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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

Roku laughed at Noah sticking her tongue out at him, "That's why your the logical one, If I am going to slaughter the hordes of human bystanders at every city, I should be allowed a drink or five!" Roku's voice had been growing louder and suddenly however the entire tavern had fallen silent as if something serious had happened.

Two guardsmen, one of which wore a set of knights armor smashed their mugs upon the table. "What did you say half breed?" Roku looked at them as they approached the table hands upon the hilts of their swords. "I said I was going to slaughter the hordes of humans who sit idly by and enforce Slavery... Why you got a problem human..." Roku's eye had returned to normal and through she was slightly drunk she still had a plan in the end.

(owo @BobbyW @An Unknown Person)
Thump! Thump! Thump!

These were the steps of a giant, one whom stomped with every step, bearing the weight of the cart he pulled forward. Two sounds disrupted this reoccurring melody, one of which was the loose chains which also belonged to the giant, and the other being the half-drunkard riding the cart. His brew sloshed within the tankard as he arbitrarily spewed insults at the slave, his entire body basically backing his pitiable barks. This man, Sam Cleifwright, was not commonly found drinking, no, this was due to the goods that were being delivered. However, it could be said that this drunken nonsense was amongst his more 'pleasant' experiences with the slaves.

"Well would you look at that, you bloody passed the tavern you pungent primate!" Sam barked out, lurching forward as he spoke. "Can you not read you blasted meat wall? What am I saying, of course you can't! You're dimmer than a pig rolling in a field of manure. This is why you are a slave, I tell ya, you should be thankful for my guidance!" Perhaps it was the lack of reaction that caused this man to continuously behave this way. More then most, others would lash out after continued hours of this behavior before being whipped by the man.

Rok released the bars protruding from the cart, forcibly bringing it to a halt, jerking the man atop. It fueled the insults further, but he chose to ignore the man. Grabbing one of the bars with a single hand, he forcibly turned the entire cart before pulling it closer to the tavern. Upon arrival, the man hopped off the cart, stumbling a few steps as he attempted to stand before the giant. " Alright you uncouth behemoth! Take these barrels around the back, and I shall head on inside to complete the delivery. Don't you drop any! Barrels! Barrels! They are like bundled coin!" The man came to rant as he vanished off into the tavern, leaving the giant to silence. With this mild, but temporary, peace, Rok carried on with his duty. Picking up a barrel, tucking it under one of his arms, then grabbing a second. A slightly humorous method, seeing as each of these barrels were barely a foot shorter than Sam.

Within time, commotion took to Rok's ears. The rising sound leaking from within the tavern, drawing him closer and closer to the door nearest the cart. His oversized hand completely enshrouded the handle with ease, nearly too much as he could not properly grasp it. With even the slightest push he was met with a crack as the door snapped under it's weight. His owner would probably be displeased with him breaking property, however that could be counterbalanced with the possible need of protection. He did not see Sam as a master, however, he did not need further ordeals resulting from his failures.

Without backing, Rok proceeded, the door easily snapping off it's hinges as he forcibly entered the structure. He disliked the indoor environments. Everything was always cluttered, the buildings were always small. Everything favored the size of other races, but this was due to it all being centered around the humans. Regardless, from his hunched position he came to find what the commotion was about. Guardsman stood at the ready, and before them, a non-human. Sam could already be found sneaking out the front on the other side, away from the back door in which he came. "Who? Who caused this?" Rok's voice cut the air, a rumble erupting much like a lion's roar with his words due to his lack of control.
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Roku held her hands up just as the giant started to push it's away inside. Upon hearing his question the guards physical began to move away now wondering if it was to be involved in the scuffle. Roku's eyes began to glow bring purple as she pointed at the two. "You are weak humans and I and my friends will give you reason to fear the coming dawn," satisfied with her taunt she then gestured her hands and the knight armored guardsmen head popped like a zit as if something had crushed him.

Indeed something had as to anyone with magical capabilities or sight would see a faint hand moving at Roku's command. The blood sprayed upon a larger portion of the room before the others began to scatter away screaming or yelling for the guards.

