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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Jake smiles and nods "sometimes family is something you have to get used to" he say that as he pats the cats head and turns back to the guild hall. "It doesn't always feel like family to me either but they're always there for me. And are very welcoming. I hope you enjoy our guild and I hope someone as talented as you doesn't head to somewhere like fairy tail. I must admit. I don't hate them they just hate us" jake turns back and smiles at her again turning to look down at the cat "and another thing I have no interest in her. No offense it's not you it's your gender"

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Kerk laughed " non taken" lara was relieved when she said that. " hmm...why would you say that they hate you? A conflict doesn't start until one side starts it first. So either your guild or fairytail started the conflict and now you guys are fighting over something in the past that should be forgotten" lara said to him
Jake smiles a little "we'll maybe it's a fight from long ago. Who knows but the first is happening. And what do you mean "non taken"?

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Lara nodded. Kero then said " well you said no offense when said that your not interested in lara so I said none taken"
Jakes nods and pats keros head before turning back into the guild waving goodbye to her looking around worriedly "I'm on so much shit, hey Nixis you still here?"

@Kyd Jhesus

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"Always around Jake and I took you awhile to realize that. Come on, Why did you fight her in our hall? Not a smart idea." He replied drinking a fresh new milkshake. "Who was that girl with the cat. A mage i guess."
Lara smiled and waved back as jake walked back into the guild. " nice guy" kero commented " yeah..." " but that magic wave didn't come off of him...." " yeah I know" she bagan to look around for the fairytail.

Ryos looked up at the guild hall. Like any other guild hall, it was tall and consisted of a few stories. It wasn't as extravagant as say, Twilight Ogre or Fairy Tail, but it was still a beautiful structure as any in the surrounding area. The most prominent feature for Ryos, however, wasn't the building structure or floor plan. That right was reserved for the large banner hanging on top of the structure, which bore the green symbol of Lamia Scale. Typically, Ryos would stare with proud eyes at the banner before entering the hall. Today, he barely even peeked at it. Pushing open the doors to the guild hall, Ryos walked over to an empty table, completely oblivious to the looks he was getting from his fellow guild members. He took out a vial of poison and began downing it.

"Just a little break before I start working my body again," He thought, making an agreement with himself. When he was done with his vial, Ryos went outside to begin his training. He loved Lamia Scale's location for the simple reason that it was a very rocky area, meaning he could test his magic's destructive ability without causing much damage to anything. Finding a perfectly empty, barren location just outside the guild hall, which was his go-to training area, Ryos began unloading his emotions onto a few poor boulders.

@Liir Ko


@Infinities Lover





Okay Guys. There has been some problems but it was taken cared of. o wo)-b I give myself a pat on the back and thanks to some people who also tried to help so I hope there is no hard feelings between anyone. THIS RP WILL LIVE ON! (Why am I listening to Tarzan while writing this! DX) So keep posting and have fun! Stick to the plot too cause we have something really cool coming up and alot of people will be participating too! I will make an update for it tomorrow probably when EVERYONE gets acquainted with eachother so have fun! I will be roleplaying so whoever wants to roleplay with me, be the first to comment this post! Nah I am joking! Someone just post and I will jump in. SEE YA THERE!

Lara bought another apple and looked around for the guild know ln as fairytail " this is gonna take a while...." lara said " this place is so huge and to top it of there are about 5 big name guilds here..." kero said. Lara looked around and saw some magic council members, who she easily avoided " stupid members...they are all talk...." she muttered.

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Ajax continued his reading, he found the book that he was reading quite interesting, but he was beginning to get excited. He wanted to adventure out and complete a job. He continued to trudge through the book, even though he had lost all desire to read the book. He decided that he would stop once he was halfway through it, but upon further observation saw that he had passed that point fourth pages ago. He closed the book calmly, packed his bag, and then went outside and sat directly in front of the guild hall.
Jake looks around in horror at the sight in front of him, the roof was holy and leaky, the bar has been ripped to pieces by the tornadoes, there's ice spikes all over the ground the tables are in ruin and there's dead people and blood on the floor, jake frowns and looks around reflecting 'this is all my fault their blood is on my hands, ive killed them. and I will not let them die in vain' 
@Kyd Jhesus
Nixis saw Jake go into a morbid state. For some reason he thought his guild mates were dead? Nixis got out of his seat and made his way over to Jake. "Jake, Please don't be so dramatic." Nixis replied walking over to a supposed dead body. He looked down on his fellow Raven Tail member with his disappointed sky blue eyes.

