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Fantasy Their Spirit Animals

Gliding past the bus as it putted its measly 30 mph, while she pushed 50 mph on the 45. Using the abandoned roads from there she found herself pulling into the nearly empty parking lot of the school. Resting her head against the wheel she sighed, "What a wonderful day." She groaned pulling herself and belongings out of the car, before crossing the grounds glaring at the ground in concentration.

Looking up at the sky- eyebrows raised as she spotted a figure on the.. Roof? Probably one of her friends.
I blushed deeply. "No no! I'm totally coming I swear! I just-sometimes I just-" don't tell him that. Lucifer said in my head again. "I just had a..flashback or something." I pushed some hair off my shoulder. "Sorry. But. I'm totally coming!"
Carr watches the sudden outburst and feels the bus lurch to a stop in the bus circle. She immediately makes her way off the bus and towards Skiz and Jacob.
He looked at her feeling baffled and said:" Well... Ok.. You seem uncomfortable, is anything wrong?" he placed his hand behind her as he finished his sentence and smiled. He then realized that they had reached the school parking lot.
His touch was warm,soft. I smiled at him. Maybe I could tell him about my spirit animal talking to me. Mom said everyone has one. NO! I caught myself. My moms a stupid drug addict. She probably sees "spirit animals" all the time. "Nothing's wrong I swear. Let's go. " I gathered up my bag and shoved my MP3 into my pocket.
"Yeah we should get going" Kassadin said taking his hand off her shoulder, and placing his satchel on his shoulder he stood with a masculine and buff posture. He calmly walks down to reach out of the bus, he takes a deep breath. "The cold air is my favorite, i dont know why but it just is" looking back at Marie
Traces of the scowl leaving her face, Skiz smiles up at him, "Hey!" She greeted shifting her way over a patch of ice to meet him. "Been waiting long?" She questioned head slightly tilted her breaths forcing the warm air from her body into the world as smoke like puffs.
I nod. "Cold is better than hot any day. Ready for this field trip crap today?" I ask,high school field trips were always the weirdest. My mom said in high school she once had to go to a mourge with her class. We walked together,a slightly bigger bus already pulling into the school to take us on the trip.

((Note. None of them know they can turn into animals. Marie will turn into one on the trip and so will the rest of them))
"Oh my god, so fucking long!" Jacob laughs. "And now the buses are arriving. Maybe I should just go on a bus. It takes longer, but I'm not alone for so long."
"Yeah, actually iam.. " Kassadin said as he slightly trembled from the ice touching his hand as he tries to cleanup the outdoor bench from the snow. He sat down gently, placing his hand on the empty space beside him gesturing for Marie to take a seat beside him.
Carr smiled and waved her friends to the field trip bus, motioning for them to meet her there. She gave an apologetic look towards Skiz and Jacob.
"wait. I have to involuntarily go on a bus? Damn it, I hate my life." Jacob walks over to Carr and smiles brightly. "Hey, Carr. What's up?"
I see @Morgan Crawford wave us over. "Oh there are my friends! We should go meet them. " I take Kassadins hand and lead them over. "Carr this is Kassadin. He's hot and letting me come over for dinner. Don't freaking scare him off" I joke.
Glaring at Carr she crossed her arms over her chest following Jacob as they wandered over to their friends. "..." She pouted.
" Hi, Iam Kassadin Crowe" he said gently stretching his arm to maybe reach out a handshake. He smiled and looked at the girl he didnt know, but Marie seemed to know very well.
Jacob eyes Kassadin. "He seem a little old for her." Jacob says, wanting to make sure he is good for Jacob's friend but not wanting to start a fight. He watches Kassadin shake Carr's hand but doesn't greet Kassadin himself.
Carr nodded slightly, murmuring a "hey". She looked skeptically at Marie, as if having anything to do with a pretty boy like Kassadin was pure horror.

She smiled at Jacob, trying not to laugh at his protective curiousity.
Kassadin laughed at the young man's comment and said:" well... Hey kiddo, well iam not really into a very serious relationship, but she might be perfect.. " he quickly turns around from the boy and says:" why dont both of you ladies come over, just a hangout or something."
I smirked at Jacob,playfully socking him on the arm. I turned back to Carr. "Fine with me negative nancy. Never been on a date anyway. " I grinned and adjusted my SnapBack hat.
Jacob smiles back at Carr, but it fades when Kassadin says this. "You know, relationships shouldn't be based on how she looks. You don't know much about her. Maybe instead of dating her immediately, you should get to know her." Jacob trusts Kassadin as much as he trusts the boys in the foster home. That is to say, not at all.
" I do not possess any malevolent intentions, maybe tea or a cup of coffee and a little chit chit." he then smiled stroking his hair and said:" well thankyou for saying iam a pretty boy."
"It wasn't a complement." Carr responded blandly, crossing her arms and pulling Jacob in a headlock at the same time. "Besides, Jacob and I had a previously unknown engagement to attend"
" i never said it was a date, well maybe if she wanted to.. I just like getting to know most of the people at my place where we can feel comfortable.. Dont take me wrong i mean nothing by what iam saying" he looking slightly down at the boy and pats his shoulder, as Kassadin was slightly taller.

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