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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Graham nodded to Buh'roham's statement. "I am a teddy bear." He then blushed when Sugar bear was mentioned. "My, is that my new nickname from you? You called me that when you were drunk last night. I mean, not that i mind. It has a endearing ring to it." Graham chuckled. "So, what are you two doing?"

Reaver's eyes would rapidly flutter a few times, brows lifting. "That's where I ended up barely remembering it from?" he'd then smile. "Well, it's good that ya don't mind. Because I think it's a keeper." He'd soon rub the back of his head again, looking off to the side with a bit of a blush as he spoke a bit quieter. "I mean, it kinda suits ya, after all..."

Malvo tried not to coo as she listened to the both of them, a smile still present on her face.

Reaver would then look up again at the mention of the machine, his blush fading as he turned his attention to it - his brows lifting yet again as he'd study the creation in astonishment. "Woah... What sort of upgrades can it give?"


Shai squealed happily as she climbed a log covered in snow then jumped off into another big pile of snow it nearly engulfing her as she giggled and laughed with delight before taking a small ball of snow and eating it before calling to her father. "Papa! Come play!" She yelled at him

Alistair, who'd look to her once more, would soon head over. The sound of her laughing and having fun keeping a smile on his face as he crouched down and closed his eyes. "Shai, what do you say about building a snowman?"

(No Frozen reference intended.)
Buh'roham smiled mysteriously. "Just about anything, my friend. Give Lady Malvo's daggers for instance. I've upgraded the metal from good old steel to Brodikainium, lighter, faster and deadlier. And added tiny Brodian Crystals to the edges and points. When the daggers are used accurately, as Lady Malvo is sure to do, the crystals vibrate at high speeds allowing her to cut through her enemies like air. We were also discussing books." He said rather randomly. 


@Forever J

( Don't worry @Daniel reaving just don't headshot the kid with ice and you'll be fine)
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Buh'roham smiled mysteriously. "Just about anything, my friend. Give Lady Malvo's daggers for instance. I've upgraded the metal from good old steel to Brodikainium, lighter, faster and deadlier. And added tiny Brodian Crystals to the edges and points. When the daggers are used accurately, as Lady Malvo is sure to do, the crystals vibrate at high speeds allowing her to cut through her enemies like air. We were also discussing books." He said rather randomly. 


@Forever J

Graham studied with a smile. "That could do some serious damage to the blighters and our enemies. This is amazing."
Reaver's eyes would rapidly flutter a few times, brows lifting. "That's where I ended up barely remembering it from?" he'd then smile. "Well, it's good that ya don't mind. Because I think it's a keeper." He'd soon rub the back of his head again, looking off to the side with a bit of a blush as he spoke a bit quieter. "I mean, it kinda suits ya, after all..."

Malvo tried not to coo as she listened to the both of them, a smile still present on her face.

Reaver would then look up again at the mention of the machine, his blush fading as he turned his attention to it - his brows lifting yet again as he'd study the creation in astonishment. "Woah... What sort of upgrades can it give?"


Alistair, who'd look to her once more, would soon head over. The sound of her laughing and having fun keeping a smile on his face as he crouched down and closed his eyes. "Shai, what do you say about building a snowman?"

(No Frozen reference intended.)

(Don't lie you mean t for that XD)

"yeah yeah!!" She cheered happily as she wiggles around in the hole

she was stuck in not able to get out of the snow 
Dei-Loki, whom kept his eyes closed while the bored, small frown still held a place on the lad's face. "That is precisely who I'm speaking of." however, he'd soon turn around and began slowly walking back in the direction of the palace. "Take or leave the offer, I wouldn't be speaking with ya if I didn't deem it appropriate. But, if you'd much rather freeze out here in the cold, so be it."

( @HikaruxKaoru Just on the off chance you missed it.)

Graham studied with a smile. "That could do some serious damage to the blighters and our enemies. This is amazing."

Reaver, still looking it over as well, had nodded in agreement. "Truly it is."

(Don't lie you mean t for that XD)

"yeah yeah!!" She cheered happily as she wiggles around in the hole

she was stuck in not able to get out of the snow 

(Shhhhh. XD)

Alistair would nod, soon opening his eyes before cocking a brow and blinking as he watched her squirm about. Still, he kept his smirk as he gently lifted her out of the mound of snow.
"Well I try. I thought about cranking out weapons but I'm not sure if I need the Kings permission or if I just do it. Not to mention the cost of materials for an entire army. I can make them, in some amount of time, but I still need raw materials to make them." 