"Alright boys time to go," Roku said drunkenly as her eyes returned to normal gesturing at the giant. "You my large sized friend are with us, we are going to kill all humans for their atrocities upon other races, and in the new order we will create there will be places for you to rest without breaking down a door, so join the revolution!" A larger portion of Roku's speech was slurred as she then jumped away from the table and ran out herself, "Last one to the western gates gets shot full if arrows!"

@Kel Vas

@An Unknown Person


(owo cone on guys RP time!)
It was to be expected, the guardsmen backing away from the sudden presence of a giant. However, what could not have been anticipated was the quickness in which a head seemingly exploded. Someone was proclaiming to stand against the humans, and surely this was a display of power proving her feat was a possibility. Well, that is of course within the giant's eyes. Amongst the humans he knew it was impossible to find someone who could properly be called master, so he merely dealt with the owners who possessed him. After all, they were the hands that fed him, and kept him within the world. But, if there was a cause to be had, a greater occurrence that went beyond the reaches of a slave / slaver relationship. In some ways, there was a small figure gnawing at the back of his uneducated mind, stating that the road known is the road best traveled. But something about this silly declaration of creating a new order, Rok found enjoyable.

What was it that was fueling him? This feeling of intensity that pushed him to do things he was taught were wrong? Rage? Anger? Vengeance? Or was it the simple idea of knocking the humans down a few pegs for acting superior. He knew that it would be a fruitless effort, as humans always found a way to prevail, however, something provoked this mass to break his docile nature. The giant watched as the female quickly made her escaped, still stuck within his thoughts. Rok's booming laughter came to rumble from his frame, standing full length without regard to the confines of the structure. Giants were not meant to think, they were built for action.

Finalizing his resolve, Rok roared, not caring if his voice was deafening. His life was full of boring beats, and this craving for energy finally breached it's limit. Without limitation, his legs moved, full thrust as he charged through the front of the building, taking door and more in his quake. How fragile the human's structures were when he showed so little care. However, with lack of direction or facing of were 'west' may have been, he stood at a halt on the other side. Heavy breathes escaping as the energy continued to swell. She had companions, they would show the way.

@Lana Valentine

@An Unknown Person

When Kira finished his drink, the boy smashed down his empty mug, sticking his tongue out at Noah just as Roku did. "Exactly, Blondy." He added, not noticing the sudden silence that had filled the tavern. Only when the shadows of the approaching guardsmen started looming above him, the boy turned towards said individuals. Glaring at them with a raised eyebrow, Kira let Roku handle the talking, a slight smirk spreading across his lips. Then, a... preeeetty large guy entered the taver, breaking down the door in the process. Whoa... I'm guessing he's a giant? Never actually saw one personally... He gazes up at the mentioned person for a moment, before something else got his attention. A faint arm was heading for the knight's head as Roku made her gesture. Kira really only barrely saw the hand, since his magic skills weren't that high. Well, a second later, the telekinetic limb proceeded with crushing that guard's head, causing blood to splatter everywhere. Some bits and pieces of the knight's brain rained down onto his shoulders and slidered down his armor, before the headeless body eventually collapsed. Of, course, most people in the tavern started freaking out. Not so Kira. The boy let out a whistle, translating into 'Not bad.' He then did as Roku, and stood up from his seat. It was now that he noticed that he was getting a little tipsy as well, needing a moment to gather his balance again. Suddenly, the giant let out an intimidating roar and crashed through the buildings front. Seeing this caused Kira to chuckle, rushing out of the building as well. He tapped the newcomer on the arm while running, yelling a quick, "Over here, big guy!" As he seemed a little disorientated.

The boy quickly caught up to Roku, now running besides her.
"Arrows, huh? Well, then get ready for a visit to the doctor!" He said energetically while gazing at her from the corner of his eye, before speeding off.


