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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Shai went to loki gently hugging his leg as she looked back to where her father was clearly worried about it

Dei-Loki looked down to Shai before then looking over to the Knight Commander and the... oddly ominous male he'd been speaking with. The short male's emerald eyes having narrowed slightly before his look softened as he looked down to Shai. "Perfect weather for a day in the snow, isn't it? It even gets pretty high. Especially here." He would bring up - lightly ruffling Shai's hair to remove the snowflakes from it with a bit of hope towards being a bit of s distraction. "Do y' wish t' continue t' play?" 

Dei-Loki's gaze would then briefly shift to his follower, "The stables are to the left of the palace, if you desire t' rest yer mare. If anyone asks, just tell them I sent you. Or, better yet..." He'd then appear to mutter a spell, as a lookalike of himself would step out of his shadow. Looking to his doppelganger, he spoke. "You will accompany this man until he is granted a room by the King. Is that understood?"

The doppelganger would then nod, glancing to the one that was previously greeted at the gate with a blank expression before gesturing him to follow. Soon starting in the direction of the stables.

Dei-Loki looked down to Shai before then looking over to the Knight Commander and the... oddly ominous male he'd been speaking with. The short male's emerald eyes having narrowed slightly before his look softened as he looked down to Shai. "Perfect weather for a day in the snow, isn't it? It even gets pretty high. Especially here." He would bring up - lightly ruffling Shai's hair to remove the snowflakes from it with a bit of hope towards being a bit of s distraction. "Do y' wish t' continue t' play?" 

Dei-Loki's gaze would then briefly shift to his follower, "The stables are to the left of the palace, if you desire t' rest yer mare. If anyone asks, just tell them I sent you. Or, better yet..." He'd then appear to mutter a spell, as a lookalike of himself would step out of his shadow. Looking to his doppelganger, he spoke. "You will accompany this man until he is granted a room by the King. Is that understood?"

The doppelganger would then nod, glancing to the one that was previously greeted at the gate with a blank expression before gesturing him to follow. Soon starting in the direction of the stables.


Shai nodded quickly her mind being taken off her father a little bit by the words of playing in the snow. "Lets build a snow fort!" She said to him
Alistair listened while Axl had spoken. A gentle sigh sneaking from him before he'd return Shai's hug. Keeping a reassuring smile as he nodded. "I'll be sure to do so, princess." he would reply. a mental exhale escaping him upon hearing the threat. It had oddly made him proud, even if it was a show of pure instinct. And, as he watched her go, he would slowly stand once more before then giving his attention back to Axl. "Alright... What is it you wish to talk about, then..?"

Dei-Loki kept his eyes closed, half expecting the newcomer at the gate to follow him back. However, the short wolven lad in royal attire soon took pause and looked up to see Shai running in his direction. A brow perking out of curiosity.

@DrBezendrine, @HikaruxKaoru, @TheCountryWarrior

Axl let out a long sigh, then chuckled, putting his creepily jolly grin back over his mouth. "It-eh... It seems like my 'allowance' is a little... off." He raised his eyebrows on 'off' and leaned on Alistair's shoulder, facing forward and now talking with his hands, over dramatically.

"Did you, happen to up your guard's pay or, am I missing something here?" He sighed again. "I like money. You. Like money. Heh, I like your money. It just doesn't work out when your guards like it too. Because then I have less to count," He explained, "And I loooooove counting, Alistair. So, uh... To make up for that lost time I could have spent counting, how about..." He trailed off, seemingly deep in thought. 

Then, a snap of the fingers echoed in the knight's ear like a whip. "Ah, yes... Either the lost coin, or a few of your guards. So you never have to raise pay again! Because there will be less of them to pay, right?" He set his price and whipped around in front of Alistair, hands behind his back. "Can't have any exceptions here. Now, how much time do you need to decide? Few seconds? Like... five? Oh! Oh wait, don't even say anything I've got it." He gave an evil smirk, "Now. This very moment."

His voice seemed to boom a little more then usual as he straightened himself up and shrugged, the same grin on his face.

