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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Alistair looked over and watched, unable to hold back a light chuckle.


"He's in a meeting, isn't he?" Dei-Loki blinked, Malvo shrugging.

"We could always check? No harm in that."

"Ah, just as I say with my own, I'll go down with this ship!" Chloe would laugh and grin for a moment, only to have that look quickly run away from her face following the realisation of what she said.

Reaver widened his eyes a bit at this, quickly looking over to Chloe with a surprised look before glancing to Graham. 'Oooh, boy...'

Graham looked between the two and instantly knew that something was up. He looked to Chloe. "Don't lie to me, Chloe Cheshyre. Spill it, both of you. You two know that i don't like secrets and you two know what happens when people lie to me."
The shell of the Metal Warrior was completed. Now all that was left was the inside. Buh'roham weaved life through the shell with crystals at certain parts. Then came the tricky part. He would have to give the machine the ability to follow orders and think. This was a painful process, where he strapped the shells head to his own and sent crystal-induced Magicka-flow from his mind to his creation's. The pain was terrible, and it was all he could do to stop from yelling for the whole palace to hear. He had blacked out for a second, and he prayed to Leo no one heard that. The machine stood there, not moving. Buh'roham Jarho the Ancient Inventor had done it again. Hopefully it would be used for good this time. He activated the Machine, and slowly, it powered up. Finally it looked at him and said, "Unit: Online. Awaiting input." Buh'roham told it to follow him. He needed to show the King! The entire way there was filled with the rhythmic thump of Unit One's feet, and it being 8 feet tall meant it had to duck under every door they passed. Buh'roham entered the room the king was in and announced. "Your Majesties! I present my masterpiece! Unit One. Say hello." "Greetings" The machine stood there, 8 feet tall. 


(Prepare to be upgraded motha truckas!) 


@Forever J
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She groaned more as she pushed against him with her head wanting attention


"let us do that." He said

Alistair quirked a brow before reaching over and softly petting her head.


Both Dei-Loki and Malvo would nod before turning and leading the way to the throne room - as that was where Adrian had gone to meet with someone after he left his study after catching up with his sister-in-law. However, on their way, they could not help but to hear the loud thumping footsteps of Buh'roham's new... creation. And, looking up, their eyes instantly widened upon spotting the mechanical giant. 

"Maker's breath..." Malvo spoke quietly in shocked astonishment.

(-Doctor Who flashbacks-)


Graham looked between the two and instantly knew that something was up. He looked to Chloe. "Don't lie to me, Chloe Cheshyre. Spill it, both of you. You two know that i don't like secrets and you two know what happens when people lie to me."

Reaver flattened his ears and turned to Chloe once more, whom had sighed.

"Alright, but... Please don't be angry with Reaver, because none of this is his fault. It's... it's mine..." Chloe sighed, looking down and off to the side as she folded her arms behind her back. "I... I lied about where I said I go when I'm not here, and I forced Reaver into lying about it, too, when he found out. I... I'm actually a... I'm a treasure hunter, Graham. Sometimes referred to as a... pirate? Eheh..." And, with a nervous laugh, she continued. Her smile soon fading. "... I was always a big fan of the water, you guys know this... and, well... After mom and dad passed away, I didn't know what t' do with myself. Yes, I did go to Midgard like I said I did, but... I didn't stay. I came back, bought myself a ship from a close friend of mine and the both of us went off t' explore the wonders of the ocean, as well as the rest of Engranussia. And I explored and saw so much, and gods, was it beautiful... But then Oliver, the friend I bought the ship from, brought up the treasures hidden deep in one of the caverns in the Activian Mountains. At first, I didn't want to go for it... but he ended up convincing me otherwise and we went to look into retrieving some of it for ourselves. Was it dangerous? Well... yes. Especially with the traps the ones that left the treasures there had set up. But, when I finally got my hands on the artifacts at the end, the thrill hit me and made me realise it was worth it. So we ended up going off and doing even more of this, and we even gained more crew members over time. Some of the things we did, as you could imagine, broke a few laws-- But! I never stole anything, that... that was Oliver's thing..." She then sighed heavily, hanging her head a bit. "So, standing before you isn't just Princess Chloe... It's Chloe, Captain of the Dire Wolves of the Sea..."
Alistair quirked a brow before reaching over and softly petting her head.


