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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Do not worry. Usually people react worse to what I just did so she will be fine." He said to him


she groaned and bit down on a smaller branch on the big one and ripped it off 

"Good..." He softly exhaled, looking back to Maliath.


Alistair watched her do so. His hands at at his sides as he looked to the smaller branch.

Buh'roham searched his mind. "A Winged Apparatus? Sounds cool. I might be able to help. The Am Brodian crystals, when powered correctly, allow items to hover. The Am Brod only ever used it on small tables, so they could walk around without holding anything. A bit lazy in my opinion. More to the point, with time and experimentation you could fly like a dragon. Just not as awe inspiring. Sorry." Buh'roham laughed, implying a joke. "That is, if you want my help or to just experiment on your own." While he would love to help, he didn't want to intrude on another inventors work. 


@Forever J

Looking to Buh'roham, Reaver would nod. "Well, while I think I've got it, I'll keep that in mind."
Buh'roham didn't mind. "Excellent! Just be careful on buildings. And mountains. And anywhere else you might jump off of." He laughed. "Well I'm sorry, but I must go. I have much to do and very little time to do it in. It has been a pleasure meeting you Your Highness" He bowed to the Queen after he stood up "And you Lady Chloe. Good day and may Leo protect you!" He said with the Am Brodian salute, and he started to the laboratory. 


@Forever J
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Buh'roham didn't mind. "Excellent! Just be careful on buildings. And mountains. And anywhere else you might jump off of." He laughed. "Well I'm sorry, but I must go. I have much to do and very little time to do it in. It has been a pleasure meeting you Your Highness" He bowed to the Queen after he stood up "And you Lady Chloe. Good day and my Leo protect you!" He said with the Am Brodian salute, and he started to the laboratory. 


@Forever J

Reaver and the others had watched him go, Chloe holding a smile on her face as she then looked to both Graham and Reaver. "He sure seems nice. And a nice fit for the palace, as well." Though, it was then that she finally took notice to the looks on their faces, her brow having lifted slightly. "What?"

@Forever J
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Buh'roham couldn't help but feel like that entire conversation was a bit awkward. Still, he enjoyed talking to some nice new people. Buh'roham made his way back to his workshop and set to work. Creating more Chrysilis model energy weapons. Metal clanged, crystals hummed, and weapons were made. A very loud process, but a necessary one. By the end of the day he had 12 Chrysilis-model prototypes. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
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Reaver and the others had watched him go, Chloe holding a smile on her face as she then looked to both Graham and Reaver. "He sure seems nice. And a nice fit for the palace, as well." Though, it was then that she finally took notice to the looks on their faces, her brow having lifted slightly. "What?"

@Forever J

Graham snickered before imitating his sister. "Oh Buh'roham~, you're so cooool~. Buh'roham, i would love to be your partner as we travel." He fluttered his eyes, putting his hands together and on one of his cheeks as he gave a exaggerated sigh.
"Good..." He softly exhaled, looking back to Maliath.


Alistair watched her do so. His hands at at his sides as he looked to the smaller branch.

Looking to Buh'roham, Reaver would nod. "Well, while I think I've got it, I'll keep that in mind."

"Now. I'll have some of my servants roam the groubds for now to see if they can pick up anything and I think I'm going to stay here for now around the family to be closer to the trouble so it is easier to find." He said


she dropped the small her branch at his feet as she groaned at him happily 
Graham snickered before imitating his sister. "Oh Buh'roham~, you're so cooool~. Buh'roham, i would love to be your partner as we travel." He fluttered his eyes, putting his hands together and on one of his cheeks as he gave a exaggerated sigh.

Mouth agape with a grin, Chloe scoffed and spoke through a slightly embarrassed laugh. "Shut up! I don't sound like that!"

Reaver couldn't help but snicker as well before joining in with the imitation. So, with a grin, he closed his eyes and dramatically leaned against Graham's shoulder before bringing an arm to his own forehead. "Oh, I would just looove to share strategies with y'~"

Chloe soon shoved the two in a playful manner, huffing as she crossed her arms. "You're both a couple of butts, ya know that?"

