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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

Roku whom had been passively sleeping upon Rok's shoulder started to groan in both pain and exhaustion as she lifted her hood over her head and looked to where they were. "Ah ow, See if there's an inn we can rest at, hopefully word hasn't reached them of our little escapade." It would be improbable for them to have done so even if they had rode out right away. The surprise inside demolition by their group had probably sent the city into a frenzy of proportions not seen in recent memory. Roku pointed towards a slightly larger building than most with simple in human English that read, 'Horgoth Inn' "There, just need a bed." She began to slide off Rok's arm trying to be careful before slipping off of his hand and yelling out in pain from the fall.

This awoke the people of the village who had been sleeping prior, though most stayed away, the villages healer had rushed out to examine Roku's injuries apparently always ready for anything in their little town. Though many were quick to blame the giant and of course anyone else involved Roku cleared things up in a manner only she could. "The giant is a slave we're helping escape and find a home, I took a bad injury while we tried to free him from a bunch of soldiers, you don't have to help us but, we need it for just one night..." The healer would not allow Roku to be taken away nor dealt with severely for their alleged rescue of slaves as that was considered a huge crime under many a human law. She was tended to while the others were brought into the healers home beside Rok whom could not fit safely.

Roku weakly looked at Rok touching his leg, "Protect us tonight..." She said each word slowly one at a time and then followed the healer in with Noah and Kira to help her rest and heal for the next day.

@BobbyW @Kel Vas
As the giant spoke, Noah glanced up at him, meeting his comrade's with his own. He remained like that for a short moment, before eventually relocating his gaze towards their destination again. That's an interesting question... Hmm...

Eyes locked on ahead the whole time, Kira silently lead the way towards the village. It wasn't long until they had reached the place, but as it stepped into view, a small rain drop fell onto the boy's arm, indicating that the weather was about to worsen. Kira gazed up at the sky, causing some water to meet his face. The clouds had turned into a darker tone, thickening as they walked. He soon moved his eyes back to the village, but was distracted by the voice of their previously unconscious comrade a moment later. The boy decided to let Noah do the talking, focusing on their destination again.

The older male didn't mind a sudden rain; the smell reminded him of his childhood. Back when he was little, Noah would always rush out of the house when the clouds started to darken. Something about it just fascinated him.

As he heared the groaning of Roku, the male immediatly turned his head to her.
"I doubt it. Seoga's currently falling apart, there are more important things at hand than warning their surrounding villages."

As the group entered Horgoth, Kira looked up at the building Roku pointed at, heading towards it. He only stopped after hearing the sound of his comrade falling to the ground, groaning in pain. It animated the boy to immediatly head back.

"Roku!" Noah exclaimed, watching her slip off the giant's hands. He quickly kneeled besides her, releaved once the village's healer rushed outside, though other people did so as well. The male was focused on his injured companion, but grew a quick frown as he heared the people blaming the giant for what happened.

"Of course it was that giant, hell, we're lucky he didn't kill her with those hands." A female villager commented.

Hearing that, Kira locked eyes immediatly with her, giving the woman an almost deadly glare. He easily stared her down.

Roku eventually explained to the folk what was going on, not actually giving them the real story of course. Well, the Healer seemed to understand nontheless and allowed the group to spend the night at his place. Thanking the man, Noah and and Kira were led inside the house while Roku's injuries were treated. The older one immediatly layed down, falling asleep in a matter of seconds, the boy on the other hand was still awake, thinking about the events of today. He heared that Roku eventually went inside too. She was probably the one that needed sleep the most.

Then, after some time had past, Kira decided to get back up, heading for the doctor's kitchen. Treating yourself while staying as guest at a stranger's place was probably considered rude behavior, but hey, the boy was hungry. He grabbed himself some bread, but while making his way back to the bedroom, came to a halt at the front door. Rubbing the back of his head, he took a moment, but eventually opened it, leaning outside. Kira locked his eyes onto the giant who wasn't allowed to enter the house for obvious reasons, and spoke up.
"Hey." He ripped a piece of his bread of, throwing the rest at his comrade to catch. Honestly, it probably wouldn't really do anything if the guy was actually hungry, considering his size, but knowing that he had to sit in the rain while the others were inside, the boy felt kinda bad. "Night." He briefly stated, heading back inside and finally going to bed after eating his snack.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas

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The second day rose upon the world that would one day be reset by the hands of a few. Roku and her band of men had rested within the village of Horgoth, that lay upon the border between Seoga and Andor. Though the group's plans had been diverted by their destruction of the majority of Seoga, they felt accomplished for their actions even if their leader was still injured slightly. Having rested and deciding to continue onward in the morning, Roku would be seen resting upon the shoulder of Rok, so her bones could heal further. "We'll just keep heading this way guys, plus Andor has some of the enslaved within their military perhaps we could entice them with our idea for the future." She groaned as she looked back at the others due to her pain but, smiled warmly. "At least for now let's go with that, I'm sure the winds of our destiny shall lead us somewhere."

