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Fantasy To Reset the World (Accepting Again)

"Well, it's Blight, a poison named for how demonic possession is rumored to work. It's a good thing I own the poison, because for each poison I own and use, I have an antidote," Everyle pulled out a small vial containing a yellowish white liquid. He then noticed how the bleeding on her neck stopped and sighed. "It's more difficult to use if the area it was administered to isn't bleeding. Time to do a little more work."

Everyle then pulled out his dagger and opened up a wound below her neck. Once he did that, he pried the wound open a little and then poured some of the antidote in and put a bandage over her. This should stop the bleeding because the wound wasn't to deep as to where it had to be stitched. "All we can do now is pray that her body does what it needs to. This should get it into the system faster than oral, but it's not as effective as administering it to the wound that had the poison injected. She'll need to rest too, Blight is a poison that can also cause a fever and it also causes fatigue."

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE @Pashpu
Persephone was watching as her king announced the curfew on the city, when she saw the giant with the girl on his shoulder. She overheard only part of their conversation but it was impossible for her not to hear the shouts of the giant. They don't look from around here, she thought to herself, I might have a problem on my hands. Walking to the group and and still only reaching up to the giant's elbow despite her being half giant herself, she calculates how much of a threat they are beneath her hood and mask. "Your words carry far, tall one. I would like to offer my assistance in dispatching the demon I'm my city." She hoped they accepted, it would make it a lot easier for her to keep an eye on them and ensure they didn't cause too much trouble. "I do agree that the roads are too small." Her eyes crinkle in a smile.

@Lana Valentine


@Silver Wolf


@Kel Vas
Roku's eyes were glowing their normally dull purple glow, "We can wait for you Scholar, it would make matters simpler for us." She began to lean against Rok's head watching the sky. The clear sky's began to fill with dark clouds and a steady rainfall started.

Roku sighed in relaxation as the rain fall upon them finding more comfort in the sounds of water dropping. She looked towards the Giantess uncertain of her motives at first. "We don't usually accept aid from everyone you know, are you willing to bloody your hands to free all slaves? Even if it must mean the extermination of thousands of others?" She watched the giantess carefully while listening to the others for anything else of importance to them.

@Silver Wolf


@Kel Vas

@Mermaid Shireen

"Alright, then how about you stay with them, Faeryl?" Arthur asked Faeryl. Faeryl nodded and let his father walk back to the office. He stayed there and watched. This was an interesting group with a goal he knew he wanted to see, he wouldn't mind bloodying his hands some, but he thought they were being a little extreme.

"What's your plan?" Faeryl asked Roku. Now he was really curious why she wanted to see the king. His father on the other hand, was a little careless. He almost lost his father in some ancient ruins meant to house a magical artifact on the last trip. He kind of needed to be one of the cautious ones here.

@Silver Wolf


@Kel Vas

@Mermaid Shireen

(Just posting to keep this alive)

"Well, it's still better to stop the bleeding just to prevent the poison from spreading through her whole body," Keline said, a little annoyed at Everyle. But now was not the time to be fighting.

Lana was completely unconscious now, her body quivering with the effects of the poison. "You can't die, Lana," said Keline, more to convince herself than anything. "The world needs you. You were destined to reset the world." Although Keline didn't really believe in fate, she hoped somehow Lana could hear her and would be inspired.
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"Whether the wound is open or not usually doesn't affect the spread of poison. I've been poisoned a hundred times and I always took some time to try and identify the poison before treating it. One effect of Blight is the feeling that you're losing focus and you feel like your body needs more air. This turns into hyperventilation and the focus loss is affecting their mind, that's when it becomes fatal. Her bleeding wasn't serious either," Everyle said as he began stripping and looting the dead body for any possible information.
Mark was shocked by the sudden arrow that poisoned Lana. The poison was quite unknown to him, as he had little to no understanding of drugs or medicines, thankfully that was cleared by Everyle. "W-What the hell is going on?" he exclaimed, are they being hunted down? Is something bad going to happen? The suspense is going to drive him mad, he relaxed himself for a moment before staring at the unconscious Lana. "H-How can we s-save her?" he asks, as he knelled at her.
"Only the gods can do that now," Everyle said as he pulled out the poisons from the other assassin's pouch. "A lot of Blight here too, I wonder what his goal was. All he said was, 'You'll never win.' Odd, this means someone knows what we're doing. It also means someone doesn't want us to succeed. Plus, Blight is expensive, quite expensive."
"He's no common bandit for sure," said Keline, looking at the dead man's twisted-looking mask. "He was definitely hired to kill Lana- that type of crossbow only assassins use. The question is, who was his client? If Blight is so expensive, it was probably some very rich people who were paying him."
Lana remained in a comatose state for about three days of their journey. She remained unresponsive to much of their journey ahead and was barely breathing to show she was still alive. On the third day she awoke once more with a stretch while nearly everyone else had been resting to catch some sleep for that evening. She checked her equipment and settled down near the dimming fire and tossed some twigs into from nearby.