Noah kept shaking his head at the two, but soon noticed the sudden silence that had filled the building. He gulped down after seeing the two guards approaching, pulling at his collar a bit.
Greeeeaaat.... Damnit Roku... The male bit his lip, listening to the guardsmen's statement, eyes growing wide because of Roku's reply. "P-Please excuse her, she didn't mean to-..." Suddenly, a giant broke down the door of the tavern while trying to enter. He looked up at him for a short moment, but was soon distracted by the telekinetic hand's that were heading towards the knight. Telekinetic aura?... What's the girl trying to... Oh no. "Roku!-.." Sadly, Noah took a little too long to realize what Roku was doing and the knight's head popped like a balloon. The male covered his face with an arm right before the guard was killed, causing the blood which would've normally gotten into his face to stain his limb instead.

Of course, people started freaking out, but the group didn't have time for any of that. Roku got up and ran off, following to that, the giant did the same... Breaking a large part of the tavern in the process. Then, Kira dashed outside too.

With a sigh, Noah slid out of the booth, carefully stepping over the headless corpse before running off as well.
The last one gets shot by arrows?... That might be more true than you're thinking....

@An Unknown Person @Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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xP is it bad that I'm laughing my behind off in reality at all this?)

Roku sprinted away looking to head towards the western gates before skidding to a stop and turning around and sprinting towards the center if the city. "Shite! We forgot about our explosive exit!" Roku was surprisingly clear headed now at least from the effects of the alcohol she pointed towards where the knights base of operations were. "First we blow up the armory then we escape, let the spark of revolution begin!" She leapt forward her hands glowing before sticking herself onto a guard tower normally used for alarms which had of course began to sound.

She climbed up to the top before peeking over the edge and pointing two fingers at a guard and sent a bolt of lighting at him as it chained between them all. Roku currently had four spells left available to her that was only limited to her imagination. She'd need a full nights rest to recharge soon. However blowing up the armory was far more important than paying too much attention to such matters. Standing inside of the now silent alarm tower though the city itself was in a frenzy. She peeked off the edge and looked downward, "Hey can one of you knock this tower down?" She shouted down to them.

@Ami the breadling



(Lana now looks exactly like her CS picture except without the leather armor by the way )
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"Attack plan?" Everyle asked as he looked up quickly. He knew by her looks that she was a sneak, but he wasn't sure about these other people. He would need to know how to work with these people if he was going to entrust a plan to them. He was also beginning to question why he was here, but if he could kill a slaver in the process, then that would be one reward.
The plan was somehow flawless in his eyes. Once she asked questions, he raised his hand and began to speak. "Y-Yes. First of all, w-who are you?" Mark joked around, it was obviously Lana. He bowed down in apology, "Just k-kidding". "S...So how can we get to Ironwrath? By foot or by carriages?" the boy asked. He just remembered that joining this group will have to change his plans on going towards that place, that area seemed to be much a bother for now. Disregarding the fact that Mark's schedule might go towards an unexpected turn, he accepts that it may need to take another time before he gets there. They can't just die easily anyways, with everyone's strength combined, they can quickly summon a God and save this treacherous world.

@Ami the breadling


@Lana Valentine
"We don't have an Attack plan yet, it's figure out information, get the target killed off and earn us some nice loot in the end." She placed her foot upon a chair point at Mark to allow him his question and only laughed slightly before considering his words. "Our group is a grand bag of races, carriages might be an issue. However..." She trailed off thinking. "How many of you can ride a horse?" She asked with a smirk.

@Ami the breadling

@Silver Wolf


"I can ride a horse, I can shoot from one, I can fight from one, horses aren't an issue here," Everyle said as he turned his entire body around to look at and listen to Lana as she spoke. "And a slaver will have many guards used to taking on other races, even multiple races at once, so why should we just charge in?"