Meanwhile back in Seoga, Lana and her group found themselves locked out of the city in confusion and many people seemed to either be fleeing from the capital of this kingdom or even going as far to start looting the streets. "What happened?" Lana attempted to ask a guard only to be slapped down into the ground. "Do not speak to me elf, your kind caused all of this with a damned giant of all things," the guard then spat upon her as she stood tempted to attack them herself but, backed away to rejoin her group. "Seems we missed quite the party..." She wiped her face and pointed northward. "Let's head to Ironwrath then, seems this chaos and whoever caused it made a stir here. We'll find supplies and horses on the way. Let's go." Lana casted a final glare towards the guards and began to lead the way to the capital hold of Ironwrath, which was situated inside of the mountain itself as it was once part of a mighty dwarfen kingdom many centuries ago.

@Ami the breadling



@An Unknown Person


@Silver Wolf

@Kel Vas

Mark woke up from his chair-sleep. It was uncomfortable, but what was more uncomfortable was people screaming and waking him up from his supposedly good dreams. "H-Huh?". Ironwrath was one of the places he didn't really want to go to. Mostly because last time, he considered the dwarf race to be strong but they have low intelligence. "W-Well, let's go!" he said, picking up his quiver and bow and placed them both on his back as he followed Lana's lead. He made sure not to bump to anyone as it would slow them all down.

@Ami the breadling


@Lana Valentine

Sierra had already woken up from her own sleep a few hours ago, she had her breakfast and is now training magic with the tutor hired. She's been doing impressively, her ability to use both Divine and Ice magic is slowly increasing. Even her tutor seemed to have no more basic lessons to teach about them. "This is all I can tell you about these two magics. A true sorceress will need to make her own kinds of combinations and techniques using these two elements. Now, let us proceed with the fire element." the lady said, handing out a Basic Tome of Fire. It was heavier than the other tomes, maybe because of it's wide array of available spells and tricks. "Let's begin...". The training continued on, as Sierra once again has to learn a new element. She begins by closing her eyes and focusing on the said magic, "Be one with the flames." the tutor said.
Yawning greatly, Kira stretched his arms, moving them behind his head once he was done. The boy listened to what Roku, who was once again sitting on the giant's shoulder, had to say. Rubbing an eye tiredly, he headed off into the direction of Andor, after stating a brief, "Let's go then."

Scratching the back of his head, Noah glanced up at their leader, growing a slight smile after seeing her's. He also got into movement, walking behind Kira. The male eventually turned his head towards Roku and the giant, a thought suddenly shooting into his mind. He scratched his cheek, glanzing up at his two comrade's.
"...Actually, i don't think we've properly introduced ourselves yet. I am Noah Beatus and, as you probably already heared us mention, the girl on your shoulder is called Roku. Roku Wolfhound. The boy here's-." "Kira." The young one cut him off, although without bothering to turn around. "...Exactly. Anyway, what's your name?" Noah continued, eyes locked onto the giant.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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Another day has come, the ball within the sky glistening as it's fires burn so far away. With the day's start Rok was reunited with the three and their journey began once more. The night that had already passed was long, but it was not often that he could enjoy the rain. Before it simply made work harder, but on that night it was more refreshing than anything. More so, he never did notice how when clouds parted, glowing lights would shine within the sky. Perhaps too long of his life had been used looking downwards, that the sky just never caught his attention.

Rok's strides were slow, attempting to match a comfortable pace for the short-race individuals with him. Not many of the Breaker's words struck any real meaning to the giant, as he could not quite understand the plan in motion. However, nothing about them felt cold or demanding. Even with the female perched upon his shoulder, he could not feel a sense of being used as some mindless servant. Last night proved that the others did not see him as some tool either. The memories carried fresh, still within his mind. The Speaker stood for him when the villagers came with hostilities. The Guide, whom despite late at night still brought him a share of food. And now, they came to even share their names.

