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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Reaver grabbed his own toothbrush once there, doing the same. His beaming, child-like smile making it easier for himself.

Lucifel would give one final nod as his armoured wolf approached his side. Lucifel seeming to pause following another shift in the air "All is settled, then." he mounted his wolf, smirking to her. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I do believe we may have another possible ally on our hands. You're welcome to come."


"Hmmm I guess I'll come. Halfel


, sakuza

IMG_1902.JPG, Faron 


come with me. The rest of you finish up here and take the army back to camp." She said as Halfel brought her her horse and she climbed on as did the three that were to follow her. "Lead the way." She said to him
Dar'vange took the new recruits to The Flesh Pit, a underground chamber (that doubled as an arena when they got bored) that connected to the main tower. The ground seemed to move so that it formed a bowl. The recruits were made to sit down in a circle surrounding the giant arena bowl, as Ageless Warriors gathered in the stands to watch. Dar'vange addressed the recruits. "If any of you wish to back out now...it's too late! Show time!" As he said that from his special viewing box, four Skeletal Warlocks gathered in a diamond formation around the bowl, and Dar'vange and The Warlocks chanted in the Ancient Tongue of the Am Brodians. 

"Unslaad Rii! 

Lahney Ulse! 

Ko Fin Slen! 

Nuz Slen Liiv! 

Ful Zah Slen Ohlaam! 

Ahrk Quth Spaan Un Rii! 

Ahrk Ofan Mu Suleyk! 

Fah Faal Vith!" 

After the last chant, the new recruit's flesh begins melting off into the bowl. They, suprised by this, begin screaming. They soon notice, however, that they feel no pain as one would expect too. They feel free. The crowd erupts into cheers as the recruits stand up and raise their hands in triumph, standing in their skeletons. Dar'vange smiles. 


@Daniel reaving
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Graham did the same.

Once done, Reaver would rinse before letting out a happy exhale.

"Hmmm I guess I'll come. Halfel

View attachment 224822

, sakuza

View attachment 224821, Faron 

View attachment 224823

come with me. The rest of you finish up here and take the army back to camp." She said as Halfel brought her her horse and she climbed on as did the three that were to follow her. "Lead the way." She said to him

Dar'vange took the new recruits to The Flesh Pit, a underground chamber (that doubled as an arena when they got bored) that connected to the main tower. The ground seemed to move so that it formed a bowl. The recruits were made to sit down in a circle surrounding the giant arena bowl, as Ageless Warriors gathered in the stands to watch. Dar'vange addressed the recruits. "If any of you wish to back out now...it's too late! Show time!" As he said that from his special viewing box, four Skeletal Warlocks gathered in a diamond formation around the bowl, and Dar'vange and The Warlocks chanted. 

"Unslaad Rii! 

Lahney Ulse! 

Ko Fin Slen! 

Nuz Slen Liiv! 

Ful Zah Slen Ohlaam! 

Ahrk Quth Spaan Un Rii! 

Ahrk Ofan Mu Suleyk! 

Fah Faal Vith!" 

After the last chant, the new recruits flesh starts melting off in the bowl. They, suprised by this, begin screaming. They soon notice that they feel no pain as one would expect too. They feel free. The crowd erupts into cheers as the recruits stand up and raise their hands in triumph. Dar'vange smiles. 


@Daniel reaving

Lucifel would nod, tapping his beast on the sides with his heels as it would then quickly carry him off in the direction of the disturbance. His gaze setting on the tower in the distance as he'd lift a brow. 'From the feel of it, this seems to be ... a necromancer of sorts?' That familiar feminine sounding voice sounded in Lucifel's mind. Lucifel would nod in agreement. Slowing his wolf before looming back to the others. "I sense they're below the tower."
Dar'vange was watching his Warriors spar when one of his Scouts, a Phantom, whispered in his ear, informing him of approaching visitors. Dar'vange commanded they be let in. As these visitors approach they will be able to see a large wall with large gate. The gate begins to open as they draw near. Phantoms flash in the corners of their eyes as they ride, watching them, then disappearing when they look towards them. All seems unnaturally silent, for The Ageless King's Warriors killed all the wildlife in a 2 mile radius. Leaves rustle but there is no wind. 


