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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Reaver's blush had darkened from the request. His tail having slowly curled and wagged as he nodded.

Graham's on face blushed fiercely as he moved closer to Reaver. He pulleed Reaver to him and bit his lip. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to pressure you into anything that you don't want to do."
Graham's on face blushed fiercely as he moved closer to Reaver. He pulleed Reaver to him and bit his lip. "Are you sure about this? I don't want to pressure you into anything that you don't want to do."

Reaver bit his lip as Graham had pulled him closer. His eyes remaining on him as his face remained flushed. Shaking his head, he smiled. "G-Go ahead."
Reaver bit his lip as Graham had pulled him closer. His eyes remaining on him as his face remained flushed. Shaking his head, he smiled. "G-Go ahead."

And Graham did just that, bringing him in even closer and kissing him like his life depended on it. It felt good and he never wanted to stop, but sadly, he broke away after a few minutes to stop from it going to far like last time. He wanted to take things slow and that was how it was going to be.
And Graham did just that, bringing him in even closer and kissing him like his life depended on it. It felt good and he never wanted to stop, but sadly, he broke away after a few minutes to stop from it going to far like last time. He wanted to take things slow and that was how it was going to be.

Reaver's tail would curl even more as their lips had made contact. Oh, how his heart would pound during this moment. And still, he'd end up softly returning the gesture until it was eventually broken. And, as he smiled once more, he'd pant lightly before glancing up to him.

Buh'roham thought of all the wondrous things he could make while waiting for Princess Malvo's answer. His tail twitched back and forth. @xXLittleLokiXx

"I don't suppose y' have any ideas t' add onto a dagger? I'm quite happy with my dual blades, but I'd like something a bit more... interesting, when it comes to a smaller, quicker use weapon."
Reaver's tail would curl even more as their lips had made contact. Oh, how his heart would pound during this moment. And still, he'd end up softly returning the gesture until it was eventually broken. And, as he smiled once more, he'd pant lightly before glancing up to him.

"I don't suppose y' have any ideas t' add onto a dagger? I'm quite happy with my dual blades, but I'd like something a bit more... interesting, when it comes to a smaller, quicker use weapon."

Graham kissed Reaver's temple. "That really made me feel muuuuuuuch better."
Graham kissed Reaver's temple. "That really made me feel muuuuuuuch better."

Reaver, whom continued to smile brightly, turned his head and gently nuzzled Graham's cheek following the kiss. "Good, I'm glad." He then sighed heavily. "Aaah, Maker's breath, it feels good t' get that of my chest..."
Buh'roham thinks for a second. "I think I have an idea. Follow me to my lab if you please." As he walks he explains his ideas. "Using the Manipulater, my crafting machine, I can make the blades lighter. Like the air itself is your ally. It would also make the blade more sleek looking, though this is optional if you prefer the way they look now. I could also add some Brodian Crystals to the edges. If you swing it just right, the crystals vibrate at a miniature level but at high speeds. Essentially, it allows you to cut through your enemies like a hot knife to butter. Optional of course."
Buh'roham thinks for a second. "I think I have an idea. Follow me to my lab if you please." As he walks he explains his ideas. "Using the Manipulater, my crafting machine, I can make the blades lighter. Like the air itself is your ally. It would also make the blade more sleek looking, though this is optional if you prefer the way they look now. I could also add some Brodian Crystals to the edges. If you swing it just right, the crystals vibrate at a miniature level but at high speeds. Essentially, it allows you to cut through your enemies like a hot knife to butter. Optional of course."

Malvo would instantly perk at the ideas. All of them seeming to catch her interest as she looked to Buh'roham and blinked. "That all sounds like it could be of use."
Buh'roham smiled as they approached his lab. "Excellent! It shall be done!" When they entered the lab Malvo would see things on the walls, personal trophies, devices of variety purposes, and a large machine that took up a quarter of the room. "This is my Manipulater. With it I can create most anything and improve existing items." He hung his hat and cape on a hook protruding from the wall and sat on the chair that was in front of the machine. "If you would please place the daggers on the flat part of the Manipulater." He said as he put on some odd looking gloves. 

Reaver, whom continued to smile brightly, turned his head and gently nuzzled Graham's cheek following the kiss. "Good, I'm glad." He then sighed heavily. "Aaah, Maker's breath, it feels good t' get that of my chest..."

"Yeah, i bet. How long have you loved me, Rea? How long did you have that weird pain your chest like how i got. Because it hurted. When i felt it, i thought i was going to suffocate."
Buh'roham smiled as they approached his lab. "Excellent! It shall be done!" When they entered the lab Malvo would see things on the walls, personal trophies, devices of variety purposes, and a large machine that took up a quarter of the room. "This is my Manipulater. With it I can create most anything and improve existing items." He hung his hat and cape on a hook protruding from the wall and sat on the chair that was in front of the machine. "If you would please place the daggers on the flat part of the Manipulater." He said as he put on some odd looking gloves. 


