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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

Skiz prowled now fully transformed to where her friends were, laying next to them head on her paws, tired beyond belief.

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Skiz chuffed, turning her shoulder to him to actually 'give him the cold shoulder'. "Like its all that strange.."
"Jacob, there is no home. They are after us. They saw us change. You're the only one who hasn't yet." She held her face in her hands.
Tail flicking she shook her head, standing to walk to the other side of the room. "Nothing." Her ears pressed back on her skull in internal panic.
I walked through the woods. Jacob had passed out. I wondered how he was taking this? I sighed and continued walking. Lucifer. What do I do? I thought. You do what I would do child. You are just like me. You know me. I wished I could tackle Lucifer. I hated her for what she'd done to me. I prowled through the woods until I can upon a buck,grazing on some fresh grass. (@kawiibunnygirl you can come in while I'm hunting)

Juliet Marshall

The gentle thudding of a large animal could be heard as it carefully made its way through the darkening woods. A flash of dark fur could be seen as well as the dangerous eyes that stood out against the dark coat. A sudden movement caused the animal to stop suddenly, turning its gaze to look at what was approaching. A wolf could barely be seen in the bushes, crouched down as it watched a buck grazing. The large cat that was in fact a companion of the wolf, settled down on the cool ground and watched the movement of her friend. Juliet, the once beautiful hotheaded Korean was now transformed into a beast of a cat. A jaguar to be exact, a rather dangerous animal for her to be. 'I wonder how long I'm going to have to watch her' Juliet thought as she waited for the hunt to commence. Of course she was also suffering from panic and other emotions, but she knew that they were pointless. Nothing would be accomplished with a negative attitude. A slight flick of her tail and narrowing of her eyes showed the annoyance that began to form. Juliet was always known for her very dangerous temper.

@Daughter of Hades

(I'm finishing up my male character now~)
I ran after the buck now. I nipped at its heels,driving it deeper into the woods. I saw my opportunity and jumped,biting into his hind quarters. He let out a Protestant howl and bucked,I narrowly missed his hooves,sinking my teeth in deeper. He grunted and kicked me off. I huffed and stood up,him backing away with his backside dripping dark red blood. I lunged and bit the windpipe in his throat,he let out a final crackling breath and fell to the ground. I smiled to myself when I heard the bushes crack. My ears perked up and I stood at attention,looking around for whatever it was.

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Juliet Marshall

Juliet watched as the scene unfolded before her narrowed eyes and she watched with only slight interest. Once the buck was killed she slowly stood up, her muscles relaxing as she walked out from the bushes that had been hiding her. "Well done." A slight tone was evident in her voice as she spoke to the friend that could understand her. However to human ears it sounded like a low growl. Juliet's tail swished back and forth once she stood in front of the young wolf. With curiosity she looked over her and couldn't help but notice that gash on her side. Tilting her large cat head, Juliet blinked at the wound. "Are you an idiot? Why haven't you treated yourself first?" The irritation on her voice was very prominent now, since she was showing her concern even if it was a rude way to do it.
I snarled. I knew she was a spirit animal. I could smell it. "First off. Back away from my food. Second. My friends need food. Their lives are more important. " I stood my ground,guarding my well earned food from this new comer. "How long have you been watching me?" I demanded,staring at the feline with my intense green eyes. Something told me they didn't have the same effect on her though.

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Shifting in a rage back to human, only her teeth seeming to remain elongated and sharp. "I'm not being like anything, or I'm not trying to be!" Skiz exclaimed wrapping her arms around her waist in insecurity. "I'm just afraid, I have no idea what's going on and- and..." She trailed off biting her lip.

Juliet Marshall

"Well hello to you too." Juliet huffed and sat down on the ground with a dull look. Her body shifted into a more comfortable position as she looked at the wolf in front of her. Unlike most people, Juliet had high intelligence which made things less complicated for her to figure out. With a twitch of her ear she yawned and stretched. "I've been in your class for a couple years. Does the name 'Juliet Marshall' ring any bells in that head of yours?" Juliet asked as she glared right back at the wolf, her dangerous eyes showing no emotion other than irritation. She suddenly looked at the deer and then back at the wolf, questioning if she was really going to haul the whole dead animal back to wherever they were hiding. Finally she sat up again, but this time she looked less threatening, as if showing that she didn't want to waste anymore time with finding out where everyone exactly was.
"Uh yeah. You were captain of the dodgeball team several teams. On that note:fuck you. " I only meant this jokingly of course. Long story. "what do you want anyways?" I asked,standing in front of her as her eyes traveled to the buck. "You want food you ain't gettin it here. " I said,foaming at the mouth.