Both Dei-Loki and Malvo would nod before turning and leading the way to the throne room - as that was where Adrian had gone to meet with someone after he left his study after catching up with his sister-in-law. However, on their way, they could not help but to hear the loud thumping footsteps of Buh'roham's new... creation. And, looking up, their eyes instantly widened upon spotting the mechanical giant. 

"Maker's breath..." Malvo spoke quietly in shocked astonishment.

(-Doctor Who flashbacks-)


Reaver flattened his ears and turned to Chloe once more, whom had sighed.

"Alright, but... Please don't be angry with Reaver, because none of this is his fault. It's... it's mine..." Chloe sighed, looking down and off to the side as she folded her arms behind her back. "I... I lied about where I said I go when I'm not here, and I forced Reaver into lying about it, too, when he found out. I... I'm actually a... I'm a treasure hunter, Graham. Sometimes referred to as a... pirate? Eheh..." And, with a nervous laugh, she continued. Her smile soon fading. "... I was always a big fan of the water, you guys know this... and, well... After mom and dad passed away, I didn't know what t' do with myself. Yes, I did go to Midgard like I said I did, but... I didn't stay. I came back, bought myself a ship from a close friend of mine and the both of us went off t' explore the wonders of the ocean, as well as the rest of Engranussia. And I explored and saw so much, and gods, was it beautiful... But then Oliver, the friend I bought the ship from, brought up the treasures hidden deep in one of the caverns in the Activian Mountains. At first, I didn't want to go for it... but he ended up convincing me otherwise and we went to look into retrieving some of it for ourselves. Was it dangerous? Well... yes. Especially with the traps the ones that left the treasures there had set up. But, when I finally got my hands on the artifacts at the end, the thrill hit me and made me realise it was worth it. So we ended up going off and doing even more of this, and we even gained more crew members over time. Some of the things we did, as you could imagine, broke a few laws-- But! I never stole anything, that... that was Oliver's thing..." She then sighed heavily, hanging her head a bit. "So, standing before you isn't just Princess Chloe... It's Chloe, Captain of the Dire Wolves of the Sea..."

Shai happily groaned her eyes closing as she enjoyed being pet


maliath walked silently with the two as they headed for the throne room but stopped at the sight of the inventors machine. Eying it carefully maliath had to give him readily for the skill it would take to get a working schematic out let alone the real thing, but to him it still wasn't fully done yet, he saw somethings the craftsman could really work on to make it better but said nothing as he stood there with the prince and princess.

"Ah! Lady Malvo and... Dog person I haven't met yet. What do you think?" He said, gesturing towards his contraption. "Greetings Canine-human hybrids. I am Unit One. The first of my kind. I am in service of Buh'roham Jarho, and thus for King Adrian." 


@Daniel reaving
Shai happily groaned her eyes closing as she enjoyed being pet

He held a grin on his face as he continued, closing his eyes with another chuckle.

"Ah! Lady Malvo and... Dog person I haven't met yet. What do you think?" He said, gesturing towards his contraption. "Greetings Canine-human hybrids. I am Unit One. The first of my kind. I am in service of Buh'roham Jarho, and thus for King Adrian." 


@Daniel reaving

Dei-Loki blinked, narrowing his eyes. "Dog person? I'll have you know, I'm a--"

Malvo covered Dei-Loki's mouth with her hand as she soon smiled and spoke - looking to Buh'roham, and then the robot. "That's absolutely incredible..."

@Daniel reaving
Reaver flattened his ears and turned to Chloe once more, whom had sighed.

"Alright, but... Please don't be angry with Reaver, because none of this is his fault. It's... it's mine..." Chloe sighed, looking down and off to the side as she folded her arms behind her back. "I... I lied about where I said I go when I'm not here, and I forced Reaver into lying about it, too, when he found out. I... I'm actually a... I'm a treasure hunter, Graham. Sometimes referred to as a... pirate? Eheh..." And, with a nervous laugh, she continued. Her smile soon fading. "... I was always a big fan of the water, you guys know this... and, well... After mom and dad passed away, I didn't know what t' do with myself. Yes, I did go to Midgard like I said I did, but... I didn't stay. I came back, bought myself a ship from a close friend of mine and the both of us went off t' explore the wonders of the ocean, as well as the rest of Engranussia. And I explored and saw so much, and gods, was it beautiful... But then Oliver, the friend I bought the ship from, brought up the treasures hidden deep in one of the caverns in the Activian Mountains. At first, I didn't want to go for it... but he ended up convincing me otherwise and we went to look into retrieving some of it for ourselves. Was it dangerous? Well... yes. Especially with the traps the ones that left the treasures there had set up. But, when I finally got my hands on the artifacts at the end, the thrill hit me and made me realise it was worth it. So we ended up going off and doing even more of this, and we even gained more crew members over time. Some of the things we did, as you could imagine, broke a few laws-- But! I never stole anything, that... that was Oliver's thing..." She then sighed heavily, hanging her head a bit. "So, standing before you isn't just Princess Chloe... It's Chloe, Captain of the Dire Wolves of the Sea..."