@Forever J
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( @HikaruxKaoru Just on the off chance you missed it.)

Reaver, still looking it over as well, had nodded in agreement. "Truly it is."

(Shhhhh. XD)

Alistair would nod, soon opening his eyes before cocking a brow and blinking as he watched her squirm about. Still, he kept his smirk as he gently lifted her out of the mound of snow.

Shai giggled happily. "Tank you papa!" She said happily before playfully throwing a small little poof of snow at him while giggling 
Shai giggled happily. "Tank you papa!" She said happily before playfully throwing a small little poof of snow at him while giggling 

He'd close his eyes briefly for that, laughing as he playfully lifted some snow and sprinkled it over her. "You're welcome, princess. Now, come on. I need your help rolling up the snow."

"Talk to the King directly for that. I have no clue."

Reaver nodded yet again flicking an ear as he looked to Buh'roham. "Knowing my brother, he probably wouldn't have any issue with it, if it was going to help. But, I agree. It's best t' ask him directly."

"Seeking an audience is the way t' go. Ya don't want t' see him angry if he's interrupted in the middle of his paperwork. Just ask my brother Dei-Loki." Malvo couldn't help but sigh at the distant memory, a slight smirk on her face. "Ahh, that runt should be happy he can puppy-dog eye his way out of certain situations..."

He'd close his eyes briefly for that, laughing as he playfully lifted some snow and sprinkled it over her. "You're welcome, princess. Now, come on. I need your help rolling up the snow."

Reaver nodded yet again flicking an ear as he looked to Buh'roham. "Knowing my brother, he probably wouldn't have any issue with it, if it was going to help. But, I agree. It's best t' ask him directly."

"Seeking an audience is the way t' go. Ya don't want t' see him angry if he's interrupted in the middle of his paperwork. Just ask my brother Dei-Loki." Malvo couldn't help but sigh at the distant memory, a slight smirk on her face. "Ahh, that runt should be happy he can puppy-dog eye his way out of certain situations..."


Shai giggled as she covered her face with her gloves at her dad's little snow sprinkle the. clapped happily and nodded to him after she shook her head o get the snow off. "Lets make a big big big one! One this big!!" She said holding her arms out to her sides all the way thinking she was saying make a really really big one
Buh'roham looked determined. "Well, wish me luck." He grabbed his cape and hat and left the lab. He stuck his head back inside. "Oh and don't touch anything. If you do jot down what happens." He left. Then he stuck his head in the door and asked "Any idea where his Majesty could be?" 


@Forever J 
He'd close his eyes briefly for that, laughing as he playfully lifted some snow and sprinkled it over her. "You're welcome, princess. Now, come on. I need your help rolling up the snow."


The alone time the two had in the snow would shortly come to an end as the heavy crunch of snow under feet sort of amplified itself across the yard. An odd tune was being whistled as a rather big man in armor was slowly approaching, a soft dark blue glow to his mighty great sword on his back, he strolled his way forward to greet the Knight-Commander... In a rather passive way with harming intent.

"Alistair..." His voice was rather chilling, but softly spoke as the name rolled off his tongue in a mild Swedish accent, "Mighty long time since I've been here to visit, wouldn't you say?" His jolly grin seemed to be a bit out of character for him as he continued his approach, not really giving him time to respond, "Must have something interesting for me this time, no? Because, you know how that goes..."

He stopped a good six feet away from the two and shifted his weight to one side, crossing his arms and waiting for whatever reply he had to offer. The dark, sort of metallic gray of his cape fluttered in the light breeze, enough to now cover the great sword almost completely. His armor was shining in the snow as well, it seemed recently polished and well taken care of, as well did the man in the armor. He smiled again, and for some reason, it seemed... unnerving to say the least. 

He payed little attention to the little girl, suitable.


@Daniel reaving

(( I have no idea how to tag so I'm hoping this is right :P ))
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The alone time the two had in the snow would shortly come to an end as the heavy crunch of snow under feet sort of amplified itself across the yard. An odd tune was being whistled as a rather big man in armor was slowly approaching, a soft dark blue glow to his mighty great sword on his back, he strolled his way forward to greet the Knight-Commander... In a rather passive way with harming intent.

