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Realistic or Modern Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

Helena was still sitting in the same chair that Elona had left her in, like she promised to be. Even though it had been a long time since Elona left, Helena wasn't entirely angry. She was just nervous to be left hanging and wondered if Elona was purposefully avoiding her. She was trying to count the visible teddy bears in the room as she started drifting off. I hope she comes back soon or I might just fall asleep. She was losing her battle against the weight of her eyelids when Elona's voice made her sit up. She rubbed her eyes as she made her way to the door, "Yeah I'm here. I'll open the door in a second." Literally as she finished the sentence, she was able to open the door for Elona and then stepped to the side to let her in. "Thank you again. I hope it wasn't too much trouble." She said as an indirect way to see if Elona would explain why she took so long. She covered her mouth as she yawned then sat down in the chair that she was now familiar with again.
"Make sure to bring back both of them safely."

The Boss's words rang in Cleto's ear from the earpiece that he had received. Almost immediately, he perked up and replied enthusiastically, "Roger!"

The youth turned to Pedr and Silvia, who both managed to stand up despite the injuries that they have suffered. Silvia limped away, stating that they should leave before the enemies show up with reinforcements. Cleto nodded in agreement before following the girl, then timidly turning his head to Pedr with pleading eyes. "S-sorry for what I did before... Can you maybe... Not mention it to the Boss after we return?"

He thought about all the possibilities of how the Boss would possibly react if Pedr told him about Cleto tying him up, in addition to him failing to help protect the shipment. His mind continuously steered towards the worst possible outcomes, of either the Boss kicking him out of Spinal or simply deciding that he doesn't trust Cleto anymore. The youth wasn't sure which one was worst, because if either one happened, it would make him feel like... An abandoned puppy.

(I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll have time to reply as Emilio right now, but I'll definitely try to by the end of the day!)
Pedr slowly dropped his hand from his earpiece, turning it off after the boss had finished speaking. He looked at the lad, referring to now the Spinal Boss had called him a member. Which would mean, he couldn't possibly treat this young lad as he wished to as a butler.

He wasn't one to hold grudges but this one....

The lad had just pleaded him a request with those puppy eyes of his again.

This one was quite amusing. He would've been someone who Ralec would've liked to tease most of the time while they were on their 'borrowing' missions.

It wouldn't hurt to tease such a fellow. Just once?

Pedr flickered his eyes back to Silvia, whose back was turned to them, before looking back at the young lad before slightly bowing his head and rose it again. His eyes glowered darkly with a roguish flare as he spoke in a subtle sarcastic tone, "Of course not, young master."

He flashed a smirk at the young man before following after Silvia, trying to catch up to her. He quietly walked behind her before stopping.

But what was really strange was the fact that the boss hadn't informed them of the person's name. He looked at Silvia and blinked, wondering if the boss had spoken to her separately. If so, he understood the possible action since he was only a butler but nevertheless, he was curious as to what the lad was called.

He turned around and faced the lad, "Young master, I do not recall your name."

The two responses happened one after the other. After Delia had asked him what he's doing here the other man came in - obviously was part of this family - and helped her. He seemed so used to situations like this and took her being in pain so lightly that it disgusted him a little bit. After locking the door like he asked he continued the conversation following him "How can you both be so calm? After all that I had to go through just to get to this place trying to find her. I finally get here and she's like this and I am her cousin, my name is Ronan Sparaco."

He then turned to Delia with his one green eye seriously, a look that she probably is not familiar with due to the fact that he lost his right eye on his journey after last meeting her. "Delia, I am here to help you with whatever you need. I'm sorry that I never came earlier but I knew that you probably would want revenge on the men who..." He trailed off not being able to finish because he too cared about her parents deeply. "It took a long time for me to come because I wanted to train and become strong like you." After saying so he stared at her hoping that she wouldn't be mad at him for taking such drastic measures just for her. This was his decision and he hasn't regretted it one bit.

@Dawnsx @LoveMyHate
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I relaxed after finding out he wasn't an enemy. "Delia doesn't usually get hurt like this, if thats what you're thinking. She usually helps me do office work. Today, she was helping some other members with their mission. Also, I wasn't calm, panic just doesn't usually show up on my face." I looked up at him. "So you're Ronan? I've seen you from Delia's photographs." I paused studying his missing eye. Deciding not to ask about it for now, I questioned him about other things. "Was there another girl with her? How long has it been since you found her? Is there any serve injuries that I should look at first?" I examined Delia, quickly applying first aid to what seemed to be the worst of her injuries. What had gone horribly wrong??

