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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Reaver would nod to this, glancing to Graham as his tail would slowly curl. "Y' wanna help?"

"I can. It's been a while since i've been a blacksmith. Actually, i believe the last thing that i had forged was my Iron Maiden when i was only sixteen."
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"I can. It's been a while since i've been a blacksmith. Actually, i believe the last thing that i had forged was my Iron Maiden when i was only sixteen."

"Ya can jump back into it, then." Reaver grinned, perking up and jumping up and down. "Ooooooo! It'll be just like when ya helped Adrian and I make that little, robot dragon!"
"Ya can jump back into it, then." Reaver grinned, perking up and jumping up and down. "Ooooooo! It'll be just like when ya helped Adrian and I make that little, robot dragon!"

"I remember that! Kingsley the third! I miss that dude! . . . . Wanna make another one? Kingsley the fourth?"
Once he'd gather a couple of items, he quickly made his back over to Graham's side before setting a blade, a couple of bolts and such on the counter before rocking on the heels of his feet. "This was brought up as a suggestion and I plan on making it work."

Dar'vange held a hand up. "Wait. Let's not talk in the open." Dar'vange muttered some words in his dead language and snapped his fingers. A swirl of purplish energy swirled around the ones he had chosen and they found themselves in a large dining hall, each in a seat of their own. Dar'vange of course had the coolest Throne taken from the King of Am Brod. He snapped his fingers again and Skeletons with plates of food stepped up and place the platters of fruit, meat, and drinks of various alcohol levels. "So then. Alliance. Such a preposition infers there is a war going on, or is in the making. Could you have something to do with these Blighters I keep hearing about?" 


@Daniel reaving

Lucifel lifted a brow from the scene change, but held his smile as he would keep his arms at his sides. "As a matter of fact, yes. I am the Archdemon, he whom leads them all."

@Daniel reaving

Reaver's smile widened as he returned the look. "And I can't wait t' show ya."

"Archdeamon? That sounds important. I am Dar'vange Jarho, The Ageless King of Undeath. Now, an alliance would suggest we both have something to gain from this. Who are we fighting?" 


@Daniel reaving

Apolis and her warriors were not fazed by the scene change and they all gladly dig in politely and with manners. But apolis didn't, it would mean removing her helmet, and she didn't want people to see what lay underneath it
"Archdeamon? That sounds important. I am Dar'vange Jarho, The Ageless King of Undeath. Now, an alliance would suggest we both have something to gain from this. Who are we fighting?" 


@Daniel reaving
Apolis and her warriors were not fazed by the scene change and they all gladly dig in politely and with manners. But apolis didn't, it would mean removing her helmet, and she didn't want people to see what lay underneath it

Lucifel gripped an apple, removing it from it's place as he brought it closer to himself to snack upon. "While we aim for domination and bringing out the true wolves in some people, we've come to an agreement that it's best to ensure we pose a threat. We plan to take down the King of Engranussia and his family, as well as anyone else in the palace, to achieve this."

Graham headed straight towards the forging area after he got off his horse. 

Reaver would continue to follow, briefly placing the bag in his teeth as he dismounted his ride before catching up to Graham.
Dar'vange nodded thoughtfully, taking a bite of bacon. While the Ageless didn't need to eat they sometimes ate for the hell of it. They had one chef guy who cooks for people who don't eat on a regular basis, but he's good at it so they keep him around. "Well, you have Blighters. What does she have at her disposal?" He said pointing at the heavily armed female warrior. 


@Daniel reaving
Lucifel gripped an apple, removing it from it's place as he brought it closer to himself to snack upon. "While we aim for domination and bringing out the true wolves in some people, we've come to an agreement that it's best to ensure we pose a threat. We plan to take down the King of Engranussia and his family, as well as anyone else in the palace, to achieve this."

Reaver would continue to follow, briefly placing the bag in his teeth as he dismounted his ride before catching up to Graham.

Dar'vange nodded thoughtfully, taking a bite of bacon. While the Ageless didn't need to eat they sometimes ate for the hell of it. They had one chef guy who cooks for people who don't eat on a regular basis, but he's good at it so they keep him around. "Well, you have Blighters. What does she have at her disposal?" He said pointing at the heavily armed female warrior. 


@Daniel reaving

Speaking up for her self immediately. "I have an army with skills and tactics as well as a want to do this." She said confidently as she looked to the dead king. She figured something like this would come up. Some one doubting her 
Dar'vange chuckled. "Excellent! If we are going to fight the 'King' we'll need all the help we can get." He looked towards The Archdeamon. "Very well! I accept your proposal of alliance. But you must know something. They take orders directly from me. They have their own free will, however, and will listen if you tell them to do something and it sounds reasonable. The commanders are denoted by the weapon they hold. The more ornate the weapon they hold, the higher rank they are. Just a heads up." 


@Daniel reaving
Speaking up for her self immediately. "I have an army with skills and tactics as well as a want to do this." She said confidently as she looked to the dead king. She figured something like this would come up. Some one doubting her 

Dar'vange chuckled. "Excellent! If we are going to fight the 'King' we'll need all the help we can get." He looked towards The Archdeamon. "Very well! I accept your proposal of alliance. But you must know something. They take orders directly from me. They have their own free will, however, and will listen if you tell them to do something and it sounds reasonable. The commanders are denoted by the weapon they hold. The more ornate the weapon they hold, the higher rank they are. Just a heads up." 