"Alistair..." His voice was rather chilling, but softly spoke as the name rolled off his tongue in a mild Swedish accent, "Mighty long time since I've been here to visit, wouldn't you say?" His jolly grin seemed to be a bit out of character for him as he continued his approach, not really giving him time to respond, "Must have something interesting for me this time, no? Because, you know how that goes..."

He stopped a good six feet away from the two and shifted his weight to one side, crossing his arms and waiting for whatever reply he had to offer. The dark, sort of metallic gray of his cape fluttered in the light breeze, enough to now cover the great sword almost completely. His armor was shining in the snow as well, it seemed recently polished and well taken care of, as well did the man in the armor. He smiled again, and for some reason, it seemed... unnerving to say the least. 

He payed little attention to the little girl, suitable.


@Daniel reaving

(( I have no idea how to tag so I'm hoping this is right :P ))

(When you go to write a tag, a list should pop up underneath it with the username of the person you want to tag. Lol.)

"That big?" Alistair played along, widening his eyes as he smiled. "That would make it the biggest snowman in all of Fórrelden!" He would then laugh, before falling dead silent following the familiar voice that hit the male's ears. And Alistair, though he was a well built, scary male himself, seemed to instantly be hit with a sense of dread as he'd move his gaze up to look at the male. Slowly, he stood. Keeping Shai close as a hand would rest on her head. With narrowed eyes, he'd wearily watch the male with the unnerving look about him. Cautiously, he spoke. "Axl... What can I do for you?.."

@Daniel reaving
Buh'roham looked determined. "Well, wish me luck." He grabbed his cape and hat and left the lab. He stuck his head back inside. "Oh and don't touch anything. If you do jot down what happens." He left. Then he stuck his head in the door and asked "Any idea where his Majesty could be?" 


@Forever J 

Reaver and Malvo watched him head out, and then back in... back out, and then in again. Both nodding in understanding before Malvo snickered.

"Check the dining hall. It is morning, after all." Reaver replied, smirking a bit.
The alone time the two had in the snow would shortly come to an end as the heavy crunch of snow under feet sort of amplified itself across the yard. An odd tune was being whistled as a rather big man in armor was slowly approaching, a soft dark blue glow to his mighty great sword on his back, he strolled his way forward to greet the Knight-Commander... In a rather passive way with harming intent.

"Alistair..." His voice was rather chilling, but softly spoke as the name rolled off his tongue in a mild Swedish accent, "Mighty long time since I've been here to visit, wouldn't you say?" His jolly grin seemed to be a bit out of character for him as he continued his approach, not really giving him time to respond, "Must have something interesting for me this time, no? Because, you know how that goes..."

He stopped a good six feet away from the two and shifted his weight to one side, crossing his arms and waiting for whatever reply he had to offer. The dark, sort of metallic gray of his cape fluttered in the light breeze, enough to now cover the great sword almost completely. His armor was shining in the snow as well, it seemed recently polished and well taken care of, as well did the man in the armor. He smiled again, and for some reason, it seemed... unnerving to say the least. 

He payed little attention to the little girl, suitable.


@Daniel reaving

(( I have no idea how to tag so I'm hoping this is right :P ))

(When you go to write a tag, a list should pop up underneath it with the username of the person you want to tag. Lol.)

"That big?" Alistair played along, widening his eyes as he smiled. "That would make it the biggest snowman in all of Fórrelden!" He would then laugh, before falling dead silent following the familiar voice that hit the male's ears. And Alistair, though he was a well built, scary male himself, seemed to instantly be hit with a sense of dread as he'd move his gaze up to look at the male. Slowly, he stood. Keeping Shai close as a hand would rest on her head. With narrowed eyes, he'd wearily watch the male with the unnerving look about him. Cautiously, he spoke. "Axl... What can I do for you?.."

@Daniel reaving

Shai giggled and nodded to him before she gave him a curious look at the sense of dread he got. Feeling her fathers uneasiness she looked to the man that caused it and instincts slightly took over a a deep dragon like growl slowly came from her as she glared at the man ready to change in a second to scare off this man that was ruining her pretty snow day
"Okie doo. See ya!" He gives them a wink and leaves for real this time. As he heads to the dining hall he passes a window to the courtyard and sees the Commander and his dragon looking at someone that was unfamiliar to him. However the Commander seemed to know the man, with nervous speech and a hand on The Dragon. Buh'roham decided to watch and see what would happen, hand over his holster, Chrysilis ready for action. The stranger had an air about him that Buh'roham knew all to well, one of malice and evil. 