She didn't want to disturb them so she kept a tight watch on the area remembering her earlier mistake some time ago. She quietly hummed a tune just a voice crept into her mind, "I'm glad you survived, it was touch and go there Elf." Lana shook her head seemingly used to the voices presence in her mind, "And your still the cryptic one, spirit." Her voice was very quiet as she spoke out loud while the voice in her mind let out a low chuckle. "The world is changing and you stand at the forefront of one possible change, stay true to your ideals Elf," Lana shook her head as the voice dimmed from her mind. "Already planned on that," She said to herself tossing some more twigs upon the fire and returning to her guard duties.

@Pashpu @EXPMIRACLE @Silver Wolf
Not far off from Lana, Everyle was keeping a close eye on Lana. He decided to walk up to her and said, "Allow me to be placed on guard duties." She had just recovered, so she was still weak, he didn't want anything to happen to her. In fact, he felt the same way about everyone here. "It's a miracle you survived, and I also want to show you this, a note I found on the assassin." He pulled out a small piece of paper and handed it to her. "You may find its contents, interesting." (For you to make up, Lana.)

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE @Pashpu
3 days earlier?

Sierra, had a lot of things to do and only realized it now. She quickly turns around and faces the exit, the group should be able to handle the thing they'll be doing for now. She then dragged her body out of that military base-thing. A lot of people suggested her to join the military, she can fit in quite well and her abilities would improve drastically. But she refused countless times, it would be better to stay weak than to hurt people with bright futures ahead of them. Although Sierra knows that the military would hardly attack a nation or kingdom without reasons, she feels like it will happen one day.

After heading towards the supposed meeting spot one more time, he didn't arrive. Well, it was quite obvious that HE wouldn't arrive. He really hated eating with somebody else. Hm... She didn't have anywhere else to go, so she then decided to head back to her house. It's better than wandering off into streets.

@Silver Wolf @Kel Vas @Lana Valentine @Mermaid Shireen @BobbyW


Three days, Lana has been unconscious for that amount of time. It was hard going through that tiny journey, but Mark felt like it was worth it. It was dark, and mostly everyone seemed to have been sleeping, even Mark. But he had a peculiar dream. He was in the sky, and he was observing the land, he could see far and wide. All the kingdoms, Andor, Ankrath, Mytria, Seoga, Viven and Ironwrath looked like tiny dirt pieces in the terrain. In a blink of an eye, he was moved into a dark field, there was red stain everywhere, strange weapons have fallen onto the ground, armors were left in a flaming field. It was horrific, nobody was alive and nobody was dead. It's like nobody existed. In another blink of an eye, he was moved into a mysterious place he didn't recognize or know. A group, stared him down and all he could do was smile and watch as they attempted to hit him with their weapons. The shock woke him up from his nightmare.

He was sweating for a bit, he shook his head to clear his mind. "Ha... J-Just a dream...", he then proceeded and stared into the beautiful sky. The stars were shimmering, it was a good night like any other. It's a bit of a scary thought though, a world where you don't exist, where war happened between nothing. He took a few seconds of resting before immediately going back to sleep, it would be bad if he was extremely tired during the day.

@Lana Valentine @Silver Wolf @Pashpu
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Keline had lied down to rest before Lana had woken up. It was pitch-black outside, and she could clearly see the stars blinking in the sky. Keline hated the dark, but somehow with people next to her it wasn’t so bad. Maybe it was just being alone in the dark was what she feared.

She fidgeted around, not being able to fall asleep immediately…She was drifting into a huge tunnel. Keline was floating on a raft of some sort, rocking back and forth on the water. She drifted forward until she reached the end of the tunnel…and then found herself caught in a scene of unmistakeable carnage. There were dead bodies everywhere, the smell of blood in the air. People were fighting and screaming…humans fighting elves, dwarfs fighting humans, even a giant in full battle armor. As she was watching in shock, she caught sight of someone unusual. It was herself, Keline, dressed in battle gear. Lana Valentine and Everyle were behind her, fending off attackers. She watched in horror as the other Keline drew a sword and stabbed a human boy straight in the chest. There was no remorse- she even smiled a little.

Just then, a voice boomed from the surroundings, almost as if in-between Keline’s head and the world outside. “Everyone has a choice,” it said in a guttural rasp, deep as the Earth itself. “What will your path be?”

Keline woke up with a start, shivering slightly. She noticed that Mark was also tossing and turning in his sleep, as if also having a bad dream. Keline wondered if the dream was more than just a random event. Was it …a message of some sort? Was the world really going to come down to that? She shook the thoughts out of her mind. She should really get some sleep. She closed her eyes again and this time no dreams came.

