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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

Head snapping from its perch in Jacobs shoulder at the wolf cry, that sounded oddly familiar. Pulling away from Jacob completely she muttered, "Stay here." To both Carr and J. Shifting fluidly with a short whimper of pain as the shifting became more bearable, Skiz turned for the opening, racing out to find her friend who was possibly in pain. Catching the scent, she soundlessly bound through the trees, eyes narrowed as she neared the scene, able to hear their voices, though her fur blended well with the iced land, and the wind blew her sent away.

Juliet Marshall

"God this girl seriously is too much." Juliet muttered and looked at the wolf that was still keeping up her little act of sarcasm and other irritating factors. Walking over to the wolf she let out a huff and was about to speak once again when she thought of something. "Wait are you able to turn into human form? If you can then do it right now." Juliet instructed as she began to pace back and forth, thinking of the easiest way to bind up the wound and get to the cave, find who she was looking for and figure how to get the hell out of this mess. The large jaguar walked along the clearing, her large frame casting shadows against her surroundings. She knew that if would be easier to help her if she was in human form because then Juliet could carry her on her broad back.
I considered this. I knew that I kept my clothes on when in wolf form. Along with everything in my pockets. If this girl had a knife in her pocket,she'd be able to pull it on me. On the other hand,she seemed to hate me,so she would have killed me. That was when I saw Skiz in the bushes. I have her a look as if to say:"if this goes south. Cover me. " I hoped she understood and I went into human form.

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Blinking slowly, Skiz understood returning to the fuller forest, crouching on a mass of dead plants, and frozen rocks, close enough to kill, but far enough to still be 'invisible'.

Juliet Marshall

Juliet turned her head slightly in order to look back at Marie, who seemed to have her gaze settled on something in particular. She showed no signs of emotions or acknowledgment of the action when the wolf turned into her human form. She didn't look any better once in her human form, still bleeding and looking a bit wild. "Just get on" Juliet mumbled as she stalked over to Marie and looked into the bushes with a dark gaze. She could tell that whatever was there was gone, probably going to do something to piss of Juliet. 'Stupid people. I hate people so damn much. As soon as I help them, what do you know, I'm probably going to get attacked by some dumb-ass' Juliet cursed in her mind, her temper truly fuming as she waited for the girl to get on.
I got on her back,her glossy coat warm from her body heat under my fingers. I flinched from pain in my side again and shook slightly as she took off into the woods. I looked back,seeing Skiz there. She'll follow us. I told myself. I looked off into the distance. It felt like I was changed. I felt not as much pity,I was violent. I hated things. Did I just describe my PMS? Not important. I grunted as Juilet jumped over a large rock in the path,clutching my side. P

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Waiting a few counts, Skiz began to follow. The trail was not all that difficult to track, the harsh sent of blood tainting the air. Speaking of blood. Turning without a second thought she raced back to the deer latching her teeth deep into its flesh as she began to work her muscles, dragging the deer, sensing that the other already knew of her presence, and hating to waste what her friend worked for.

Taking another rout, she found herself avoiding the jumps, rather pulling it over ferns, and small holes instead. Picking up speed, and locking her jaw, she pressed on now slightly diagonal to the pair headed to the cave glancing over to them for a moment before continuing on.

Juliet Marshall

"Sorry, I don't mean to make this uncomfortable" Juliet muttered as she did her best to maneuver around any large obstacles so that the injured Marie wouldn't have anymore discomfort than she already did. The crunching of leaves and other things beneath her large paws made her realize that she really had a screwed up life. She had no family she could love, no friends she could rely on, the only thing Juliet had was herself. Slowly the babbling of water could be picked up by the dangerous animal as she padded softly over to the cold water. Juliet looked around to make sure that nothing more dangerous than herself was around. Once she confirmed it clear she crouched down next to a large boulder that sat near the water. She planned on also changing into her more comfortable human form in order to clean up the bleeding teen.
I got on top of the Boulder,curling up in a small ball. I didn't care if Juilet thought I was weak. It felt like someone was stabbing me in the side. "Jacob! C-Carr!! " i called,my voice raspy. I took in shaky breaths,shaking violently. My stomach churned,me head fogged. I was dizzy even though I was on the ground. "D-Damn it." I muttered,my toes curling in my beat up converse.
Juliet Marshall

As soon as Marie was off of Juliet's back she changed into her human form as soon as possible. Her brown hair was quickly pulled back and put into a ponytail before she rolled up she sleeves and began to help Marie. "Does anyone have any damn needles or something?!" The Korean shouted towards the cave as she removed Marie's hands from the wound. "Hold on just relax kid." Juliet ordered as she took off her hoodie and pressed it against the bleeding wound. "Will somebody actually get their ass in gear?!" Juliet growled as she applied pressure to the wound in order to slow down the bleeding. "At least get some fucking water" She bit her bottom lip as she looked for someone to actually try and help out. Even though her voice was dangerous, her expression was blank and never changing. Her mind was racing as she counted the seconds that it was taking for people to move.

"God dammit you idiots!" Juliet snarled to herself more and grabbed Marie's hands, placing them on the balled up hoodie. "Keep holding it there" The fair girl said as she ran down to the small spring that ran in front of the cave. She began looking for something to use as a container or something to help clean the wound. A very large amount of curses came from her lips as she striped off her top and placed it in the water. "I'm so charging them for this outfit" Juliet muttered as she brought the water soaked blouse up to the crying girl. Thankfully she was wearing a camisole underneath so she wasn't going to freeze or anything.
I felt cold water on my wound. I shivered but relaxed slightly,shaking. I gripped my blue jeans,I needed something. Anything to hold. My breaths were no longer even,now shaky and desperate. where were Carr and Jacob. And Skiz?! "My friends..." I begged,looking up at Juilet pleadingly.