"The Speaker, Noah." Rok's eyes met with him as one could watch as he mentally took the notes. "The Guide, Kira." His pattern continued with the same fashion, "The Breaker, Roku." With notes taken, and verbalized for confirmation he looked downward once more at Noah. "I am Rok Gromn." This practice was something unknown to the giant, making it somewhat awkward. Normally during the trade of owners, his name was exchanged for him. But with these short-race, he was seen with a voice. "I want to meet this Destiny that owns winds."

@BobbyW @Lana Valentine
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Roku couldn't help a fit of giggles at Rok's names for them. "So how did you come up with the speaker, guide and breaker for us Rok? And the winds will guide us to the destiny, it means we will take it a day at a time." She attempted to explain what she had meant to Rok but, was pleased that their new ally was a friendly giant in the end of it all. Roku looked down towards Noah and Kira, "So when we arrive we might be accused of being escaped slaves if we are let me handle the talking again." She gave the two boys a wink before her eye started glowing a brighter color than it had ever before. Roku felt the magic within her had grown slightly allowing her another two spells after the intensive experience from the previous day. "Seems master was correct..." She whispered to herself as her eyes returned to their normal appearance.


@Kel Vas
Noah just couldn't help but grow a visible smile at the titles, their new companion had given them. He nodded at the statement of Roku's, adding, "We'll get there eventually."

Rok seemed like a nice enough, sympathetically curious person who was quite obviously new to interactions on such a level of equality. He'd turn out to be a great addition for the team, Noah was sure.

Kira, just like yesterday, held his gaze locked up front, although the boy did turn to the giant when he revealed the title he had given him.
Guide?... Shaking his head, he focused on the way ahead, the usual mix out of grumpiness and disinterest forming his expression.

Noah listened to the girl's request, raising an eyebrow at the sudden glow of her eye.
That again. I've seen it yesterday, too. What's the deal with her eye?... Then, another thought distracted the male from his previous one. The look on his face grew into a slight frown as he kept his eyes locked onto Roku. "Also, about Andor... Roku, i hope you aren't thinking about pulling anything off once we arrive. You see, we might've gotten away with blowing up Seoga's armory, but Andor is the greatest military force of all the kingdoms. At this point, i'm sure they've found out about what happened back at the capital." He said, keeping a steady pace.

@Kel Vas @Lana Valentine
Roku nodded her head at Noah's worries, "Oh I know that! That's why we're going to turn ourselves in," Roku waved her hand in the air before giving Noah a small smile. "No I've got a plan don't worry, also if this gets out to the other kingdoms too quickly, that would make Seoga seem weak, they might keep it as quiet as possible otherwise the other kingdoms would find reason to... Step in if you understand what I'm getting at." Seoga was named after a Thief and Merchant whom had been rumored to be as skillful with a bow, they had proud traditions of being wealthy and prosperous. The fact that four people even if one was giant ransacked their capital then escaped would not be good news to let leak as that would mean the largest pile of money around was a lot weaker and any of the kingdoms would call that reason enough to try and grab territory and wealth.

Roku looked at her new counterpart Rok, finding a little humor in how similar their names were. "I am the brains of this operation, and Rok is the Brawn muffin that he is," She giggled sticking her tongue out though groaned in pain once more.

@BobbyW @Kel Vas
Rok looked to his shoulder as Roku broke into a fit, partially on account that he didn't know why it was occurring. However, she did seem happy about it in some way. Though this concept of 'Destiny' became more strange, seeing as it owned the winds that lead people to it. More so, with Noah's chime 'Destiny' seemed to become more like a destination. Truly, what a peculiar thing. After that she seemed to address the others, which caused his attention to drift until the word 'master' could barely be heard. So even she held an individual that she could address as such. Within the short duration he was caught by the thought the Speaker came to bring about a topic that the giant would again tune away. He could not trust his long term memory to remember these things, as well it's not like they were being addressed to him. They were all about the plans the Breaker was bringing for the future, or at least, that is how he saw it.

