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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"I am capable of receiving upgrades for multiple services. Warfare. Protection. Guarding areas of interest. Intelligence. Strategy. Building. And others that are not in my database currently. What would you ask of me?" Buh'roham couldn't help but look proud of his work. 


@Daniel reaving
"I am capable of receiving upgrades for multiple services. Warfare. Protection. Guarding areas of interest. Intelligence. Strategy. Building. And others that are not in my database currently. What would you ask of me?" Buh'roham couldn't help but look proud of his work. 


@Daniel reaving

Feeling himself be pushed back, Adrian leaned against the throne as he softly patted Shai still. His gaze still on Unit One. "Let's see... Well, I'm sure you'd make for an excellent palace guard."

@Daniel reaving


Reaver, whom softly panted, curled into Graham slightly. A smile residing on his face as he'd slowly sink into relaxation, though still floating on the waves of bliss. 

@Forever J
"Of course he is only the first of his kind. It'll take time but I can make hordes of them. Soldiers, guards, architects. They can do it all. However only when commanded to do things will they do it. A certain level of control is required so the machine can perform well and thus does not automate the industries of the kingdom. That is something to watch out for. A problem in Am Brod was that unintelligent machines were used instead of flesh and blood workers. You don't have to pay a machine, but without paying people the whole system crashes." Buh'roham turned to the machine. "Unit One. Return to Headquarters." "Affirmative." Unit One turned and walked back to the lab. 


@Daniel reaving
Graham also panted, his skin on high alert and buzzing. "Was i . . . okay?"

"Y' were pretty good." Reaver nuzzled his chest softly as his smile remained.

"Of course he is only the first of his kind. It'll take time but I can make hordes of them. Soldiers, guards, architects. They can do it all. However only when commanded to do things will they do it. A certain level of control is required so the machine can perform well and thus does not automate the industries of the kingdom. That is something to watch out for. A problem in Am Brod was that unintelligent machines were used instead of flesh and blood workers. You don't have to pay a machine, but without paying people the whole system crashes." Buh'roham turned to the machine. "Unit One. Return to Headquarters." "Affirmative." Unit One turned and walked back to the lab. 


@Daniel reaving

Adrian would nod in understanding to this, looking back to Buh'roham as the creation left the throne room.

Dei-Loki and Malvo watched it leave, moving out of the way with their brows having been perked.

@Daniel reaving
"Well that's it for me Your Highness. I shall report to you if anything important comes up." Buh'roham bowed again, to the King and then Lady Malvo and the other Dog-Person, and followed Unit One to the workshop. They managed to pass the room the lovers were in but Buh'roham was too lost in thought to notice anything and Unit One didn't care. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
Shai relaxed once more into the petting as she enjoyed the love she was getting from the king

Adrian would nod, watching as Buh'roham had also exited. His attention soon shifting to his two youngest kin before he'd then look to Maliath in a bit of surprise. "Maliath? Been quite some time."


"Just good?" He teasingly pouted. He then heard outside noises and sighed. "We're going to have to get up soon."

Reaver glanced up as he watched him pout, softly poking his cheek. "Would it help y' feel better if I said one of the best?" he couldn't help but snicker before then sighing with a nod. "I suppose you're right..."
Adrian would nod, watching as Buh'roham had also exited. His attention soon shifting to his two youngest kin before he'd then look to Maliath in a bit of surprise. "Maliath? Been quite some time."


Reaver glanced up as he watched him pout, softly poking his cheek. "Would it help y' feel better if I said one of the best?" he couldn't help but snicker before then sighing with a nod. "I suppose you're right..."

"It has my lord. Seems you haven't had a need for me in a while." He said to him 
Reaver glanced up as he watched him pout, softly poking his cheek. "Would it help y' feel better if I said one of the best?" he couldn't help but snicker before then sighing with a nod. "I suppose you're right..."

"It just makes me happy to hear you say it, i know that you didn't have to tell me. Moaning my name like that was more than enough to fill my happiness."
As Unit One continued on to the Workshop, Buh'roham decided to take a trip to the library. Maybe find someone besides Royalty to talk to. These people were very nice but Buh'roham always felt he had to impress them. Maybe it was from being rejected so many times or from his entire life being on the run from the memories of what he saw and allowed to happen. He just wanted to stop for a bit and let life go as it pleases. And read and write for a bit too. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
"It has my lord. Seems you haven't had a need for me in a while." He said to him 

"Ah, things have been somewhat peaceful around here, even with the blighter attacks. So, I must ask, what brings you here now?"

"It just makes me happy to hear you say it, i know that you didn't have to tell me. Moaning my name like that was more than enough to fill my happiness."

Reaver's face instantly flushed, his smile never leaving as he rubbed his face. "Ah, I... I wasn't loud, was I?"
"Don't worry, babe. You weren't too loud. I hardly doubt that anyone noticed."

"Good." Reaver sighed in relief, allowing his hands to slide down his face before resting back at his sides. His gaze traveling to Graham, once more, soon after.
Buh'roham was researching where the Blight could've possibly originated. What WERE the Blighters? Undead? Demons? Some other creature? Whatever they were they reportedly followed orders, but from whom? All this thinking brought Buh'roham back to Am Brodia, 1109 years prior. 

