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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

Lara and kero felt the wave of magic " wow...." kero said. Lara nodded " do you want to go and check it out?" Lara giggled " I thought you were hungry" she looked around for a bit and saw a stand sellong apples. She went over to it and and bought two apples. She ate her and held up kero's apple for her to eat. They began walking to theare where the felt the wave come from.
"Your going to have to attempted to remove me" Yumi said still with a wide smile on her face. She placed her fingers on her forehead before she thrusts her arm towards Jake "Memory-Make: Shrine of Turbulent Fang" she said as she sent a series of tornadoes towards Jake simultaneously she moved her fingers towards her forehead again but this time she said "Forget" and the bubble around them both vanished. "You can't beat me" She said in a mocking tone as she began to giggle again.
Jake laughs back as the tornadoes passed through him seamlessly "that little abilities of your has quiet the weakness. It seems like you can't use it very often" jake growls running start at her tow ice swords each in one of his hand hacking and slashing at her

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As lara and kero got closer to the location the magic they felt was getting, they can just tell the there is fight happening. " this is getting interesting..." kero said as she took a bite of her apple. " I dont think we should get an closer...." lara said to her.
"Ah so you saw Rufus during the Games well sorry to say but he is a rookie compared to me O and I'm no longer their" When one of the blades hit where Yumi should be she vanishes "Memory-Make: Sword of Frozen Black Lightning" Yumi said as she placed her fingers on her forehead again then from behind Jake lightning hit the ground at rapid speed but when the lightning made contact it freezes into spikes of ice heading towards Jake.
Jake stands there smiling deeply "I'm bored with you. Can you leave now" as the ice spikes hits him he splashes all over leaving a coat of water over yumi it's slowly freezing over

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"Okay ignore my comment, Hell, murder each other."

Nixis jumped back and sighed. "At less can you guys take this outside, No need in destroying our hall Jake." He took another drink of his shake. "The Guild master would kill him if he destroys Raven Tail guild hall.
" come one lara you need to socialize more..." "but that doesn't mean I need to go to a place where to people are fight for whatever reason...." she stopped and began to walk away. Kero sighed " fine...then" she jumped of her shoulders and ran off. Lara blinked and rsn after her " kero!!!"
The Yumi that the water hit was another Afterimage. The real Yumi on the other hand was in the main guild bit area sat on a seat near a table she seemed to just seemed to appear there when the Afterimage vanished "Sure I'll leave your boring anyway" Yumi said as she stood up and began to head to the door most of the Raven tail guild members (The npc not played characters) where just looking at her wondering when she got there. When she got to the door she stopped for a moment. "I have a gift for you all" Yumi said with a smile on her face she quickly began to memorize as much data as possible in about five seconds to pinpoint most of the Raven Tail guild members location inside that are inside the hall. She moved her fingers to her forehead "Memory-Make: A Night of Falling Stars" she said as the area momentarily darken and as several beams of lightning headed towards the Raven Tail members and she quickly walked out of the door and headed up the road trying to find other guild members belonging to fairy tail.
Ajax Wellington of Fairy Tail was walking around, hoping not to bump into any of his new-found fans. Ever since he absolutely crushed the competition in the magical beauty portion in the Grand Magic Games the week before with a snow flurry, a large amount of ice flowers that he created for the audience members and some aesthetically pleasing ice armor that he wore on the way in to compete, he was asked to pose for a full body shot in that Sorcerer magazine which a huge number of people read. Now he turned every corner hoping not to be swarmed by rabid fans. He turned the corner then went into his favorite library. He hastily scrolled through the books in the section of the library reserved for arcane studies and just took out five strange looking books that he hadn't read yet. He shakily put them down on the counter and asked for the librarian to check the books out for him, and he did, very slowly. Ajax shook a bit more, looking around the room like a madman, hoping that nobody would recognize him. Once the librarian was done checking out the books, Ajax quickly grabbed them, slapped them into his bag and walked quickly out the door. He leaned up against the wall outside the door and sighed in relief.

It was short lived however, because directly next to him he heard a loud, girlish scream that made his ears ring. The girl who screamed directly into his ear and seemed about Ajax's age went on to scream, "Oh my! It's the Frostbitten Prince of Fairy Tail! Oh Ajax, take me away!" She swooned into him, but Ajax at that point had already peeled out and was making haste to get back to the Guild Hall. He turned around to see seven or eight girls chasing after him. He kept running, chuckling a little bit from a thought he used to have that
"There's no such thing, as too much of a good thing". He found it very amusing just how wrong he was a few weeks ago when he agreed with that statement. Ajax reached into his pocket and whipped out a small container of hair jell and threw it backwards into the small crowd that was chasing him. Ajax was also realizing for the first time in two hours how cool one felt when running around with cloak flapping behind oneself in the wind. He kept running for a few blocks, even though he was certain that those chasing him were still fighting over the jell that he "misplaced". He stopped about a block from the guild and began to pant. When he turned around, he saw that the mob had increased to a size of about twenty. Ajax panicked for a moment, not knowing how to solve the situation without violence. But then he thought, Oh wait! Pseudo violence is the answer. His hands became lightly covered in snow and the skin on his neck started to become scaled, as was usual of his dragon slayer magic. He slammed his hands on the ground and yelled, "Ice-Maker Magic! Dragon Slayer's Glacier!" A glacier shot up from the road, completely blocking off the fans from taking that road and completely destroying the road which it rose from and lightly scratching the houses on both its sides. Even through the noise of the stamping of his feet, he could hear dozens of loud, high pitched screams. "It's so beautiful! It's perfectly symmetrical!" He heard one girl shout. "He's so frikin' cool!" He heard a low pitched voice yell. He heard the joyful yells of at least thirty or so people, so naturally he dove through the front doors of the guild, panting and terrified at what the fans would have done if they caught him a second time. Last time, it was so awful, I couldn't even breathe. They just kept kissing and hugging. Nothing wrong with love, but it was just far too much to enjoy properly. He sat down at a table and put his head down, trying to take a nap. Good going, superstar. You ruined some more pavement with that last stunt, hope the master doesn't mind.