"Watch this Jake." Nixis backed his leg up a little and then sent it into the bodies stomach shouting "Get up!" The kick got the man up, Sure Nixis added to his guild mate pain but it prove he wasn't dead. Nixis then looked at Jake. "See, There not dead kid, There just weak mages that's all. Fairy Tail wouldn't kill anyone without good reason, not there style. Raven Tail on the other hand...Well you may never know." He gave a sly smile as a small amount of darkness radiated off of him.

Nixis went back to his seat and relaxed. "These guys will get up in about a hour or so. If they were dead then we would be on our way to there guild to arrest that memory make chick. Plus, We would be backed by the magic guard."
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Jake looks around with a loud audible sigh of relief "But ill still be in so much trouble for the guild hall its ruined!" he begins walking around quickly melting the ice from the floor and absorbing the water without leaving a trace. than he turns back to Nixis. "Nixis, I need your opinion, should I go and apologize to fairy tails guild master?" he solemnly walks over to sit next to Nixis.
"No, You shouldn't but that's my opinion. She came into raven tail and attacked after you asked her to leave. She should be apologizing to use. Jake, You need to carry yourself with more pride. Your one of our tops, You shouldn't let someone from another guild walk all over you. " He explained showing the irritation in his voice.

Nixis went back to his seat and sat in it. He kick another guild mate in the chest to wake him up on his way to his seat. Nixis sat down and grabbed his TV lacrima. "Jake, Your still young, develop a back bone so it can set in by the time your 20. Also think before you act Jack, maybe we would have a Fabulous new guild hall because of it."
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Lurching over his table, Shiro tapped his right hand a few times on the table. He was tipsy, and he kind of thought he was drunk, but really, his thoughts were too clouded to notice. He wasn't one to drink much, but he knew that turning down a drinking contest from a complete stranger was going to hurt his reputation. If he had one. Shiro gave a drunken hiccup as he raised his glass, giving another giggle. "Oi~! Another drink~ *hic*" His exceed kicked him in the ribs, giving him a stern look as he looked up at the silver-haired cat. "Stop drinking, you idiot!" Shiro gave his cat a little whine and he tried to stand up, and inevitably failing, falling onto the floor. He had been coming back from a mission, but got sidetracked by the wonderful sound of local parties. The pub was pretty close to the guild, anyway...

Jake nods and stands up, looking over at nixis. "maybe well get a fabulous new guild hall now cause of me. you should be thanking me." he pokes himself in the chest, "ill get a backbone. but I thinking im going out for a drink" jake smirks as water and ice mold around his body giving him an adult look, of a strong confident guy with stubble. "ill be seeing you later" he says in a deeper voice as he turns to the door

@Kyd Jhesus


Shiro Shinsetsu

"The Frozen Pyromaniac"

Shiro rolled onto stomach, weakly trying to stand up again. It was pretty damn useless, considering how he just fell back onto his stomach. His new acquaintances around him laughed, but didn't help him back up. They knew he was part of Fairy Tail, and participated in the Games, so he could probably've handled himself. However, his exceed thought different. "Get up!" His exceed somewhat urged, growling at him. "I don't wanna..." He mumbled to his companion, which he named Jojo, rolling onto his back then rolling onto his stomach again. Oh god, he was drunk as hell. He couldn't get up, and he felt bile rising in his throat. Oh my Mavis, he was going to have a killer hangover the next morning.


After about an hour of boring shadow boxing in front of the Guild Hall and another hour of breaking down the glacier in the middle of the road, which he created earlier that day, he decided to take a walk around town. After a few blocks, he spotted the girl who swooned into him earlier. She now had a noticeable lump on the side of her head, Ajax presumed that it was from she fell onto the floor when she swooned into him. She was very animatedly ranting to two other girls, flailing her arms around and yelling things like,"I swear, I swear, I swear! Gurl ((That was on purpose)) , you would not even believe how hot he is... Or cool because he was an Ice Wizard, but whatever! I never realized that one so stout could be so gorgeous!.. Yes he was short! Couldn't have been bigger than 5'7"!" At this, Ajax had to fight a strong urge to jump in and defend himself. Damn, I'm not that short. I'm 5'8", that just about average! Yikes! He ducked into a nearby building when he thought that he saw one of the girls glance his way. He did so as casually as possible, by crashing through the saloon style doors with an audible "thwap!" Of his body forcing his way past them. Ajax quickly slicked pack his hair with his fingers and straightened his collar before he realized that he was in a local bar near Fairy Tail.

He looked around after a minute of stylizing near the doors of the bar. Totally worth it, in his opinion. He saw an old frien-acquaintance. An old acquaintance of his lying on the floor. He grabbed Shiro by the back of his collar and put him down on a chair, so that he wouldn't look like a complete drunkard in front of all of the people around him. Ajax seated himself in a seat across from Shiro and yelled, hoping to hurt the Pyro's ears in his drunken stuper, "Hey Flame-Brain! How're you doing!" Ajax reached over the table and straightened Shiro's head, which was beginning to slump. He became quieter and said calmly, "The drinks, for the most part, are cheaper in the Guild Hall. I don't see why you ever come here. Is it because you enjoy the people here more?" Then he gestured to the other drunkards in the bar who were looking at Pyro and laughing.

