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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

"Cookiedouuuuuugh." Reaver replied, soon pocketing his hands as he followed. "Please."

"I could go for some Neapolitan." Malvo answered, cocking a brow and looking over as she heard Dei-Loki snicker. "What?"

"Of cooouuuuurse y' could." He then stumbled a bit, snickering after Malvo shoved him. "Cookies n' cream, fer me."

Graham nodded with his usual smile and bought the ice-cream without a hitch. Sitting down at a booth, Graham handed each of their ice-creams to them and ate his own, mint chocolate chip. "Mint chocolate is so delicious." He enjoyed each lick of the ice-cream, the slightly green ice-cream getting on his plump, bottom lip. He licked it off and continued to eat.
Graham nodded with his usual smile and bought the ice-cream without a hitch. Sitting down at a booth, Graham handed each of their ice-creams to them and ate his own, mint chocolate chip. "Mint chocolate is so delicious." He enjoyed each lick of the ice-cream, the slightly green ice-cream getting on his plump, bottom lip. He licked it off and continued to eat.

Reaver, whom also sat once they got to the booth, took his ice cream with a happy sigh. His body leaning back as he'd happily enjoyed his own. Occasionally managing to lick free a couple balls of cookie dough that had been mixed in with the frozen treat. The effort causing a bit of the vanilla ice cream to cling to his nose. Though, every now and again he'd find himself looking up at Graham. Part of him just ensuring that he was, in fact, still present.

Dei-Loki and Malvo, both across from each other, would eat their ice cream, as well. Malvo holding a smile on her face. "Been away so long, I forgot how good the ice cream was here."
"Cookiedouuuuuugh." Reaver replied, soon pocketing his hands as he followed. "Please?"

"I could go for some Neapolitan." Malvo answered, cocking a brow and looking over as she heard Dei-Loki snicker. "What?"

"Of cooouuuuurse y' could." He then stumbled a bit, snickering after Malvo shoved him. "Cookies n' cream, fer me."

Alistair looked to Shai once more, lifting a brow as he noticed her slightly hide before having leaned back over to get back to work. A small smile returning to his face. "Shall we make this fort so it puts a roof over our heads, or shall we leave it open for a nice view of the sky?"


"Roof." She said to him as she kept building happily
Buh'roham kneeled down to her eye level, with a kind expression on his face. "Hello Little Dragon. I have come to humbly ask for your forgiveness and, if you'll let me, your permission in helping you to build THE coolest snow fort in the world." 


@Daniel reaving
Reaver, whom also sat once they got to the booth, took his ice cream with a happy sigh. His body leaning back as he'd happily enjoyed his own. Occasionally managing to lick free a couple balls of cookie dough that had been mixed in with the frozen treat. The effort causing a bit of the vanilla ice cream to cling to his nose. Though, every now and again he'd find himself looking up at Graham. Part of him just ensuring that he was, in fact, still present.

Dei-Loki and Malvo, both across from each other, would eat their ice cream, as well. Malvo holding a smile on her face. "Been away so long, I forgot how good the ice cream was here."

Graham nodded. "Same here, i miss the ice-cream like how a baby misses his mother." Graham looked up after feeling the eyes back on him again to see Reaver glancing at him. "What's wrong? Do i have something on my face again?"
Buh'roham kneeled down to her eye level, with a kind expression on his face. "Hello Little Dragon. I have come to humbly ask for your forgiveness and, if you'll let me, your permission in helping you to build THE coolest snow fort in the world." 


@Daniel reaving

Shai looked at him hesitantly before she walked over to him and reached up trying to take

his hand but she was to small to reach it
Buh'roham laughed and helped the Commander and the Little Dragon with the coolest snow fort in the world. 


@Daniel reaving

Alistair listened, his gaze moving back and forth between the two before he chuckled and went back to building, as well.

@Daniel reaving

Graham nodded. "Same here, i miss the ice-cream like how a baby misses his mother." Graham looked up after feeling the eyes back on him again to see Reaver glancing at him. "What's wrong? Do i have something on my face again?"

Reaver blinked a few times, eventually giving him a closed eye smile. His tail loosely curling around his waist as he shook his head. "Nothin'. Everything's fine."
Reaver blinked a few times, eventually giving him a closed eye smile. His tail loosely curling around his waist as he shook his head. "Nothin'. Everything's fine."

"Why do you and Dei do that? You have something on your mind, but you never say it. Come on~, tell me, please?"
"Why do you and Dei do that? You have something on your mind, but you never say it. Come on~, tell me, please?"

Dei-Loki looked up at the mention of his name, his brow perking curiously as he watched Reaver shift a bit.

Reaver lowered his ear at that, rubbing the back of his head once he freed one of his hands. "It's... it's silly, but... Well, I... I'm just double checking to ensure none of this is a dream of some sort, is all. I keep thinking I'm gonna end up looking up t' find that none of this really happened..."
Dei-Loki looked up at the mention of his name, his brow perking curiously as he watched Reaver shift a bit.

Reaver lowered his ear at that, rubbing the back of his head once he freed one of his hands. "It's... it's silly, but... Well, I... I'm just double checking to ensure none of this is a dream of some sort, is all. I keep thinking I'm gonna end up looking up t' find that none of this really happened..."