I turned to the large man in the room. " Vincent Fortelli, The Iceman I believe? Do you mind getting me a towel and some warm water?"
As the man refused to enjoy the company of the lady with him, and stood up to walk away, Dante simply nodded, saying a short bye, not really into his words on how it's probably him the lady was looking at. It was only as the man disappeared from his sight did he let out a long sigh, somehow disappointed at the fact that he didn't find out the man's real position, and at the same time displeased with himself too, for he probably give too much hints away that he's actually a spy.

Well, at least he didn't know to whom he works for. A spy can be for anyone--government, police, and it takes some other possibilities to reach mafia. Agreeing with his own thoughts, his mind went through on how to improve himself before he landed his eyes back on the lady at the far corner.

He asked for another glass of cheap wine, hearing the clinking of the ice cubes against the glass, before raising it towards the girl slightly, smiling his usual smile lightly at the same time. "You've been watching us for some time now, haven't you?" He said with much of a friendly tone, as though not minding at all. "I won't mind if you come over, mind give me some company?" He invited as he lowered his glass and sipped a little of it, his sight still settled on her though, as the light smile remains on his face.

(@Reito )
Delia remained motionless as Lino carried her to the infirmary and patched her up. She would try to treat her own wounds actually, if she can, but every time she tried to move, it felt like her entire body would scream. So, instead, she listened to the exchange of words between her boss and her cousin. When she heard that Ronan mentioning her family, and how he'll help her, she sighed and closed her eyes. Delia knew that her cousin was doing this for her, but it was also incredibly stupid of him to come here, for more reasons than one.

"Ronan, I appreciate you coming all the way here, but you shouldn't stay," Delia said slowly. "Being in the mafia is dangerous business, especially at a time like this. You can get hurt easily, or worst. I barely made it back here alive tonight. I'm sure you've gotten stronger these few years, but is it really enough to stay alive here?"

@Maeve Valor

With a smile, Danielle returned Astriel's hug. That smile, however, quickly turned into a halfhearted frown when the girl mentioned that she ate a lot of sweets today.

"Astriel, you shouldn't eat so much sweets or you'll get cavities," Danielle scolded her softly, almost like how a mother would scold her child. With that said, the smile returned and he asked, "Anyway, why are you here so late? Aren't you tired?"

"But Delia there is more to me coming here that you don't understand," he sighed placing a thumb and index finger to his forehead in thought. "My parents think I'm dead and last time I checked on them they were on a cruise going to only God knows where." He then shot a glance at Delia in what seemed to be hatred but not towards her, towards his parents. "They didn't care about what happened to you and they certainly didn't care about what has happened to me. All they care about is publicity and money. I have nowhere to go Delia except to dedicate myself to staying here." He then looked to Lino, "That is, if the rest of you will let me. Look, about your questions. I have no idea what happened I came in, I saw her like that and maybe a minute later saw you come in. That's it."

@Dawnsx @LoveMyHate
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(Ahhhh so sorry @iShyShy ;___; )

Helena opened the door for Elona, "Thank you again. I hope it wasn't too much trouble."

"No it's ok! I also wanted to drink some tea before going to bed...."

"With big brother."

Elona felt it was better to leave that part out since Helena wasn't in the best emotional state. She notices the stiffing yawn from Helena and looked down at her tray.

"Ah....I must had taken a long time brewing tea...."

She then sat down in the seat across from Helena and starts to prepare for the tea. The girl placed the teacups neatly down and quietly poured the rose tea.

"Helena....sorry for letting you wait so long."

Mindlessly she mutters, "And alot of other things."
(@Eimi For what? No need to be ^.^)

Hel gave her younger sister a small smile as she remarked about the tea. "Tea before bed always helps you fall asleep." Then she quickly stumbled on her words, "You as in everyone, not specifically you. I mean't it helps people sleep." She was still nervous about the encounter and hoped that they could talk and sort this out tonight. Sitting there, Elona started pouring the tea for the both of them and apologized for the wait. There was also a low mutter that Hel could barely make out. Hel's voice became quiet, "No need to be sorry, Elona. I fell I'm the one who should be sorry for coming to your room so late and well... invading your life." She sat there in silence for a moment as she tried to gather the strength to continue. "I... probably seemed like I was forcing our new family ties and I'm sorry... I just...I do consider you family." Her words had grown quieter the longer she went on but hoped that Elona could make it out because she didn't want to have to say it again. She then took a sip of the warm rose tea to try and get her mind to settle. "Delicious." That was all she could muster up to say but it was true, the taste of the tea was astounding.
Luca looked up at the Rosa HQ. He had been away on a mission that took quite some time. But nevertheless, he was able to complete it and return alive. He couldn't help letting out a smile as he observed how little the HQ had changed in the time he had been away. Walking slowly toward the entrance, he thought about how long it had been since he had last seen the boss. They had some good times talking over many things in his office. Like the other members in Rosa, he knew about Dani's ... unfitness to being the boss of a mafia family. Yet at the same time, Luca couldn't think of anyone else who could possibly be as good of a boss as Dani is. As he was thinking, he spotted a figure at the entrance of the HQ.