Feeling the eyes upon him, Rok looked to the female on his shoulder whilst she commented. "I am muffin?" He spoke, not quite understanding what food had in relation with him. But once more she seemed to be having fun, this time giving a peculiar expression before letting out another noise of pain. It was odd, this energetic individual who seemed to produce warmth naturally was capable of crushing men with mighty magics. It was then that Rok chose to answer her previous question, uncertain of how the flow of conversation was supposed to go. "Roku broke rules the owner race made. Noah brings and speaks thought. Kira guided when direction could not be found."
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Roku looked towards the others with a smile but then returned to paying to Rok, "Well, that is the idea of what we are attempting." She explained before tapping her chin thinking. "Do you know what freedom is Rok?" She asked him while swinging her legs off of his shoulder but remained stable upon him.

Roku was testing Rok's knowledge and intelligence not because she was looking down upon it but, that she wanted to aid her companion in understanding what they were trying to fight for.

@Kel Vas @BobbyW

@EXPMIRACLE (Is Serrias house outside of Andor or inside?)
(I really need to remember to tag.)

A sudden question came from Roku, one that forced him to face forward rather than towards her. After all, he was not educated on meanings or etiquette, but rather just gained knowledge from the bits he did get to listen to. "Freedom is to be without duty, without order." Rok spoke, his voice holding confidence in the labels, despite knowing that he probably wasn't even right. As, that was what the word meant to him, and how he perceived it as being throughout what he has heard. " Short-race seem happy when talking of freedom. But owner race, do not fear short-race learning. Rok can not be free, even if chains are broken, or owner not found. World is too big, even for the behemoths. Too much to learn for Rok to go without order in big world. Rok will continue to look for master, until the sleep never ends." A heavily breathe left the giant, as his voice was used more now, than perhaps ever before.

@Lana Valentine @BobbyW
Roku shook her head, "Freedom is to have the capability to do whatever you want and even you Rok can have freedom. My Master, well teacher, told me that the Ironwrath mountains used to have Giants roaming the mountains like it was their home." She pointed towards the mountains that could be seen from the grassland they were upon.

@Kel Vas
"What?!" Noah yelled out as Roku spoke about turning themselves in. His expression softened again when the girl said that it would be part of her plan, although still keeping a raised eyebrow. She did have a point regarding Seoga though; informing the other kingdoms of the incident last night would probably turn out to be more counterproductive from their perspective.

Noah couldn't help himself but chuckle a little at Rok's statement. Even though the adrenaline he'd feel during moments like the destruction of the armory sure was an experience, peaceful times like the one right now were also quite enjoyable. Then, when the giant came back on the topic of their titles, the male's chuckle turned into a smile again. He thought that they were oddly fitting... especially the 'breaker' one.

Rok and aroku then started discussing what freedom really was. Noah listened closely to what they had to say. Since that's what they were fighting for, it was quite interesting to find out what the word really meant to his comrades.
"...I think real freedom is the ability to overcome your doubts in order to do what you really want. It's like having to break through a gate, which, ironically, happened last night." He stated, glancing up at the mountains, Roku had pointed at.

The whole conversation kinda just passed Kira. He wasn't really the philosophical type and wouldn't know what to possibly say, although the question of what freedom really was did make him think.
Hmm... am i really free? I mean, i don't have to answer to anyone anymore, so i guess?... His expression turned into a more thoughtful one as he looked up at the Ironrath mountains.

@Kel Vas @Lana Valentine
Roku looked up towards the majestic walls of Andor, it had towering spires , flags with the kingdoms symbol and guards constantly on watch along the wall patrolling it's lengths. Even from where they were Roku could see the might of the nation with the strongest military to still be in constant effect. As they headed towards the gates, Roku's eyes landed upon some of the guards who wore the shiny polished metal armor and grew surprised seeing the likes of Orcs and Elfs among them. She began to wonder if they were treated better than slaves than snapped her fingers having another idea to get into Andor with little trouble.

The large and imposing front gate loomed in front of them and Roku began to tap Rok and point downward to help her get down as a team of five soldiers armed with rifles approached them accompanied by a short human who held a scroll with information. "Hello and welcome to Andor, as part of a new policy by the King decree all visitors must explain their reason for visiting."

The man seemed nervous around Rok but, Roku simply smiled to him before responding for the group. "My name is Roku the Dragonblood, this here is Rok the Berserker, Noah the Knight, and Kira of the Dark Flames. We are Travelers seeking rest and perhaps the ability to aid your kingdom in any way we can."