Shai nodded quickly her mind being taken off her father a little bit by the words of playing in the snow. "Lets build a snow fort!" She said to him

"A snow fort?" He would reply as he looked away from his doppelganger and over to Shai. "Alright, seems easy enough. Shall it be a big snow fort?" he questioned, briefly looking to both Axl and Alistair out of the corner of his eye as he awaited the little dragon girl's reply. If not for this, he would've confronted the threatening male head on. That didn't stop the wolfish demigod from keeping an ear out, though.

Axl let out a long sigh, then chuckled, putting his creepily jolly grin back over his mouth. "It-eh... It seems like my 'allowance' is a little... off." He raised his eyebrows on 'off' and leaned on Alistair's shoulder, facing forward and now talking with his hands, over dramatically.

"Did you, happen to up your guard's pay or, am I missing something here?" He sighed again. "I like money. You. Like money. Heh, I like your money. It just doesn't work out when your guards like it too. Because then I have less to count," He explained, "And I loooooove counting, Alistair. So, uh... To make up for that lost time I could have spent counting, how about..." He trailed off, seemingly deep in thought. 

Then, a snap of the fingers echoed in the knight's ear like a whip. "Ah, yes... Either the lost coin, or a few of your guards. So you never have to raise pay again! Because there will be less of them to pay, right?" He set his price and whipped around in front of Alistair, hands behind his back. "Can't have any exceptions here. Now, how much time do you need to decide? Few seconds? Like... five? Oh! Oh wait, don't even say anything I've got it." He gave an evil smirk, "Now. This very moment."

His voice seemed to boom a little more then usual as he straightened himself up and shrugged, the same grin on his face.


Alistair clenched his fists, but proceeded in his best attempt to keep calm. A mental flinch occurring after hearing the snap. And, with a sigh, he'd shift on his feet and watch as Alistair had turned around. Though Axl claimed to give no exceptions, he spoke in request, anyway. "We've already cut back on security so much, I only have half the men I previously had in the beginning of the year, and that has left the Guard Captain and I on a bit of a tight leash. Surely you can be a bit more lenient when it comes to coin? The year's been rough, especially with the blighters..."
Alistair clenched his fists, but proceeded in his best attempt to keep calm. A mental flinch occurring after hearing the snap. And, with a sigh, he'd shift on his feet and watch as Alistair had turned around. Though Axl claimed to give no exceptions, he spoke in request, anyway. "We've already cut back on security so much, I only have half the men I previously had in the beginning of the year, and that has left the Guard Captain and I on a bit of a tight leash. Surely you can be a bit more lenient when it comes to coin? The year's been rough, especially with the blighters..."

"Alistair... I am a reasonable guy. Am I not being reasonable here?" He asked rhetorically. "Just provide me with the coin, which is the easy option... Or just go with the hard option, and I get to choose who I take." Axl said, "No exceptions. Now, in the future, because you have been so nice to me and so, cooperative, I... may just be kind enough to find you some men that you don't have to pay." He chuckled at this, a flash in his deep yellow eyes.

"And I am lazy when it comes to cleaning this beast, so please chose the easy option. I don't want to work tonight." He gripped his great sword handle at the mention of beast as he spun around to face Alistair. "I said please, didn't I?" 

"A snow fort?" He would reply as he looked away from his doppelganger and over to Shai. "Alright, seems easy enough. Shall it be a big snow fort?" he questioned, briefly looking to both Axl and Alistair out of the corner of his eye as he awaited the little dragon girl's reply. If not for this, he would've confronted the threatening male head on. That didn't stop the wolfish demigod from keeping an ear out, though.

Alistair clenched his fists, but proceeded in his best attempt to keep calm. A mental flinch occurring after hearing the snap. And, with a sigh, he'd shift on his feet and watch as Alistair had turned around. Though Axl claimed to give no exceptions, he spoke in request, anyway. "We've already cut back on security so much, I only have half the men I previously had in the beginning of the year, and that has left the Guard Captain and I on a bit of a tight leash. Surely you can be a bit more lenient when it comes to coin? The year's been rough, especially with the blighters..."