"Who's that?" Walking closer, he noticed that it was a woman. Why was she lying on the ground... Noticing her wounds, his eyes widened and he quickly ran over to her side.

"Oui!" He lightly shook the female. "What happened to you?!? Are you okay?!?"

He glanced around for help. Finding no one around, he looked back down at the woman. Her wounds seemed to be heavy, which meant she needed immediate attention. Hoping she didn't mind, he lifted her in a bridal position as softly as he can, avoiding her wounds. Carrying her, he ran through the HQ toward the infirmary. On his way, he stopped to quickly ask a member to inform the boss that he was back and to come to the infirmary.

Kicking the doors open with his leg, he lightly placed the woman on a bed. Quickly getting the bandages and other tools from nearby shelves, he treated the worse looking wounds first before he lightly bandaged the less severe wounds. Then he sat back and sighed in relief, waiting for the boss to arrive.

Merri lifted her head, noticing that the other male had left the bar, while the other invited her over.

Perceptive.. She thought, as she tilted her head to the side, saying nothing to him. Then she thought back to her actions, realizing that she was very clumsy and bold, showing all of her actions a lot louder than she had anticipated, for being too focused. She silently scolded herself, before sighing and standing, walking to the bar where the man sat, her long black hair slipping down past her waist and brushing against her elbow as she maintained eye contact. Her forest-green eyes scanned his body down, then up, and returned to his face, showing a small, yet simple smile.

"Don't mind if I do."



Astreil puffed her cheeks out, sulking, as she pulled away from him and turned her back to him, crossing her arms. "Yeah but it was still really, really yummy!" She thought about the light fluffy texture in her mouth and the satisfying sweet taste, and it made her smile. When he asked her why she was there late, she turned to him, her attention quickly snapping to him and smiled.

"Oh! That's because I haven't seen you all~ day! The walk back was a bit long and tiring though, seeing as I saw a little kitten that was stuck inside a shoe in the back alleyway..." She began to ramble off about her adventure to the office, before realizing she was getting off track and her attention snapped back to him.

"Oh, and I got you something." She reached into her pocket, and pulled out a silver pendant that was threaded through a silver necklace. The pendant had a rose emblem on it, with a heart in the middle of the rose.

While she handed it to him, she looked at him with hopeful eyes, her feet fidgeting on the ground. " Uhm.. Do you like it?"

Dante nodded lightly at her words, his smile seemed satisfied at the lady's reply. She settled down next to him after studying him briefly, a sign Dante took as that she's not one of those regular, simply love or attention seeking woman. Dante watched her too as her long black hair brushed lightly across her waist, her seemingly gentle figure yet a sense of power is spread from her. Dante's curiosity for who she is thus grew, but all those signs he didn't show, except remained in his seat, playing with the nearly empty glass of wine in his hand. He has only expected to drink one glass of it, but he ended up drinking two. Maybe he would order for the third time, and for a moment gladness overwhelmed Dante at the thought that he has long been trained, as a spy, to not get drunk easily.

He waited as the lady has long settled in her seat before turning his attention fully towards her, turning his head slightly to her direction although not fully, his smile turned rather friendly besides that usual meaningless light smile of his. "I'm sorry that man left, I'm sure the conversation would be more interesting with him," he said simply for the sake of starting a conversation, not really caring if the man from before left or not, even though his interest from him still lingered with the dissatisfaction that he didn't get to know who he really is. "How are you doing tonight? This bar sure is lively." He changed the topic, then, grinning ever so lightly at the girl.



Renatta seemed to be brought back to consciousness when she was suddenly shaken and shouted by someone unknown. She tried to force her eyes open, but as light entered her eyes it's so strongly bright she has to close it again. Her body twitched lightly though as a sign that she is slowly gaining back her consciousness.