Location: Bar near the Fairy Tail Guild Hall

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Ashton Vanderveir & Aurora


As Ashton walked around from watching one girl take on five uninteresting Dark Guild Members, he decided to indulge himself in the fancy types of wine in the market. His face was full of bliss as he did taste test for each wine. Aurora ignored him on the way he was acting like this. The entire area was average after the Grand Magic Games and it felt like a normal day.....sort of. People from other guilds such as Sabertooth, Fairy Tail, Lamia Scale, Mermaid Heel, and his guild Raven Tail is on each others throats in payback. Most people don't realize it, but it is basically a small all-out war between other guild members. Ashton dropped the wine and started walking until he reached a
Bar near the Fairy Tail Guild Hall for some sweet whiskey until something else were to occur. He paid the bartender enough money for three shots of whiskey,"This day....its really quiet". He turned his head over to see two people of the fairy tail guild judging from their tattoos. Aurora popped her head out from under Ashton's coat and looked at them,"Fairy Tail....What are you gonna do?". Ashton got up just before the bartender gave him his shot,"Be the classy man and acknowledge them, of course". He gave a small smile as he grabbed two of the whiskey cups and drank them both in one gulp. Now he feels satisfied! ((Satisfaction Guaranteed!)) He approached them with his hands in his pocket and his scarf wrapped around his neck to conceal his Raven Tail insignia. "Salutation Gentlemen of Fairy Tail!", he gave them a bow as he gave his introduction. He tries his best not to make things awkward than it already is, but he knows he made it awkward. "I have come to congratulate you in your victory in the Grand Magic Games".


@Evergreen98 ((If you want to come into the bar to avoid the council then come on over. I am about to make things awesome! :D ))

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Lara and kero finally found the guild " there its is!!" Kero yelled and lara nodded. The two started walking to the guild. "Wow..." lara said " so this what those big shot guilds look like" kero commented. She decided to go and sit at a table and observe the guild. To see what going on and how the members act and get feel of the place. Kero leaves lara and takes a look around the place.


@David Van Aken
Jake started walking out of the guild hall heading down the road aimlessly walking, after 5 minutes of walking he found a patch on the ground where he sensed magic had been used recently and looking around he could see the thin layer of ice that was left there. He nimbly jumps over the ice following a rushed pair of foot prints coming across a bar near the fairy tail guild haul. perfect place to grab a drink.

Jake walks inside the bar and sees the two fairy tail guild members and a raven tail member, he slips in past them heading up to the bar sliding a bundle of money towards the bartender, "Ill have as many shots as this'll buy"


@David van


Ajax turned around to the praise that was being given to him and Pyro. Get ready to peel out really quickly, probably another one of those mad fans. When Ajax turned to see a Raven Tail emblem on the back of the man's hand, he was very pleasantly surprised. He made a large sigh of relief but then froze up for a moment. The master told us not to start any more trouble with the other guilds, best be as kind as I can be to this man. Ajax smiled genuinely, pleasantly surprised once again at the "Good Sportsman" attitude that the stranger was showing. Ajax began to speak, "You had me worried for a second there. I thought that you might have been someone else... Anyway, if you want to sit, do so, if not, you are more than welcome to stand, free city and all that jazz." Ajax was happy with the man congratulating his guild on the victory, but that didn't mean that he had to trust him, he sat on the edge of his seat, ready to jump off at a moments notice. He tried to look more casual, however, by resting his left hand on the table and maintaining the absolutely genuine smile from earlier. He then briefly glanced at another person enter the bar and listened to him order enough liquor to kill the average celestial spirit. He then turned to Pyro, who seemed to be enjoying his rest. Ajax kicked the tip of his boot and said in a clearly sarcastic stern voice, "Wake up Meathead, we have company."

Location: Bar near the Fairy Tail Guild Hall


@Tj Pomroy


Jake downs one shot with a grunt after, than a second, and a third before it hits him in the head nearly knocking him over woahhhh, probably should slow down. Jake turns and takes the remaining shots and gathers them all on a small platter walking as best he could over to the table with the two fairy tail members and Ashton. "Hellllllo my fellow magesss, how about a ssshot to celebrate the victory of fairy tail." He lay the platter down and leans heavily on Ashton's shoulder with a warm smile, he looks around get very strange looks from the others sitting around the bar.

@David Van Aken



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