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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

Noah's expression grew a little confused after seeing Roku's reaction to his question, but immediatly turned sad once the girl started explaining. He repositioned his hands from behind his head onto his thighs. Bowing down a little, the male quickly stated, "I apologize for bringing it up. Your master sounds like a wise man, someone i would've loved to meet." Looking back up, Noah was glad to see that the girl returned to her old self. He nodded at her statement, giving her a smile, which then turned into a slight chuckle because of what she said next. "Well, we can leave tomorrow if you really want to. We should probably grab a few supplies before heading off, though." The boy's gaze started shifting towards Arkady after saying that, waiting for him to join them.

@An Unknown Person @Lana Valentine
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"I hate you." Arkady reached for his coin purse and went towards the counter, noticing the gold wasn't there, he looked around. "What? how?" he was even more confused as he said to himself. Kass was right next to Roku and Noah. "Hello there... I think your friend is searching for this." he spoke up, noticing the runes on Roku's cloak, he smiled. "Oh, Runes, you're a game, right? funny, I met a mage once, he was not very nice, you know? he tried to kill me, " he said as if it was something that happens everyday. "Anyway, I am Kass Holmes, part time warrior and part time detective"

@Lana Valentine

Roku raised her fist into the air, "Alright sounds good Noah, we shall head straight for the armory before we leave though we must have an explosive exit." She grinned looking at Arkady and the new male Kass. "Yes well, give his money back, I am Roku of the Dragonblood and this is my faithful companion Noah of the logic." She said chuckling as Noah was clearly the most level headed of the three. "What brings you to our table Kass?" She asked in curiosity.


@An Unknown Person
Noah nodded at the girl, his smile only fading after she mentioned the armory again. Rubbing his neck, the male glared at her sternly, stating, "No! I thought we already went-.."Suddenly, the voice of a male rang through the room, causing Noah to turn towards where it came from. An average looking man was standing beside them, holding Arkady's purse in his hands. The boy blinked, looking at the stranger. He didn't interfere with the introduction of Roku, but raised an eyebrow at the title she gave him. "I assume you beat him to it?" Noah stated, referring to the story of Holmes' previous encounter with mages. "Anyway, why not take a seat?" He added. The male then waved Arkady over, since Kass was still in posession of the purse.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
Both Arkady and Kass take seats right next to each other. "Not really, I was investigating the murder of a few slaves, some... clues... made me think it was him... so I picked the lock of his house and he found me there, I managed to escape" once again he used the 'this happens every day' tone before looking at Roku. "Why should I? I will pay for our rooms." he said, not really caring about what the girl wanted. "Anyways, from what it looks like, you guys are leaving soon right?" He guessed. "I will go with you., I don't want any kids lost in the forest"
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"I am hardly a child," Roku said puffing up her cheeks while glaring at Kass. "I am full of maturity and wisdom ask Noah here," She glanced at Noah giving him the 'you better answer the way I want you to answer' look before her eye returned to the dull purple glow as she examined Kass. "He seems... Interesting at least." She stated before looking at the three men at the table with her. "Whelp at least we've gotten a small group together so far."

@An Unknown Person

Noah raised an eyebrow at Kass' story... or rather at the way he told it. "The way you're saying it, it sounds like that kind of stuff happens to you regularly..." He crossed his arms, nodding once the new addition to the group asked if they were leaving soon. Following to that, a smirk spread across Noah's face as Homes referred to them as 'Kids'.

The boy almost broke out in laughter when the girl claimed herself to be mature, but kept his composure because of the death-glare, Roku shot at him.
"Oh... er... yeah, she's definitely the voice of reason in this group." Clearing his throat, the male added a "..Not." once the girl looked away from him, covered by his cough.

Noah then let his gaze wander over the other members of their group, agreeing with Roku's next statement.
"Well, that worked out faster than expected."

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
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A young male was wandering around the dark streets of Seoga, probably around the age of 14-16 years old. He was wearing a simple pair of black trousers, a sleeveless shirt of the same color, and some solid leather boots. Hands in his pockets, the boy was studying his surroundings, searching for a resting place. He wouldn't have minded spending the night on the street, considering how that's what he's been doing for the last couple of days, but tonight was just too cold for him to fall asleep. Letting out a sigh, Kira closed his eyes for a brief moment. Man... Why's everyone so obsessed over money?... I mean, i'm only asking to stay for a single night... He thought, opening his eyes again.

Gotta keep looking. It's just too cold outside, today. The boy rubbed his neck, continuing his way. It didn't take him too long before spotting another lively tavern. The forth one today, hopefully they'd pity the boy enough to let him rest there.

As Kira entered, an interesting scene unraveled before him. A group, consisting of a human, a masked man, and a girl around his age caught his eyes. The female simply declared that her companion, who according to her was a doctor, was to pay for their rooms. She then sat down at a booth together with her human friend. A moment later, another person, who seemingly stole the masked guy's purse appeared and joined the group. Kira simply stood near the tavern's entrance, observing those occurances.