The man began a furious amount of writing upon the scroll before looking at them all again. "The laws here for those of the other races are much more lax here, you are welcome to come and go as you need though respect the laws of our kingdom or else punishment shall be dealt with swiftly." With this said the man bowed before continuing, "If you wish the army recruitment is held within tower of Ravens and the royal family does hear the needs and claims of all it's people within the castle itself."

With this said the soldiers and the human began to leave however Roku stopped them asking a question, "Does the royal family hear the pleas of the slaves as well?" The human turned around and nodded his head though there was a look of concern upon his face, "Our Kingdom has long used the lesser races in our army and though they are still considered lesser and are treated as such, we are much more relenting on their ways than the other kingdoms. Though punishment is usually much harsher upon them." With that he turned and left leaving Roku to cross her arms and look at the other three of her group. "That was an interesting batch of information don't you think?" She said scratching her shoulder.


@Kel Vas
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As Sierra continued her concentration, the tutor had stood up from her comfortable seat. Her face shows signs of nervousness, something the girl rarely sees in a person. The lady's arm was also shuddering. Sierra could hear her whispering to herself, "I can feel a large magical presence nearby.. Agh". Concerned, she asked, "What's bothering you, miss sensei?". The tutor looked back to her and took a deep breath, "It is nothing. I must go for now, training starts again tomorrow, there is business I have to attend to", the lady then opened the doors and exited quickly. Though it seems like a good day to rest, she continued concentrating her ability to use the Fire Tome. Whatever the issue with the tutor was, she hoped it would be resolved by tomorrow.
(And again, Rok shall come to another misunderstanding. Arise The Speaker Noah, Knight who commands Light!)

The giant continued to look forward throughout the remainder of their journey, mind resting about the different labels built upon 'freedom'. Rok wished to continue this time of shared kindness, following by that invigorating feeling of living for the moment. However, the kindness may end one day if the other races come to accept one another. Surely it was not that amusing, nor desirable to talk with a giant who knows nothing more than what he sees. Then again, he could not deny the kindness these three provided, their smiles, their laughs. This new state of being was so different from the day before that it was just strange. Perhaps a sorceress had taken him without his knowledge, perhaps his eyes were already viewing an unending dream, in the end he could not tell.

Another wall stood before them, a fortress within the land crafted by man. The gates held an assortment of small-race, which was indeed a pleasing view. This was the region where the owner race was more lax towards the others. With Roku's taps to gain the giant's attention he followed her gesture, lowering himself to a knee before bringing his hand to meet the base of her feet as if a lowering platform. Still the owner race seemed to fear him, however with Roku speaking for the group the matter seemed minor. With titles placed Rok could not help but look to his other companions, unknowing that he was in the presence of not two, but three magic wielders, one of which was a knight. Their titles seemingly grew endlessly as time passed, bringing about further respect from the mass of flesh.

Before the man left, Roku caught his attention once more, asking a question in regards to the slaves. With his response, Rok felt somewhat pleased. His journey through these lands was always brief, resulting in him knowing even less of the short-race who live here. By the sound of it, perhaps all that live within these walls behave much like Noah, Kira, and Roku. Perhaps joining an army of such a nation would not be a horrible choice either.

Rok rose to his feet once Roku finished with the man and came to bring her attention upon the three. All the giant could manage was a nod, voice restrained as he looked upon the individual who returned to the gate.

@Lana Valentine @BobbyW
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Keline got up and started packing a few things. She knew Lana had said they would find food on the way, but better to be safe just in case. She put a few apples and loaves of bread in a sack. She also made sure she had all her medicines in her other bag- you never know when you might need them on a trip. Then she remembered the sick elf girl was still there, lying down. “You’ll take care of her, won’t you?” she asked Sebastian. Keline knew she could trust the butler, he was definitely a man of his word. Then she followed Lana, Mark, Arwyn, and Everlyne out the house.

“So…,” said Keline. “We need horses. Let’s check if the stables are still around.” Lana had told her about the huge destruction in the central parts of the town. It frightened her, to see her home in ruins. But things were changing, and the world wasn’t going to be the same again. She could feel it.