@Ami the breadling


"I never said to charge in just to arrive at the capital of Ironwrath." She explained shaking her head. "I know he is there, the issue is what does he have protecting and how can we get in. To find that out we need to scope out the area and gather Intel." She then plopped into the chair her foot had been upon and grabbed an apple holding onto with a grin. "We must know thy enemies weaknesses and use them to our advantage." She then took a bite out of the apple spitting it out almost immediately. "Ugh what is this nasty tasting apple?" Having never been within a nobles dining area for too long she had assumed the apple to be real and not made of wax. "Ugh..." She said in disgust while her tongue hung out.
"I can ride a horse," said Keline, speaking up for the first time. She had only ridden twice before, and was not too good, but nevertheless it was true. "And those who can't ride a horse can always ride behind us who can." She paused, trying to understand Lana's plan. It didn't make sense wasting time going after one man. Lana was so impulsive...but then again Keline had to admire her confidence. "I'm not worried about defeating this guy either. We have at least 4 strong fighters with us and we have the element of surprise against his guards. But the trip will be dangerous... The road to Ironwrath takes us through bandit territory, and we'll be an easy target against their arrows." She really didn't think much of the idea of being in plain sight of any common roadway bandits. "So we should probably ride at night. Tomorrow sounds good, after we gather supplies."

@Ami the breadling
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Lana pointed towards Keline, "This is true, and I know striking down one person won't change much however, he's both a scholar and a collector of rare junk there might be something we can find out or use to aid us. That was my real point of going after him." Lana had considered many options already for what she could do if she ever had the people and skills to do it. She placed her hand upon the table still feeling weird from the apple earlier. "So any other questions or shall we take a rest until the morning and resupply?"

@Ami the breadling
There was a man standing outside the knights' villa. It was very dark, and he was perfectly still, so he blended in to the surroundings, looking like no more than a shadow. This man's name was Nighthawk. He was an assassin hired by some of the slave bosses to kill specific individuals who threatened their slavery empire. Right now he was on an assignment to investigate some suspicious looking non-humans who the guards had spotted planning outside a tavern. Carefully and discreetly, Nighthawk had followed some of them to this house.

He was trying intently to listen to the conversation. With years of training, his hearing was second to none. Even then, from this distance he could only hear bits and snippets of words, but he was sure that they were the enemy. It would be so easy to lift his arm up and fire his poisoned arrow straight through the window....slick! someone would drop down. But no, not yet. Killing the wrong person could lead to consequences. For now, he just had to find out as much information as he could.

The girl was talking passionately about "getting the target killed off" and something else about "Iron mines". No, it was Ironwrath. They were planning to head to Ironwrath!

Well, he would alert the other guards for sure. And then follow them. These bastards were in for a nasty surprise. Nighthawk flapped his mechanical wings and flew off.
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Keline blinked. It was as if Lana had read her mind, she hadn't even told her that she was doubting her plan and she still knew. The girl was creepy.

"Well you're right. Let's take a rest now." She yawned, and got up. "I'll just...lie on the floor." It had been a tiring day.

@Ami the breadling

@Silver Wolf
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As the other girl decided to rest, Mark had thought the same. "W-well, it's been a really tiring day. I'm also going to go rest in this c-chair for now. Wake me up... when it's ...morning... then." he said, closing his eyes and relaxing in his seat. Mark slowly drifted off into his dreams.

@Ami the breadling @Silver Wolf

Sierra finally reached her home kingdom, Andor, again. It was awfully late for her arrival as a few "obstacles" were on the way. They were safe and sound. She ventured back to her house in one of the castles, the guards allowed her to pass and told Sierra about her parents already sleeping. She didn't really care that much for now, only seeking rest herself. The doors to her room opened up and she entered, the bed was already ready for her to sleep, but she wanted to do something first. She walked towards her wooden cabinet and pulled up a chair, her diary was one of the most valuable things she has. Every night, everything that happens is written by Sierra, she doesn't really know why, but deep inside it seems to be important to her. After a while, the girl had finished writing her entry for the day. She jumped to her bed, pulling up the blanket laid out for her and slowly went to sleep.

@ Anybody
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Kira came to a halt once Roku metioned the armory, turning back and following the girl. He stopped again when the sorceress started climbing a guard tower, eyes following her movement. The boy heared a scream or two, accompanied by the sound of a lighting bolt from inside the mentioned place. Following to that was silence, until Roku peaked her head out of the tower again, asking them to knock it down.