@Daniel reaving

Shai giggled and nodded to him before she gave him a curious look at the sense of dread he got. Feeling her fathers uneasiness she looked to the man that caused it and instincts slightly took over a a deep dragon like growl slowly came from her as she glared at the man ready to change in a second to scare off this man that was ruining her pretty snow day

Alistair paused at the growl, looking down to Shai before then looking around - pausing when he spotted Dei-Loki walking away from the gate, thankfully close-by to where they had been. He didn't want to see Shai get hurt again, he couldn't bare it the first time. And, with not knowing what Axl had been here for, he did what he thought was best and crouched down to Shai's eye level. A small smile forming on his face as he'd look to her. Not having noticed that Buh'roham had been close by. "Hey, Shai. Why not go and thank Prince Dei-Loki for healing your wounds, yeah?" he would softly suggest as he'd gesture in the direction of the King's youngest son, in hopes that she would go. He knew the young demigod he spoke of would keep a watchful eye on her as both Axl and him would speak. Not many would be dumb enough to upset the Prince, either. Knowing his past. And, with that, he continued. "I'll only be a moment, plus, I hear he loves playing in the snow just as much as you do."

@DrBezendrine, @TheCountryWarrior
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Buh'roham watched the Dragon growl at the Stranger with considerable strength given her current form. He saw and heard The Commander tactfully attempt to remove the little Dragon from this potentially dangerous encounter. Like a true warrior. Admirable. Buh'roham continued to watch and listen, poised to strike like an Adder from his homeland. 


@Daniel reaving

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Alistair paused at the growl, looking down to Shai before then looking around - pausing when he spotted Dei-Loki walking away from the gate, thankfully close-by to where they had been. He didn't want to see Shai get hurt again, he couldn't bare it the first time. And, with not knowing what Axl had been here for, he did what he thought was best and crouched down to Shai's eye level. A small smile forming on his face as he'd look to her. Not having noticed that Buh'roham had been close by. "Hey, Shai. Why not go and thank Prince Dei-Loki for healing your wounds, yeah?" he would softly suggest as he'd gesture in the direction of the King's youngest son, in hopes that she would go. He knew the young demigod he spoke of would keep a watchful eye on her as both Axl and him would speak. Not many would be dumb enough to upset the Prince, either. Knowing his past. And, with that, he continued. "I'll only be a moment, plus, I hear he loves playing in the snow just as much as you do."

@DrBezendrine, @TheCountryWarrior

Axl smirked again at the child, "How cute." Then he brushed it off and glanced back at Alistair with his same jolly grin, arms outstretched with nothing in his hands. Obviously he wasn't actually looking for trouble, from the outside, but something about the way he delivered his speech was off. 

"I have no interest in harming anyone here.Today." He quickly added, "I came for a, talk, Alistair." His grin grew a bit more nerve rattling, "Just few words between men exchanged here and there, no more. Ol' Alistair owes me a few words anyways."

He let out a small laugh, looking down to the source of the growling. "And to, uh, add on, dragons don't scare me, little one. So run along now and I promise I won't hurt a single person."



@Daniel reaving
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He'd close his eyes briefly for that, laughing as he playfully lifted some snow and sprinkled it over her. "You're welcome, princess. Now, come on. I need your help rolling up the snow."

Reaver nodded yet again flicking an ear as he looked to Buh'roham. "Knowing my brother, he probably wouldn't have any issue with it, if it was going to help. But, I agree. It's best t' ask him directly."

"Seeking an audience is the way t' go. Ya don't want t' see him angry if he's interrupted in the middle of his paperwork. Just ask my brother Dei-Loki." Malvo couldn't help but sigh at the distant memory, a slight smirk on her face. "Ahh, that runt should be happy he can puppy-dog eye his way out of certain situations..."


"Reminds me of a certain someone that could do the same exact thing." He looked over to Reaver with a smile.
Alistair paused at the growl, looking down to Shai before then looking around - pausing when he spotted Dei-Loki walking away from the gate, thankfully close-by to where they had been. He didn't want to see Shai get hurt again, he couldn't bare it the first time. And, with not knowing what Axl had been here for, he did what he thought was best and crouched down to Shai's eye level. A small smile forming on his face as he'd look to her. Not having noticed that Buh'roham had been close by. "Hey, Shai. Why not go and thank Prince Dei-Loki for healing your wounds, yeah?" he would softly suggest as he'd gesture in the direction of the King's youngest son, in hopes that she would go. He knew the young demigod he spoke of would keep a watchful eye on her as both Axl and him would speak. Not many would be dumb enough to upset the Prince, either. Knowing his past. And, with that, he continued. "I'll only be a moment, plus, I hear he loves playing in the snow just as much as you do."