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Juliet Marshall

As Juliet tended to the wound, slowly easing the bleeding she began to look around for a rope or something to bind the hoodie to her wound. A sudden plea caught the serious attention of Juliet as she looked down at the desperate girl. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose and closed her grey eyes. "Listen, they're probably getting the deer you killed and are on their way back now. Don't worry and just keep still" Her voice wasn't friendly at all, but it did become less abrasive as she stared at the pitiful girl. Ever since meeting a boy named Alex, Juliet had found she was weaker towards those in need of help. Cursing to herself she began to freshen up the blouse, preparing it for another application for Marie.
@Morgan Crawford @Scheani @Quiet Is Violent

I shook,my shaking slowly becoming more violent. "Just make it stop. " I whispered,weakness filling my voice. I prayed to Lucifer or whatever God was listening. Please let my friends be safe. They can't leave me here by myself. They're my family. I bit my lip,keeping tears from spilling from my green eyes.
Dropping the deer near the cave entrance, Skiz shifted and dived for the messenger bag of death, grabbing her advanced nurse's kit she had horded inside her bag. Then dumping out her remaining coffee from her jumbo sized thermos to rinse and fill it with water. "Hold on. Hold on." She called her eyes light with panic, but her movements purposeful as she set the kit by the new girl.

"Hold on. Hold on. Hold... " She let out a small shriek as she plunged her hands into the water, carefully rinsing the container.

Juliet Marshall

Juliet raised an eyebrow at the girl who came out of nowhere and she looked through the first aid kit, carefully picking out what she needed. She grabbed things to numb the pain, stitch her up, and provide her with medicine in case she got a fever later in the night. The skilled hands of Juliet began to disinfect the wound as she removed Marie's hands and the hoodie. Her plain expression remained as she listened to the shrieks of the girl behind her. Yawning slightly, the ever so calm Korean cleaned the area around the wound and grabbed the numbing medicine. "You aren't afraid of getting stitched up are you?" Juliet asked Marie who was drifting in and out of consciousness. "Ah Coffee Girl, if you could try and keep your friend awake that would be great" She offered as she spread the gel before getting everything ready. Thankfully she had taken multiple courses in medicine since her father was a well known surgeon and all. That meant she knew how to do a lot of things, including sewing up a wound.
I shook. "I-no. I can't be can I?" The cool gel on my wound gave me a tingling sensation,then I lost feeling there completley. I wanted someone,anyone. To hold my hand. It was weak,and stupid. But I couldn't stand the feelings welling up within my chest. I squeezed my eyes shut,biting my lip so hard i felt like I might bleed any second. "Okay.." I said,my voice quivering.

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"Sure thing Korea." Skiz refilled the water now clean, before sliding up next to Mar's side and taking her hand. "So what did you think you were doing all the way out there? No help?" She asked lightly a small smirk forming on her lip.
I look up at her,a wavering smile on my face. "You guys needed food. I could w-wait. " I gripped her hand. "Id have been okay. " I said,my voice small,my eyes soft and no longer intense.

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"Yep. You seem fine, bleeding, losing it, let alone nice? The nice part is almost freaking me out." Skiz chuckled before her face straightened out into a grim expression. "What would we do if we lost you? Lover boy in there? Your best friend? What about all of them?" She asked softly.
I chuckled. "Lover boy huh. Let's not talk about w-what would happen if you lost me. How about if Lover Boy and I had a kid? Imagine how freaky it would be to see a wolf with owl wings running around the woods. " I laughed,staring up at you,weakness,anger,sadness filling my eyes.

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Pressing her lips into a line Skiz sighed, "No you'll probably have a unicorn.. Perhaps a Wolfasis?" She asked her head tilted slightly as chuckled. "You'll make it, its far too early into this problem to be going off on your own into lala lands." Skiz smiled brightly, hoping that she understood the inner statement, 'We cant make it without you, we will fall apart, we don't know anything yet.'
I smiled. "Can I go to sleep?" I asked,my eyelids were heavy,my brain was foggy. "I'm really tired. " I said,grasping your hand tightly. I blinked slowly,my eyes becoming weaker and weaker. I fought to stay awake. I didn't know what would happen if I went to sleep.

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Juliet Marshall

Juliet soon began to work on the wound, the needle going into her smoothly. The years of practice made this easy for her as she quickly and efficiently stitched up the wound, not minding the blood that was covering her hands. Blowing up at her bangs slightly, the expressionless girl tried not to listen to the conversation the girls were having. However she couldn't help but hear the whole 'Lover boy' thing which made her want to question the relationship. Maybe it was because she hadn't ever experienced anything like love or attraction for any male so it made her incapable of understanding. Juliet shook away the thoughts as she finished up the last stitch, finally tying it off. Reaching her blood stained hands back into the med kit, she grabbed scissors to cut the stitch. "Those will have to come out once that wound is healed. Keep changing the bandages so if doesn't get infected" Juliet stood up and walked over to the water and washed off her hands.
"Nope. Its like taking those stupid math tests on Tuesdays. No sleeping yet." she chuckled, nodding to the girl who helped, "Thanks..."
I groaned,rolling over as the gel began to stop its effects. "Not. Feeling. Well" I said,clutching my stomach.

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