsun moe kyun~<3!" charm always amused him.

Though seriously, it was friggin' cold. He fiddled with the sleeves of the high-school uniform he always wore. He really wanted to get back to his warm (not really, his heater was broken) and cozy (hah, if you call having Spartan tastes cozy) apartment and get some rest.

@strawberry jammm: Juuzou was back to bored and walked around with the intent of pickpocketing . He hummed some weird little tune as he walked and bumped into Chirin.
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Chirin grunted when the pale boy bumped into him, remaining on his feet. Like, who the hell did this punk think he is, bumping into someone as awesome as himself??? It wasn't as if Chirin himself wasn't spacing out (he was).

Chirin, after standing there for several seconds, spun around twice and fell to the floor, crying out in false pain. "Owowowow, my ribs! You broke my ribs! What the hell?!?! I'm gonna sue you for this!!"

Chirin glared up at Suzuya's face, and his dull eyes widened in surprise.
"Uwah, it's Suzuha Jizou!" He recognized that distinctive face. Or at least he hoped so. It would be a pain in the arse to have to deal with an awkward conversation or an angry person.

[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin grunted when the pale boy bumped into him, remaining on his feet. Like, who the hell did this punk think he is, bumping into someone as awesome as himself??? It wasn't as if Chirin himself wasn't spacing out (he was).
Chirin, after standing there for several seconds, spun around twice and fell to the floor, crying out in false pain. "Owowowow, my ribs! You broke my ribs! What the hell?!?! I'm gonna sue you for this!!"

Chirin glared up at Suzuya's face, and his dull eyes widened in surprise.
"Uwah, it's Suzuha Jizou!" He recognized that distinctive face. Or at least he hoped so. It would be a pain in the arse to have to deal with an awkward conversation or an angry person.

xD I knew this run in would be awesome. Hahaha~

"Huh? Do I know you?" Juuzou responded. He totally wasn't there when Chirin was introduced to everyone that day. He did remember Shinohara telling him something about someone new, though.
Chirin stood up and dusted himself off. "Hm, you don't know someone if you can't recognize them, dummy. Unless you had amnesia. I guess you don't know me... E-even when I know you, senpai!" Chirin sniffed dramatically, and buried his face into his hands as if he were weeping.
Chirin lifted his face from his hands, straightened up, and smiled blandly. "Indeed, Suzuya-senpai, I am the newest addition to the motley crew," he said in his typically monotonous voice. He straightened up and bowed slightly. "My name is Chirin Ren. It's hopefully a pleasure to meet you. Also, you should buy me something to eat to celebrate our first meeting. I strongly recommend it." Perhaps he could get free food out of this chance encounter.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin lifted his face from his hands, straightened up, and smiled blandly. "Indeed, Suzuya-senpai, I am the newest addition to the motley crew," he said in his typically monotonous voice. He straightened up and bowed slightly. "My name is Chirin Ren. It's hopefully a pleasure to meet you. Also, you should buy me something to eat to celebrate our first meeting. I strongly recommend it." Perhaps he could get free food out of this chance encounter.

"I don't really have any money on me," Juuzou said. Juuzou was suddenly takle-hugged by a girl who wasn't even wearing shoes.

"Hewwo, Juuzou-kuuuuun!~" Reika chirped upon takle-hugging him.
Chirin blinked once in faint surprise. That girl wasn't wearing any shoes... A bit dangerous in a city. What if she stepped in shit or something? Eugh. "Suzuya-senpai, I'm sure Shinohara-san will be ecstatic to know that you have a girlfriend. Congratulations." He applauded quietly.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin blinked once in faint surprise. That girl wasn't wearing any shoes... A bit dangerous in a city. What if she stepped in shit or something? Eugh. "Suzuya-senpai, I'm sure Shinohara-san will be ecstatic to know that you have a girlfriend. Congratulations." He applauded quietly.

"Eh? I don't have a girlfriend," Juuzou deadpanned, staring at Chirin. Reika tugged at Juuzou's sleeve.

"What's a girlfriend?"
Chirin took out his smart phone and began texting someone. "A girlfriend is usually the precursor to marriage. The male counterpart to a girlfriend is called a boyfriend. The two, when paired together, are called a couple. A couple usually does things such as going out on dates, doing romantic activities in public, and making those who have no respective girl/boyfriend jealous. They also do things like-" Chirin droned on and on, heading steadily towards inappropriate topics. Censor sounds are heard. "-chains." He accentuated his final word with a tap of the Enter button on his smart phone.
[QUOTE="strawberry jammm]Chirin took out his smart phone and began texting someone. "A girlfriend is usually the precursor to marriage. The male counterpart to a girlfriend is called a boyfriend. The two, when paired together, are called a couple. A couple usually does things such as going out on dates, doing romantic activities in public, and making those who have no respective girl/boyfriend jealous. They also do things like-" Chirin droned on and on, heading steadily towards inappropriate topics. Censor sounds are heard. "-chains." He accentuated his final word with a tap of the Enter button on his smart phone.

Reika titled her head at Chirin and stared unblinkingly.

Juuzou patted her head.

"You're really dumb at times," he commented as if he didn't care how insulting that was.
Chirin snapped a picture of Suzuya patting Reika on the head. He stared back at her dully, holding back yet another yawn. "Suzuya-senpai, that's not nice. I mean, just because she's some kind of idiot doesn't mean you have to say it out loud. It's pretty obvious already. Insulting people is rude."

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