Graham sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair as a customed nervous tick. "I'm not mad at neither of you for being a treasure hunter. I'm fine with that, what i'm not fine with is the fact that apparently my best friend and my baby sister think that i'm going to bite their heads off from telling me secrets. It's like you two barely trust me. Do you really think that i could ever get mad at you over wanting to do your own thing? No, i just want you happy and healthy and safe. I know that you're strong, so i know that you can take care of yourself, but why can't you two just stop with the secrets? Do you two got anymore secrets? Does this whole family have secrets? Speaking of which, when are you going to tell them, especially Ali and Zuzu?"
"Ah! Lady Malvo and... Dog person I haven't met yet. What do you think?" He said, gesturing towards his contraption. "Greetings Canine-human hybrids. I am Unit One. The first of my kind. I am in service of Buh'roham Jarho, and thus for King Adrian." 


@Daniel reaving

He held a grin on his face as he continued, closing his eyes with another chuckle.

Dei-Loki blinked, narrowing his eyes. "Dog person? I'll have you know, I'm a--"

Malvo covered Dei-Loki's mouth with her hand as she soon smiled and spoke - looking to Buh'roham, and then the robot. "That's absolutely incredible..."

@Daniel reaving

Shai groaned more as she nuzzled her father a little bit before pulling away and looking into his eyes as a look of mischief appeared in hers before she quickly ran off into the castle roaring with delight 


maliath stayed quiet with the princess and prince watching them great the machine 
Graham sighed, dragging his fingers through his hair as a customed nervous tick. "I'm not mad at neither of you for being a treasure hunter. I'm fine with that, what i'm not fine with is the fact that apparently my best friend and my baby sister think that i'm going to bite their heads off from telling me secrets. It's like you two barely trust me. Do you really think that i could ever get mad at you over wanting to do your own thing? No, i just want you happy and healthy and safe. I know that you're strong, so i know that you can take care of yourself, but why can't you two just stop with the secrets? Do you two got anymore secrets? Does this whole family have secrets? Speaking of which, when are you going to tell them, especially Ali and Zuzu?"

"That's all the secrets from me..." Reaver shifted in place.

Chloe nodded in agreement to Reaver's words as she lowered her arms to her sides. "I didn't tell anyone over the fear of how they'd react. The only reason Reaver knows is he saw me on the way back from one of his conventions for his inventions. I just... I don't know... I'm sorry..." and, following a guilty sigh, she'd widen her eyes and glance to her brother. "I can't tell either of them! They're already at each other's throats, I don't need them at mine, as well!"

Shai groaned more as she nuzzled her father a little bit before pulling away and looking into his eyes as a look of mischief appeared in hers before she quickly ran off into the castle roaring with delight 


maliath stayed quiet with the princess and prince watching them great the machine 

Alistair blinked, watching her run off before quickly getting to his feet, eventually running after her. "Shai? Shai, wait!"


Malvo gestured to the throne room, uncovering her twin's mouth. "Right in here. We were just going to meet with him, as well."

"That's all the secrets from me..." Reaver shifted in place.

Chloe nodded in agreement to Reaver's words as she lowered her arms to her sides. "I didn't tell anyone over the fear of how they'd react. The only reason Reaver knows is he saw me on the way back from one of his conventions for his inventions. I just... I don't know... I'm sorry..." and, following a guilty sigh, she'd widen her eyes and glance to her brother. "I can't tell either of them! They're already at each other's throats, I don't need them at mine, as well!"

Alistair blinked, watching her run off before quickly getting to his feet, eventually running after her. "Shai? Shai, wait!"


