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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Yumi felt mean so she placed her fingers on her forehead and whispered "memorize" and a magic circle like a chain of memories appeared behind her. She then did the same except this time saying "Forget" which stopped the magic "whoops" Yumi said as she giggled.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake squeaks as they start falling white ice wings shooting out of his back lowering them towards the ground with a small growl "thought you wanted to be friends"

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"Sorry i couldn't resist" Yumi said as she began to laugh. Priceless just what I wanted that reaction she thought to her self smiling.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake growls again and let's her go as they touch down the wings disappearing "were here"

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Yumi noticed that Jake was annoyed at what she did "Sorry again" She said as her face turned to a mixture between bored and lazy. "Seems nice from the outside" Yumi said looking at the front of the guild hall.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake shakes his head as the doors open by two unseen forces "welcome to RAVEN TAILS!!! I have to put these away, I ask you to follow me?" Jake smiles as he starts walking in


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The teen was staring down at her map with concentration ''The wanted poster did say he would normally come down these kind of alley ways...''

She was still staring down at her map as she swoop into the alleyway, she heard a women scream then she pop her head up. it was just on the other side of the wall, but... then she notice a man with his foot through the wall so.. ''A walking through wall type of guy huh..?'' a light purple symbol came in front of her hand as she raise it to the wall ''Sound wave..'' she whispered, and it blow open with a crash. now she just waited for the dust to clear as she didn't want to go in blind
"Sure In fact let me give you a hand" Yumi said wanting to make up for annoying him as she followed Jake into the guild hall and took some of the groceries off him.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles and bows kissing her hand "a princess shouldn't have to do the work I a servant" jake begins putative stuff in the cupboards

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Yumi goes bright red when he kisses her hand "Erm.. you..your a li...little youn..young" Yumi said very embarrassed and shy while looking at Jake blushing.
Jake smiles warm and looks up still a little bowed "even a child would be awed by your beauty my dear, and let me do this work while you can enjoy my compliments" jake begins taking stuff putting them away

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Yumi just stood there watching him her checks were still red from her blushing with a smile on her face. "Wait how old are you anyway" Yumi said scratching her head for all she knows he could be older than her but she doubts it.
Jake smiles and finished the groceries quickly"I'm 15 my beauty queen" jake kisses her her cheek softly


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((Okay Guys! Imma go cause my body is weak as hell. I have been working on alot of stuff today so im gonna rest and come back. On that note, someone had a complaint on filler roleplaying. Basically means that there is short conversation between characters and it has nothing to do with the roleplay. remember guys there are tension between characters from different guilds so there is actually less talking and more conflict. Confront eachother and I will see what happens when I come back. Have Fun Guys and remember...Conflict....if you guys want "Romance", you can do it...just at a minimal amount so that we can obey the rules. Relationships are possible just don't go too far. LATER GUYS!))

Jake growls a little "so much for fairy tail" he turns around quickly a katana of ice in his right hand "get out. Now!"


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Lara and kero got away from the area " I hate magic council members and dark guilds" lara muttered in annoyance. they stopped runnning and lara stretched and looked around " I wonder where that guy is...." kero shrugged " can we just get something to eat...." her stomach growled. Lara chuckled " sure" they jumped down from the rooftops and started to walk down the street casually lookong for a restaurant and a guild to join.
"Jake!" Nixis yelled from across the room. "Why would you draw your weapon. Bear your fangs so quickly? There is no need to use violence, We don't need to start a guild war because your trigger happy." Nixis said in a calm voice as he took a sip of his chocolate shake. He walked up to the two and and looked at the eye patch girl. "Ma'am, May you please leave. We don't need no pointless conflict." He then looked a Jake. "But if you do choose to battle, Please don't bring your guild down here to start trouble when you lose...Okay?"
"So much for Fairy tail that's funny I believe we won the grand magic games and where did you come third wasn't it" Yumi begins to giggle while saying this and a wide smile comes over her face. "What are you going to make me leave try it I always wanted to face a ace from another guild so I will not pass up this opportunity " As soon as Yumi said this she moved slightly backwards and unleashed her Immense Magic Power which is shown as a great white aura around her people for miles will be able to detect the massive magic power and most normal people nearby won't be able to stand it making them drop to their knees.
Her right eye twitch as a curl went up on her lip "well.. what a danm surprise.." The dust lift and it was the criminal she was looking for!

he try to bolt it for the door but she wouldn't allow it, she brutly beaten him up in cold silence. As she was done "great! time to get my reward money! " she happily thought.
Jake watchs her unimpressed "can you go now or do I need to remove you?" His hands glow a blue color as water creates a bubble around both him and yumi the water extremely hot

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