@Daniel reaving
Dar'vange took the new recruits to The Flesh Pit, a underground chamber (that doubled as an arena when they got bored) that connected to the main tower. The ground seemed to move so that it formed a bowl. The recruits were made to sit down in a circle surrounding the giant arena bowl, as Ageless Warriors gathered in the stands to watch. Dar'vange addressed the recruits. "If any of you wish to back out now...it's too late! Show time!" As he said that from his special viewing box, four Skeletal Warlocks gathered in a diamond formation around the bowl, and Dar'vange and The Warlocks chanted in the Ancient Tongue of the Am Brodians. 

"Unslaad Rii! 

Lahney Ulse! 

Ko Fin Slen! 

Nuz Slen Liiv! 

Ful Zah Slen Ohlaam! 

Ahrk Quth Spaan Un Rii! 

Ahrk Ofan Mu Suleyk! 

Fah Faal Vith!" 

After the last chant, the new recruit's flesh begins melting off into the bowl. They, suprised by this, begin screaming. They soon notice, however, that they feel no pain as one would expect too. They feel free. The crowd erupts into cheers as the recruits stand up and raise their hands in triumph, standing in their skeletons. Dar'vange smiles. 


@Daniel reaving

Once done, Reaver would rinse before letting out a happy exhale.

Lucifel would nod, tapping his beast on the sides with his heels as it would then quickly carry him off in the direction of the disturbance. His gaze setting on the tower in the distance as he'd lift a brow. 'From the feel of it, this seems to be ... a necromancer of sorts?' That familiar feminine sounding voice sounded in Lucifel's mind. Lucifel would nod in agreement. Slowing his wolf before looming back to the others. "I sense they're below the tower."

Dar'vange was watching his Warriors spar when one of his Scouts, a Phantom, whispered in his ear, informing him of approaching visitors. Dar'vange commanded they be let in. As these visitors approach they will be able to see a large wall with large gate. The gate begins to open as they draw near. Phantoms flash in the corners of their eyes as they ride, watching them, then disappearing when they look towards them. All seems unnaturally silent, for The Ageless King's Warriors killed all the wildlife in a 2 mile radius. Leaves rustle but there is no wind. 


@Daniel reaving

Apolis stayed close to her new ally as they all looked around. "Stay alert and be ready." She spoke softly to Halfel, Sakuza, and Faron all of them nodding and constantly scanning the area around them ready for battle
Apolis stayed close to her new ally as they all looked around. "Stay alert and be ready." She spoke softly to Halfel, Sakuza, and Faron all of them nodding and constantly scanning the area around them ready for battle
All seems quiet. The gates are fully open now. The Phantoms begin whispering to each other. 


@Daniel reaving

Lucifel dismounted his ride here as quietly as he could. Though, the slight sound of both shaking armour and quietly clashing metal didn't help. Once down, he listened to the whispers as he'd cautiously head inside.

"Let's get going then." Graham put on his heavy coat, boots and gloves. He then opened the door for Reaver.

Reaver, tossing his coat on, slipped into his boots. A hand slipping into the pocket of his jacket as he pulled out his gloves and quickly went through the door that'd been held open for him.
Inside the Gates were a bunch of ruined, yet somehow still beautiful buildings. Among those were tents and structures that looked slightly newer than the Ruins themselves. Skeletons, armed to the teeth, walked out of the new buildings and the old ruins and Phantoms hovered next to them. They stood in an army formation and parted to make way for Their King. Dar'vange walked out, dark red fur covering his body. "Welcome, Warriors of Elsewhere, to the Ancient City of Am Brodia. I am Dar'vange Jarho, and I ask what your purpose in coming here is." 


@Daniel reaving
Reaver, tossing his coat on, slipped into his boots. A hand slipping into the pocket of his jacket as he pulled out his gloves and quickly went through the door that'd been held open for him.

They traveled via horses to the market place. "Pick anything you want. Price does not matter, especially for Valhalla day."
They traveled via horses to the market place. "Pick anything you want. Price does not matter, especially for Valhalla day."

Reaver gave a nod as he dismounted his horse. His eyes traveling over the different markets before heading over to a hardware store-esk building. Pushing the door open as he stepped inside.
Lucifel dismounted his ride here as quietly as he could. Though, the slight sound of both shaking armour and quietly clashing metal didn't help. Once down, he listened to the whispers as he'd cautiously head inside.

Reaver, tossing his coat on, slipped into his boots. A hand slipping into the pocket of his jacket as he pulled out his gloves and quickly went through the door that'd been held open for him.

