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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"A couple of trouble makers, you two." Adrian snorted with a chuckle as he'd lean back against the wall.

"We weren't that bad." Dei-Loki huffed, which caused Adrian to laugh in response.

"Really? So I suppose summoning a dragon in the library isn't an act of mischief?" Adrian grinned.

"... He has a point." Malvo nervously laughed, rubbing the back of her head with a sigh to follow. Her gaze traveling to Dei-Loki in the process. "Especially since, after y' did it and when Scáth did show up, he nearly destroyed that whole room."

And, following this, Dei-Loki huffed once more. "I didn't think it would be a dragon that I was summoning, let alone Scáth. I thought it would be a bit... smaller, and less threatening." He'd then rub his face with a nervous laugh of his own. "Ah, and I still remember how much trouble I got in on that day..."

(I. Hate. Tags. DX )

"Like i said, you have incredible, overwhelming powers." Masaru said with a smile. His pinched one of Dei's cheek and kissed the top of his eyebrow. Yuki chuckled, staying by Malvo. 
"Like i said, you have incredible, overwhelming powers." Masaru said with a smile. His pinched one of Dei's cheek and kissed the top of his eyebrow. Yuki chuckled, staying by Malvo. 

Dei-Loki snickered through a grimace following the pinch, leaning up and kissing Masaru's chin before then leaning his weight against him. 

"That he does." Adrian would proudly state. "Did he tell y' yet that he was the reason this house holds the power over all four countries?"
Dei-Loki snickered through a grimace following the pinch, leaning up and kissing Masaru's chin before then leaning his weight against him. 

"That he does." Adrian would proudly state. "Did he tell y' yet that he was the reason this house holds the power over all four countries?"

Masaru's smile grew at the kiss. He drew his arm around the smaller male's chest and dragged him more into his body. "Really? I guess you would expect that from how much power leaks off him like typhoon waves."
Masaru's smile grew at the kiss. He drew his arm around the smaller male's chest and dragged him more into his body. "Really? I guess you would expect that from how much power leaks off him like typhoon waves."

Dei-Loki remained leaned against Masaru as he'd been pulled closer. His tail gently curling around him as he snickered. "I wouldn't say it's that much power..."
"It's enough to make me feel drunk." 

"Wait, really?" Dei-Loki blinked, looking to Masaru as he grinned a bit. Though surprised, he was clearly enjoying this.

Malvo snickered quietly, hands in her pockets. "That's why he gets the sudden mood change..."
"Wait, really?" Dei-Loki blinked, looking to Masaru as he grinned a bit. Though surprised, he was clearly enjoying this.

Malvo snickered quietly, hands in her pockets. "That's why he gets the sudden mood change..."

Masaru nodded before his ears twitched at Malvo's words. "That and i, most likely, am insane."
Masaru nodded before his ears twitched at Malvo's words. "That and i, most likely, am insane."

"I wouldn't doubt that." Malvo grinned.

"And that, Mr. Grumpytails, is one of the things that makes us the perfect match-up." Dei-Loki would also grin, happily releasing a huff.
"I wouldn't doubt that." Malvo grinned.

"And that, Mr. Grumpytails, is one of the things that makes us the perfect match-up." Dei-Loki would also grin, happily releasing a huff.

Masaru grinned, leaning down and kissing Dei's cheek. "And that, you are most certainly, right."
Masaru smiled and then stood straight up. "So, what do you guys do for Valhalla day?"

Dei-Loki watched as Masaru stood, gently flicking an ear before issuing an answer, "Well, it's a tad bit like Christmas, really, except it's all for a different reason. We start decorating, dad goes out with several guards and picks out a tree to cut down. Then he brings it back and we decorate that, as well. We also round up all the relatives and invite them here t' catch up before we then feast on the largest meal of the year, in celebration and remembrance of the end of the first blight."

"It is, by far, the sappiest time of the year." Adrian would huff at the thought, shaking his head.

