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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Yup! So tell me what to do and i'll do it. Mixing of the dry ingredients, pre-heating the oven?" Graham looked around the kitchen, the childish part of him coming out in full bloom.

"You, my lovable Sugah Beaur," Reaver grinned, measuring out the flour and such before handing over the large bowl. "Need to stir this."
"You, my lovable Sugah Beaur," Reaver grinned, measuring out the flour and such before handing over the large bowl. "Need to stir this."

Graham as he was told to, making sure not to stir too fast and have the content spilled over. He looked over to Reaver who was busy with other pastries and went to grab the chocolate.
Graham as he was told to, making sure not to stir too fast and have the content spilled over. He looked over to Reaver who was busy with other pastries and went to grab the chocolate.

Reaver hadn't noticed him, at first, his ears had perked as he hummed.
Graham grabbed the chocolate and looked to Reaver, he then tried to open it as quietly as he could.

Reaver's sensitive ears had twitched at the sound of the bag, looking over to Graham and nudging him with the handle of the wooden spoon in his hand. "Sugar beaaar, put it back."
Reaver's sensitive ears had twitched at the sound of the bag, looking over to Graham and nudging him with the handle of the wooden spoon in his hand. "Sugar beaaar, put it back."

Graham pouted and put it back. "How long until that's done?"
Graham groaned, sinking to the floor and staring at the oven's window. He then stood up and began to help Reaver as quickly as possible.

Humming softly in his actions, he would continue working until they'd been fully prepared. Huffing in satisfaction soon after.
"It's an original design, my own. None like it in the entire world! You know I have work to do and should probably be heading back to my workshop. I'll see you some other time." Buh'roham started moving toward the door. 

@Daniel reaving
Graham sighed. He looked up to Reaver and smiled. "I missed you. I miss this."

Reaver returned both the look and smile, his tail curling around his waistline in the process. "I missed you, too. More than I could even manage to verbally explain..."
Reaver returned both the look and smile, his tail curling around his waistline in the process. "I missed you, too. More than I could even manage to verbally explain..."

Graham stood up completely, walking quickly to Reaver and kissed him deeply. He broke away after a minute or two. "Who knew that i would fall in love with my best friend since childhood, life's crazy like that, isn't it?" 
Graham stood up completely, walking quickly to Reaver and kissed him deeply. He broke away after a minute or two. "Who knew that i would fall in love with my best friend since childhood, life's crazy like that, isn't it?" 

Reaver closed his eyes as he'd return the deep kiss, a small smile forming on his face after it was broken as he looked up at him. And, with a nod, he spoke. "It sure is... all I know is that this, already, has been made the best Valhalla Day fer me, and it isn't even Valhalla Day yet."
Reaver closed his eyes as he'd return the deep kiss, a small smile forming on his face after it was broken as he looked up at him. And, with a nod, he spoke. "It sure is... all I know is that this, already, has been made the best Valhalla Day fer me, and it isn't even Valhalla Day yet."

Graham rested his forehead against his. "No more secrets, right? I don't want that anymore. I may not be part animal, but i can tell when you're lying. Part of that whole soul mate thing."
Graham rested his forehead against his. "No more secrets, right? I don't want that anymore. I may not be part animal, but i can tell when you're lying. Part of that whole soul mate thing."

Reaver gave a soft nod, watching his eyes as he'd hold a smile. However, he'd soon loose that smile after having remembered something. His ear soon lowering as he'd look away. "I... well... I wouldn't call this a secret, but..."
Reaver gave a soft nod, watching his eyes as he'd hold a smile. However, he'd soon loose that smile after having remembered something. His ear soon lowering as he'd look away. "I... well... I wouldn't call this a secret, but..."

"Tell meeeeeeeeeeeeeee."
"Nope" Buh'roham said with his hand outstretched. Chrysilis flew into his grasp, he twirled it around and holstered it. "Good day, miss." 

@Daniel reaving

[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]She frowned and turned around crossing her arms as she mumbled something louder than she though. "Why do guys never notice when I'm trying to flirt or keep the around." She said in a rather loud mumbled that she thought he wouldn't hear as she walked over to the big table and opened a big book and started to read[/COLOR]
Oh, he heard. He was descended from Leo. He heard everything. He causally walked back in. "You know I never told you about my Automated Warrior. It's really something. Not my first attempt, but the history books call them monsters. Makes sense given their disposition towards humans. Not to mention the fact that...I heard you just now. You've got to work on whispering you inner most thoughts." 

He said with a chuckle. 

@Daniel reaving
Oh, he heard. He was descended from Leo. He heard everything. He causally walked back in. "You know I never told you about my Automated Warrior. It's really something. Not my first attempt, but the history books call them monsters. Makes sense given their disposition towards humans. Not to mention the fact that...I heard you just now. You've got to work on whispering you inner most thoughts." 

He said with a chuckle. 

@Daniel reaving

She looked with some delight till his last words came out making her face burst into a rose red as she spoke quickly. "Wh-wh-wh-what are you t-t-talking about?!? I-i didn't s-s-say a-anything! Hehe" she said fumbling over her words as she stuck her hands out towards him her eyes wide with embarrassment before she lowered her arms gently bringing her hands together down in front of her as she looked down in embarrassment her hair hiding her eyes
Graham rested his forehead against his. "No more secrets, right? I don't want that anymore. I may not be part animal, but i can tell when you're lying. Part of that whole soul mate thing."

Reaver softly huffed, his gaze remaining on the floor. "I'm... a bit scared, Graham." He began to explain as he slowly lowered his ears. "Do... Do you remember when Adrian and I first arrived here, and there was that distant howling that could be heard beyond the gates? Well, I... As you know, my brother, sister and I have always been wolf-like to some degree. I mean, Adrian is a werewolf, and Valerie has heightened senses... then there's me[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]." [/COLOR]He pointed to his wolf ears briefly and sighed heavily once more, clearly troubled. "But, as I've discussed before with you guys, I've always felt like there was something a bit more t' my abilities than I was led t' believe. And I've noticed, particularly when I'm angry or sometimes even just upset, I'm like a... homing beacon to the wolves. This continues to frighten me even more and more because I've seen, first hand, what they can do when they do show up. It. Is not. A pretty sight. And it isn't just one dire wolf, like Rika is, it's a whole pack of them, Graham... a whole pack..." His voice would crack into a whisper towards the end as he'd then soon shakily sigh. "I can't help but think about the possibility of them turning and going after me, or, even worse; you guys. I just... And what if something bad does happen? What if whatever fate has lied there on the horizon brings something terrible and, in the chaos, the wolves do come and they--" Reaver forced himself silent as he winced his eyes shut. His back soon propped up against the fridge as he'd cover his mouth as the familiar images and thoughts plagued his mind once more.
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