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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

(Alright gonna be extra long I'm doing both Characters Responses)

Lana --------

Lana rubbed her shoulder looking at the poisoner and nodded her head, "I do know of one kind of, You see I am gathering like minded individuals to grow in strength, skill and power to somehow challenge the gods above to get a reset. To fix everything, even if it means that the gods have to kill nearly everyone on the planet to do so but, it's our only chance. The death of one family won't solve anything but, the death of all of them and everyone they've dealt with in a hail of fire and brimstone would save a lot more." Lana took a breath after speaking looking at the other with her arms crossed awaiting his reaction.

@Silver Wolf


Roku stumbled from the being bumped into by the man behind her and then bumped into the other one who stood in front of her. "Whoa! Watch where your going and I don't know exactly, I'm not familiar with such a plant." She coughed looking over the one who bumped her.

Her attention turned to the male who questioned her on the markings, "This is my favorite cloak, I've had it forever and when I first started learning about runes I made really cool looking ones but, that meant absolute gibberish, it's just nostalgic thats all. " She explained this but then pointed at him in anger, "But, don't think I'm a terrible mage, I am Roku and one day I will have s band of powerful people and I shall be so powerful that we will crumble the human kingdoms with our might and free all from under their boots." The fire in her eyes returned and now even her hands burned in flames. "Understand?"

@An Unknown Person

Arkady couldn't help but smile at her anger, patting her shoulder, he said "You can be as powerful as you want, but some belladonna can slip in your food... or Arsenic, from a dagger..." he already had his black dagger out, touching the blunt side of it on her neck. "So you better take care of yourself... anyways, I'm Arkady, you?" he slipped the dagger under his cloak again, keeping his calm tone, as if watching someone with their hands on fire was a daily thing.

@Lana Valentine
Roku blinked for a few seconds before looking behind him. "Huh... Well is your store back that way? I'll remember that.." She smirked then touched his shoulder with her hands still a light of flame. "Please don't attempt a passive aggressive threat again okay?" She moved her hand and a small fire began upon his shoulder growing larger at a slow pace as she still had control over it. She was doing it more to freak him out than to harm him. "My name is Roku of the Dragonblood..." She explained as the fire continued to spread.

@An Unknown Person
A slight smile slipped onto Noah's lips as the sorceress explained what the symbols on her cloak meant. The story reminded the male of himself. When he first learned about rune's, the first thing he did was draw a bunch of them all over the walls of his room. His father got pretty mad at him because of it.

Then, the girl seemed to got struck by a sudden flash of anger, starting a speech about destroying human kingdom's... it got so intense, that even her hands ended up burning. He blinked, scratching his cheek. That kinda caught Noah off-guard, but what happened after that was even more unexpected. The masked man suddenly pulled a dagger, holding The blunt side to Roku's neck... Well, as a reaction to that, the girl decided to simply touch him... With her hands still burning.

Still not fully processing what just happened, Noah briefly cleared his throat, laying his own hand onto Arkady's shoulder. It glowed for a second, after which the flames started dying down at a rapid rate. "...Well... Nice to meet you two, Arkady and Roku. My name's Noah and... playing with fire and potentially poisoned blades is bad. So, would you not?" The male stated, moving his gaze between the two.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
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Ah, god damn it Noah, I was going to poison her and only give out the cure if she was a bit nicer to us!" Arkady looked at Noah with a smile while he said so. "Anyways, you're a scholar too right? I am more of a doctor, so yeah, I guess I'll be a boring person to you two." he joked, but was really using his sarcasm before looking at Roku. "Well... what are you doing here in Seoga, trying to burn my cloak, it costed me a lot, you know!" he mimicked her angry tone, but laughed right after.

@Lana Valentine

Roku pouted at the flames being extinguished and similarly doused her own hands out. "It's not bad if used correctly," She said crossing her arms before looking at them both. "I could care less what your cloak costs, and I've been... Exploring, I haven't been around the kingdoms before." She said not wanting to delve too much into her past. "But, I saw how others were treated and decided the best way was to destroy them all, until they gave up. I will flood their insides with water and turn them into elementals that do the same hunting the pathetic ones until they bow and plead for mercy, then I'll probably kill them anyway." Roku said violently describing one of her thoughts for destroying them. "Sorry I get really aggressive when i think about all this, I mean there's literally zero difference between the races besides their looks," Roku said crossing her arms while lookong at the two in front of her.