Keline woke up, yawning. But she was not the first one. Lana was awake! Keline’s heart gave a jump start. Lana was sitting there looking at a slip of paper. She looked a bit dazed and confused, maybe still recovering from the narcotic effects of the poison.

“How are you feeling?” Keline asked Lana. “You’ve been out a while.”


@Lana Valentine

@Silver Wolf
Noah and Kira silently listened to the rest of the conversation between Roku and the two strangers. In the end, they decided to wait for the schoolar, who seemingly needed to grab something from his home or wherever. Said person did ask his company to stay with the group, though. Well, these two sure seem... interesting.

Shortly after, the older male felt a drop of water splashing onto his face, accompanied by the all-so-familiar sound of rain. He gazed up at the sky, but was soon glancing over to the newcomer that approached the rebels. A... rather tall woman stood before them, offering her assistance in the matter regarding this 'demon' in Andor. Noah'd guess that the female was probably atleast part giant, even if she wasn't nearly as large as Rok.

Roku asked said individual if she was willing to dirty her hands in order to do what, atleast in her opinion, was right.

Then, the schoolar's elven company asked what their plan was. Understandable. Demanding an audience with the king was kind of a bold thing to do.

Noah turned towards him and rubbed his neck.
"Well, i'm guessing Roku's planning on asking the king for a favor, offering him to take care of this demon in return." He shifted his gaze over to the mentioned girl. "But i wonder what exactly said favor's going to be."

@Kell Vas
@Lana Valentine @MermaidShireen @Silver Wolf

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Roku's eyes began to glow upon Noah's question but, then quickly dimmed. "We will ask for support should what I believe to be coming comes," Roku didn't elaborate as the rain continued to fall around them. She stretched her arms tiredly believing that she'd soon fall asleep at this rate.

Meanwhile Lana nodded her head to Everlye but, remained awake trying to stay near the flames. "I had this weird dream constantly playing as if on a horrific loop," She said to Keline once she had asked her question. "I kept hearing a voice and after like the tenth loop I tried to speak to it," Lana shook her head, "I know it sounds crazy but a voice spoke back and has kept speaking to me even now, I think I'm going crazy from that poison..." You know that isn't true Elf "Quiet you..." Lana whispered suddenly afterward to herself.
"It's named after a disease brought by darkness, but I've never gone insane with it," Everyle said as he returned with a deer. He then began to skin it and remove it's meat, which he put over the fire. "In fact, such things have never been recorded."

@Lana Valentine @Pashpu @EXP

Catherine Roche

Cat had just suffered through the most boring of carriage rides. Well in all actuality, it probably wasn't that boring. But she had been in the middle of the most charming conversation with a potential suitor when one of the guards practically dragged her away for god knows what reason. What was so urgent that she couldn't even finish her cup of tea? Or seduce this man into marrying her? Either way, royalty felt like she needed to go at that very moment.

On the way, nothing of particular interest happened. Mainly just the usual boring, slow moving view of the plains that connected the kingdoms. And what was she supposed to do? Apparently nothing, because she hadn't the luxury of taking something actually worthwhile to do during the journey. So, instead of being productive, she stared at the wall, wishing it were proper to just take a nap in the middle of the day. After hours of making random noises, changing her position countess times, and staring out the window, they had finally arrived.

Well, arrived was a generous term. She still had to walk. With a groan, she submitted to her guard's rather gentle shove to get her out and moving. Today was supposed to be her day off, yet here she was, about to murder some lowlife or another. Then it struck her: She had no idea who she was killing today. Though then again, she almost never had a deep understanding. But she usually knew what their crime was. She frowned, then stopped that because it might give her crow's feet!

As they approached a group, it became quickly apparent that she was dealing with a lot of dangerous and violent slaves again. For some reason, they weren't very good at their jobs. Cat had always been taught that they were bred specifically to do the jobs they were assigned, sort of like horses and cows. Actually, her tutors used that exact comparison. Not that she had anything against farm animals, it was just that she didn't understand why she always had to kill them in such a manner. It seemed rather cruel to do. But then again, the last time she questioned her position, she got a lengthy lecture. And she did
not want another one of those.

As her group approached them, she made sure to seem extra proper. It seemed important for the guards that she show off how elegant she could be, though she didn't much understand why, as usual. Hands clasped in the front, legs not bent too much if at all, head without any bobbing... It required a lot of focus, but she liked the way she felt when she glided across the earth in such a way.

