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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Buh'roham knocked before entering. He bowed to the King then resumed his resting position, his hands behind a straight back, like a general. He nodded to The General. "I'm fine thank you. I've come with an idea. A machine that monitors the hallways and rooms and sends its observations to a 'control panel'. It would be simple to make." He paused and looked at the female in the room. "Excuse me. I don't believe we've met, Miss?" He finished awaiting her name. 


@Forever J
Buh'roham knocked before entering. He bowed to the King then resumed his resting position, his hands behind a straight back, like a general. He nodded to The General. "I'm fine thank you. I've come with an idea. A machine that monitors the hallways and rooms and sends its observations to a 'control panel'. It would be simple to make." He paused and looked at the female in the room. "Excuse me. I don't believe we've met, Miss?" He finished awaiting her name. 


@Forever J

"I could help with that!" Reaver grinned, looking cover to Buh'roham.

"You're speaking to Queen Zuzana, ruler of the four countries." A female's voice sounded from behind Buh'roham.

"Pleasure." Zuzana politely greeted Buh'roham with a smile before then lifting her brow and looking around him out of curiosity. "Chloe?"

@Forever J
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"I could help with that!" Reaver grinned, looking cover to Buh'roham.

"You're speaking to Queen Zuzana, ruler of the four countries." A female's voice sounded from behind Buh'roham.

"Pleasure." Zuzana politely greeted Buh'roham with a smile before then lifting her brow and looking around him out of curiosity. "Chloe?"

@Forever J

Graham turned around, surprised. "Chloe? Welcome home!" Graham raced over to his sister and gave his famous, huge bear hugs.
Graham turned around, surprised. "Chloe? Welcome home!" Graham raced over to his sister and gave his famous, huge bear hugs.

Chloe smiled as Buh'roham had turned, "I'm--" she then lifted her brows the moment she was rushed and hugged. Laughing, she made her best attempt to free her arms from the hug before hugging Graham in return. "Thank you, I could say the same! When did you get here!?"

Chloe smiled as Buh'roham had turned, "I'm--" she then lifted her brows the moment she was rushed and hugged. Laughing, she made her best attempt to free her arms from the hug before hugging Graham in return. "Thank you, I could say the same! When did you get here!?"


"A few days ago . . . OH, speaking of which. I finally learned that Reaver had a crush on me and now we're dating. So . . . yeaaaaaaaaaaah." Graham rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle.
"A few days ago . . . OH, speaking of which. I finally learned that Reaver had a crush on me and now we're dating. So . . . yeaaaaaaaaaaah." Graham rubbed the back of his neck with a chuckle.

"You, as well." She'd say to Buh'roham, looking back to Graham as her eyes widened a bit - her smile growing wider following the news. "Really!? It's about time! And, not that I have any doubts, but y'd best treat each other well, I because I'm not afraid of kicking both of yer butts if need be. That goes double for you, pyro!" That last sentence, having been directed at Reaver, would cause her to point dramatically as she squinted before gently laughing and turning the point into a wave of greeting - which Reaver would return as he snickered.

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"Yes well, this seems to be a family thing. I will not intrude on your family reunion, no need to bother you for any longer. I'll just head to my workshop. Things to make and all that! " Buh'roham didn't want to intrude on these nice people's talk, though he would've loved to talk to new people. 


@Forever J
"You, as well." She'd say to Buh'roham, looking back to Graham as her eyes widened a bit - her smile growing wider following the news. "Really!? It's about time! And, not that I have any doubts, but y'd best treat each other well, I because I'm not afraid of kicking both of yer butts if need be. That goes double for you, pyro!" That last sentence, having been directed at Reaver, would cause her to point dramatically as she squinted before gently laughing and turning the point into a wave of greeting - which Reaver would return as he snickered.


Graham laughed and nodded. "We will." He turned his attention to Buh'roham. "Stay! Chat for a while. Your inventions can wait. Chloe, Zuzu, meet Buh'roham, our new inventor in the works."

Graham laughed and nodded. "We will." He turned his attention to Buh'roham. "Stay! Chat for a while. Your inventions can wait. Chloe, Zuzu, meet Buh'roham, our new inventor in the works."


"A second inventor?" Chloe tilted her head out of curiosity, her attention traveling to Buh'roham yet again.

"You're the one my husband has been telling me about, then." Zuzana would lift her brow slightly.