@An Unknown Person
Orizo sat down on a wooden small bench, it had no back rest nor one for arms. He simply sat with his hands folded in front of himself as he watched the busy streets from his shadowed eyes. His white hood covering his face from detail unless he were to look up. "....." silently he slides a ruffled paper from his sleeve, opening the wrinkled sheet he views the drawing of a female he is unsure if hes ever seen her before, she looked awfully familiar.

"Lana...Valentine.." his voice was low in volume and deep, this woman looked rather young but Orizo could see through this, recognizing fellow origin immediately, he knew she was older but not the exact age. He stood up slowly pondering no ways to go about retrieving information. He returns the paper to a pocket near his waste as he heads into a local shop.

https://www.rpnation.com/profile/29006-lana-valentine/@Lana Valentine

Keline considered Arweldyn's idea as she ate a mouthful of leftover bread. "So," she said, "we want to get the gods, or God on our side. And we do this by proving ourselves worthy," she stated. That made sense at least, however absurd it sounded. "But how do we know the gods-- if they really exist-- are listening?" She ate another chunk of bread. "There's been plenty of people who have done great things and never gotten rewarded from any gods." She thought for a second, not wanting to offend the knight by not believing in the gods. "But ... what if we find some way to directly contact the gods- or um, God? I've read somewhere that sorcerers with a certain Key could call them down from the heavens. Course, it's just a myth though." But myths had to come from somewhere, right?
Noah simply blinked at Akardy's comment, eventually moving his hand back to his side. The same applied to Ruko's statement. He simply gave her a stern look, shaking his head a bit. "Uhh... Yeah, something along those lines." He replied, answering the cloaked male. Noah wasn't exactly a schoolar, but to be completely honest, the boy wasn't really in the mood of explaining his whole life story for them to understand.

Then, once the girl continued that speech she had been holding just now, the male raised his eyebrow.
...Well, she sure seems determined... Crossing his arms now as well, Noah stated, "... Honestly, i didn't expect a girl of your age to be such a sadist.... Anyway, i do get your point, though. I too think that all intelligent life should be treated equally, even though i'm human." Unfolding his limbs, he placed his hand onto his hips. "...But that won't happen. You can't fight a whole race on your own... Just accept it." Noah's expression grew a little sad as he spoke these words. Sure he was born human and never had to live through the suffering of the other races, but still, seeing innocent people being treated like that really got to him.

@An Unknown Person @Lana Valentine
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Roku shook her head, "Nope it's simple we kill them all well, the majority and I know I can't do it alone. I just came up with this idea like ten minutes ago," She flailed her hands up towards the rooftops while saying this. "There's no other way, even if I get branded as evil or a sadist or whatever at least I saved others from their tyranny." She said crossing her arms slightly with a pout. "I just need to find others to follow an Evil Dragonblood like me,"


@An Unknown Person
(@An Unknown Person Alright.)

Nathan gave her a look which would translate into a '...really?' After hearing that she literally JUST came up with her plan. He rubbed his forehead, pacing around a little bit. Doesn't she realize how ridiculous that sounds? Oh yeah, we'll just kill a bunch and be done with it... That's something a child would say... He listened to the rest of her statement And eventually came to a stop again. "Well, i get that something like a revolution requires the life's of some to be taken... Still.. Uhh.... I feel like you'll might overdo it." Then, an idea shot through his head after the girl claimed that she'd need people to join her. Now, the male wasn't really into the idea of taking part in a genocide, but to be honest, he wasn't sure what his next move would be anyway. "...Tell you what, i'm gonna accompany you for a little while, alright? I mean, you're searching for people to join your cause anyway, correct?"

Again, Noah didn't really like her plan, but he could always use some company. That aside, the girl seemed to be a little... hot headed, so it might be best for someone to watch over her anyway.

@Lana Valentine
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(@BobbyW I never said her plan made sense just that she had an plan :P )

Roku nodded her head, "See, I can tell you've got a good brain up in that head of yours, my plan is flawless, now to start the revolution! We must, blow stuff up yes that works." She nodded again charging her hands with flame again. "The local armory! They should have that stuff... Gunpowder for those new weapons they have, lets see if it if blows up well." Roku immediately began walking away and looked towards the two men, "Are you two coming?"

@An Unknown Person


(xP I am having fun with her)
"Eh, I have nothing better to do...,my store can stay closed for a while, so I'm joining you two." Arkady smiled, removing his crow mask. "And well, before this one asks if I'm not really an enemy, I'm an elf! happy?" he said to Roku with an extremly sarcastic tone as he put his mask back on. "Lets go, see if we can kill some knights on the way." he hated the Knights of Seoga, always jailing or killing other races, he just wanted to watch them burn.

