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Fandom The Zodiac Curse (REBORN YAY^w^)

Miyo smiled, walking into the dining room and sitting down at one of the plates. "Thank you, Amy," she said, scooting closer to the table and picking up her knife and fork. She caught she scent of the food in front of her and almost fainted. She hadn't smelled anything this good in forever, let alone eaten anything that smelled this good! Her tongue quickly flicked in and out out of her mouth on instinct and she picked up a fork full of potatoes. @eclipsehowls
(sorry for the delay... duties call)

The man's expression was hidden behind his helmet but his voice rang out clear. "You have both been suspected of committing the murder of Mathew MacPhee. By order of law you are to drop your weapons and come with us for questioning. You are surrounded and I repeat; come out of the house and drop your weapons!" Soft growling emitted from the two gorehounds that had stayed at the front door as he added, "I will not ask this again."

Meanwhile, somewhere else in the city, a shiny black car pulled into Everstone Elementary and parked near the entrance of the school. Dragging a well groomed fingernail across a screen, Mrs. Blackwell flicked through various files and Goverment issued identifications. "Ah, lets see... Eclipse. Hmm, not so hard to remember, isn't it Donald?"

"Of course, ma'm" the driver answered without hesitation.

Emi dragged her along to the place where they sleep Emi set her head on her paws and fell asleep thinking about Enya and food.
Juliette just slept next to her as she yawns a bit" papa mama" she coughed she was still sick but she was getting a little better she jus snuggled into emi as she smiled sleeping
Juliette was sleeping dreaming of cake" cake" she say as she mumble in her sleep
Juliette woke up as she climb onto her sister" wake up wake up i wanna play" she say on her sister as she laughed" how do i turn into a human again sissy" she whispered so no other cat hear her
Juliette lookded at her" why are we gonna leave scary lady and the cats" she asked
No of couse na Emi says i love it here but we need to go outside or i will tell enya that i need freash air ~meow~
Juliette smiled as she nodded" okay lets go outside big sister" she say as she got off of her sister back as she went under her sister
Enya walked into the base and walked towards the living room.

Rylic had sent food up to Gabby and turned to see Kendell fall. The father sighed as he went to pick her up and set her back in her booster seat, buckling her in, as he went back to his meal.

Shale bounded up to his mother when he saw someone new and hissed at the other girl.

"Shale be nice," Enya said. "This is your Aunt Emily. My younger sister," she said to Shale. "Emily this is Shale."

"Mama doesn't have sissy."

"It appears I do and have just forgotten," Enya said.

Shale looked at the other girl. "Me Shale. That Violet," he said as Violet came to a stop beside Shale.

"This is Violet," Enya said to Emily. "Violet this is you Aunt Emily, my younger sister."

"Hi," Violet said. "Mama she smell tiger."

"Yes she's also a tiger zodiac." @Zeldafangirl

"It's not a problem," said Amy. Serenity came downstairs after feeding her rat, got her stepping stool out and washed her hands before going to the kitchen sink to wash her hands. Once done she went to the table and got in her chair before beginning her meal along with Amy. @Sp00ky Nerd

Josh spared a glance at his wife but Rose just growled, her eyes flashing. That fucking little shit!

"I'm afraid we know nothing about any murder," Josh said, tightening the grip on his gun tighter as Rose did the same.

Basil was escorted to the office, the child being confused about what he had done now. @Juju
Jessica wandered the forest in her zodiac form curiously. She was a cat zodiac, born with two tails. She didn't know her mother at all and didn't seem to mind. She smiled and continued her walk.

Kuro was in the city, at a small Chinese store. He went there for lunch and bought some noodles. He took a seat by the fountain and started to eat.