They kinda peaked his interested, so he decided to head over to them.

The boy walked towards their booth and tapped the girl on the shoulder, crossing his arms afterwards.
"Hey, who're you?" Kira stated with a raised eyebrow. It may not have been the smoothest greeting, but it was a whole lot nicer than what people usually got to hear from him. His gaze was locked onto her alone, almost like he was ignoring the other people sitting with her.


Noah's gaze locked onto the boy that approached their booth once he stepped into view. He seemed to be around the age of Roku, so it wasn't as surprise that the guy decided to talk with her first... But what happened following to that, definitely WAS quite surprising.

"Oh, hello there. The girl is--..."

"The girl is who i've asked, not you, Blondy. So how about you do me a favor and just shut up?"

Kira immediatly cut Noah off, glaring at him for a couple of seconds before returning his gaze to Roku.

Noah's jaw was dropped, unable to reply anything to that. He was dumbfounded; that was definitely unexpected.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
"Kid, if you want to be a rude idiot, why are you here?" Kass spoke up, remaining calm as if he was having a normal conversation. "And before you say 'shut up', I might just tell you that you should show a little respect to normal people, unless you think we have a low IQ just like you." Once again, he used the 'this is just a normal conversation' tone of voice, smiling as he waited for Kira to yell at him or try to attack him 'That is what they usually did...that's what they all do' he thought.

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As the word 'kid' was spoken, Kira's eyes immediatly locked onto the detective guy, glaring at him intensively. The boy grinned his teeth, clenching fists. He didn't really care too much about the other insults Kass threw at him, just that one word was what really ticked him off... But seeing how the other male managed to stay completely calm, Kira decided to keep his cool as well. He relaxed again, changing his intense expression into a cocky smirk. "Rude? Blondy over here decided to speak for the girl, even though i clearly asked her who she was, not him. In my opinion, he acted pretty rude by doing so... Therefor, i simply told him to shut up. How am i the one in the wrong here?" The boy stated innocently, shrugging and shaking his head. "Anyway, i'm gonna tell you the same i've told your friend. Just shut up. I'm trying to have a conversation here." He added, shifting his gaze towards Roku again.

Noah's eyes were switching between Holmes and Kira. He decided not to interfere in the argument, even though the male was tempted to do so when the boy called him 'Blondy' once again.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
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Since Kass noticed that the word that ticked Kira off was 'kid', he decided to abuse that insult. "Kid, you're the wrong one here because nobody was being rude before you arrived, so yes, kid, try to be a bit nicer" He couldn't help but smile as how angry he could get when he was called a 'kid'. "Anyways, Noah and Arkady, should we let him join us or we leave that decision to miss maturity over here?" He spoke, obviously doing a reference to Roku. "I think this...kid... should just go." Arkady joked, waiting for his reply.


@Lana Valentine
Everyle took to the rope first and climbed up with practiced speed and motion, making his way up in no time, then he looked around the walls and waited for the others, while keeping a vigilant eye out for guards on wall patrol. He even pulled out his bow in case he needed it for some reason.

@Lana Valentine @Elephantom
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Roku observed the interactions between the men surrounding her and suddenly shook her head, "No he can stay, My name is Roku Wolfhound my apologies I was... Absorbed in a memory." She picked up a random drink and swigged it down. "Sit down and eat all we have a job to do tomorrow!" She raised her cup into the air laughing to herself with a grin.

She then pointed to a sliver of a spot at their table, "Sit New friend, We must discuss the job for the morrow!" She giggled a bit and drank some more her eye glowing in it's faint purple color again as she waited for her party to pay attention.

@An Unknown Person

Lana had done similar through she was currently unarmed for the moment. "We need to get back to the knights it's a touch safer than here and I can trust her... Maybe..." She started dashing off after making sure the others had come along and she had taken back her grappling hook.

She stepped up to the door of the villa with those who had come along, she knocked on the door repeatedly attempting to get the inhabitants attention once more.

@Ami the breadling
Lana laughed slightly at Sebastian, "No this is the last time with the last people for our little meeting of like minds. Though I really need a bath, are the others around still?" She asked while stepping inside and gesturing into the villa for the others to follow her.

@Ami the breadling

@Silver Wolf

Mark stood up from his seat as Lana walked in. "W-welcome back!" the boy said, looking quite bored and still nervous. All he did was sit around for a few minutes and nothing else. "W-who're t-these guys?"

@Ami the breadling

@Silver Wolf

Lana grinned slightly, "These are people for our grand adventure into god summoning and saving the world." She looked at him though and than looked towards Sebastian. "Where can I get cleaned up? Everyone seems so clean and I look like a dirty mutt off the streets." Which Lana realized she sort of was but, pretended not to realize that.

@Ami the breadling
(I have an ideia in mind!)