Buh'roham, for all his travels, actually looked rather sheepish. "Yes well, if you don't mind." He took a seat. "I see word travels fast around here. I suspected as much. It is a true pleasure to meet you all! As for inventor, well, I'm also an writer. Very proud of my work. You might of heard? The Traveling Lion?" 


@Forever J
Buh'roham, for all his travels, actually looked rather sheepish. "Yes well, if you don't mind." He took a seat. "I see word travels fast around here. I suspected as much. It is a true pleasure to meet you all! As for inventor, well, I'm also an writer. Very proud of my work. You might of heard? The Traveling Lion?" 


@Forever J

"Have I!?" Chloe smiled in excitement, opening the satchel at her side before having removed one of his books - handing it over. "Your books are one of the things that keep me sane in my..." She glanced to the others in the room briefly, shifting on her feet. "... travels."

@Forever J
Well this certainly helped! Buh'roham felt much better than before, sitting in a room with people who could easily kill him.  Wait what? Where did these thoughts come from? He shook them out. These were good people! He gladly took a look at the book. Ah! "Beasts of the Forests, Facts and Mythology"  But he saw her hesitate for a second. "Is there a problem Miss?" 


@Forever J

(If you want to change the book title, go ahead)
Well this certainly helped! Buh'roham felt much better than before, sitting in a room with people who could easily kill him.  Wait what? Where did these thoughts come from? He shook them out. These were good people! He gladly took a look at the book. Ah! "Beasts of the Forests, Facts and Mythology"  But he saw her hesitate for a second. "Is there a problem Miss?" 


@Forever J

(If you want to change the book title, go ahead)

Chloe paused from the question, lifting her brow and shaking her head soon after. A smile forming on her face, all in an effort to reveal the subject. That secret that seemed to allow her to gain a brief, knowing look from Reaver. "Nope, none at all."

@Forever J
Buh'roham wasn't convinced, but his face said otherwise. He smiled at her. "Alright then." He handed the book back. What was she hiding? "Well then, let's have one of these chats I've heard so much about. You will not believe how long it's been since I've had an intelligent conversation with non hostile people!" 


@Forever J
Shai giggled happily and grabbed his hand. "Come in come in!" She said to him loudly 

(Sorry! >~<' Also, yes. He looks good to me.)

Alistair lifted his brow as he felt her hand, laughing gently before he made his way into the fort.

Buh'roham wasn't convinced, but his face said otherwise. He smiled at her. "Alright then." He handed the book back. What was she hiding? "Well then, let's have one of these chats I've heard so much about. You will not believe how long it's been since I've had an intelligent conversation with non hostile people!" 


@Forever J

Chloe gently took the book back, setting it in her satchel once more. 'I can definitely relate to that.' She thought, turning her attention to Buh'roham once again. "Have you made anything since you got here?"
(Sorry! >~<' Also, yes. He looks good to me.)

Alistair lifted his brow as he felt her hand, laughing gently before he made his way into the fort.

Chloe gently took the book back, setting it in her satchel once more. 'I can definitely relate to that.' She thought, turning her attention to Buh'roham once again. "Have you made anything since you got here?"

(Yay! Could you possibly have one of your princes or the king summon him so that I can get him into the story? If not it's ok)

shai giggled happily as she sat in the fort with her father looking around. "Oh papa papa we need a door!" She said pointing to the open hole were they came in at
"Well I've mostly just set up, but I do have my pride and joy, Chrysilis." He sets Chrysilis on the table and takes out the crystal. "A weapon powered by the Brodian Crystals of my homeland, with a sleek casing of Brodikainium. It fires a beam of energy from this crystal." At this he holds up the crystal, it glows with a firey orange glow.
(Yay! Could you possibly have one of your princes or the king summon him so that I can get him into the story? If not it's ok)

shai giggled happily as she sat in the fort with her father looking around. "Oh papa papa we need a door!" She said pointing to the open hole were they came in at

(I may need to tweak his summoning ability a bit to bring him in if I use Dei-Loki to summon him, as he was adopted into the family. I hope this is okay, but it's the only way I can see bringing him in.)

"A door, eh?" Alistair questioned as he shifted to look to the open entryway. Rubbing his chin in thought for a moment, a smirk forming as he then pulled his hand away to snap his fingers. "One of the spare wood boards should do nicely, don't you think?"