@Ami the breadling


@Lana Valentine

@Silver Wolf
(I love our friendly neighborhood giant. xD )

Kira glanced up at the majestic walls of Andor, stricken with awe. Sure, Seoga, Ankrath and Viven, the three kingdoms he's been in before had defensive structures too of course, but this here was on a whole different level. It really represented what Andor stood for, military strength. The boy's gaze soon shifted over to the group of guards that stepped through the massive gates. They were accompanied by a short, unarmored male who was holding some sort of scroll in his hands. Crossing his arms, Kira let Roku do the talking, as discussed earlier.

Noah listened as the man with the papers asked them to explain their business. He raised his an eyebrow at Roku when she started introducing everyone with some titles she had made up. The male then quickly changed his expression back to a friendly smile and gave the earlier mentioned individual a slight nod as to not alarm him.

The man then proceeded with noting something down on his scroll, continuing with a rather informing speech once he was done. Noah nodded once at him, adding a quick, "Alright then. Many thanks." Once they finally left.

"That it was. So, what's our next move?" The male replied to Roku. A moment after, Noah added, "And what's with the titles?"

As that question was asked, Kira now also rose his eyebrow and glanced at Roku. "Yeah, dark flames?"

"..And i've never acquired knightship, you know..." The older male continued.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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Nighthawk had a mission now. The previous night, he had been alerted to a great destruction occurring in the central parts of the city- the result of a rebellion led by a giant and several magic users. His slave-owning client was furious. But he did not order Nighthawk to track them down. After what he had heard from Nighthawk’s report of the knights’ villa, his client felt that this was more important. He felt that the rebellion, may have merely been a diversion. The client thought that the elf girl who Nighthawk had identified from the villa was probably the mastermind behind it. And so he had a target. This elf-girl needed to be killed- and she would be.

That morning Nighthawk creeped back to the knights’ villa. He crouched down behind a bush and waited patiently for them to leave the house. They came soon, talking loudly about their plans to go to Ironwrath. There were five of them in total- several elfs, a knight, and a human…Their leader was unmistakeably the elf girl. How he would like to wipe that arrogant smile off her face. His hands tensed around the poisoned arrow that he had fastened to his middle finger, attached to a triggering mechanism. But he couldn’t shoot yet. Not in broad daylight, where he was liable of being attacked back.

After the group had left, he carefully followed them. He hid behind a market stand here, a basket there, then a tree. Being seen would jeopardize his entire mission. And he couldn’t allow that. Nighthawk had never failed, and he certainly would not start now.

@Lana Valentine


@Silver Wolf
Lana led the way for some time, her mind thinking of the attack upon Seoga and the effects it could have. She turned towards Mark and Keline as they had been the only two to follow her after such an attack, "Arwyn stayed to protect Seoga due to that attack killing most of the knights and the others scrambled off." She crossed her arms silently before turning to her poisoner friend whose name kept eluding her. "We may have lost some of our allies however the plan remains the same. Though it has seemed everywhere we have passed by sold their horses to others." This was a truth many people had fled Seoga to other neighboring lands. Word would spread eventually even if the king of Seoga rushed it wouldn't.

Lana remained quiet for a time thinking on the attack and why and whom may have caused it. She chewed upon her lip distracted by these thoughts wondering if she somehow missed an opportunity to gather more to her cause.

@Pashpu @EXPMIRACLE @Silver Wolf (I totally forgot your characters name >_> )


Roku nodded towards the others and pointed at each of the three in turn. "Rok the berserker because he's big and tough in a fight, Noah the Knight cause you want to be a knight, and Kira if the dark flames because... It sounds good?" She laughed slightly before pointing towards the gates. "So here's the plan, step one we join the army, step two we make friends with army people, step three we get our own army. Simple right?" She nodded before beginning to head into Andor while keeping a look out for anything interesting her eyes faintly glowing purple once more.

@BobbyW @EXPMIRACLE @Kel Vas
The giant looked from the Guide and Speaker unto the Breaker, now further confused about the titles. However, with her explanation he could come to understand how they were linked. Giving a nod, the giant accepted the idea of joining their army. The idea of making friends with ease was strange to him, as he expected most would probably avoid him. If Kira accepted it, then he would have no reason to keep from walking forward unto the path. However, as Roku did label it as a path, he would willingly choose to walk without the assurance. Within an army would he still be able to follow the paths of these three, or would the owner race control his movements once more? A chuckle erupted from the giant's throat, it was only yesterday that he ignored thoughts, mindlessly following the whims of another. And here he was, with a moment of worry that he would go back. Perhaps this 'Destiny' was something that baited with the winds, forcing people to discover their own sense of 'freedom'. "Interesting", he spoke, amused that this thought of a thing was baiting him to where no commands remained.