Feeling her body leave the cold, hard floor and instead started to be carried by someone, Renatta's curiosity for who he is grew, although after remembering back that she's in the Rosa HQ she did get a vague idea that he's probably from the Rosa family too. It felt weird to be rescued by what should be an enemy when she should be back in her Appassito HQ and has her wounds treated there too. It also came as an interesting thought to her how easily Rosa would help a wounded person without questioning where she or he is from. What if she's actually a super villain who can destroy everything once she woke up or something? Or perhaps the person who was helping him right now is just this type of man to do such things.

Renatta relaxed herself then, thinking there's really not much to worry now since at least she wouldn't die on the cold hard floor. She felt herself being brought to somewhere, then placed upon a soft bed. Renatta seemed to sign in comfort at the feeling of it, except still freezing from the wetness of her clothes. She thought the lad or whoever has rescued her has left then before suddenly her arm was held up, then treated. Soon, she felt all the wounds, from inside or out of her body, well bandaged. She considered the fact that it's a guy treating her wounds before letting it go, she never cared much on the thought of personal privacy anyway.

When he seemed to be done, Renatta waited until she felt that her eyes could adjust to the brightness now, before blinking them open. Her body didn't hurt that much anymore too, the heaviness from before fading away little by little. She managed to turn to the lad and fixed her gaze on him, studying him for awhile then spoke. "Thank you." Her voice was soft and somehow weak, but more than enough to be heard,

Merri tilted her head to the side, studying the drink that was in the mans hand, before turning her attention to the glass of drinks behind the bar tender, her eyes flickering over each and every one. "That's quite alright, I wasn't really looking for a conversation with either of you, but look where I ended up." She leaned her head back, looking to the ceiling, then back around the bar, before turning her attention to the man. "I'm doing fine, besides being extremely tired at the moment." She sighed, then folded her hands in her lap, sitting tall and moving a bit to get comfortable against the seat. "Yeah, it is pretty lively, but isn't it every night?" She managed a small smile, then tilted her head to the other side. "How are you doing tonight?"
As the lady responded to his words, Dante couldn't help but let out a soft laugh when she said she's not looking for a conversation with either of them. Which is true, Dante could tell. She has only wanted to study them from afar before the man left and he welcomed her over instead. As she continued to speak, Dante finished the last bit of wine in his glass. Her tiredness, as she has mentioned, is somehow visible on her. As if to prove that the bar is indeed lively, a huge roar of what appeared to be a cheer echoed from behind. "I'm doing fine, as usual," Dante replied as she asked him how he was doing. "Bored, perhaps. Seeking for something new to happen or know in this bar, but," he shrugged lightly. "All the energy in the bar appeared rather meaningless, doesn't it? You gain nothing from it, after all." Except, maybe, a sense of pleasure, Dante thought but didn't say.
Merri observed his mannerisms, the way he moved when he talked, his voice, the way he sipped on his wine, all while listening to his words. She had become very good at multitasking in the time that she's lived. She leaned her head back and smiled once everyone cheered. "Ah, I see. I'm bored as well, I only observe people here for entertainment." and information.. she kept that last part to herself, as she stared into his empty glass. "I don't think that's true. You don't nessecarily gain nothing from your surroundings, in fact, it gives a lot of information, to the trained eye." She spoke quietly, then decided she had said too much about her being trained. She frowned, and then ordered a glass of water.
Dante raised an eyebrow at her response to his statement, then his eyes narrowed on the word "trained." So she is trained--similar to him. Dante wondered if he should question about it further or not, and decided to do so, eventually, while right now only nodding lightly. "I see," he said simply. To sit in this same bar known to have many information, to both be observing people and surroundings---indeed, to really think about it, it's not someone random or has nothing to do with anything would do. He chuckled, then, when he remembered her words on how, under the trained eyes, there's lot of information to gain from any surroundings. "Maybe," he said shortly. "But those information gained from the surrounding here, it's useless for me." Stating out his thought bluntly, his smile remained light and unmoving as he glanced towards the girl. "What's your name, if you don't mind?"
Luca stared at the woman from his seat, wondering who she was. She didn't seem to be a new recruit nor just any random by passer. The Rosa HQ wasn't that easy to locate. He lowered his head for a short nap but quickly raised it again as the woman stirred.

He smiled kindly at her. "You're welcome. I hope I wasn't invading your privacy much."