"You really think the threat is within the Royal Guard?" Malvo blinked, looking to Dei-Loki as he nodded.

"Watching that whole ordeal with the Knight Commander brought something else t' the light, fer me. A feeling that I ended up getting back when we brought the others here for a visit. I'm not saying the Commander is the issue, but someone else here is. We may have found the reason why there are so few guards, but I won't be alright until that threatening feeling is no longer here. I can't... I can't have anyone else get hurt." Dei-Loki exhaled heavily.

"Just like that day all over again..." Malvo muttered, looking down as a bag of negativity began to crush her. But, in an instant, she stood tall - and fought the weight of sorrow, regret and so much more while releasing a growl. "Y' really think Maliath can help us?"

Dei-Loki gave a nod. "It's better t' have more than just us looking into this. Normally, I'd alert everyone else, but we can't have whoever is here catching on. Makes me happy that dad taught Akumu and I how to summon him..." The two soon slowed to a stop in a secluded area of the palace. Dei-Loki soon sticking his hand out and concentrating so he could summon whom they needed. His language switching to that of ancient Màkrish tongue, speaking out a sentence that would be translated to; "Maliath, house Alaois calls for your aid."

"Well I've mostly just set up, but I do have my pride and joy, Chrysilis." He sets Chrysilis on the table and takes out the crystal. "A weapon powered by the Brodian Crystals of my homeland, with a sleek casing of Brodikainium. It fires a beam of energy from this crystal." At this he holds up the crystal, it glows with a firey orange glow.

Chloe could be seen marveling briefly at the weapon before her gaze locked onto the crystal the moment it would glow as a look of wonder had shown on her eyes. She'd heard tales of such a beautiful power source, but, surprisingly, she was never able to come across any. No matter where she'd travel. And, before her treasure hunting instincts could bleed through enough to be noticeable, her eyes had closed as she grinned. "Seems powerful. I'd love to see it in action sometime."
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(I may need to tweak his summoning ability a bit to bring him in if I use Dei-Loki to summon him, as he was adopted into the family. I hope this is okay, but it's the only way I can see bringing him in.)

"A door, eh?" Alistair questioned as he shifted to look to the open entryway. Rubbing his chin in thought for a moment, a smirk forming as he then pulled his hand away to snap his fingers. "One of the spare wood boards should do nicely, don't you think?"


"You really think the threat is within the Royal Guard?" Malvo blinked, looking to Dei-Loki as he nodded.

"Watching that whole ordeal with the Knight Commander brought something else t' the light, fer me. A feeling that I ended up getting back when we brought the others here for a visit. I'm not saying the Commander is the issue, but someone else here is. We may have found the reason why there are so few guards, but I won't be alright until that threatening feeling is no longer here. I can't... I can't have anyone else get hurt." Dei-Loki exhaled heavily.

"Just like that day all over again..." Malvo muttered, looking down as a bag of negativity began to crush her. But, in an instant, she stood tall - and fought the weight of sorrow, regret and so much more while releasing a growl. "Y' really think Maliath can help us?"

Dei-Loki gave a nod. "It's better t' have more than just us looking into this. Normally, I'd alert everyone else, but we can't have whoever is here catching on. Makes me happy that dad taught Akumu and I how to summon him..." The two soon slowed to a stop in a secluded area of the palace. Dei-Loki soon sticking his hand out and concentrating so he could summon whom they needed. His language switching to that of ancient Màkrish tongue, speaking out a sentence that would be translated to; "Maliath, house Alaois calls for your aid."

Chloe could be seen marveling briefly at the weapon before her gaze locked onto the crystal the moment it would glow as a look of wonder had shown on her eyes. She'd heard tales of such a beautiful power source, but, surprisingly, she was never able to come across any. No matter where she'd travel. And, before her treasure hunting instincts could bleed through enough to be noticeable, her eyes had closed as she grinned. "Seems powerful. I'd love to see it in action sometime."

(Fine with me I'll just say anyone in the family of the king may summon him)

"yeah yeah!" She cheered
Buh'roham smiled. "Well I'll show you some time. These crystals can do anything if you know how to use them. They're inherently magical, so they were used by the Am Brodian Mages and Manipulaters alike." His eyes grew sad for an instant but quickly looked happy again. "These crystals are only found in Am Brodian territory or by sheer chance in deep caverns. Ah how I'd love to go adventuring again. Maybe when the Blight is defeated." 


@Forever J

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