Graham gave a small smile, ". . . i'll never truly leave you, Rea. I care for you deeply and hopefully i won't have to go for a long time, but i am General and a General has to protect his or her country. I'll leave one day, to fight again in war overseas or from a far away place, but you must keep me in your heart so that once i can back, you will love me still. If you can't handle it, that is. I understand if you wanted to date other people if i ever leave again." He lowered his head at this, the smile leaving his lips and darkening his features.
Graham gave a small smile, ". . . i'll never truly leave you, Rea. I care for you deeply and hopefully i won't have to go for a long time, but i am General and a General has to protect his or her country. I'll leave one day, to fight again in war overseas or from a far away place, but you must keep me in your heart so that once i can back, you will love me still. If you can't handle it, that is. I understand if you wanted to date other people if i ever leave again." He lowered his head at this, the smile leaving his lips and darkening his features.

Upon watching the smile run away from Graham's face, Reaver flattened his ears before scooting out of his seat. His body then moved closer to Graham's direction before then leaning a small bit and hugging him tightly. Cheek resting on his shoulder. "I'm willing t' wait. Y've kinda hooked my heart and held it fer a long time, anyway, even if for the majority of the time ya didn't even know. So... Guess that means yer stuck with me."

Malvo watched, a wide smile on her face as her tail had curled. Dei-Loki, on the other hand, had looked confused. His body soon leaning towards Malvo. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Wait, when did they..?" [/COLOR]He quietly questioned as his brow quirked.

"This morning. Now, shush." Malvo whispered in return. A smile still on her face.
Upon watching the smile run away from Graham's face, Reaver flattened his ears before scooting out of his seat. His body then moved closer to Graham's direction before then leaning a small bit and hugging him tightly. Cheek resting on his shoulder. "I'm willing t' wait. Y've kinda hooked my heart and held it fer a long time, anyway, even if for the majority of the time ya didn't even know. So... Guess that means yer stuck with me."

Malvo watched, a wide smile on her face as her tail had curled. Dei-Loki, on the other hand, had looked confused. His body soon leaning towards Malvo. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Wait, when did they..?" [/COLOR]He quietly questioned as his brow quirked.

"This morning. Now, shush." Malvo whispered in return. A smile still on her face.

"And that's absolutely fine with me." He kissed the top of Rea's forehead and smiled. He then looked to the two and the rest of the people nearby. "Alright, no more kisses for you in public."
As Buh'roham continued building the best snow fort, led by his boss the Little Dragon, he asked the Commander. "So Commander, I need to know. How did you come about caring for a baby dragon?" 


@Daniel reaving

"My men and I found her as an egg a few years ago." Alistair smiled, beginning to dig out a doorway. "Decided to bring her back and raise her."

@Daniel reaving

"And that's absolutely fine with me." He kissed the top of Rea's forehead and smiled. He then looked to the two and the rest of the people nearby. "Alright, no more kisses for you in public."

Reaver held his own smile at that, before soon pouting and nodding with a huff. Though, he kept a smirk as he returned to his seat. "Okay."

Dei-Loki and Malvo looked back and forth between the two before then looking to each other - smirking slightly.
Reaver held his own smile at that, before soon pouting and nodding with a huff. Though, he kept a smirk as he returned to his seat. "Okay."

Dei-Loki and Malvo looked back and forth between the two before then looking to each other - smirking slightly.

"Yeah. Go ahead, ask your questions." Graham said with a smile, gesturing with his hand to bring it on.
"Yeah. Go ahead, ask your questions." Graham said with a smile, gesturing with his hand to bring it on.

"Who told who?" Dei-Loki asked as he looked back to Graham."Did you pry the obvious answers out of uncle Reaver, or did y' confess, yerself?"
"Who told who?" Dei-Loki asked as he looked back to Graham."Did you pry the obvious answers out of uncle Reaver, or did y' confess, yerself?"

"I can't tell you who told me, but someone anonymous, told me. Then i went and confronted Rea alone, he explained, and we figured that we would give this a try."
"I can't tell you who told me, but someone anonymous, told me. Then i went and confronted Rea alone, he explained, and we figured that we would give this a try."

"Awwwwwww." Malvo cooed softly, tail wagging.

"Still wish you'd tell me who told you." Reaver blinked.
"Awwwwwww." Malvo cooed softly, tail wagging.

"Still wish you'd tell me who told you." Reaver blinked.

"Sorry, Rea, but you know me. I'm loyal to my promises. If you truly want to find out, ask around the palace and maybe you'll find the anonymous." 
"And there was no dragon guarding it?" 


@Daniel reaving

"Not a dragon in sight." Alistair confirmed while still working to hollow out the inside of the fort.

@Daniel reaving

"Sorry, Rea, but you know me. I'm loyal to my promises. If you truly want to find out, ask around the palace and maybe you'll find the anonymous." 

With a gentle sigh, Reaver had then soon nodded in understanding. His eyes having closed.

Dei-Loki gently flicked an ear, watching them both still.

"When do y' guys plan on telling the others?" Malvo had then asked, her brow having lifted a bit.

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