Location: Fairy Tail Guild Hall
Kero ran into the raven guild and looked around. Lara found herself outside the guild and she sighed as she walked in to get kero. ' I swear if I get into a fight with a guild I am not talkong to her for a week...'

@Tj Pomroy
Nixis could have dodged the attack but decide to take it on the grounds that he is hidding his true power from most of the members. The light blast struck him and sent him flying back in the explosion. When he landed he got up and looked at the hall. "Damn...I'm not fixing this."

Nixis then looked around for his shake, It was probability destroyed. "Look what you cause Jake! The Guild had some redecoration and I'm not a fan of it." He said sarcastically.
Jake smiles and walks over picking up a little cat seeing someone walk in "tell the master I'll pay for the damned stuff" he helps back. And walks over to the lady "hello, you loss your cat madam?" He holds up the little cat

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Lara looked around for kero and saw jake come up to her with her. She smiled and took her " yeah sorry about that....she just ran off..." "thats because you aren't very social" kero shot back and looked at jake " so what happened here?"

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles "it's okay to not be social. And there was a small fight with fairy tail." Jake looks around seeing the mess she had cause with the tornadoes and the falling stars thinking to himself 'I'm in so much shit'

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" looks more like a big fight to me..." kero said. She looked at lara " hey you like trouble and seems like fairytale likes trouble, sooooo...." "alright ill check the guild out" lara said to her. She looked at jake " uhh...well it was nice talking to you" she gave him a short and began to walk out the building.

@Tj Pomroy
"Wish you guys didn't act on impulse and fight inside the guild. If I was a petty person I would be on my way to Fairy Tail trying to blow them up. Good thing I have self control isn't it?" He asked Rhetorically. "

"Why would you even Pick a fight with fairy tail Jake, We don't have the best history with them. Did you see how they destroyed are team in the grand prix? I can show you the replay if you need me too."
Upon the conclusion of the Grand Magic Games, Ryos found himself sulking. The city of Crocus was jam-packed at the moment, a direct result of the end of the high-profile event. Wizards from all guilds were out and about. Some were celebrating with fellow guild members, others were accepting fans. Even still some were just trying to head home, struggling to get passed the crowd. Ryos was a part of this group of mages, still stinging from the pain of a 4th place finish. Personally, he had a strong showing. Unfortunately, Lamia Scale was not jam-packed with powerful mages like guilds such as Fairy and Raven Tail, and even Sabertooth.

Sighing, Ryos pushed and shoved people out of his way to try to and get to the Lamia Scale guild hall. He needed to get back to Lamia Scale to continue his training. He can't waste his time socializing like the others. On the way to the station, however, he noticed Raven Tail's guild hall, and a lot of commotion coming out of it. Before he knew what possessed him to stay, Ryos found himself looking on as a girl, whom he recognized as Fairy Tail's Yumi, stormed out of Raven Tail. "The hell was she doing in Raven Tail?" he thought.

Immediately proceeding Yumi's escape, another girl entered Raven Tail. This girl he was not as familiar with. "Probably a new recruit. This is none of my business anyway."

Ryos finally turned away from Raven Tail and continued on to Lamia Scale. Whatever was happening in that guild hall was of no importance to him. In fact, instead of watching Raven Tail, Ryos knew he needed to prepare for them. He had no plans on losing to them ever again.
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Jake runs up beside her quickly "wait are you looking for a guild?" He asks a little to excitedly bouncing a little as he continues to walk with her


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Ajax looks around the Fairy Tail Guild Hall and is relieved that it seemed almost completely empty, that way nobody would laugh at the stunt that he just pulled to get away from some fans. Ajax ceased his panting and whipped out a random book that he took out from the library. He read the cover, "A Comprehensive Study of the Wild Lillies in the Northeast". He put it away, wanting to save the worst for the last. He took out another titled, "The History of Forbidden Magics". That one enticed him, he flipped it over to the third page and began to read about human transfusion, the first magic that was officially banned by the Ten Wizard Saints. Man, I really hope that that flame-brained pyro doesn't come in. He's always starting trouble with me. Or do I always start it with him?... I suppose that fire and ice weren't made to be allies anyway, that's probably why they extinguish each other. What was I doing again? Oh yes, I was reading, best get back to it.

Location: Fairy Tail Guild, Main Hall
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Lara turns around and nods " yeah..." she said to him. Kero titled her head and looked at jake " we have been traveling around trying to find a guild to join..." " yeah....and so far....all the guilds didn't seem....right...."lara said and sighed.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles brighter than before "join us!!! It'll be lots of fun and you can make lots of money and travel around the world and find a boyfriend and get married!!!" Jake drifts off dreamily thinking

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Lara smiled at him " I am not in it for the money...and I am not I terested in a boyfriend..." "but she is available" kero added and lara wacked her in the head. " my master said that a guild should feel like family...and I have been trying to find one with that feeling in it....I'll come and check out your guild later if you want just to be fair" she said with a smile.

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