Noah's expression grew into a more angry look when Roku started speaking of the armory again. "Hey! I thought we talked about this!"

Still, the male followed her into the center of Seoga anyway.

Panting a bit from the run, Noah stopped once the girl made her way up the tower.
"Are you crazy!? Get down here!" He whisper-yelled, not wanting to attract the attention of the guard's on top of the tower. Well, his words didn't seem to get through, as Roku proceeded with shocking the guardsmen inside, stepping into the place, before peaking out again with a ridiculous request.

Noah grinned his teeth, looking up at her angrily.
"This is crazy! At this point, we're just unnecessarily endangering ourselves! Let's just go, while we still CAN! The whole damn military is already searching for us!" Well, and right when he said that, a group of three guards, and two knights came around the corner, immediatly pulling their swords as they spotted the rebels. "There they are! Don't let them escape!"

Letting out battle cries, the guardsmen rushed towards the group.

Noah turned to said individuals immediatly, moving into fighting stance.
"Argh! Screw it!" He extended two finger, which started glowing very brightly. The guards were getting closer and closer, but after a short moment, Noah swung his hand to the right, drawing a line of light onto the ground. The mark started glowing extremely bright, before suddenly a barrier rose from it, keeping the guards from passing.

The male looked back up at Roku, stating,
"If i can't convince you otherwise, then fine, have it your way!" Noah moved over to the base of the tower. He raised his hand a bit and it started glowing softly. In a moments notice, light covered his body part completely, forming a blade around it. "Hiya!" He let out, slashing his hand into the wooden tower. He cut through it like butter, and after a few more strikes, the thing started moving.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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Roku jumped up to the very top of the tower as it began it's descent to the ground. As the tower plummeted forward she leapt off it spinning in midair while gesturing with her index and middle finger. In an almost perfect timing Roku's hand gestures erupted a fireball rocking towards the armory, the tower then crashed into the ground and an explosion rumbled igniting and destroying the majority of the guardsmen barracks. Roku flew still before crashing into a building not having prepared for a landing strategy.

She stumbled slightly brushing herself off and looked at herself as she groaned in pain. Turning towards her gaggle of followers she pointed towards a nearby gate. "Let's just get out of here but, I think I'm really hurt from that..." She latched upon Noah letting out a little laugh. "Come on let's get out of here like now..."


@Kel Vas
Kira watches as Noah proceeded with holding off the guards and bringing down the tower. So blondy's a schoolar, huh? Good to know.

He quickly dashed out of the way as the tower started its fall, enjoying the scene that was unraveling itself in front of him with a large grin and a spark in his eyes. The way Roku's fireball shot into the armory, causing a chain reaction, was amazing to watch. "Wow..." He stated in aw, covering his face with an arm because of the wind the explosion caused.

Well, the way Roku clashed into that building was pretty amusing for him too, as displayed by the giggle he let out. Once the girl was up and ready to go, Kira turned towards the gate she had pointed at, getting back into movement.


Noah's eyes were locked onto Roku as she flew through the sky, shooting a fireball into the armory with great precision and causing a chain reaction. He had to admit, that sure was a sight, but the male was soon distracted by the sound of Roku crashing into a building.

Rubbing the back of his head, Noah blinked a couple of times. He was a bit relieved when she stood up again, displayed by the slight smile that grew on him.

"Yeah... Let's just-.." He raised an eyebrow at the girl when she suddenly latched onto him, but still kept his smile. "Alright, let's go. Come on everyone."