Malvo gestured to the throne room, uncovering her twin's mouth. "Right in here. We were just going to meet with him, as well."


Shai roared happily as she ran through the castle walls seeing this as a game as she started for the throne room area


maliath stood quiet waiting

"That's all the secrets from me..." Reaver shifted in place.

Chloe nodded in agreement to Reaver's words as she lowered her arms to her sides. "I didn't tell anyone over the fear of how they'd react. The only reason Reaver knows is he saw me on the way back from one of his conventions for his inventions. I just... I don't know... I'm sorry..." and, following a guilty sigh, she'd widen her eyes and glance to her brother. "I can't tell either of them! They're already at each other's throats, I don't need them at mine, as well!"

"They won't be. This has gone long enough. Our Father and Mother made this place as a home, not a damn war zone for her own children to spit fire at each other. I will have no more of this. Not from anyone. I'll call Alison, and invite her to come on Vallhalla's day. Then we will eat and talk this out as a family, once and for all. This is a family after all." Graham looked through the window, staring at the sky. The same, King Grant glint was caught in his eyes. They shimmered and spark like wildfire, assuring way to tell that a Cheshyre wasn't moving. For they were all stubborn. It was the Cheshyre way after all. Graham remembered back to the time when his father looked down upon him in this exact same study.

"My boy will be the next best King. Once your Daddy is old, that is." He placed his crown on tiny kid Graham's head. It barely fitted his small shape. "Do you tink i can be a good Kiwng, Daddy?" Grant threw his head back and gave a heart warming, thundering laugh from deep in the soul. He then leaned, ruffling Graham's hair like usual. The kid laughed as he leaned into it. "You can be anything, Gram-Gram. Just don't forget who you are. Don't forget your family are. Stay strong and walk tall, my son." 

Graham nodded a couple of times and went to the study. He sat them, his hands rummaging against the wooden desk. "I miss you too, Dad. I miss you a lot." He whispered under his breath and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He began to write quickly, called a Raven to the opened window and tied it to his leg. "Be off my friend of the wind. Bring this family together once again."
Shai roared happily as she ran through the castle walls seeing this as a game as she started for the throne room area


maliath stood quiet waiting


Alistair continued to chase after Shai, his eyes widening as he saw the direction she'd been going. "Shai!"


Dei-Loki gently lifted his hand to knock, soon pausing as he heard Shai's claws hitting the floor as she approached.


"They won't be. This has gone long enough. Our Father and Mother made this place as a home, not a damn war zone for her own children to spit fire at each other. I will have no more of this. Not from anyone. I'll call Alison, and invite her to come on Vallhalla's day. Then we will eat and talk this out as a family, once and for all. This is a family after all." Graham looked through the window, staring at the sky. The same, King Grant glint was caught in his eyes. They shimmered and spark like wildfire, assuring way to tell that a Cheshyre wasn't moving. For they were all stubborn. It was the Cheshyre way after all. Graham remembered back to the time when his father looked down upon him in this exact same study.

"My boy will be the next best King. Once your Daddy is old, that is." He placed his crown on tiny kid Graham's head. It barely fitted his small shape. "Do you tink i can be a good Kiwng, Daddy?" Grant threw his head back and gave a heart warming, thundering laugh from deep in the soul. He then leaned, ruffling Graham's hair like usual. The kid laughed as he leaned into it. "You can be anything, Gram-Gram. Just don't forget who you are. Don't forget your family are. Stay strong and walk tall, my son." 

Graham nodded a couple of times and went to the study. He sat them, his hands rummaging against the wooden desk. "I miss you too, Dad. I miss you a lot." He whispered under his breath and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He began to write quickly, called a Raven to the opened window and tied it to his leg. "Be off my friend of the wind. Bring this family together once again."

Chloe sighed before quietly nodding as he watched her brother.

Reaver, whom watched as well, turned his attention to the raven as it had landed on the windowsill. "Just have t' hope she shows up, now."
Chloe sighed before quietly nodding as he watched her brother.

Reaver, whom watched as well, turned his attention to the raven as it had landed on the windowsill. "Just have t' hope she shows up, now."