He pulled a chair over to the bed and sat beside her. "Does it hurt anywhere else? How did you get these wounds?"
Noticing how his eyes narrowed upon her word trained, she let a small smile slip on her lips. So hes like me. Merri smiled at him, giving another little hint. "Not for me." She sipped on her water, letting the cool liquid slide down her throat as she swallowed. She looked over at him, smiling. "Merri, and yours?" She saw no reason to give false names in this situation, he might be very useful to her in the long run.
As Astreil talked about her journey to his office, Danielle only listened with a gentle smile on his face. It's relaxing moments like these, where he gets to spend some time with the people that he cares for, that could put his weary mind at peace, even if it's only for a little bit.

"Oh, and I got you something." The girl said, and took out a pendant from her pocket. It had a simple, albeit cute design, and Danielle's smile only grew wider at the sight of it. He gave a soft laugh when she asked if he liked it or not.

"Of course I like it. I love any presents that you give to me." He said. To prove that he truly appreciates the gift, he put the pendant around his neck.

All of a sudden, a Rosa member opened the door abruptly and informed Danielle that Luca has returned from his mission, and that he asked him to go to the infirmary.

Danielle's face initially lit up at the news that Luca has returned, but it immediately changed to one of worry and concern upon hearing the second part. His heartbeat grew faster at the thought of his friend being injured, or even worst, dying. He nodded and dismissed the member before turning to Astriel.

"Let's go to the infirmary together to check up on Luca, okay?" He said to her, trying to keep the anxiety from his voice. She had came here to see him, and waited for who knows how long in the office. He didn't exactly want to leave her waiting again in the office.

Astriel's face went from ecstatic and happy to worried and fearful upon hearing the news. She nodded quickly and took his hand, gripping it softly and beginning to walk with him to the door of his office. "Hurry Dani! We gotta hurry and see Luca!" Her heart beat increased as well, and she felt the urgency of the matter settle heavily in her heart as she tugged relentlessly at Dani's hand.

Renatta blinked, seemingly studying her surroundings as she tried to look around, yet too hard to see because she's lying down. Thus, she landed her gaze at the male besides her, studying him briefly, his expression kind and sincere as he smiled, asking her how she got her wounds and if there is any other places that hurts.

"I don't think so, I feel fine now. My butt hurts but that's usual, not related to this at least." She said as she tried to sit up, for a moment pain shot through her body and she gritted her teeth, but as the pain slowly ceased she remained sitting.

She's not exactly sure how to answer the question on how she got hurt, honestly she sucks at lying so much one could easily tell whether she's telling the truth or not. She looked ahead, then back to the male, her mind considering on what to say, before she spoke without much of an expression change. "So I was in this thing, and it exploded, then a person brought me here." She said, hoping the other wouldn't question more, and as if to switch the topic she added. "Will there be other people coming,,,?"



Dante nodded lightly when the other gave him her name. Merri---it's not a bad name, and the other didn't seem to be lying either. 'Dante," he said shortly, not finding a reason to hide his true name as well. The ice cubes in his glass has long melted, and the bartender asked if he wants one more glass, to which he agreed, then his eyes rested upon the glass of water Merri was drinking. "You don't prefer wine?" He asked lightly, but in his mind went through the thought that if she's here to gather information, then drinking something alcoholic is not really a good option if she can not handle it so well to remain completely clear of her mind after a few drinks.

Luca nodded in approval of the woman's reply. "Good." As she struggled to sit up, he lent her a hand and puffed up the pillow behind her so that if she wanted to, she could lay on the pillow when she felt tired.

He raised a mental eyebrow at her following statement though. Such a simple explanation. But he didn't want to probe her more because she looked like she had gone through enough pain. But he did wanted to know more about this strange woman who appeared out of nowhere.

It stroked to him weird that she would ask if others were coming. Why would she want to know that? Nevertheless, he didn't see any harm in telling her about Dani. "Well, yes actually. I've asked the boss to come visit you. Please don't take it to heart but we'll have to interrogate you a little bit. I'm sorry to make you do this in your injured state, Miss..."

Now that he thought about it, he never actually got the chance to ask for her name. "I'm sorry but could you tell me your name? I'm Luca."

Merri leaned back in her seat after sipping her mouth full of water, she leaned her head back, stretching her neck and then swallowing down all the water. She closed her eyes, as she did so, then let out a refreshing "ahh" sound. She smiled. "In all honesty, I prefer water to wine." She leaned her head back forward and opened her eyes, making eye contact with him. "Don't get me wrong, I can handle my alcohol very well, in fact, it doesn't phase me at all to drink it anymore. I just prefer water to any other beverage." She shrugged, then picked up her glass again, sipping more water. I honestly doubt this stranger-- Dante, called me over to converse with me about wine. She began stealing glances when he wasn't looking, reading his body language and trying to see what he was getting at, his ulterior motive.


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