"Now. I'll have some of my servants roam the groubds for now to see if they can pick up anything and I think I'm going to stay here for now around the family to be closer to the trouble so it is easier to find." He said


she dropped the small her branch at his feet as she groaned at him happily 

"Thank you." Dei-Loki would nod. "All I ask is to keep it hush-hush. We don't want the traitor catching on that we know about his or her presence."

Perry had been listening from another room, his brow lifted. "Well... This should make things more interesting." he muttered before continuing his usual patrol as not to act suspicious.


Alistair had then gently lifted the stick, softly patting Shai's head before tying the scarf to the stick.
Mouth agape with a grin, Chloe scoffed and spoke through a slightly embarrassed laugh. "Shut up! I don't sound like that!"

Reaver couldn't help but snicker as well before joining in with the imitation. So, with a grin, he closed his eyes and dramatically leaned against Graham's shoulder before bringing an arm to his own forehead. "Oh, I would just looove to share strategies with y'~"

Chloe soon shoved the two in a playful manner, huffing as she crossed her arms. "You're both a couple of butts, ya know that?"

"Thank you." Dei-Loki would nod. "All I ask is to keep it hush-hush. We don't want the traitor catching on that we know about his or her presence."

Perry had been listening from another room, his brow lifted. "Well... This should make things more interesting." he muttered before continuing his usual patrol as not to act suspicious.


Alistair had then gently lifted the stick, softly patting Shai's head before tying the scarf to the stick.

"You know more than anything I value this stuff over any one else." He said back


she groaned happily and laid down in the snow watching him
Buh'roham ceased building the Chrysilis-model weapons and set to experimenting on the prototype of the Metal Warriors. This was hard work, and it brought back memories of Am Brodia. He eventually had an eight foot skeleton of the machine. Also it hurt his ears. 
Mouth agape with a grin, Chloe scoffed and spoke through a slightly embarrassed laugh. "Shut up! I don't sound like that!"

Reaver couldn't help but snicker as well before joining in with the imitation. So, with a grin, he closed his eyes and dramatically leaned against Graham's shoulder before bringing an arm to his own forehead. "Oh, I would just looove to share strategies with y'~"

Chloe soon shoved the two in a playful manner, huffing as she crossed her arms. "You're both a couple of butts, ya know that?"

Graham laughed and acted on with Reaver. "Oh Buh'roham, you light up my world~. Buh'roham, let's fight together! How i long for these adventures with you!" Graham doubled over in laughter, tears of joy stinging his eyes. "Is my sister finally having a crush?"
"You know more than anything I value this stuff over any one else." He said back


she groaned happily and laid down in the snow watching him

Dei-Loki would nod once again, flicking his ear with a gentle sigh. "Alright. Don't let us keep you from what needs t' be done."


Once it was tied, he wandered over to the fort before sticking it into the snow beside it. "There. How does it look?"

Graham laughed and acted on with Reaver. "Oh Buh'roham, you light up my world~. Buh'roham, let's fight together! How i long for these adventures with you!" Graham doubled over in laughter, tears of joy stinging his eyes. "Is my sister finally having a crush?"

Reaver would burst out into laughter soon after he did, a wide grin on his face.

As an embarrassed blush darkened her face, Chloe closed her eyes. "Wh-What!? Of course not! Chloe falls for no one!"

"Until nooooooow~" Reaver laughed, hugging his stomach slightly.
Dei-Loki would nod once again, flicking his ear with a gentle sigh. "Alright. Don't let us keep you from what needs t' be done."


Once it was tied, he wandered over to the fort before sticking it into the snow beside it. "There. How does it look?"

Reaver would burst out into laughter soon after he did, a wide grin on his face.

As an embarrassed blush darkened her face, Chloe closed her eyes. "Wh-What!? Of course not! Chloe falls for no one!"

"Until nooooooow~" Reaver laughed, hugging his stomach slightly.