Shai smiled 

"A snow fort?" He would reply as he looked away from his doppelganger and over to Shai. "Alright, seems easy enough. Shall it be a big snow fort?" he questioned, briefly looking to both Axl and Alistair out of the corner of his eye as he awaited the little dragon girl's reply. If not for this, he would've confronted the threatening male head on. That didn't stop the wolfish demigod from keeping an ear out, though.

Alistair clenched his fists, but proceeded in his best attempt to keep calm. A mental flinch occurring after hearing the snap. And, with a sigh, he'd shift on his feet and watch as Alistair had turned around. Though Axl claimed to give no exceptions, he spoke in request, anyway. "We've already cut back on security so much, I only have half the men I previously had in the beginning of the year, and that has left the Guard Captain and I on a bit of a tight leash. Surely you can be a bit more lenient when it comes to coin? The year's been rough, especially with the blighters..."

"Alistair... I am a reasonable guy. Am I not being reasonable here?" He asked rhetorically. "Just provide me with the coin, which is the easy option... Or just go with the hard option, and I get to choose who I take." Axl said, "No exceptions. Now, in the future, because you have been so nice to me and so, cooperative, I... may just be kind enough to find you some men that you don't have to pay." He chuckled at this, a flash in his deep yellow eyes.

"And I am lazy when it comes to cleaning this beast, so please chose the easy option. I don't want to work tonight." He gripped his great sword handle at the mention of beast as he spun around to face Alistair. "I said please, didn't I?" 


Shai smiled happily as she nodded but her ears were to good as she heard the mean mans hand tighten around the sword and her head shot over to him with a look of anger and protective savage instinct as she stood there waiting
Reaver blinked and returned the look after feeling Graham's gaze. A gentle laugh escaping him soon after. "Only as a last resort!"

Malvo watched the two, a wide grin slipping up her face in the process as her arms had crossed.

"Since when did puppy dog eyes become the last resort for ice-cream?"
"Alistair... I am a reasonable guy. Am I not being reasonable here?" He asked rhetorically. "Just provide me with the coin, which is the easy option... Or just go with the hard option, and I get to choose who I take." Axl said, "No exceptions. Now, in the future, because you have been so nice to me and so, cooperative, I... may just be kind enough to find you some men that you don't have to pay." He chuckled at this, a flash in his deep yellow eyes.

"And I am lazy when it comes to cleaning this beast, so please chose the easy option. I don't want to work tonight." He gripped his great sword handle at the mention of beast as he spun around to face Alistair. "I said please, didn't I?" 


Alistair heavily exhaled at that, soon having nodded before patting down his own person in search for his coin pouch - removing it from his belt as his eyes had closed. "Should be enough to cover it... It's all I have on me, at the moment."

Shai smiled 

Shai smiled happily as she nodded but her ears were to good as she heard the mean mans hand tighten around the sword and her head shot over to him with a look of anger and protective savage instinct as she stood there waiting

Dei-Loki would look back over, as well. His eyes having narrowed as he'd listen in on their convo - all the while keeping at Shai's side as he was seconds away from confronting the two. With a sigh, he looked over to Shai and blinked. "No one's getting hurt, I promise y' that."

"Since when did puppy dog eyes become the last resort for ice-cream?"

"We--, I--" Reaver stumbled over his words, an ear lowering before he snickered. "... Ice cream is an exception."
Alistair heavily exhaled at that, soon having nodded before patting down his own person in search for his coin pouch - removing it from his belt as his eyes had closed. "Should be enough to cover it... It's all I have on me, at the moment."

Dei-Loki would look back over, as well. His eyes having narrowed as he'd listen in on their convo - all the while keeping at Shai's side as he was seconds away from confronting the two. With a sigh, he looked over to Shai and blinked. "No one's getting hurt, I promise y' that."

"We--, I--" Reaver stumbled over his words, an ear lowering before he snickered. "... Ice cream is an exception."

"That's a lie. He's stealing papas money." She said quietly as black smoke started to slowly come off her body indicating she was about to attack.
"Yeah, it is. I want ice-cream. That sounds delicious right now."