And with that, Noah started heading for the gate with Roku.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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The hulking mass stood still, breathes still drawing heavily as he looked upon the tavern. So this is what it was like, to act upon desire rather than order. It was as if a new spark were beginning to ignite the flames of something greater. The lightness of a touch did not come to Rok's notice, however the voice accompanying it surely did. Turning to meet the accomplice of the prior 'Breaker', he caught the individual with his eyes as they ran. At first he began with a walk, obviously underestimating the speed of this being. The one he now labeled 'Guide' was faster than the other humans he was used to. Normally the owners were out of breathe after a short sprint, only making it a few meters before breaking pace entirely. Accelerating his speed, he chased the smaller individual creating a perhaps humorous scene from a third parties view. Indeed, the Guide had not lead him astray, as the female appeared within view shortly, her small frame scaling an alarm tower. Another was speaking towards the Breaker, coinciding the scene of magic from her fingertips. Magic, now that was something that brought about a peculiar surge with Rok, though there was little to express.

Before his eyes and mass could greet the unknowingly approaching guards, a blinding light occurred before forming a barrier. The 'Speaker', he also wielded the power of magics, didn't he? The giant watched as this short-race individual approached the tower, wielding light as if it were a common play thing as he splayed it towards the structure. Then again, and again, his light struck with ease until it finally shook weak. Again, he had underestimated the short-races, to wield such power despite their crush-able frames. This movement, this new owner-less command that he followed was bringing about new things for him to know. The Breaker, her grace as she spell weaved within the air, only surpassed by the result itself, an explosion. He never felt the sensation of such contained power before, this wave of heat that screamed with power as the building crumbled. Even the way the Breaker used her frame to attempt that much more damage to a structure amused him.

With already renewed vigor, as well a new respect for the short-races, Rok took to make ground after the three, listening to the Speaker as he supported the Breaker. Indeed, this movement would bring a new age before his eyes.

@Lana Valentine

Roku's back and bones had been injured badly through her desired effort for their explosive ending. She pointed at their new giant friend, "I'm hurt but, I've got a plan." She scaled the giant groaning in pain as more of her bones began to take further stress from the efforts. Roku now sitting upon Rok's shoulder pointed towards the gate near them. "We are going to smash that gate and get out of here and thanks for the support." She began to do a simple gesture with her last available spell before requiring her rest and Rok felt himself grow slightly more powerful and faster. Exhausted now Roku looked at the rest of her companions. "We go now to our destiny!" And with that urged on the others to lead the way as she basically knocked out at this point from magical exhaustion and pain.

@BobbyW @Kel Vas
Noah supported the girl as she mounted the giant, making sure she wouldn't fall off. That collision with the building just now really seemed to have injured her more badly than the male had expected. "We're gonna treat your injuries once we've gotten out of here."

He mumbled to himself, frowning a little. The male then stepped back, giving their newcomer enough space to safely break the gate open. His previous expression was once again washed away by a smile, caused by Roku's motivational statement. She seemed pretty exhausted, but still kept the group's spirit up. "Well, you heared her. Clear the way to our destiny." He stated, looking up to the giant and giving him a nod.

Kira crossed his arms and remained silent, watching as the girl climbed onto the giant.

Then, the boy turned his head around coincidentally, his expression turning into a more serious looking one afterwards.
"We need to hurry, there's another group of guards heading our way."

@Kel Vas @Lana Valentine
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(Rok is just going to continue believing the building ram was entirely on purpose.)

Rok looked to the Breaker, her words of injury confused him, but so did all things of magic in the end. When she came to scale his length he only attempted to watch whilst keeping his body motionless, seeing the difficulty in her efforts as her ascension was only eased by the Speaker. 'Smash', that was the word he heard that brought a grin to the giant. He stared upon the gate, unknowing of her next movements that came to empower him as his attention centered. He, however, could feel the overwhelming energy swelling up from within. More than that feeling of adrenaline from earlier, this throbbing, screaming power seemingly coursed through his veins. "Destiny," he repeated, wondering what the word meant. Was it some definite thing they would find as they went, or was it an option that always changed depending on whim? It was on whim, he stood here now rather than back at that tavern with the human owner, right?