"Do not worry my lord. I already am searching for them." He said to him with a nod


Shai groaned happily and jumped around nearly slamming her tail into him as she jumped around
Dei-Loki would nod once again, flicking his ear with a gentle sigh. "Alright. Don't let us keep you from what needs t' be done."


Once it was tied, he wandered over to the fort before sticking it into the snow beside it. "There. How does it look?"

Reaver would burst out into laughter soon after he did, a wide grin on his face.

As an embarrassed blush darkened her face, Chloe closed her eyes. "Wh-What!? Of course not! Chloe falls for no one!"

"Until nooooooow~" Reaver laughed, hugging his stomach slightly.

"She's blushing some more! Awwwwwww. It's okay, Chloe. I would love for you to find someone that makes you happy." He ruffled Chloe's hair like usual with a smile.
"Do not worry my lord. I already am searching for them." He said to him with a nod


Shai groaned happily and jumped around nearly slamming her tail into him as she jumped around

"Good." Dei-Loki blinked, Malvo shifting a bit.

"Well, now that that's settled..." Malvo looked around, lowering an ear. "... Now what?"


Alistair couldn't help but laugh, watching as she'd jump around. Keeping mindful of her tail as he moved out of the way.

"She's blushing some more! Awwwwwww. It's okay, Chloe. I would love for you to find someone that makes you happy." He ruffled Chloe's hair like usual with a smile.

Chloe softly huffed, but nodded and managed a small smile as her hair had been ruffled. "It isn't like I'd have time for it, anyways..."

"Ah, y' don't know that. Hell, go with an adventurer and you'll have plenty of time." Reaver would smile as he watched.
"Good." Dei-Loki blinked, Malvo shifting a bit.

"Well, now that that's settled..." Malvo looked around, lowering an ear. "... Now what?"


Alistair couldn't help but laugh, watching as she'd jump around. Keeping mindful of her tail as he moved out of the way.

Chloe softly huffed, but nodded and managed a small smile as her hair had been ruffled. "It isn't like I'd have time for it, anyways..."

"Ah, y' don't know that. Hell, go with an adventurer and you'll have plenty of time." Reaver would smile as he watched.

Graham nodded, "you both can travel  and still be together. He's not a stay at home mom. I just want to see you happy."
Graham nodded, "you both can travel  and still be together. He's not a stay at home mom. I just want to see you happy."

"So do I." Reaver agreed.

"I know..." Chloe would soon nod, a gentle smile on her face as she glanced back and forth between them. A gentle exhale fleeing her as her orange eyes would soon shut. Scratching the back of her head soon after. [COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"Maker's breath, I... Well, I don't think I've ever felt this way before, really."[/COLOR]
"So do I." Reaver agreed.

"I know..." Chloe would soon nod, a gentle smile on her face as she glanced back and forth between them. A gentle exhale fleeing her as her orange eyes would soon shut. Scratching the back of her head soon after. [COLOR= rgb(218, 165, 32)]"Maker's breath, I... Well, I don't think I've ever felt this way before, really."[/COLOR]

"Ah, my baby sister is growing up!" He hugged Chloe to his chest, spinning around. He then looked her straight in the eyes and pushed her cheeks together. "I know that you can handle yourself, but if you ever get hurt. Or if you ever need to tell something that's weighing down on your chest, you have so many people who will listen. Who will be right by your side. Especially me, your big brother, Gram-Gram. I miss you, my wittle adventuring sis." 
A loud metallic screech filled the palace. After recovering from the noise that filled his ears, he poked his head out and reassured the residents. He yelled through the hallway. "It's okay nothing happened! Nobody's hurt I think! Mostly not hurt! Though I might be deaf now! Never mind! Don't worry science is happening!" Buh'roham felt satisfied that they were reassured. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving
"Good." Dei-Loki blinked, Malvo shifting a bit.

"Well, now that that's settled..." Malvo looked around, lowering an ear. "... Now what?"


Alistair couldn't help but laugh, watching as she'd jump around. Keeping mindful of her tail as he moved out of the way.

Chloe softly huffed, but nodded and managed a small smile as her hair had been ruffled. "It isn't like I'd have time for it, anyways..."

