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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

(Fine with me I'll just say anyone in the family of the king may summon him)

"yeah yeah!" She cheered

With a light chuckle, he nodded and looked to her. "Alright, one moment." He spoke, heading back out to grab the wood.

Buh'roham smiled. "Well I'll show you some time. These crystals can do anything if you know how to use them. They're inherently magical, so they were used by the Am Brodian Mages and Manipulaters alike." His eyes grew sad for an instant but quickly looked happy again. "These crystals are only found in Am Brodian territory or by sheer chance in deep caverns. Ah how I'd love to go adventuring again. Maybe when the Blight is defeated." 


@Forever J

Chloe noticed the bit of sadness that circled in his eyes for that brief moment. Her brow soon perking as she'd then managed a small smile - her eyes closing. "I wouldn't mind lending myself as company when this whole thing is through. I love adventuring."

Reaver quirked a brow at this, glancing over to the two as he'd pocket his hands.

@Forever J
With a light chuckle, he nodded and looked to her. "Alright, one moment." He spoke, heading back out to grab the wood.

Chloe noticed the bit of sadness that circled in his eyes for that brief moment. Her brow soon perking as she'd then managed a small smile - her eyes closing. "I wouldn't mind lending myself as company when this whole thing is through. I love adventuring."

Reaver quirked a brow at this, glancing over to the two as he'd pocket his hands.

@Forever J

"Yes papa!" Shai said happily as she looked around the place some more

(just tag me when you summon maliath ok ^-^)
With a light chuckle, he nodded and looked to her. "Alright, one moment." He spoke, heading back out to grab the wood.

Chloe noticed the bit of sadness that circled in his eyes for that brief moment. Her brow soon perking as she'd then managed a small smile - her eyes closing. "I wouldn't mind lending myself as company when this whole thing is through. I love adventuring."

Reaver quirked a brow at this, glancing over to the two as he'd pocket his hands.

@Forever J

Graham perked up after hearing this. He looked towards Chloe and then to Reaver. 
Buh'roham laughed and looked warmly at her. "Haha! Well in that case I gladly accept! And who knows? In times like these, adventures are always around the corner. Our chance may come sooner than anticipated." His gaze grew darker and he turned to The King. "I suppose I should ask. How goes the efforts against the Blight?" 


@Forever J
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"Yes papa!" Shai said happily as she looked around the place some more

(just tag me when you summon maliath ok ^-^)

Soon, Alistair would return with a plank of wood that would sit over the entry way, just big enough to remain propped up even with the small gap he left so he could get back in. "There we go."

Buh'roham laughed and looked warmly at her. "Haha! Well in that case I gladly accept! And who knows? In times like these, adventures are always around the corner. Our chance may come sooner than anticipated." His gaze grew darker and he turned to The King. "I suppose I should ask. How goes the efforts against the Blight?" 


@Forever J

Reaver returned Graham's look. Hands remaining in his pockets.

"Very true." Chloe agreed before then glancing over to Adrian with a gentle sigh.

Adrian, listening to the conversation even though he'd been looking over a few papers, spoke; "We've managed to push them back a bit, but we still aren't sure who's at the reins of this whole thing. And, without that information, there's no putting an end to it."

@Forever J
[SIZE= inherit]"You really think the threat is within the Royal Guard?" [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]Malvo blinked, looking to Dei-Loki as he nodded.[/SIZE]

"Watching that whole ordeal with the Knight Commander brought something else t' the light, fer me. A feeling that I ended up getting back when we brought the others here for a visit. I'm not saying the Commander is the issue, but someone else here is. We may have found the reason why there are so few guards, but I won't be alright until that threatening feeling is no longer here. I can't... I can't have anyone else get hurt." Dei-Loki exhaled heavily.

"Just like that day all over again..." Malvo muttered, looking down as a bag of negativity began to crush her. But, in an instant, she stood tall - and fought the weight of sorrow, regret and so much more while releasing a growl. "Y' really think Maliath can help us?"