Stepping forward, the giant showed his intent to enter the city. "Rok will show the small-race, what a berserker is." Then again, he himself could only put together that a berserker was something 'big and tough'. However, he was somewhat proud of the little title that had been given to him.

@Lana Valentine @BobbyW
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Everyle (known to them for now as Ivari) sighed and pulled out a little vial from his pouch as he poured the contents on his katana. As he did he said, "I'm happy to be out of the knight's eye. But there is one problem we have now. We're on the road and Seoga is falling to the oppressed, we'll be wise to avoid the roads since backup armies will use them if needed. We also want to avoid wandering slavers and bandits. We don't really have horses so we're going to have to live off the land after a while. It will probably take an extra week longer or more to reach Ironwrath. Do you have a path we can take?"

@Pashpu @EXPMIRACLE @Lana Valentine


"Well, we're in," Faeryl said to Arthur as they walked through the streets of Andor's capital. He was leading the horses while Arthur looked around at everything with interest, as always. He had even tried to start a conversation with some of the guards, but he was just pushed aside. Now that they were in the city, Arthur would be quick to try and gain access to as many documents and antiques as possible.

@BobbyW @EXPMIRACLE @Kel Vas @Lana Valentine
Shaking his head a little, Noah moved his hands to his hips. "I want to be a paladin, there's a difference between them and simple knights. It's like with fingers, not every finger is a thumb, but every thumb is a finger. So, basically, i want to be a thumb."

At the statement, Kira locked his eyes onto the older male, eyebrow still raised. He stared at him a little, but eventually said, "Thumb? You're dumb is what you are."

The boy then did as Roku and headed for the gate, hands in his pocket. The chuckle of his comrade caused him to turn his head towards said individual for a moment, but he quickly dismissed it, locking his eyes back onto the gate. To say the truth, he was a little nervous about joining the army, even if he didn't show it. ...I told myself that i'd be done taking orders... Hell, whatever, it's just temporarily after all... Still, i'm not sure if i'm able to control myself if it comes down to it.

Noah gave Kira an angry glare because of the insult, although deciding to look over it as to not make a scene in public. He scratched his cheek and relocated his gaze onto Roku again.
"I'm... Pretty sure things won't be as easy as you're putting them..." The male then proceeded with getting into movement as well.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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"We'd be lucky if we see horses... B-But, we'll get through!" Mark exclaimed. It wasn't really the time to be relaxed as he needed to be very cautious about his surroundings, some people may take advantage of the current situation and use them for their own needs. As the guy said, time will be twice more longer than he had assumed it to be. Even if they can't reach the destination in time, this extension can be a good idea for the group to warm up to each other and eventually learn to trust. He himself isn't really sure about trusting the others, but this isn't the time to be worrying about that.

@Pashpu @Silver Wolf @Lana Valentine

Second after seconds, time was slowly ticking as Sierra washed her energy away with the adaptation of the Fire Tome. Unlike the previous ones, this one seems to be a challenge for her, connecting with such magic would take about a day or two before she could even use the most weakest spell out of all. Apprentice Sorcerers like her still need training, even if they are very skillful. As she felt her "mana" being drained, her reaction was to immediately stop. If she wastes all of her stamina into training, then she wouldn't have time for the day and may even collapse from massive consumption. She breathed into the air around her, before pushing herself from her concentrating position. "Well... I think him and I had a date scheduled for today." she sighed before continuing her silent speech, "I don't really want to do this. I should probably tell him". Her thoughts took the better of her, the man she was supposed to meet today must be waiting.

She exited the room she was in, leaving her house. After a bit of walking, she found herself near the gates, where they were supposed to meet. "Hm... I can't find him anywhere..." she said, looking around as she spots a group of 4(?) entering. Her father always told her, when new people come into the kingdom, she shouldn't hesitate to greet them. Sierra built up her courage, and approached the said group. "Ah! Hello there! You're newcomers, I suppose? Welcome to Andor." said Sierra, she was smiling at the new set of people. They were quite suspicious, but their get-up implies that they may be here for the army. She had heard that the army was open to everyone, but small rumors say that training there is much more harsher.

@BobbyW @Lana Valentine @Silver Wolf @Kel Vas
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