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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Growing up a lot faster than I want." Malvo snickered, looking to the ground. "Not sure about Dei or Akumu, but I'd love t' be a kid again..."

"You're always a kid in my eyes. Mature, but still a kid, and that's good. You never want to loose that kid side of you in this world full of adults." He chuckled.
"You're always a kid in my eyes. Mature, but still a kid, and that's good. You never want to loose that kid side of you in this world full of adults." He chuckled.

"That's good t' hear." Malvo would chuckle, as well. Pocketing her hands with a happy sigh. "It's also good t' see both you and uncle Reaver haven't lost touch with that side of yourselves, as well."
Shai immediately groaned happily as she pushed him down and laid her big head on his body

Graham laughed as he was pushed down. His hands pet the back of the dragon as he looked to Malvo. "Yeah, of course i haven't lost it! Then i wouldn't be a good Uncle. . . who's your favorite? Hmmm? I won't tell, i just want to know which one of us is you favorite Uncle. I understand if it's Uncle Reaver, he is a adorable dork, after all."
Graham laughed as he was pushed down. His hands pet the back of the dragon as he looked to Malvo. "Yeah, of course i haven't lost it! Then i wouldn't be a good Uncle. . . who's your favorite? Hmmm? I won't tell, i just want to know which one of us is you favorite Uncle. I understand if it's Uncle Reaver, he is a adorable dork, after all."

Shan groaned more as she let the massive weight of her head rest on his body as she watched every one
Graham laughed as he was pushed down. His hands pet the back of the dragon as he looked to Malvo. "Yeah, of course i haven't lost it! Then i wouldn't be a good Uncle. . . who's your favorite? Hmmm? I won't tell, i just want to know which one of us is you favorite Uncle. I understand if it's Uncle Reaver, he is a adorable dork, after all."

Malvo blinked, laughing gently as she lowered an ear. "Y' can't make me choose!"
Shan groaned more as she let the massive weight of her head rest on his body as she watched every one

Graham grunted at the weight before patting the dragon's head. "Come ooooooooon~, i won't get mad if you pick Reaver. I would understand. Pleaaaaaaase. Come on, tell me. I got to, got to, know."
Graham grunted at the weight before patting the dragon's head. "Come ooooooooon~, i won't get mad if you pick Reaver. I would understand. Pleaaaaaaase. Come on, tell me. I got to, got to, know."

Shai watched him curiously as he spoke not understanding 
Graham grunted at the weight before patting the dragon's head. "Come ooooooooon~, i won't get mad if you pick Reaver. I would understand. Pleaaaaaaase. Come on, tell me. I got to, got to, know."

"I don't have favourites, uncle! I just love having y' both around."
Graham patted Shai's head and looked back to Malvo. "Fiiiiiiiiiine. Give me your lies." He teased.

"I'm not lying!" Malvo snickered before heading over, crouching and poking his cheek once, gently. "Though, if I HAD t' pick, it would probably be you. Mainly because we rarely see y' and its always nice t' see you home."
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"I'm not lying!" Malvo snickered before heading over, crouching and poking his cheek once, gently. "Though, if I HAD t' pick, it would probably be you. Mainly because we rarely see y' and its always nice t' see you home."

Graham's face lit up quickly. He gently pushed Shai over and stood up, picking up Malvo until and hugging her tightly to him. "That's the best thing that i have ever heard. That and then Reaver saying i love you to me, but that's our little secret."
Graham's face lit up quickly. He gently pushed Shai over and stood up, picking up Malvo until and hugging her tightly to him. "That's the best thing that i have ever heard. That and then Reaver saying i love you to me, but that's our little secret."

Malvo widened her eyes as she was hugged, her smile growing as she'd laugh gently. "Your secret's safe with me."
[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]Shai groaned in a chuckle like fashion as she was pushed of graham making her self completely roll over[/COLOR]
"Ah! Excellent! You know, I've never been good with magic myself. All I've got is Telekinesis and my race is born with that so I doubt it counts." Buh'roham chuckled at that. "My goodness! How far is this place?" 

@Daniel reaving
Graham snickered then looked over to the dragon. He crouched down and carefully rubbed her tummy. He looked back to Malvo. "So what's next on the list, sweet potato?"

@Daniel reaving

Malvo had then shrugged before slipping into thought, scratching her chin for a moment in the process. Soon lifting a brow and glancing over after hearing Dei-Loki.

"Would y' just bugger off!? This is why I barely come home!" Dei-Loki growled as he pushed the palace doors open, heading out into the snow.

"WOULD Y' JUST TALK T' ME!?" Dominic also growled as he followed. "We used t' be so close before all of this!"

"Go get torn t' shreds by a horde of blighters, Dominic." Dei-Loki snarled, turning and glaring to him. "Why the hell are you even still allowed t' guard the family!? HONESTLY!"
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Buh'roham stood impressed at the massive doors ahead. He hadn't seen this part of the palace yet. Of course, he'd been there about a day. "Well someone's well for a librarian!" He chuckled at that. 

@Daniel reaving
Malvo had then shrugged before slipping into thought, scratching her chin for a moment in the process. Soon lifting a brow and glancing over after hearing Dei-Loki.

"Would y' just bugger off!? This is why I barely come home!" Dei-Loki growled as he pushed the palace doors open, heading out into the snow.

"WOULD Y' JUST TALK T' ME!?" Dominic also growled as he followed. "We used t' be so close before all of this!"

"Go get torn t' shreds by a horde of blighters, Dominic." Dei-Loki snarled, turning and glaring to him. "Why the hell are you even still allowed t' guard the family!? HONESTLY!"

A purplish portal opened up behind Graham and Malvo. A deep voice came from beyond the portal as Masaru appeared. 


"My my my, aren't you a stubborn punk. I knew that i didn't like you for a reason, you're a persistent little bugger. A parasite. Disgusting. Leave Dei-loki alone, if you know what's good for you. You okay, beautiful?"

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