Inside the Gates were a bunch of ruined, yet somehow still beautiful buildings. Among those were tents and structures that looked slightly newer than the Ruins themselves. Skeletons, armed to the teeth, walked out of the new buildings and the old ruins and Phantoms hovered next to them. They stood in an army formation and parted to make way for Their King. Dar'vange walked out, dark red fur covering his body. "Welcome, Warriors of Elsewhere, to the Ancient City of Am Brodia. I am Dar'vange Jarho, and I ask what your purpose in coming here is." 


@Daniel reaving

When the dead army came out the three were about to jump off there horses into the slaughter rest of bones but apolis stopped them as she watched the dead king and her ally cautiously
Graham followed Reaver.

Reaver looked to the many objects with the expression of a kid in a candy store. A smile on his face as he quickly darted over to one of the isles.

When the dead army came out the three were about to jump off there horses into the slaughter rest of bones but apolis stopped them as she watched the dead king and her ally cautiously

Lucifel would shift his gaze over the army before then Dar'vange. That somehow friendly, despite his power, smile returning to the Archdemon's face. "Greetings, Dar'vange. I am Lucifel, and this is Apolis. We come with the request to form an alliance."

Graham stayed by the cashier, watching his lover run towards certain objects. 

Once he'd gather a couple of items, he quickly made his back over to Graham's side before setting a blade, a couple of bolts and such on the counter before rocking on the heels of his feet. "This was brought up as a suggestion and I plan on making it work."
Dar'vange held a hand up. "Wait. Let's not talk in the open." Dar'vange muttered some words in his dead language and snapped his fingers. A swirl of purplish energy swirled around the ones he had chosen and they found themselves in a large dining hall, each in a seat of their own. Dar'vange of course had the coolest Throne taken from the King of Am Brod. He snapped his fingers again and Skeletons with plates of food stepped up and place the platters of fruit, meat, and drinks of various alcohol levels. "So then. Alliance. Such a preposition infers there is a war going on, or is in the making. Could you have something to do with these Blighters I keep hearing about?" 


@Daniel reaving
Once he'd gather a couple of items, he quickly made his back over to Graham's side before setting a blade, a couple of bolts and such on the counter before rocking on the heels of his feet. "This was brought up as a suggestion and I plan on making it work."

Graham chuckled, and paid for it all. He turned his attentin back to Reaver. "Can't wait to see"
Dar'vange held a hand up. "Wait. Let's not talk in the open." Dar'vange muttered some words in his dead language and snapped his fingers. A swirl of purplish energy swirled around the ones he had chosen and they found themselves in a large dining hall, each in a seat of their own. Dar'vange of course had the coolest Throne taken from the King of Am Brod. He snapped his fingers again and Skeletons with plates of food stepped up and place the platters of fruit, meat, and drinks of various alcohol levels. "So then. Alliance. Such a preposition infers there is a war going on, or is in the making. Could you have something to do with these Blighters I keep hearing about?" 


@Daniel reaving

Lucifel lifted a brow from the scene change, but held his smile as he would keep his arms at his sides. "As a matter of fact, yes. I am the Archdemon, he whom leads them all."

@Daniel reaving

Graham chuckled, and paid for it all. He turned his attentin back to Reaver. "Can't wait to see"

Reaver's smile widened as he returned the look. "And I can't wait t' show ya."
Lucifel lifted a brow from the scene change, but held his smile as he would keep his arms at his sides. "As a matter of fact, yes. I am the Archdemon, he whom leads them all."

@Daniel reaving

Reaver's smile widened as he returned the look. "And I can't wait t' show ya."

"Or you could . . . tell me." Graham pouted his lips into a pleading look.
"Or you could . . . tell me." Graham pouted his lips into a pleading look.

Reaver blinked at that, lowering an ear from the pout before then sighing and smiling as he turned to look at his now bagged items. "I'm thinking of adding the blade t' the nozzle in some way, so it'll add a spear aspect to it - just in case the fuel tanks get too low."
Reaver blinked at that, lowering an ear from the pout before then sighing and smiling as he turned to look at his now bagged items. "I'm thinking of adding the blade t' the nozzle in some way, so it'll add a spear aspect to it - just in case the fuel tanks get too low."

"Ooooo, double the use is always a good tactic. You could probably sharpen them again though. They could use more glint in their blades."

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