Dei-Loki gave a nod. "It's better t' have more than just us looking into this. Normally, I'd alert everyone else, but we can't have whoever is here catching on. Makes me happy that dad taught Akumu and I how to summon him..." The two soon slowed to a stop in a secluded area of the palace. Dei-Loki soon sticking his hand out and concentrating so he could summon whom they needed. His language switching to that of ancient Màkrish tongue, speaking out a sentence that would be translated to; "Maliath, house Alaois calls for your aid."

@Daniel reaving
(I may need to tweak his summoning ability a bit to bring him in if I use Dei-Loki to summon him, as he was adopted into the family. I hope this is okay, but it's the only way I can see bringing him in.)

"A door, eh?" Alistair questioned as he shifted to look to the open entryway. Rubbing his chin in thought for a moment, a smirk forming as he then pulled his hand away to snap his fingers. "One of the spare wood boards should do nicely, don't you think?"


"You really think the threat is within the Royal Guard?" Malvo blinked, looking to Dei-Loki as he nodded.

"Watching that whole ordeal with the Knight Commander brought something else t' the light, fer me. A feeling that I ended up getting back when we brought the others here for a visit. I'm not saying the Commander is the issue, but someone else here is. We may have found the reason why there are so few guards, but I won't be alright until that threatening feeling is no longer here. I can't... I can't have anyone else get hurt." Dei-Loki exhaled heavily.

"Just like that day all over again..." Malvo muttered, looking down as a bag of negativity began to crush her. But, in an instant, she stood tall - and fought the weight of sorrow, regret and so much more while releasing a growl. "Y' really think Maliath can help us?"

Dei-Loki gave a nod. "It's better t' have more than just us looking into this. Normally, I'd alert everyone else, but we can't have whoever is here catching on. Makes me happy that dad taught Akumu and I how to summon him..." The two soon slowed to a stop in a secluded area of the palace. Dei-Loki soon sticking his hand out and concentrating so he could summon whom they needed. His language switching to that of ancient Màkrish tongue, speaking out a sentence that would be translated to; "Maliath, house Alaois calls for your aid."

Chloe could be seen marveling briefly at the weapon before her gaze locked onto the crystal the moment it would glow as a look of wonder had shown on her eyes. She'd heard tales of such a beautiful power source, but, surprisingly, she was never able to come across any. No matter where she'd travel. And, before her treasure hunting instincts could bleed through enough to be noticeable, her eyes had closed as she grinned. "Seems powerful. I'd love to see it in action sometime."

As soon as he said the words the area around them seemed to darken. An aura of ancient evil and dread filling the area as a blood red fire appeared just at the boys feet then shot out in many directions gliding across the floor as it drew out a symbol, a demonic one.


once the flame was done making the demonic circle the flame grew bright before becoming A portal in the floor


then from it slowly maliath rose. His body dark and black his arms crossed across his chest as he rose from the portal in this frozen position. Then slowly his body started to ignite from the feet up the energy crawling up his body as he lit up his eye glowing bright as a burst of flame erupted from his head then the portal closed leaving the demon circle scorched into the floor. Slowly he looked from the two before he turned his hole attention to Loki. "What.... do you need of me my prince?" He asked in a demonic voice

Soon, Alistair would return with a plank of wood that would sit over the entry way, just big enough to remain propped up even with the small gap he left so he could get back in. "There we go."

Reaver returned Graham's look. Hands remaining in his pockets.

"Very true." Chloe agreed before then glancing over to Adrian with a gentle sigh.

Adrian, listening to the conversation even though he'd been looking over a few papers, spoke; "We've managed to push them back a bit, but we still aren't sure who's at the reins of this whole thing. And, without that information, there's no putting an end to it."

@Forever J

"Yay!" She said happily before giggling happily and clapping her hands
Buh'roham shook his head, but said nothing. "Enough of this talk of war! If we're among friends and family we should talk about our adventures! Misadventures! Great Hunts for beasts of Legend." He turned to Chloe. "What do you do around here?" 


@Forever J
As soon as he said the words the area around them seemed to darken. An aura of ancient evil and dread filling the area as a blood red fire appeared just at the boys feet then shot out in many directions gliding across the floor as it drew out a symbol, a demonic one.