The Speaker is the one who focused his attention, his words clearing the giant's mind. With a shake of his head, he cleansed the depth from aching him. Rok stepped backwards, giving room between him and the gate. The course of power trembled within him, amplified by the magics bestowed. It felt good, far too good, is this what is entitled by those who seek 'Destiny'? With distance gained, the giant tucked forward and to the right, sheltering the shoulder which the Breaker rested. One step followed another, and then another as the giant grew into a charge. He could not understand, but he could feel that something was different about him. Another roar bellowed from the beast, he was enjoying every moment of this change in direction. Blinded to his surroundings, blind to all things that may have assisted in the final result, Rok lurched forward his shoulder with one last step as he crashed through the gate.

The fortifications of the gate, though crumbled did in fact stumble the empowered giant as he came to the other side. However, with balance quickly regained his pace peacefully slowed. Right arm only now returning to his side as his hand uncovered the unconscious female atop his left shoulder. It would seem his charge did nothing more than previously seen upon her frame. Shouts could be heard, shouts from the wall as guardsmen began to appear atop. There was no returning to being just a slave. However, with the Speaker, the Guide, and the Breaker, perhaps there was something else to be had.
Noah took another step back from the giant, seeing as he prepared himself for the dash. The male didn't even know his name, nor did they have time to exchange a word or two, but still, for some reason he could already feel a connection to his not-so-small companion. He couldn't explain it himself, but it felt like the giant just belonged here, fighting along side other's to ensure a better future instead of working for some ungrateful slaver. He watched his comrade break through the gate, now dashing after him. Guardsmen were assembling ontop of the border, filling the area with their furious yelling.

As Noah passed through the broken down gate, he took a short moment, stopping in his tracks to gaze at what was lying behind them.

Kira caught up to them a second later, doing as his comrade and looking at Seoga in chaos.

A slight smirk was spreading across the older male's lips, before turning back to his friends, quickly stating, "Alright, where are we headed?" For a short moment, Noah looked up at the unconscious Roku, having forgotten in what state she was currently in.

Taking a second to go through his thoughts, Kira eventually raised his arm, pointing a finger straight ahead.
"There's a small village located over in that direction. I've passed through it on my way to Seoga." The boy stated, simply jogging towards said direction without another word.

Noah rubbed the back of his head, gesturing the giant with a quick tild of his head to follow.
"Well, okay then. Let's go." He said and got into movement as well.

@Lana Valentine @Kel Vas
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Rok turned as the Speaker raised his question, already looking to the Guide for direction before their words were spoken. The title still head true, as he spoke of a village that was located ahead. The giant nodded, accepting this new direction, taking pace behind the Speaker. Once more did he find a repeating beat sound as he traversed, though it was different. It was not the same beat he has listened to for the past decades, as this one seemed to carry more... What exactly it carried more of, he did not know. After all, all footsteps should carry the same general tone. With a glance to his shoulder at the unconscious Breaker, still no answer would come. But, with these three he knew that this humdrum beat would probably never last for long. The man he named Speaker, he knew could be trusted. He seemed to raise the questions, and be a general mind of understanding that Rok could not reach. The Guide, it seemed that this individual knew exactly what he wanted, and where to go for it. He was a sense of direction for movement, no matter the outcome, at least it was movement. The Breaker, well, she was the one who seemed to be lighting a fuse for something.. The fire that would burn away even the ashes. All three held potential of becoming a master within his eyes.

The journey continued for a length of time, the giant's eyes locked mostly on the Guide as if ready to stop on his demand. The lack of insults and complaints was quite refreshing, however this habit of waiting for some kind of order gnawed at him. This thing called 'Destiny', what was it? It was during this relatively peaceful time that his mind took back to thinking of that word. "Does one own, Destiny?" The giant spoke to himself, a tone carrying that it was not a question to be answered by others.

Within time the village mentioned came into view, bringing a light warmth to the giant. A warmth that was met by a cooling droplet as if to keep him pressing. Looking to the skies, he could now see that the clouds were growing thick, a rain was coming. Just how much he did not know, he once heard a pair of humans debating on how to read the clouds, but that was beyond him. Rain never really bothered him like it did the humans, so he never took too much interest.

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