Buh'roham's 100th birthday. Relatively young for his species, Buh'roham was already no stranger to adventure. But the adventures with his friends, and his Brother, would all end that day. Dar'vange had been getting more and more distant as they grew up. One day Dar'vange didn't come home from his sorcerer shop, and Buh'roham investigated where he was. After following a trail of clues he found his brother standing next to the wall in the center spire of the palace, in the exact center of town. They talked but no facts were gained, yet Buh'roham knew Dar'vange was up to something. The next day was Buh'rohams birthday, and the day was going as normal as any other day. Then, at the stroke of twelve a hideous beam of black energy erupted from the center spire, where the King and Queen lived. Luckily their son was having his 100th birthday in his workshop, where he invented things. Then from the graveyards the Am Brodian's dead friends and family erupted from the ground to devour their descendants and past drinking buddies. Many in the suprise attack didn't get to expend one of their lives. They were devoured and they joined in the attack. Then Buh'rohams own machines attacked people and he couldn't stop them. Dar'vange had commandeered them to further strengthen his army. In the chaos Buh'roham escaped, but not before he saw his brother execute their little sister, all with a sadistic grin on his face. Buh'roham attacked Dar'vange and in the ensuing battle they both lost one of their nine lives. As the city fell, all Buh'roham could hear were the screams of his people, his family, his baby sister. And he could still hear them. 


Buh'roham jerked awake, gasping. That damned dream again. This was one of the reasons he didn't sleep too much. He looked around hoping nobody saw him for some reason. He always felt paranoid after that dream. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
"Good." Reaver sighed in relief, allowing his hands to slide down his face before resting back at his sides. His gaze traveling to Graham, once more, soon after.

"Now come on, Rea~. Let's go and see what everyone else is up to." He stood up and stretched. Aftewards, he began to put his clothes on.
"Ah, things have been somewhat peaceful around here, even with the blighter attacks. So, I must ask, what brings you here now?"

Reaver's face instantly flushed, his smile never leaving as he rubbed his face. "Ah, I... I wasn't loud, was I?"

"Well my lord. Seems your children are worried about something wrong with the guards." He said to him honestly 
"Now come on, Rea~. Let's go and see what everyone else is up to." He stood up and stretched. Aftewards, he began to put his clothes on.

Reaver would give a nod. Wincing as he sort of sat up before then getting out of bed. And, with a waddle, he made his way over to do the same.

"Well my lord. Seems your children are worried about something wrong with the guards." He said to him honestly 

"Are they?" Adrian blinked, looking to both Dei-Loki and Malvo once more. 

Dei-Loki blinked, soon sighing as he nodded. "I'm afraid so. We're under the impression that there's a double agent in the royal guard."

"We're not sure just who it is, that's why Dei-Loki summoned Maliath - to have an extra set of eyes." Malvo added.
Reaver would give a nod. Wincing as he sort of sat up before then getting out of bed. And, with a waddle, he made his way over to do the same.

"Are they?" Adrian blinked, looking to both Dei-Loki and Malvo once more. 

Dei-Loki blinked, soon sighing as he nodded. "I'm afraid so. We're under the impression that there's a double agent in the royal guard."

"We're not sure just who it is, that's why Dei-Loki summoned Maliath - to have an extra set of eyes." Malvo added.

"I am already searching as we speak my lord. It's only a matter of time before I find him." He said to him
Buh'roham stopped reading and writing and went to the Courtyard to build snowmen and attack them with various weapons. It was a good way to relieve stress, anger and to not think for a bit. Through the course of his adventures he had found his favorite weapons were those you needed only one hand for, like swords and especially Chrysilis. And while he couldn't make the memories leave, he could try not to think about them, about why he traveled in the first place. He was running. 
Buh'roham stopped reading and writing and went to the Courtyard to build snowmen and attack them with various weapons. It was a good way to relieve stress, anger and to not think for a bit. Through the course of his adventures he had found his favorite weapons were those you needed only one hand for, like swords and especially Chrysilis. And while he couldn't make the memories leave, he could try not to think about them, about why he traveled in the first place. He was running. 

Fey sighed as she was let into the yard her arms filled with scrolls and books while mei floated happily behind her carrying her spell book in her mouth happily. As fey walked she tripped on a hidden rock in the snow yelling loudly as her scrolls and books scattered everywhere
Reaver would give a nod. Wincing as he sort of sat up before then getting out of bed. And, with a waddle, he made his way over to do the same.

Graham snickered, he couldn't help it. "Sorry if i hurt you. I told you, i was hungry for you." He kissed a tender spot on Reaver's skin, his hand lacing with his from behind.
"I am already searching as we speak my lord. It's only a matter of time before I find him." He said to him

With a nod, Adrian then sighed as he looked from Maliath to his kids once more. "I hope this isn't your only reason for yer visit." 

Dei-Loki blinked, shaking his head as he fixed his posture. A quiet chuckle escaping him. "We came t' visit, as well."

Graham snickered, he couldn't help it. "Sorry if i hurt you. I told you, i was hungry for you." He kissed a tender spot on Reaver's skin, his hand lacing with his from behind.

Reaver shivered upon skin contact, a smile on his blushing face as he fixed his shirt with his free hand. "It's fine."
With a nod, Adrian then sighed as he looked from Maliath to his kids once more. "I hope this isn't your only reason for yer visit." 

Dei-Loki blinked, shaking his head as he fixed his posture. A quiet chuckle escaping him. "We came t' visit, as well."

Reaver shivered upon skin contact, a smile on his blushing face as he fixed his shirt with his free hand. "It's fine."

Maliath stood there watching them as he stayed silent which shai groaned more at the king wanting to be pet more and kinda wondering where the queen was

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