@Lana Valentine

(And what a plan it is. xD )

"Uhh... Yeah, of course, that makes-... Wait, what?" Noah cut himself off after realizing what the girl just said. Blowing up the armory? With two men on her side?! She seemed so serious about it too...

The male exchanged a quick gaze with Arkady, who was ACTUALLY a fan of her idea.
"You're an elf?... Wait, you really think about helping her with blowing up the armory?!" ...Deciding to join Ruko slowly started to reveal itself as a bad choice. Honestly, he was more of a babysitter than anything now. Catching up with the two, Noah quickly stated, "You do realize that an action like this would have dire consequences, right?" Knowing that something along those lines wouldn't really do anything to change their minds, Noah added, "Uhh... How about we try and find some more people to join the cause first, before doing something we might end up regretting?..."

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
"Well, a lot of people would die, but I can see the sense in it. A revolution could spark human slavery, then the humans revolt, it may as well be an endless cycle unless history is reset. However, I'm a little skeptical, how do you know these 'gods' exist?"

Formalities all his life, Everyle had given up on deities, they never intervened. And they created this world. To him, God's were just nonsense. However, he was curious to see where this would lead, he could kill masters working slaves to death instead of house servants being violated. Perhaps they would actually find a way to stop this.

"Fine, count me in."

@Lana Valentine
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Roku snapped her fingers, "Never we are perfectly capable of blowing it up on our own, however we do need more witnesses to the historic spark of our revolution. Very well let us locate others of like mind for our destruction to peace," With that said Roku began to head towards a local tavern to rest up for awhile, "Come my faithful warriors we go!"

@An Unknown Person



Lana crossed her arms and shook her head, "We have to try something to defeat what is going on." She smiled at him however and nodded, "Come lets go meet my other friends at the knights Home," She walked confidently and calmly as she began to lead the way to Arwyn's Villa.

@Silver Wolf
Everyle nodded, letting his attention waver to a rat at the word 'knight'. He followed Lana, letting her lead the way, until he noticed some guards and began climbing to the rooftops.

@Lana Valentine
Rim nodded, "Yes. I see, he must have been an intelligent man. One who knows what he is doing most of the time. After all, you can't do something without knowing." She smiled slightly, "He must have has words of wisdom. He trained you, you say? In what, physical or with weapons?" She crossed her arms and watched him, wanting to know more about the subject.

(Morning. ^_^ )

Letting out a small sigh, Noah wiped the sweat from his forehead after the girl decided to put that whole armory thing on hold. These guys... What did i just get myself into?... Then, as Roku announced that they'd be heading for a tavern to rest up, Noah followed. "Right behind you." He said, half heartedly. Well, one thing was clear, he won't get bored while traveling with her.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
Lana rubbed her shoulder looking at the poisoner and nodded her head, "I do know of one kind of, You see I am gathering like minded individuals to grow in strength, skill and power to somehow challenge the gods above to get a reset. To fix everything, even if it means that the gods have to kill nearly everyone on the planet to do so but, it's our only chance. The death of one family won't solve anything but, the death of all of them and everyone they've dealt with in a hail of fire and brimstone would save a lot more." Lana took a breath after speaking looking at the other with her arms crossed awaiting his reaction.
Abe looked at the woman with an awestruck expression, was she thinking right? To challenge a God, you gotta be a Demi-God or something. But as they say, if you wanna be the best, you gotta beat the best, even if this quote made no sense with the thing she was saying. He thought for a moment, well, the adventure could land him into a pile of gold and maybe some adventures, even if they're potentially life threatening and suicidal. After thinking for a moment, he finally landed on a conclusion.

"Count me in, if this is for the better of the world, and us people, then I think I should participate in it." He finished, It was crazy, but as they say, crazy is the new cool, but then again, this also ain't important or politically correct, is it?


Nathan just entered the room, possibly to see what took them so very long to do whatever they're supposed to do there, even if it didn't make any sense since the owner was out of his own store. Right as he entered, he heard the woman proposing a plan of hers. Which was completely, in all senses, nutty. But everythings nutty in this land, who would even think of resetting the world so everything happens all over again. Like a huge reset button, but it was for the bigger good, if the world was reset, than it paved a new road, for new possibilities, and maybe this slave subject and idea was to never happen, or maybe they'd all die before even encountering the gods. But after all, who wouldn't want to gamble a bit, even though the chances of them winning were pretty slim.