View attachment 214927

once the flame was done making the demonic circle the flame grew bright before becoming A portal in the floor

View attachment 214928

then from it slowly maliath rose. His body dark and black his arms crossed across his chest as he rose from the portal in this frozen position. Then slowly his body started to ignite from the feet up the energy crawling up his body as he lit up his eye glowing bright as a burst of flame erupted from his head then the portal closed leaving the demon circle scorched into the floor. Slowly he looked from the two before he turned his hole attention to Loki. "What.... do you need of me my prince?" He asked in a demonic voice

"Yay!" She said happily before giggling happily and clapping her hands

Dei-Loki would then lower his hand, watching as the demon awakened before both he and Malvo. His voice soon being heard once more. "There seems to be a bit of treason going on within the Royal Guard. We need an extra set of eyes surveying the situation."


Alistair chuckled, sitting beside her once again as he ruffled her hair.

Buh'roham shook his head, but said nothing. "Enough of this talk of war! If we're among friends and family we should talk about our adventures! Misadventures! Great Hunts for beasts of Legend." He turned to Chloe. "What do you do around here?" 


@Forever J

Chloe would blink regarding the question, soon managing a small smile before rubbing the back of her head. "Oh! Not much. At least, not anymore. I'm usually too far from home to play part in the palace, other than being a family member."

@Forever J
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Dei-Loki would then lower his hand, watching as the demon awakened before both he and Malvo. His voice soon being heard once more. "There seems to be a bit of treason going on within the Royal Guard. We need an extra set of eyes surveying the situation."


Alistair chuckled, sitting beside her once again as he ruffled her hair.

Chloe would blink regarding the question, soon managing a small smile before rubbing the back of her head. "Oh! Not much. At least, not anymore. I'm usually too far from home to play part in the palace, other than being a family member."

"As you wish my lord." He said to him as he stood there before looking to the other person. "And if I may ask..... who is this?" He asked pointing a finger at the other


shai giggled happily and hugged her fathers arm
"As you wish my lord." He said to him as he stood there before looking to the other person. "And if I may ask..... who is this?" He asked pointing a finger at the other


shai giggled happily and hugged her fathers arm

Dei-Loki lifted his brow, looking over to Malvo before looking back to Maliath. "This is my twin and... Nightmare equivalent, Princess Malvo."

Malvo quietly huffed at the princess bit, but gave a nod in greeting.


Alistair held onto his grin, watching as she'd done so before looking around the fort. "Alright, what's next?"

Buh'roham's brow lifted with curiosity. "Are you an adventurer or something else?" He liked this kid. Anyone for an adventure was a friend of his! 


@Forever J

Chloe seemed to oddly tense, not that it was noticeable right off the bat. Having had answered this question before, it provided her with a fluent form of answering. Because, in reality, one could say she is an adventurer. Especially with her travels to back her. So, still keeping her smile, she replied; "I am an adventurer, yes."

@Forever J
Dei-Loki lifted his brow, looking over to Malvo before looking back to Maliath. "This is my twin and... Nightmare equivalent, Princess Malvo."

Malvo quietly huffed at the princess bit, but gave a nod in greeting.


Alistair held onto his grin, watching as she'd done so before looking around the fort. "Alright, what's next?"

Chloe seemed to oddly tense, not that it was noticeable right off the bat. Having had answered this question before, it provided her with a fluent form of answering. Because, in reality, one could say she is an adventurer. Especially with her travels to back her. So, still keeping her smile, she replied; "I am an adventurer, yes."

@Forever J

"And why wasn't I notified of this sooner?" He asked curiously as the king said he'd notify him of any additions to the family.


"hmmmmm oh oh a flag!!" She said to him happily
"And why wasn't I notified of this sooner?" He asked curiously as the king said he'd notify him of any additions to the family.


"hmmmmm oh oh a flag!!" She said to him happily

"It was a secret for a long time, and for... good reason. Not time mention, we've hardly been around t' remind him."