@Daniel reaving

Lucifel would give a nod as a grin slid up his face. "Understandable. As I've stated with Apolis, the Blighters follow no one else's orders but my own. There used to be one other person they'd listen to, but he resigned and the power was passed on to me. So, unfortunately, if one were to need them to preform anything, they'd need to come to me and let me know."
"Well then! I suppose we're ready to take over the world then! If you don't mind, it's time for the war room. Let me tell you something, these Am Brodians, the ones that used to live here, were ingenious! They made things like this!" He pushed a button on the table in front of him. A large pedestal lifted up from the floor. The room grew dark and red orange light bathed the walls as a spinning image of a sphere flickered in the middle of the room. 

It was the entirety of Engranussia. 

On it was the locations of every known major city in the world (marked with castles) along with large villages (marked by houses), landmarks (marked with a small image of that landmark), and outposts of the Ageless (marked with skulls). The King's palace was the biggest castle on the sphere. 


@Daniel reaving
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"Well then. Where do we start?

Lucifel turned his attention to the raising pedestal. His teeth sinking into the apple in his hand as he'd both chew, and then eventually swallow. "Tomorrow marks our beginning, where we shall near the palace and attack. With any sort of luck, we shall make it there come sunset." whilst the words escaped the extreme powered entity, he'd use the index and middle finger on the hand holding the apple to point out the palace.

@Daniel reaving
Lucifel turned his attention to the raising pedestal. His teeth sinking into the apple in his hand as he'd both chew, and then eventually swallow. "Tomorrow marks our beginning, where we shall near the palace and attack. With any sort of luck, we shall make it there come sunset." whilst the words escaped the extreme powered entity, he'd use the index and middle finger on the hand holding the apple to point out the palace.

@Daniel reaving

She sat there watching quietly noe with a nod of approval 

(don't forget fey @TheCountryWarrior)
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(Well honestly I thought she would have marveled at the machine. Or at least reacted well. Her being a scientist and all. Oh well.) 

"Understood Sir. I will wait in The Factory." "Yes, you do that." The beautiful, should be impossible, machine started to walk out. Buh'roham turned back to Fey. "Now, where were we..." 

@Daniel reaving

Outside, the clanging of metal resounded as thousands of skeletons armored up and readied themselves. This was what they were all waiting for. The Ageless were going to war! 


Dar'vange looked on the holographic globe and pushed various buttons on his dashboard. One by one the Skull symbols lit up. "I've alerted my Warriors outposts. They are readying themselves for war." 

(Well honestly I thought she would have marveled at the machine. Or at least reacted well. Her being a scientist and all. Oh well.) 

"Understood Sir. I will wait in The Factory." "Yes, you do that." The beautiful, should be impossible, machine started to walk out. Buh'roham turned back to Fey. "Now, where were we..." 

@Daniel reaving

(Well she is to embarrassed.) 

she blushed madly as she leaned against him more gently pecking his cheek
"You gotta room we could head to, because it just dawned on me that I don't have a room. Not sure how I forgot that. Much too busy I suppose. Heh... Unless you just want to stay here..." He said nervously. He was freaking out inside. He hadn't been truely close to someone for a long time, but here next to her...it just felt right. 

Outside, the clanging of metal resounded as thousands of skeletons armored up and readied themselves. This was what they were all waiting for. The Ageless were going to war! 


Dar'vange looked on the holographic globe and pushed various buttons on his dashboard. One by one the Skull symbols lit up. "I've alerted my Warriors outposts. They are readying themselves for war." 

"Excellent." Lucifel did praise as he'd watch the actions performed. His back against his chair. "I must ask, as I am almost always curious. How long did it take you to perfect the art of necromancy? It's not everyday one comes across someone with enough perfection of the abilities to call armies."


"Dominic, you are lucky Masaru is asleep, right now." Dei-Loki growled following the sound of the door being opened. Malvo soon looking over to Dominic with a narrowed gaze.

"Forgive my intrusion, Prince Dei-Loki, but my words are something ya may wish t' hear." Dominic sighed. Entering despite the anger in the room.

Malvo looked from Dominic to Dei-Loki. "Y' want me t' kick him out? I wouldn't mind doing so."

Dei-Loki slightly shook his head, glaring to Dominic with a narrowed gaze. "What is this about?"

"The search for the traitor that I've been hearing about. I believe I know who it is."

"How the hell did this slip out!?" Dei-Loki growled, Malvo watching him stand. "... Who do you believe it t' be?"

(Open for anyone.)

Dar'vange chuckled a bit. "Well I used to live here. This entire city was inhabited by Cat people like me. They were a corrupt species who would rather chose a young inventor over a powerful Mage. I studied the library extensively, and eventually came across a book on the undead. Zombies, mindless skeletons, ghosts, typical thralls to one's will. I found however a passage on Skeletons that kept their minds but lost the vices of the flesh and lived forever. I looked into it and found a secret underground to the city I'd spent so much time in.


Down there was a horde of undead monsters that I  was required to fight through. At the Crucible, the pit we perform the rituals and tournament battles for fun in, I found this staff and claw weapon thing, and a book on magic and knowledge that was older than this city that's been standing for millennia. It taught me everything I know. 


I studied for years the magic I had gained, when it dawned on me that I didn't need to know this by myself. I invited several sorcerers that I knew would welcome this knowledge. Together we enacted the ritual that melted our flesh from our bones. We set out to convert as many willing subjects as possible. When we had enough support we set their own deceased friends and family on them and attacked with our magic and weapons. By the end of the day all the inhabitants were either one of us or killed. I've been here for 1000 years practicing my magic and have masted it and continue to master it. But the kicker is this. I don't mind control my Army, they act on loyalty to the one who made them the Undying Army. And fear. A little bit of fear. 



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