"Ah, y' don't know that. Hell, go with an adventurer and you'll have plenty of time." Reaver would smile as he watched.

A loud metallic screech filled the palace. After recovering from the noise that filled his ears, he poked his head out and reassured the residents. He yelled through the hallway. "It's okay nothing happened! Nobody's hurt I think! Mostly not hurt! Though I might be deaf now! Never mind! Don't worry science is happening!" Buh'roham felt satisfied that they were reassured. 


@Forever J

@Daniel reaving

He gave her a curious look before his head shot up and looked around swiftly at the loud screeching as a clone of him appeared in the room the sound came from groaning softly as she looked to the one responsible


She groaned and roared softly happily jumping around
"Ah, my baby sister is growing up!" He hugged Chloe to his chest, spinning around. He then looked her straight in the eyes and pushed her cheeks together. "I know that you can handle yourself, but if you ever get hurt. Or if you ever need to tell something that's weighing down on your chest, you have so many people who will listen. Who will be right by your side. Especially me, your big brother, Gram-Gram. I miss you, my wittle adventuring sis." 

Chloe laughed as they spun. A wide smile on her face having been present until her cheeks had been pushed closer together. Though, one could tell she was still happy. "I know, and I miss you, too."

Reaver grinned while watching, though he'd soon quickly perk his ears before flattening them from the screech - cringing before he soon turned to peek out the doorway before having snickered with a grin. 'Ah, now THAT sounds familiar.'

Buh'roham turned back to his work to find a Demon of sorts standing there. Like any sane person would, he pulled his sword off the table and he assumed the Warrior stance. He stood there ready to be attacked. Believe it or not, this has happened to him before. "What is your business in my workshop?" 

@Daniel reaving
He gave her a curious look before his head shot up and looked around swiftly at the loud screeching as a clone of him appeared in the room the sound came from groaning softly as she looked to the one responsible


She groaned and roared softly happily jumping around

(Sorry! I didn't see this until now. >_>' )

Dei-Loki and Malvo flinched from the screeching, soon quickly looking around with lifted brows. 


Alistair laughed still, soon looking to the sky with a chuckle.
Buh'roham turned back to his work to find a Demon of sorts standing there. Like any sane person would, he pulled his sword off the table and he assumed the Warrior stance. He stood there ready to be attacked. Believe it or not, this has happened to him before. "What is your business in my workshop?" 

@Daniel reaving

(Sorry! I didn't see this until now. >_>' )

Dei-Loki and Malvo flinched from the screeching, soon quickly looking around with lifted brows. 


Alistair laughed still, soon looking to the sky with a chuckle.

Maliath whipped his hand to the side making the sword shoot from his hand and he walked up to his entering the humans mind as his demonic voice rang out in his head. "What are you doing?" The voice boomed in his head as maliath got close to him his face mere inches from his


ahe groaned as she got up going to him and pushing him down with her big head
Chloe laughed as they spun. A wide smile on her face having been present until her cheeks had been pushed closer together. Though, one could tell she was still happy. "I know, and I miss you, too."

Reaver grinned while watching, though he'd soon quickly perk his ears before flattening them from the screech - cringing before he soon turned to peek out the doorway before having snickered with a grin. 'Ah, now THAT sounds familiar.'


Graham quirked an eyebrow. "Another Reaver? I see, the world's ending." He turned and chuckled.
Maliath whipped his hand to the side making the sword shoot from his hand and he walked up to his entering the humans mind as his demonic voice rang out in his head. "What are you doing?" The voice boomed in his head as maliath got close to him his face mere inches from his


ahe groaned as she got up going to him and pushing him down with her big head

"Could've been that new inventor." Malvo shrugged before lifting her brows as Dei-Loki went off to investigate. Malvo quickly following. "Dei! Wait up!"



Eyes widening slightly, Alistair fell into the snow before looking to Shai with a grin.

Graham quirked an eyebrow. "Another Reaver? I see, the world's ending." He turned and chuckled.

Reaver cocked his brow at that, looking over to Graham before snorting slightly and snickering. "It's not that bad!"

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