"A flag?" Alistair thought to himself, wondering what they could use.
Buh'roham looked happy. His mind however was buzzing with questions. Observing his surroundings was second nature to him and he noticed the looks the lovers were giving him, and how tense Chloe looked. His face revealed nothing however. "Always a pleasure to meet a fellow adventurer! Perhaps one day we can trade stories and tips on not getting killed by monsters." 


@Forever J
"It was a secret for a long time, and for... good reason. Not time mention, we've hardly been around t' remind him."


"A flag?" Alistair thought to himself, wondering what they could use.

"Well I wish he would have told me sooner. Has she been taught how to summon me?" He asked him softly 


"yeah yeah!" She said happily
Buh'roham looked happy. His mind however was buzzing with questions. Observing his surroundings was second nature to him and he noticed the looks the lovers were giving him, and how tense Chloe looked. His face revealed nothing however. "Always a pleasure to meet a fellow adventurer! Perhaps one day we can trade stories and tips on not getting killed by monsters." 


@Forever J

"Perhaps." Chloe nodded, a smile on her face. "I'm always up for new strategies."

"Well I wish he would have told me sooner. Has she been taught how to summon me?" He asked him softly 


"yeah yeah!" She said happily

"Not yet, no." Dei-Loki shook his head, his hands soon having pocketed.


With a click of his tongue, Alistair soon smirked before undoing his scarf. "Here, we can use this."
"Perhaps." Chloe nodded, a smile on her face. "I'm always up for new strategies."

"Not yet, no." Dei-Loki shook his head, his hands soon having pocketed.


With a click of his tongue, Alistair soon smirked before undoing his scarf. "Here, we can use this."

He sighed a little and turned to her bending down to where his face was close to hers. "Then I will teach her." He said as he gently brought a hand to the side of her head and stared into her eyes with his as the abilities to summon him surged through her mind


"ok papa!" She said bappilyhappily
Buh'roham nodded at her before looking at the rest of them. "I must say, I'm notoriously bad at this small talk stuff. I've barely talked to anyone in years. Been busy. Except tavern bartenders. They hear a lot of rumors, though when they talk about haunted houses be careful. Ghosts are surprisingly strong for being incorporeal." He laughed. 


@Forever J
He sighed a little and turned to her bending down to where his face was close to hers. "Then I will teach her." He said as he gently brought a hand to the side of her head and stared into her eyes with his as the abilities to summon him surged through her mind


"ok papa!" She said bappilyhappily

Malvo would watch, flinching slightly as the information was forced into her mind. Dei-Loki watching in silence.


Alistair snickered and nodded with a smile, looking to her. "Come on and help me find a stick to tie this to as a flag pole."

Buh'roham nodded at her before looking at the rest of them. "I must say, I'm notoriously bad at this small talk stuff. I've barely talked to anyone in years. Been busy. Except tavern bartenders. They hear a lot of rumors, though when they talk about haunted houses be careful. Ghosts are surprisingly strong for being incorporeal." He laughed. 


@Forever J

Reaver lifted his brows at the mention of ghosts, shifting as he'd remove his hands from his pockets with a gentle sigh. Soon managing a very slight smirk. "Well... For someone that isn't good with small talk, yer doing well."
Malvo would watch, flinching slightly as the information was forced into her mind. Dei-Loki watching in silence.


Alistair snickered and nodded with a smile, looking to her. "Come on and help me find a stick to tie this to as a flag pole."

Reaver lifted his brows at the mention of ghosts, shifting as he'd remove his hands from his pockets with a gentle sigh. Soon managing a very slight smirk. "Well... For someone that isn't good with small talk, yer doing well."

He stood there staring deeply into her eyes as he let just a little more abilities into her that she would be able to find out later but with that came sick, sinister, demented thoughts before he slowly moved away gently removing his hand from her head as thin blood red strands of energy appeared between his hand and her head before breaking off his hand and quickly disappearing inside of her head. "There you go. My lady." Be said to her


"yes papa!" She said quickly as she crawled out quickly and got clear of the fort and quickly turned into her Dragon form and jumped into a tree with a bunch of snapping sounds from the breaking branches as she clung on and took a rather big and thick branch in her jaws ripping it off before jumping off the tree nearly breaking it as she landed near the fort with the brand that was way i big for what they were looking for
"Why thank you my fellow inventor! By the way, are you working on any current projects?" 