"Count me in too! As it's for the better good of the world." He replied to her, maybe he was going insane, but everyone has some bit of insane in them.


Lana crossed her arms and shook her head, "We have to try something to defeat what is going on." She smiled at him however and nodded, "Come lets go meet my other friends at the knights Home," She walked confidently and calmly as she began to lead the way to Arwyn's Villa.

After a while...

"We're going to try something, yes, of course, why not? A knight's house? Are you mad? Knights are as hostile to other species as wolf are to sheep, unless, of course, she's a sheep in a wolf's clothing." He said, with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"What have I gotten myself into?" He silently muttered to himself as he followed the woman.

"Well, lead the way." He finished, with a slightly annoyed expression on his face.


Nathan looked at the woman, the other woman, the gnome and at himself. Maybe she had other people's grouped up, cause by the looks of it. Things were bound to get ugly, you can't just 'defeat' the gods and bound them to your will, easier said than done.

At a totally different area...

"Well, that's just about it, my master taught me on the usage of weapons and physical combat. Why don't we go to the inn, see if we can get you a place to rest in, one shouldn't be in so much haste." Jack said to her as he moved along the area.

As they moved along the area, he happened to notice, from his peripherals, a group of strange non-human people. He decided to approach them, as non-human species, especially in groups, were quite rare.

"So what's going on around here?" He asked the woman who seemed to be leading the group.

@Lana Valentine @Silver Wolf

(Sorry if this post was flimsy or very forced. I was in a bit of haste and I had so many things to respond to *shudders at the thought of it*)

Lana looked towards the two people who had tagged along, happy to have more people but, greatly disliking the role of leader already. "She is fine no need to worry, I hope you guys and gals can climb a wall..." She pointed towards the outer walls of Seoga and then removed a hook like object from somewhere that aided her in difficult scalings of certain buildings. She had stolen this hook from some adventurer some time ago and so used it now. "Use the rope to help some yourself up it if need be," She explained before throwing the Hook perfectly and swinging over to the wall from the rooftop and began to scale the stone walls on her own.


@Silver Wolf


Roku walked to the tavern confidently and looked at her two new followers. "We shall rest here, Doctor you pay for the rooms as you clearly must have money." She said to the elf as she proceeded to look around for other people whom would catch her interest.

Her right eye suddenly changed into a purplish color glowing faintly as she then sat at a booth taking a deep breath while beginning to talk to Noah. "I'm sorry for not being leveled headed all the time," She began before yelling out, "The Heroes need some food thats us damn it," she returned her attention to Noah. "I just get that way very often, my master like teacher master, told me it was due to my dragonblood but, I think he just liked to remind me of how I was supposed to be honorable and wise and blah..." She stuck her tongue out after the explanation her left eye continuing to glow a faint purple as she examined the busy tavern.


@An Unknown Person
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As they entered the tavern, Noah couldn't help himself but grin a bit as the girl simply declared how Arkady was going to pay for them. He patted the doctor on the shoulder, before following Roku into the booth, taking a seat. Leaning back, the boy crossed his arms, listening to what she had to say. He grew a little red when Roku yelled out for food but quickly gathered himself after letting out a small sigh. She continued with her story, causing Noah to establish eye contact. Only now he noticed the faint purple glow ofher right eye. It caused him to raise an eyebrow, examining the odd sighting for a few more seconds. Then, when she stuck out her tongue, a slight smile spread across Noah's lips. "Dragonblood, huh? That's interesting... Well, don't beat yourself up over it. I mean, you have two level headed people following you around right now, so if you were to do anything stupid, we'll stop you from doing so." He lookd over at the masked, part-time assassin before rubbing his head. "...Er... yeah, scratch that. You only have one level headed person on your team." A small chuckle escaped Noah, as he stated that. He shifted his gaze back to Roku, moving his hands behind his head. "Anyway... well, assuming tat you've lived with your master, as most schoolar's do...why exactly did you leave him?"

@An Unknown Person @Lana Valentine
Roku's expression dimmed and she shook her head, "He died, old age and told me that while I needed more patience that I was ready to face the real world," a tear lingered at the edge of her glowing eye for a second before she shook her head again the tear vanishing away as her usual smile returned. "Either way I will make him proud if there is a beyond." She crossed her arms thinking as her eye dimmed back to normal. "There isn't anyone that interesting here for our cause, they seem very... bland?" She said with a light laugh while waiting for Arkady.


@An Unknown Person

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