Black Mist wandered the forest, smirking. "I wonder, I wonder..." He muttered to himself.
Miyo nodded gratefully, taking large forkfuls of food into her mouth and reaching for butter for her waffle. She finished her meal quickly, than got up and washed her plate off in the sink. Not knowing what to do after, she sat back down at the table with Amy and Serenity. @eclipsehowls
Yuzyu fell asleep when she woke up she heard some noises from downstairs today was her birthday did her dad or mom forgot about it they talked about it the other day" Mommy who is that" she asked while she was still in her pajamas she put it on after she had that ashma attack" mommy i'm okay" she say to her trying for her not to worry abouth her asthma

Emily smiled to the kids" Hiya i'm emily" she say as she saw an older girl maybe 5 or 6 she didn't know

Yuzyu smelled the emily as she smelt there was tiger on her" mommy is she like me and daisy and you" she say coughing a bit

Kendell finished eating as one of the servent got her down from her boster seat as she smiled looking around seeing her mother" mama" she say as she wanted to be picked up" up up mama" she say as she looked at the girl" who tat" she say

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Amy and Serenity continued eating, not knowing that one of the dog zodiacs was being hunted down by a fucking psychopath. But it would be why the tiger zodiac and Serenity's father had both been right. Humans could not be trusted. It had taken Shadow a while to trust Amy but she had been a very very rare exception. When they finished their meals, Amy washed her and Serenity's dishes before the mother got her purse. "Come on Miyo. We'll go out to the playground," Amy said. @Sp00ky Nerd

Zeldafangirl said:
Yuzyu fell asleep when she woke up she heard some noises from downstairs today was her birthday did her dad or mom forgot about it they talked about it the other day" Mommy who is that" she asked while she was still in her pajamas she put it on after she had that ashma attack" mommy i'm okay" she say to her trying for her not to worry abouth her asthma
Emily smiled to the kids" Hiya i'm emily" she say as she saw an older girl maybe 5 or 6 she didn't know

Yuzyu smelled the emily as she smelt there was tiger on her" mommy is she like me and daisy and you" she say coughing a bit

Kendell finished eating as one of the servent got her down from her boster seat as she smiled looking around seeing her mother" mama" she say as she wanted to be picked up" up up mama" she say as she looked at the girl" who tat" she say

"That's Emily, my younger sister and your other aunt. She's also a tiger zodiac like you, Daisy and myself," Enya said. She dropped her gaze to Kendell and picked her up. "You're..."

Ash and Pine stared at the girl that their mother said was their aunt. Ash studied the teen intensely before giving an approving nod while Pine ducked behind his mother to hide, his grayish-blue eyes peering out from around his mother's legs. "She'll do," Ash said. "Pine's shy," he said looking at his younger brother.

Rylic came into the living room, hearing the kids talk, having finished his meal. "Who is that Enya?" Rylic questioned as he stared at the girl. "And I already told Princess that she can't go to school today."

Enya sighed and balanced Kendell on a hip before pinching the bridge of her nose and handing Rylic his master key. The hunter glared at her in annoyance. "This is Emily. A zodiac...a tiger zodiac like myself...and my younger sister," she said to stem off Rylic's argument.

"Your...sister? I didn't know you had a sister."

"Neither did I," Enya muttered to herself. "She's staying with us as she has nowhere to go."

Rylic sighed and rolled his eyes. "Fine," he said. "I'm going out," he muttered, kissing Enya before leaving the base to go into the next city, only to nearly trip over something. "What the hell?" he asked looking down at what he had nearly tripped over, spotting a mutated cat. "What the hell is this?!" @Zeldafangirl @NightCasterZ
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Miyo smiled. "Sounds like fun! i really love the park." She got up from her chair and followed Amy to the front door. She stepped outside, waiting for the others to get their things. She took in a breath of the cold air and sighed contently. Being inside was nice, but it was even nicer to go back outside again. @eclipsehowls
Serenity got her backpack before following her mother outside. Amy locked the house and set the security system her fiancee had set up to protect them before making their way to the garage. Opening the garage with the remote, Serenity got in the backseat again as Amy got into the driver's seat, waiting for Miyo to get into the car. @Sp00ky Nerd

"Well that was better than expected," Enya said. "Daisy tell one of the servants to prepare a room in the family quarters for Emily."

"Okay mom," said Daisy as she went to go find one of the numerous servants the family had.
Miyo slid into the passenger's seat next to Amy, buckling her seat belt and closing the door behind her. She looked out the window at the slow moving scenery as Amy drove towards the park. @eclipsehowls

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