Malvo glanced to Adrian and laughed, shaking her head slightly. "Oh, come off it, dad. You know y' at least enjoy seeing everyone happy." 
Dei-Loki watched as Masaru stood, gently flicking an ear before issuing an answer, "Well, it's a tad bit like Christmas, really, except it's all for a different reason. We start decorating, dad goes out with several guards and picks out a tree to cut down. Then he brings it back and we decorate that, as well. We also round up all the relatives and invite them here t' catch up before we then feast on the largest meal of the year, in celebration and remembrance of the end of the first blight."

"It is, by far, the sappiest time of the year." Adrian would huff at the thought, shaking his head.

Malvo glanced to Adrian and laughed, shaking her head slightly. "Oh, come off it, dad. You know y' at least enjoy seeing everyone happy." 

"That is true. Living so long, you learn that holiday, good friends, and family came make a world a difference." Yuki said, a smile blooming on her lips. "I know what i want the most. . . food. I'm ready for the food. I haven't had homemade, full-of-love food in . . . before the Grants' parents died. They made delicious food that could warm the soul. I think i started being good when they took me in."
"That is true. Living so long, you learn that holiday, good friends, and family came make a world a difference." Yuki said, a smile blooming on her lips. "I know what i want the most. . . food. I'm ready for the food. I haven't had homemade, full-of-love food in . . . before the Grants' parents died. They made delicious food that could warm the soul. I think i started being good when they took me in."

"You'll love this, then. We've got enough food to slip someone into a coma." Dei-Loki smiled, stretching his arms above his head in the process with a sigh.
Masaru gave a small, teasing pout. "That's all i ever wanted."

Dei-Loki couldn't help but laugh at that. Lowering his arms so he could pocket his hands.

"I wonder if uncle Reaver started making his pastries, yet?" Malvo brought up, Dei-Loki shrugging.

"If he did, they're probably hidden."
Dei-Loki couldn't help but laugh at that. Lowering his arms so he could pocket his hands.

"I wonder if uncle Reaver started making his pastries, yet?" Malvo brought up, Dei-Loki shrugging.

"If he did, they're probably hidden."

"Oooooo, pastries." The Oshiros said. 

------------ (Meanwhile) -------------

Graham stretched and licked his lips. His eyes shot open at the sound of someone mentioning his pastries. "My pastries!" He jumped out of bed and started putting clothes on.
"Oooooo, pastries." The Oshiros said. 

------------ (Meanwhile) -------------

Graham stretched and licked his lips. His eyes shot open at the sound of someone mentioning his pastries. "My pastries!" He jumped out of bed and started putting clothes on.

Reaver shot awake at Graham's sudden movement, quickly looking around before he then sat up a bit and rubbed an eye. "Y' sure ya aren't really part bear or something? I swear you've got extremely sensitive hearing..."
Reaver shot awake at Graham's sudden movement, quickly looking around before he then sat up a bit and rubbed an eye. "Y' sure ya aren't really part bear or something? I swear you've got extremely sensitive hearing..."

Graham laughed, finishing up his shirt. He bent over and kissed Reaver's lips. "Sorry to wake ya. And maybe? All i know is that no one is touching my pastries." Graham ran out the door and came back with stacks on stacks of pastries in his arms and on a cart. He then shut the door and laid back in bed with the pastries by him. "Want one?"
Graham laughed, finishing up his shirt. He bent over and kissed Reaver's lips. "Sorry to wake ya. And maybe? All i know is that no one is touching my pastries." Graham ran out the door and came back with stacks on stacks of pastries in his arms and on a cart. He then shut the door and laid back in bed with the pastries by him. "Want one?"

"It's fine." Reaver kissed his lips in return with a snicker before watching him quickly head out. Getting dressed in the meantime before he'd then lift his brows in surprise towards the fact that Graham had gathered every pastry they had made. A laugh soon escaping him as he lowered an ear before having nodded and taken one. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Ah, looks like I'll need t' make more for everyone else."[/COLOR]
"It's fine." Reaver kissed his lips in return with a snicker before watching him quickly head out. Getting dressed in the meantime before he'd then lift his brows in surprise towards the fact that Graham had gathered every pastry they had made. A laugh soon escaping him as he lowered an ear before having nodded and taken one. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Ah, looks like I'll need t' make more for everyone else."[/COLOR]

"Later. On Vallhalla day." He grabbed Reaver and put him back into bed. He kissed his pastries crumb lips and smiled.

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