Reaver's ears instantly perked at the idea, a smile spreading across his face as he watched him. "We could always go get some?"

"That's a lie. He's stealing papas money." She said quietly as black smoke started to slowly come off her body indicating she was about to attack.

"I can see that, now..." Dei-Loki gently sighed, turning his attention to the smoke. "Try and remain calm. We don't need a repeat with what happened the other day. Just give me a moment." It was then that he gave into his urge - leaving another doppelganger by Shai's side as he approached the two. A cold look on the short male's face that had been enough to even scare the Shadow Father - ruler of Shadows and of Shadowheim/the Shadow Realm. And, slowing to a stop, he'd stare up at Axl as the demigod wolven lad would speak up. "Is there a problem here?" his Irish accent rang out, causing Alistair to pause and look over. Eyes wide as he'd noticed Prince Dei-Loki's look. "I'd hate to find out that you were threatening the Knight Commander for the Alaois Royal Guard."

Alistair heavily exhaled at that, soon having nodded before patting down his own person in search for his coin pouch - removing it from his belt as his eyes had closed. "Should be enough to cover it... It's all I have on me, at the moment."

Dei-Loki would look back over, as well. His eyes having narrowed as he'd listen in on their convo - all the while keeping at Shai's side as he was seconds away from confronting the two. With a sigh, he looked over to Shai and blinked. "No one's getting hurt, I promise y' that."

Reaver's ears instantly perked at the idea, a smile spreading across his face as he watched him. "We could always go get some?"

"I can see that, now..." Dei-Loki gently sighed, turning his attention to the smoke. "Try and remain calm. We don't need a repeat with what happened the other day. Just give me a moment." It was then that he gave into his urge - leaving another doppelganger by Shai's side as he approached the two. A cold look on the short male's face that had been enough to even scare the Shadow Father - ruler of Shadows and of Shadowheim/the Shadow Realm. And, slowing to a stop, he'd stare up at Axl as the demigod wolven lad would speak up. "Is there a problem here?" his Irish accent rang out, causing Alistair to pause and look over. Eyes wide as he'd noticed Prince Dei-Loki's look. "I'd hate to find out that you were threatening the Knight Commander for the Alaois Royal Guard."


Axl slowly glanced over and looked the approaching man up and down a few times before cocking his head sideways. "Nooooooo no. Threatening?" He said in disbelief. "I would never threaten anyone. In fact, Alistair here was only making a strategic decision. I did not threaten, as I am an honest man who goes by his word.I do what I say I will do, no exceptions." Anyone who could hear him could sense a sort of pride in his voice as he took the coin. "And he chose the choice that will benefit the guard and me. In fact, I'm feeling heavenly today, knight. I won't even count if this is right."

A slow smirk would appear on his face, "Now if you would be so kind... I like personal space and I must be off. I have plans today and I have stayed far too long." He put a hand on Alistair's shoulder and shook him lightly back in forth. "You saved lives today, sir. They will forever thank your kindness and sacrifice."
"Sounds good with me. Malvo, wanna go with us?"

Malvo lifted her brow at that, still watching the two as she'd pocket her hands. And, with a shrug of her shoulders, she agreed. "Sure. I've got nothing else t' do right now."

Axl slowly glanced over and looked the approaching man up and down a few times before cocking his head sideways. "Nooooooo no. Threatening?" He said in disbelief. "I would never threaten anyone. In fact, Alistair here was only making a strategic decision. I did not threaten, as I am an honest man who goes by his word.I do what I say I will do, no exceptions." Anyone who could hear him could sense a sort of pride in his voice as he took the coin. "And he chose the choice that will benefit the guard and me. In fact, I'm feeling heavenly today, knight. I won't even count if this is right."

A slow smirk would appear on his face, "Now if you would be so kind... I like personal space and I must be off. I have plans today and I have stayed far too long." He put a hand on Alistair's shoulder and shook him lightly back in forth. "You saved lives today, sir. They will forever thank your kindness and sacrifice."

Dei-Loki listened, an unimpressed and somehow bored - small frown accompanying his cold look. Though, he remained quiet, arms at his sides.

