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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

Looking at Marie, not femininity took place in her current form. He quickly flapped his wings, strong enough to get Kassadin back in mid-air. "And exactly what should we do now?!" Kassadin panicked.

Carr runs to them, following Kassadin's new owl form into the sky. She whispers to Marie "we need to run from here. People are starting to stare and this is about to get messy if we don't lea-" Carr clutches her head, curling up and screaming in pain. She can already feel her body changing from the inside out.
((Lucifer is a girl.)) I stared deep into his eyes. If anything my green eyes had gotten more intense. Giving a sense of calm to Kadassin. "Carr is changing. Calm down. We will be okay. Once we are all in our true forms we will leave. "

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"But..but what if the authorities get here? They will capture us!" Kassadin tried to make the watchers flee by diving between them and acting aggressive.
Pointing to the woods Skiz called to the changed. "Go!" before racing back onto the bus to grab Jacob. "Come one... Come on.." She muttered, dragging him out before pointing again to the odd stretch of woods. Jogging over to Carr she stood a little out of range as she watched the shift come to an end.
I stood at attention,protection Carr as she transformed. "Scilence!" I barked at Kassadin,my wolf instincts Kicking in. I snarled as a Man in a suit tried to come closer,coaxing me to move away. He jumped and ran back. "It's okay Carr it's almost over!" I called encouragingly.
Kassadin had rushed into the woods, he's finally got a grip on his wings. "Fuck this is hard to handle!" he muttered as he tried to keep his wings steady. He tried to help raise Jacob using his talons, but it was useless Kassadin was less than a quarter of Jacob's weight.
Carr relaxed slightly, hoping it was a dream. Her warm orange and white für told otherwise. She focused on Marie's voice and stood on all fours shakily. "I knew it!" She said, knowing only her friends could understand her. To otjers, it was a mewl.
I smiled gently. "Come on Carr. We have to leave. " I howled out to Kassadin,letting him know we were on our way. I licked some of Carr's fur,encouraging her as a mother wolf did for her cubs. "Stand up?" I asked.
Kassadin got her, and quickly flapped his wings to reach a beautifully calm glide. "its safe here! Under the canopy!" Kassadin chirps as he reaches the inside of the jungle.

((GoodNight Guys its 2am here!))
Biting her lip she grabbed Jacob, towing him to the forest while she clutched her chest holding off the pain of change until she could assure their safety.
We'd reached the woods. I stopped. "Carr. I don't-I don't know where he is. If he wasn't a spirit animal. The authorities will help. If he was. He got away. "Skiz will meet us here soon. W-We have to focus on that. " searing pain attacked me on my side. I hadn't noticed until now but I had a deep gash on my side. I ignored this and looked back twoards the museum.
Carr turns and runs, wanting to look for Jacob. He was like her little brother and she couldn't let him be killed too. As soon as she saw Skiz and Jacob, she ran to them and licked his face, nuzzling Skiz's leg to push her to Marie.
I smile at Skiz. "Thank you. You're quite a beautiful animal." We were all safe. I was happy about that. I was glad for us to be together. "Now. Problem. What're we gonna do?" I said,reality sinking in
They are already coming for us. Carr had seen it. Kally showed her while she was changing forms, and she was afraid of what they would do to her. Caroline had a good idea of who was going to come out alive, but bloody. "We need to get somewhere safe."
"A cave. " I instantly said. "I can find one! C'mon" I started off,my friends on my heels. We ran until we found a small cave. Trees surrounded it m,shielding it. A river ran across it. "Looks good" I said,looking at it. "What do yall think? I can go hunting. Carr. You're the spiritual one. How do we get out of this form?"
Jacob stands confused. He read through the last three pages and realized he missed a really big turning point. Everyone turning into their spirit animals and are now in a forest? Great, he's alone. Again. "Fuck my life." He mutters, following them into the forest. He is still human, because for some reason his spirit animal seemed afraid of him and refused to come out.
I jumped at her anger. "Okay okay. Just come inside. " i didn't want Carr to be mad. I went inside,my friends following me. I tried concentrating hard,sure enough I felt myself turn into a human. "Just concentrate hard." I explain. "Shouldn't hurt."

I took a seat on a rock and tried to figure out what to do next.

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((@Quiet you're with us, just not transformed))

Caroline sighed, mumbling and sat with her tail around her, eyes closed tight and felt herself change back. "I'm me!!" She felt her face and looked at her hands. She moved to her ears- "oh my gawd why do I still have ears." She tried focusing again, but they would not go away.
I bit back a laugh. "Here. " I handed her the beanie she had dropped. "Anyways. I'll go hunting. " i stood. "If anything happens just shout." I threw Carr my pocket knife. "I'll be back. " I transformed and darted off. I felt bad for leaving them. But we needed food. Like it or not.

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