As they got closer, she noticed how edgy her guards were being. And did she have a third...? Did she usually have three? Why not two? This situation was getting rather strange, though she should be expecting that by now. She ignored everything they said and did, as per protocol, and approached with grace and majesty. "I am looking for a..." She cut herself off and lent her ear to one of the guards. "Lana? Oh that's a nice name," she said before catching herself, coughing to make it seem like... Something. She couldn't get sick, and the guards knew it, so it was awkward for all of them. "You have been charged with..." she once again got her information from a guard. "Treason and theft? That's quite the crime, isn't it?" she asked rhetorically.

Of course, everyone who had heard of Catherine Roche knew that they weren't supposed to respond to her, else they get The Execution. It wasn't well known what exactly The Execution was, but the emphasis along with the mystery made it seem as harsh as it was. Of course, there were rumors about what it was, but no one who had seen it, besides Cat, had lived to tell the tale.

@Pashpu @EXPMIRACLE @Silver Wolf @Lana Valentine
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Lana proceeded to facepalm the hardest she ever had, "Am I being tracked or something constantly now?" Your so popular since you started this quest huh? "Not now spirit," She immediately looked at the woman and three nervous guards before quickly shouting, "Now!" This shout did pretty much nothing, she had all her companions sounding her but, had made it seem as if there was home around. The guards had become unsettled and at that same moment Lana threw four daggers from her hip exhausting her throwing daggers. Two of which stabbed a guard in the neck, the other guard received a dagger in his eye and the four aimed for the executioner.

Lana knew enough tales of her mindless torture of slaves having heard the horror stories herself, she similarly shouted. "Beware the poison!" Why is it always poison? The hell if I know! Lana thought preparing for the young womans next move.

@Pashpu @Kazekana @Silver Wolf @EXPMIRACLE
Without a second thought, the last guard, the one most seasoned, deflected the knife with his sword, holding his shield up to prevent further damage. He was neither nervous nor afraid. In fact, he was exhilarated that he might get to see a brutal execution. Cat blinked, but aside from that, did nothing. "You don't think you're the first to resist, do you? I am the Grand Executioner, one who would not die so easily," she stated, then removed her gloves, exposing their kaleidoscope cover. With another lazy blink, she let a strange, almost fluid purple substance flow from her fingertips, quickly oozing towards her target. From her palm, a yellow cloud arose, gaining volume exponentially and moving towards the target simultaneously. The last of her little friends, of the green gelatin variety, built a wall between them, solidifying upon placement. With limitless population growth, what couldn't she accomplish with her little friends?
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Lana looked at the field and shrugged her shoulders before shaking her head, "Do you ever question your orders executioner?" She said as she reached down grabbed a hunk of wood and lighting it on fire with the campfire. She held it up to her face and stared her down unafraid. "Do you ever ask yourself why? Why do I kill these people just for having pointed ears? Huh? Why do you torture us for existing? When we feel pain and desire, love and hatred. Even if you kill me and my friends there are countless other who want to be just as free as you are! And why would you deny them their right to do so?" Lana stood still unafraid as the cloud drew closer to her she then tossed the flaming stick upon the ground. "For all the slaves you've killed for all the people with hearts and minds of wonder and desire no different than yours, I hope you burn on the fires of whatever worthless existence there is." She spat. Great speech, won't help with the poison I bet though can you please be quiet for five minutes!

Cat held her neutral expression. She wasn't allowed to pay attention to what they said. In fact, they required her to multiply the bacteria in her ear so that she would have enough earwax to block out the sounds. She had only begun by the time the girl had started talking, so she had unfortunately heard some of it. "You may not claim to be my equal when you have so wronged the very kingdom you loathe for not granting your rights. Why should they bestow rights to such a mongrel?" she asked, still not expecting her to answer. The cloud was quite nearly upon the girl, with the purple liquid rising up her legs. It wouldn't be long before Cat could go home and relax for once.
"What makes you think I'm a mongrel huh? Look at me executioner who is the terrible one right now!" Your luck may not hold out this time elf Is five minutes too much to ask for! Lana mentally said as she walked forward into the girls cloud. Having just recovered from the effects of the earlier poison attack on her body, Lana's physical health was weakened. She began to struggle as she walked forward before coughing and gripping upon her neck in agony. "You are the monster Executioner not I, you kill people without even asking why..." She struggled to get this out as the spirit within her actually attempted to keep her alive longer so she could fulfill the part she had to play in the future.

Cat blinked, the guard getting angry at her side. "I'm not about to betray my kingdom, like someone we know," she responded. By now, the girl had ingested enough of the virus and been exposed to the bacteria sufficiently to carry the lethal dose in her body. But Cat wasn't finished with her yet, so they remained inactive for the moment. "And who said you were allowed to talk back like this? The cows do not talk back. The horses do not talk back. Perhaps this is why the king doesn't like you," she stated, still retaining her expression despite her guard. She wasn't about to show anyone her thoughts via body language, especially the guard.

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