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Juliet Marshall

"There we go. The brain has been used" Juliet said and yawned once again, her boredom settling in. She looked at the foaming wolf with a very unfazed expression and stood up slowly. "Listen, I'm not after your food. I'm only here because there are other people in our damn school who are just like us. Since you and your little group actually got out in time, I actually thought you may have someone here that I know." She shook to rid herself of any leaves and dirt that may have clung to her beautiful coat. "So I have a question for you Marie Grey" Juliet approached the female slowly, keeping her movements limited as she moved around the deer. She stared at Marie in her wolf formed and looked her over. She looked at the foam that fell from her snarling mouth, the blood that slowly seeped from her wound, and the wild glint to her eyes. 'Just my luck, I bump into the rabid one' Juliet thought to herself as she studied the animal before her.
"Try me. " I challenged. "I don't know if you're telling the truth or not. But so help me.you do ANYTHING to hurt my friends? I will tear you apart,limb by limb. " I knew this wouldn't phase her. Nothing had so far. But I had to protect my family. They were more than friends. We'd been through so much together. Pain shot through my wound. Damn humans. I heard Lucifer say in the back of my head. Couldn't agree more.

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"Skizzy..." Jacob goes to her and holds her gently. "I know it's scary. But... it's going to be alright. We have each other." Jacob tries to calm her, but he knows it's not going to work. He couldn't possibly be calm in her situation.

Juliet Marshall

"Alright alright just calm down. You seriously are going to get that infected if you don't think clearly" Juliet warned as she moved around the wolf to get a better look at the injury. She narrowed her piercing eyes at it and cautiously sniffed it. "Ah, I think it's getting worse. Are you near the spring?" The large cat asked as she moved back from the injured animal and began walking around, stretching out her muscles. She doubted that she would even be allowed to help carry the deer, let alone carry it while Marie treated her wound. The stubborn personality of Juliet began to surface, but she pushed it back with a long huff. She knew that the wolf was already on bad terms with her, considering she threatened to rip apart Juliet. 'Why the hell are people so fickle? Seriously I hate all these attached people'
I relaxed. My eyes got a little less scary. "Uh yeah. Our cave is there. I should warn you. All of our peoples spirit animals are vicious. " even though pretty boy is an owl Lucifer said in the back of my mind. Shut up. I told her. "Y-You know how to treat it?" I asked,I didn't trust this girl just yet. But I was giving into the intense pain in my side. Even Lucifer wouldn't help me stand it for long.

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Juliet Marshall

"Vicious, got it." Juliet said as she looked around them, thinking back to everything she had learned about first aid in the woods. She knew that cleaning the wound was the first priority so she thought of how far the spring was from where they were standing. "I can at least clean it, but I can't grantee that I'll 100% heal it" The jaguar said in a flat tone, the seriousness in her eyes could show anyone that there was no way she could be lying. Bring up a large paw, she pressed it down against a rock that sat a few inches from her and she curiously applied more pressure. "Ah, and I might be able to stop the bleeding!" Juliet said with a sudden realization.
Tense for a moment in Jacobs embrace, Skiz relaxed a bit leaning her head on his shoulder hiding a majority of her shaking. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm freaking out a bit." She muttered into the fabric of his shirt.
I howled. "Damn it! I wanted you to heal me not fucking kill me!" I shouted,gnashing my teeth in pain. I wouldn't be surprised if the deer got up and shouted "be quiet!!" I laid took in a shaky breath. "Quiet child. " lucifer said in the back of my mind. I whimpered and squeezed my eyes shut.

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Juliet Marshall

"Hey kid watch you language. You're lucky I'm even offering my help. I could've just walked on by and let you slowly die out here without your family. But no, I was nice enough to actually stop and offer you assistance, but if you don't want it be my guest. It's your choice Marie Grey" Juliet snarled when the girl began whining. The level of impatience began to rise within the hotheaded jaguar as she paced back and forth, trying to keep her head clear. She never liked people testing her patience especially when she wanted to get somewhere and figure out what was going on. 'Damn immature brat. God she's so lucky that I'm not killing her right now' Juliet hissed in her thoughts as she finally sat back down and stared at the whimpering figure. "If you want to get your wound treated then grow the hell up and quit complaining. Do you think I care how much it hurts? No, I care that there could be someone dead because they didn't want my help. So what's it going to be? This is the last time I'm going to ask this" The narrowed eyes and dangerous snarl at the end of her rant left Juliet feeling much more energetic than usual. Her temper was once again flaring up.
I seriously felt Lucifer now. All I wanted to do was pounce. "Pretty please with sugar on top help me. I'm so weak. " sarcasm,something my mom told me would kill me one day. But I couldn't bite it back. Besides,we were on the same level. Kitty aginst doggy. "and for the record. I'd like it if you don't treat any of my people that way. Because you know the drill with the whole limb from limb thing. I'm asking nicely. " to someone else,this was the rudest thing they'd heard. But given the terms we were on. I was being an angel.

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