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Fandom Those Lost in Starlight [A Fairy Tail Guild]

"Yeah that's right and your Jake from raven tail right" Yumi said slight cocky looking at Jake who was walking towards her she decided just in case she would remember his heart beat and footsteps in case he decided to attack because of his guild losing to fairy tail she would be ready.

@Tj Pomroy

Ashton Vanderveir & Aurora

Aurora popped out from inside his shirt,"Take a left Ashton and then you will see a large wall". She was where some long distance glasses that allowed her to see from far away,"This girl is taking them all on from the look of it. I heard they called her the Reaper...". Ashton started running the direction she was headed,"The Reaper...I heard a conversation in the market about someone like it, but I would never expect a little girl". Aurora looked at him,"What...Girls can't be renegades too? Hmph Sexist...". He sighed and decided not to acknowledge that with an answer as he finally reached up to the girl who seemed to be cornered and with an earth wall behind her. He inhaled deeply,"HEY! WHAT DO YOU PEOPLE THINK YOUR DOING!". Aurora facepalmed,"Oh lord....What an embarrassment!".


Jake smiles and juggles the groceries into one hand offering his other to yumi "please to make your aquatance"

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Karen's face leaked a long stream of sweat, god knows how long she had been walking for, but it felt like millenniums! It didn't help that she was carrying a days worth of supplies and a slim sword she brought around with her. But in the fog of her eyes, the civilization finally became visible, she had made it, she survived! She would've began running, but she didn't even have close enough energy to do so. However on her way she walked passed Yumi, another girl from her guild and what seemed to be 2 members from Raven Tail.

"What are you losers up to?" She said in a heavy voice, wiping the sweat off her forehead.
Walking out of the guild hall, Liir strode through the surrounding area. His bright teal eyes narrowed when he noticed a commotion Swiftly he moved forward, he slightly adjusted his coat as he approached them. "Whats going on here?" he asked with a serious tone. It wasnt everyday that different members from different guilds co-mingled.
"The pleasure all mine" Yumi said as she took jake's hand and shook it. Before hearing another member of her guild that said some thinking that made her giggle a little before she went back to her usual bored look. Upon seeing the other new comer Yumi said "Nothing just talking who do you care?"
All 5 men looked at ashton. Lara sighed "...really?" She coated her leg in fire magice and kocked thr earth wall behind her and broke it into pieces. " shit..." one of them muttered and the 5 surrounded her. Kero went to a rooftop and watched lara fight them of. All 5 of them shot magic beams at lara at the same time. It created a huge explosion and a smoke was everywhere. When it clear lara wasn't there. A few seconds later one of the men was sent flying into one of their companions and lara was standing in their spot.

Jake looks at yumi and chuckles when she giggles "I hate this no co-guild mingling" @Bills352

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Jake offers his hand again "wanna go chat back at my guild?" He smiles warmly and kind of excitedly

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Ashton Vanderveir & Aurora

Aurora jumped onto his shoulder,"Aren't you going to aid her in that fight?". Ashton chuckled,"In actuality, there was no point in being here....And using my abilities on such weak Dark Guilds is tiresome! When I see that she really NEEDS help, then I will jump down in a blaze of glory and fry everyone. Just to get my frustration out on something...but I want a challenge!". Aurora sighed,"Ashton....you are just too much". He laughed at Aurora's response.


"I'm not sure that's smart you may not mind being beaten by fairy tail during the magic games but others will" Yumi said looking towards the other member of raven tail . He seems like a good example Yumi thought to her self.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake shakes his head "I'm one of raven tails aces! You'll be okay just come on" he jumps a little

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One of the guild members tried to elbow lara. She ducked and tripped the guy, another one tried to punch from behind she leaned out of the way and grabbed his arm and flipped him on his back, making him land on the guy she tripped " 4 down...1 to go..." she looked at the last member who tried to escape. " damn you!" He yelled as he ran. Kero appeared in front of him in her leopard form and shot a laser at the last member knocking him out. She grabbed him and threw on top of the other members. She stretched a little " that was a good exercise" kero said as she changed back " yeah..." she then heard magic council members coming. She rolled her eyes at them " come on kero" she started to get away from the area with her.

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"You know what sure I can properly handle whatever they throw at me anyway since I am one of the fairy tail aces" Yuimi said with a smile on her face so he is one of raven tails aces this should be different she thought to her self as she looked at him.

@Tj Pomroy
Jake smiles brighter and grabs yumis hand running quickly towards the guild haul careful not to drop anything


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Yumi blushed when Jake takes her hand since nobody really gets a chance too and she didn't expect it. Yumi tried to keep up with Jake but kept falling behind a little dragging him slightly back.
Rhi was travel on a mission.

''Where is he...'' she thought. She sigh and continue walking, she hidden her face from the crowd under hood but she also did it so she wouldn't be recognise by the criminal she was tracking down.
Jake jumps up a little two jets of water leaving his feet as they both jet forward, all the groceries going into a small water bubble "HOLD ON YUMI!!!!"


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Narrowing his eyes,Liir followed them back to the monochrome Guild that they called "home" well he didn't he had another place that was calling home. His piercing teal eyes glared at the girl from Fairy Tail. Who does Jake think he is, inviting a person from another guild back to our guild. Only the master has that authority. Clenching his bandaged left hand, he silently followed them and Jake's trail of bubbles. He was itching for a fight.
Nixis sat in the guild hall enjoying a chocolate milkshake. He was bored, Nothing was happening around here. "Were is everyone. I can put money on the fact that there out doing something stupid." Nixis sipped more on his milk shake.

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