@DrBezendrine, @TheCountryWarrior

Axl smirked again at the child, "How cute." Then he brushed it off and glanced back at Alistair with his same jolly grin, arms outstretched with nothing in his hands. Obviously he wasn't actually looking for trouble, from the outside, but something about the way he delivered his speech was off. 

"I have no interest in harming anyone here.Today." He quickly added, "I came for a, talk, Alistair." His grin grew a bit more nerve rattling, "Just few words between men exchanged here and there, no more. Ol' Alistair owes me a few words anyways."

He let out a small laugh, looking down to the source of the growling. "And to, uh, add on, dragons don't scare me, little one. So run along now and I promise I won't hurt a single person."



@Daniel reaving

Shai looked to her father with a look of want to stay with him. She understood what he was doing and nodded giving him a big loving hug. "Call me when you need me papa ok!" She said cutely before looking back to the man and growling some more. "You should be afraid of me." She hissed at him almost like an adult. A true show that instincts still had a big hold onto her as she ran off to go play with loki hopping they would stick close so she could help her father if things went wrong
Shai looked to her father with a look of want to stay with him. She understood what he was doing and nodded giving him a big loving hug. "Call me when you need me papa ok!" She said cutely before looking back to the man and growling some more. "You should be afraid of me." She hissed at him almost like an adult. A true show that instincts still had a big hold onto her as she ran off to go play with loki hopping they would stick close so she could help her father if things went wrong

Alistair listened while Axl had spoken. A gentle sigh sneaking from him before he'd return Shai's hug. Keeping a reassuring smile as he nodded. "I'll be sure to do so, princess." he would reply. a mental exhale escaping him upon hearing the threat. It had oddly made him proud, even if it was a show of pure instinct. And, as he watched her go, he would slowly stand once more before then giving his attention back to Axl. "Alright... What is it you wish to talk about, then..?"

Dei-Loki kept his eyes closed, half expecting the newcomer at the gate to follow him back. However, the short wolven lad in royal attire soon took pause and looked up to see Shai running in his direction. A brow perking out of curiosity.

@DrBezendrine, @HikaruxKaoru, @TheCountryWarrior

"Reminds me of a certain someone that could do the same exact thing." He looked over to Reaver with a smile.

Reaver blinked and returned the look after feeling Graham's gaze. A gentle laugh escaping him soon after. "Only as a last resort!"

Malvo watched the two, a wide grin slipping up her face in the process as her arms had crossed.
"Ah... Okay." Owen started as he watched the small dignified figure march off away from the gate once again. He glanced at his horse with a frown before finally going to push the gate open, surprised that it wasn't very guarded all things considering and this being the King's palace and all. He wished he had better clothes, but he was dirt poor right now. Follow your dreams, they said. The man would lead his mare through the gates after the little wolf nobleman, until he his long legs caught up with their short ones and he could look down at the dark haired, oddly wolf-eared wolf... man. Thing. 

Alistair listened while Axl had spoken. A gentle sigh sneaking from him before he'd return Shai's hug. Keeping a reassuring smile as he nodded. "I'll be sure to do so, princess." he would reply. a mental exhale escaping him upon hearing the threat. It had oddly made him proud, even if it was a show of pure instinct. And, as he watched her go, he would slowly stand once more before then giving his attention back to Axl. "Alright... What is it you wish to talk about, then..?"

Dei-Loki kept his eyes closed, half expecting the newcomer at the gate to follow him back. However, the short wolven lad in royal attire soon took pause and looked up to see Shai running in his direction. A brow perking out of curiosity.

@DrBezendrine, @HikaruxKaoru, @TheCountryWarrior

Reaver blinked and returned the look after feeling Graham's gaze. A gentle laugh escaping him soon after. "Only as a last resort!"

Malvo watched the two, a wide grin slipping up her face in the process as her arms had crossed.

Shai went to loki gently hugging his leg as she looked back to where her father was clearly worried about it

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