@Forever J

"As a matter of fact, I am." Reaver cocked his brow before closing his eyes and lifting his hands - giving a shrug. "I'm working - once again - on crafting a wing suit of sorts. It's nothing too special, but it should provide steady transportation for anyone heading down a slope or a cliff."

"Just promise you won't be jumping off the palace roof to test it again..." Zuzana huffed. Adrian looking over to her and nodding before then looking over to his younger brother.

"We don't need you breaking something again, especially if it's on yourself." The King would bring up as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I needed t' gain momentum somehow! Plus, how was I supposed t' know the roof was slippery? There hadn't been any rain or anything that day." And, trailing his words, Reaver sighed.

He stood there staring deeply into her eyes as he let just a little more abilities into her that she would be able to find out later but with that came sick, sinister, demented thoughts before he slowly moved away gently removing his hand from her head as thin blood red strands of energy appeared between his hand and her head before breaking off his hand and quickly disappearing inside of her head. "There you go. My lady." Be said to her


"yes papa!" She said quickly as she crawled out quickly and got clear of the fort and quickly turned into her Dragon form and jumped into a tree with a bunch of snapping sounds from the breaking branches as she clung on and took a rather big and thick branch in her jaws ripping it off before jumping off the tree nearly breaking it as she landed near the fort with the brand that was way i big for what they were looking for

Being a creature of the Nightmare Realm,  as well as being one of the Shadow Wardens that had been dragon bonded, the visions didn't seem to bother her at all. Though, the flow of knowledge did seem to give her a bit of a headache. The additions of a few other abilities not having aided in removing the temporary pain.

Dei-Loki watched as Maliath pulled his hand away, looking to his Nightmare equivalent as he lowered his ears. "Y' alright?.." The moment Malvo nodded, he sighed in relief.


Alistair would exit the fort with Shai, watching as she went off to find the stick - only to come back with one far larger than what they needed. Cocking his brow, he smirked slightly. "We may need one smaller than that."
"As a matter of fact, I am." Reaver cocked his brow before closing his eyes and lifting his hands - giving a shrug. "I'm working - once again - on crafting a wing suit of sorts. It's nothing too special, but it should provide steady transportation for anyone heading down a slope or a cliff."

"Just promise you won't be jumping off the palace roof to test it again..." Zuzana huffed. Adrian looking over to her and nodding before then looking over to his younger brother.

"We don't need you breaking something again, especially if it's on yourself." The King would bring up as he leaned back and crossed his arms.

"I needed t' gain momentum somehow! Plus, how was I supposed t' know the roof was slippery? There hadn't been any rain or anything that day." And, trailing his words, Reaver sighed.

Being a creature of the Nightmare Realm,  as well as being one of the Shadow Wardens that had been dragon bonded, the visions didn't seem to bother her at all. Though, the flow of knowledge did seem to give her a bit of a headache. The additions of a few other abilities not having aided in removing the temporary pain.

Dei-Loki watched as Maliath pulled his hand away, looking to his Nightmare equivalent as he lowered his ears. "Y' alright?.." The moment Malvo nodded, he sighed in relief.


Alistair would exit the fort with Shai, watching as she went off to find the stick - only to come back with one far larger than what they needed. Cocking his brow, he smirked slightly. "We may need one smaller than that."

"Do not worry. Usually people react worse to what I just did so she will be fine." He said to him


she groaned and bit down on a smaller branch on the big one and ripped it off 
Buh'roham searched his mind. "A Winged Apparatus? Sounds cool. I might be able to help. The Am Brodian crystals, when powered correctly, allow items to hover. The Am Brod only ever used it on small tables, so they could walk around without holding anything. A bit lazy in my opinion. More to the point, with time and experimentation you could fly like a dragon. Just not as awe inspiring. Sorry." Buh'roham laughed, implying a joke. "That is, if you want my help or to just experiment on your own." While he would love to help, he didn't want to intrude on another inventors work. 


@Forever J

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