"She will. I wrote that it was a family emergency. She may be at Zuzu's throat, but she still would come to make sure that everyone is okay." Graham stayed in the chair, remembering how tiny him would sit here as his Father paced back and forth because of an issue. "I'm going to be sent back one of these days, and this time i'm not leaving until this home is a HOME and not just a palace."
"She will. I wrote that it was a family emergency. She may be at Zuzu's throat, but she still would come to make sure that everyone is okay." Graham stayed in the chair, remembering how tiny him would sit here as his Father paced back and forth because of an issue. "I'm going to be sent back one of these days, and this time i'm not leaving until this home is a HOME and not just a palace."

Reaver nodded to that, flattening his ears as he looked from the window to Graham. He couldn't help but take notice to the boulder of emotion resting in his stomach, a feeling that wouldn't even clear with a heavy sigh. Instead, he endured it. Resting a hand on Graham's shoulder as he glanced to the floor. "Well, I... as always, I'll be here and I'll help y' make sure that happens..."
Reaver nodded to that, flattening his ears as he looked from the window to Graham. He couldn't help but take notice to the boulder of emotion resting in his stomach, a feeling that wouldn't even clear with a heavy sigh. Instead, he endured it. Resting a hand on Graham's shoulder as he glanced to the floor. "Well, I... as always, I'll be here and I'll help y' make sure that happens..."

Graham clasped Reaver's hand into his. "Thanks Rea. I hope you're not mad at me for doing this, Chloe. If you don't want to say it, then i will once the time comes."
Graham clasped Reaver's hand into his. "Thanks Rea. I hope you're not mad at me for doing this, Chloe. If you don't want to say it, then i will once the time comes."

Reaver would smile a small bit following the contact, Chloe shaking her head with a quiet sigh.

"No, I'm not mad. I knew the day would come where I would have t' bring it up... I'll tell them..."
Reaver would smile a small bit following the contact, Chloe shaking her head with a quiet sigh.

"No, I'm not mad. I knew the day would come where I would have t' bring it up... I'll tell them..."

"Thank God. You got this, Sis. You're the strongest, most courageous woman that i have ever met. You all are. We are after all, the Cheshyres. And Alaois. I have faith in you and i'll be right behind you if they want to rip your head off."
"Thank God. You got this, Sis. You're the strongest, most courageous woman that i have ever met. You all are. We are after all, the Cheshyres. And Alaois. I have faith in you and i'll be right behind you if they want to rip your head off."

Shakily exhaling, Chloe would soon nod - closing her eyes with a slight smile. "Two of the strongest family names out there. I just hope this whole thing goes over better than I think it will..."
Unit One stood in front of the two Canine-human hybrids and his Master. The female was Marked for Protection and UnO reasoned that the male was affiliated with her, and thus was to be Protected as well. "Unit One! That dragon is Marked for Protection. Do not engage!" Buh'roham was curious to how Little Dragon would respond to this 8 foot tall machine. If she destroyed it, then Buh'roham would fix it up and give it better armor plating. 


@Daniel reaving
Shakily exhaling, Chloe would soon nod - closing her eyes with a slight smile. "Two of the strongest family names out there. I just hope this whole thing goes over better than I think it will..."

"You'll be fine. You have Reaver and myself to back you up. Besides, apparently i am the worst to anger, for some odd reason. Don't understand why."
"You'll be fine. You have Reaver and myself to back you up. Besides, apparently i am the worst to anger, for some odd reason. Don't understand why."

"Are y' kidding me? Between you and my brother, yer like a couple of grizzlies forced out of hibernation when yer both angry." With his free hand, Reaver rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle. "That's in a good way, of course. Nice t' have fiercely protective people around. N-Not that I'd, you know, need protection like that, myself! It's just... nice."
"Are y' kidding me? Between you and my brother, yer like a couple of grizzlies forced out of hibernation when yer both angry." With his free hand, Reaver rubbed the back of his head with a chuckle. "That's in a good way, of course. Nice t' have fiercely protective people around. N-Not that I'd, you know, need protection like that, myself! It's just... nice."

Graham teasingly pouted. "So you don't need me to protect you?"
Graham teasingly pouted. "So you don't need me to protect you?"

Reaver blinked a few times at that, lowering an ear. "I--... I didn't mean it like that. I mean, I kinda do need it! It feels nice to have a hunky guy ready t' have my back... Imma hush, now." Through his speaking, a blush would slowly darken Reaver's face. Reaver soon hanging his head in a bit of embarrassment.

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