Alistair, whom grimaced as he was slightly, literally shaken by Axl, would manage a feint smile as he nodded in an effort to play along, as not to spark anymore question with the young lord. "All in a days work..."
Malvo lifted her brow at that, still watching the two as she'd pocket her hands. And, with a shrug of her shoulders, she agreed. "Sure. I've got nothing else t' do right now."

"Sweet. Let's go. So, M, what have you been doing?" 
"Sweet. Let's go. So, M, what have you been doing?" 

Reaver grinned, turning and leading the way out.

Malvo blinked at that, lowering an ear though a smile still travelled up her face. "I... not too much." she'd reply in an attempt to fix what she was going to say. "Just've been helping Dei-Loki and the others back in Midgard."
Buh'roham watched the Little Dragon leave and the Commander and the Stranger continue talking. It seemed the Stranger wanted money? Or for the Commander to cut back on guards? No, as he continued listening it sounded more like pay the Stranger or someone's not going home. The possibility of Vampire hung in his mind. Or demon. Or shapeshifter. Possibilities dashed through his mind. The Stranger seemed to be on his way out, so Buh'roham waited. 


Reaver grinned, turning and leading the way out.

Malvo blinked at that, lowering an ear though a smile still travelled up her face. "I... not too much." she'd reply in an attempt to fix what she was going to say. "Just've been helping Dei-Loki and the others back in Midgard."

"Really? Nothing big or anything important? Well, at least you're happy, right?"
"Really? Nothing big or anything important? Well, at least you're happy, right?"

"Well, I've got a mate, again." She rubbed the back of her head, a faint blush on her cheeks as she smiled - deciding to sweep everything else that happened with her under the rug. "So, I guess I could say I'm happy. Very happy, as of late."

Reaver cocked a brow and turned, looking to Malvo with a grin. "A mate, hmmm?"
"Well, I've got a mate, again." She rubbed the back of her head, a faint blush on her cheeks as she smiled - deciding to sweep everything else that happened with her under the rug. "So, I guess I could say I'm happy. Very happy, as of late."

Reaver cocked a brow and turned, looking to Malvo with a grin. "A mate, hmmm?"

"Oooooo? Please go on."
"Oooooo? Please go on."

"Well, she's actually related to Dei-Loki's mate. She comforted me when I needed someone to do so, and we, well... kinda hit it off, after that." Malvo kept her smile, placing her hands behind her head. Gazing off at the thought with a smile.
"Well, she's actually related to Dei-Loki's mate. She comforted me when I needed someone to do so, and we, well... kinda hit it off, after that." Malvo kept her smile, placing her hands behind her head. Gazing off at the thought with a smile.

"Aww. I really want to meet these mates. Can they come here on the holidays?"
Axl slowly glanced over and looked the approaching man up and down a few times before cocking his head sideways. "Nooooooo no. Threatening?" He said in disbelief. "I would never threaten anyone. In fact, Alistair here was only making a strategic decision. I did not threaten, as I am an honest man who goes by his word.I do what I say I will do, no exceptions." Anyone who could hear him could sense a sort of pride in his voice as he took the coin. "And he chose the choice that will benefit the guard and me. In fact, I'm feeling heavenly today, knight. I won't even count if this is right."

A slow smirk would appear on his face, "Now if you would be so kind... I like personal space and I must be off. I have plans today and I have stayed far too long." He put a hand on Alistair's shoulder and shook him lightly back in forth. "You saved lives today, sir. They will forever thank your kindness and sacrifice."

Malvo lifted her brow at that, still watching the two as she'd pocket her hands. And, with a shrug of her shoulders, she agreed. "Sure. I've got nothing else t' do right now."

Dei-Loki listened, an unimpressed and somehow bored - small frown accompanying his cold look. Though, he remained quiet, arms at his sides.

Alistair, whom grimaced as he was slightly, literally shaken by Axl, would manage a feint smile as he nodded in an effort to play along, as not to spark anymore question with the young lord. "All in a days work..."

Right after he left shai ran over to her father hugging his leg tightly as she watched in the direction the mean man ran off in

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