Kass started to glow red. "Wait... what's going on?" he asked them as he slowly started to float, quickly disappearing a few seconds later, appearing somewhere nearby Lana and others with her, but the side effect was that he appeared at least 6 feet from the ground. "Oh.... damn it." he said to himself before he fell, landing on his back with a painful 'THUMP' "My back is going to hurt for like what? two or three days?" Kass tried to ignore the pain as he stood up. "Look at that, more people.."

(You guys are inside or outside?)

Jill Valen- @Lana Valentine (Just because of the question, not really going to interact with people in this post, but I will do it in the next one)
"I guess they wouldn't mind if I got in... classic way." Kass said to himself as he walked towards the door, crouching in front of it, taking at least five more seconds to find his picklocks and four or five tries to unlock the door. 'Got it' He thought as he slowly opened the door and tried to be as quiet as possible inside the house. "Hello? somebody home? and if so, you probably need a new door lock, since yours is... well... really easy to break in." He finally said it out loud.

@Ami the breadling

@Silver Wolf

Earlier: Everyle noticed a guard on the ground which took his attention momentarily from the word 'knight', again.

Now: "No one important. But this is quite the interesting party," Everyle said as he took a seat. "Now, please do tell me more about these 'gods' and this 'reset'. I'm curious to know. How in the world would one challenge gods, since their creators. Besides, if the gods created us, why haven't they done anything for us?"
Kira's eyes immediatly shifted towards Kass, as he continued calling him a kid. The boy glared at said individual, visibly tensing up again.

He was on the verge of exploding, when luckily, the girl decided to speak up, distracting him. Kira exhaled heavily, crossing his arms again and turning his head away from the group. "I never said anything about wanting to join you weirdos. I don't even know what you're all about, and as long THAT guy's with you-..." Then, suddenly, 'that guy' started to glow red, floating in the air before disappearing a few seconds later. Kira blinked a couple of times, unfolding his limbs again. He looked a little dumbfounded, but after a moment, silently slid into the booth, taking a seat besides Roku. He wasn't even going to question what just happened. "...Kira. My name, i mean." The boy grumpily stated, grabbing a piece of bread from the table and ripping a small chunk out of it. He then proceeded with throwing the bit into his mouth. "So... What are you people after? I mean, why did you join forces like that?"

The boy continued, letting his gaze wander over the others. He noticed the purple glow in Roku's eyes, but decided to ask her about it another time.


Noah kept himself completely quiet for the entire argument, observing the interaction's similar to Roku. Then, when Kass suddenly disappeared, the male wasn't sure what to say, and simply let out a

Well, the new comer didn't really give him time to actually talk about what just happened either, moving on like nothing ever happened.

He decided to let Roku take care Kira's question's, considering how last time, Noah tried to jump in ended.

@Lana Valentine @An Unknown Person
Roku raised her cup in the air, "We have lost the detective I sent him to the sewers of Kazato where he shall never escape it's smelly depths, that should be a good display of my powers so don't make me send you there either." She took another drink smiling and laughing slightly. In truth Roku was unnerved by Kass's disapperance but, played it off like she had done it to impress the others. "We my dear friend Kira are going to bring violent justice upon humanity for their slave using ways, our first task is to get so wasted no one remembers the night before also known as right now than blow up the armory before heading to Viven, Any questions?" She asked taking another swig from her tankard.


@An Unknown Person
Lana moved up the stairs blinking and looking at the strange fellow, "Uh he's with us I guess?" She looked up at the ceiling quietly for a second before going to get washed up and redressed in something better than the rags she normally wore.

"Have Arwyn explain it to you my friend!" She shouted to the poisoners question.

@Ami the breadling @EXPMIRACLE

@Pashpu @An Unknown Person. @Silver Wolf
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Kira looked at Roku with a rather disinterested expression, until the subject of 'violent justice' was brought up. His eyes widened a bit as she told him their plans; this group here might just be what he's been looking for all along. A toothy grin spread across Kira's face as he grabbed a jug from the table, clinking it with Roku's. " No questions at all! Count me in!" He took a big sip from his tankard, cringing a bit at the taste of its content. We'll be heading to Viven tomorrow... God... I don't think that i'm ready to face my family yet... Eh, maybe i'll feel different about it the next morning... Kinda looking forward to blowing up the armory, though. The boy's smirk stayed plastered on his face. He seemed to be enjoying himself.


Although he didn't say anything, Noah was pretty sure that Roku wasn't actually the cause of Kass' disappearance. Teleporting objects, not to mention living beings was rather hard to accomplish, and although he didn't know for sure, the male doubted that she was skilled enough to perform such high level magic.

Letting out a sigh, Noah crossed his arms, shaking head at the two drunkards.
"Don't you think you're a bit young for, and i quote, 'Getting so wasted, no-one will remember the night before?'

@An Unknown Person @Lana Valentine

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