Malvo looked around in a bit of awe. it was truly quite amazing how much one room could change in the process of a day. And, as Buh'roham explained it, her attention shifted to the larger machine. Her ears having perked in interest. Trailing her action of a single nod, she removed both daggers from the holsters above her swords. Soon gently setting the two typical daggers upon the appointed area.

"Yeah, i bet. How long have you loved me, Rea? How long did you have that weird pain your chest like how i got. Because it hurted. When i felt it, i thought i was going to suffocate."

[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Oh, not too long... just... Years..." [/COLOR]Reaver then looked down. Soon lifting his hand to gently rub the back of his own head. A bit of a nervous chuckle slipping from him, following what he admitted. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"I've had that exact feeling for several years... Maker... how time does fly..."[/COLOR]
Alistair had grinned, watching them go as he rubbed Shai's back with a happy sigh. Soon looking to the little one in his arms. [COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]"Well then. What shall we do now? The choice is yours."[/COLOR]

@Daniel reaving


Reaver blinked a few times, looking over to Graham as he'd been whisked away into another room. An instant shade of red colouring his face following his instant nervous embarrassment. With wide, trembling eyes, he lowered his ears. "Wh-Who told y'!?" He'd whine, soon closing his eyes and flattening his ears. "I-I... I would've told y'. I wanted to, truly I did! I-I was just scared of how you'd think of me after, and I was worried that you would think I was weird and that it would ruin our friendship, and..." A small sniffle was then heard as he'd turn his gaze on the floor. "I was so scared that I'd just chase y' off, so I kept it to myself... I'm sorry..."

@Forever J


"Thank the gods..." Malvo huffed before then perking a brow and looking over to Buh'roham once more. "Well, I know I've been wanting to tweak one of my smaller blades into something a bit more useful."


"Play outside play outside!" She immediately cheered with excitement as she wiggled in her fathers arms happily
After she sets the dagger down Buh'roham flicks a lever, and the whole thing comes to life. The machine is like a big box without a lid and front. On the inside the corners are resonating with a low hum and the daggers start floating. The gloves Buh'roham put on start resonating with an orangish glow, matching the glow in the box as they pulse together.

He starts muttering to himself, not in Common (English or Normalspeak) but in his language. Then he begins moving his hands as if he were conducting an orchestra and as he moved them the daggers responded by floating where he wanted them. Four Crystals float out off the back of the box, glowing a deep fire red. They begin to circle a singled out dagger and a ray of light is shot from one impacting the point where the blade meets the hilt, shearing it off. The other three head to the back, and pull out the base components for a new blade, and in a frenzy of light the crystals craft a new blade, sharper, sleeker, and the four crystals orbit the dagger. All the while Buh'roham orchestrating this with his hands. The dagger is dipped in a glowing fire red liquid and set on a hook on the side. 

They attack the other one next. Soon the work is done. Buh'roham takes off the gloves and presents both daggers to Malvo. "And these, my Lady, are the improved daggers. As you can see the faint orange glow on the sides and tip. This will slice your enemies up like nothing. The blade is made of an metal my people manufactured back in the day. Sharper, sleeker, and lighter than (whatever metal is used most)." 

-casually hops in sob-

Honestly, Owen had no idea where he was. Okay, well, he did have an idea but other than that, the guy was about as hopeless as a blind chipmunk trying to get a ride up a tree from a tortoise when it came to directions. I know I'm near Forrelden, The man thought to himself as he aimlessly wandered down a relatively empty road, a map of the area clenched in his hand as he let his gaze flick along the road, along the trees, and along any other scenery that crossed his path. Alas, no people. He could truly do with some human contact sometime soon, as he'd been wandering own his own for ages now. The native Makrum gent sighed heavily as he towed his horse along behind him, reins held loosely in his palm as he watched his warm breath fog the air before his face. "Quite cold, it is." He commented to nobody, before turning his head to look toward his mighty steed; which was really just an old, irritable mare he'd dragged all the way from Wintergriffin. "Sorry, old lass," He mused, that Makrum accent of his contorting his words and rolling them oddly out of his mouth as he turned to look at the fluffy animal. As he reached back the hand that was holding the map and not the reins, he tried to offer her a friendly pet, but as usual, he received a reply of flattened ears and flashing yellow teeth. "Yeesh, alright." He apologized as he quickly snatched his hand away, lifting it instead to ruffle it back through his curly, reddish locks. They were both cold, hungry, and tired... Not to mention lost. He'd hate to be out here when nighttime fell in case of wolves or bears or actual monsters lurking about, but he refrained from hopping onto his horse to hurry the process along in fear of hurting her. He'd been on her back since early this morning, and he didn't want to risk injuring her from overuse. Once they found civilization again, he'd see about putting a few coins down on a nice, cozy spot in the local stables. 
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[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"Oh, not too long... just... Years..." [/COLOR]Reaver then looked down. Soon lifting his hand to gently rub the back of his own head. A bit of a nervous chuckle slipping from him, following what he admitted. [COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]"I've had that exact feeling for several years... Maker... how time does fly..."[/COLOR]

Graham smiled. "Next time, don't hide the truth from me, okay? I don't want you hurting because you think i'll reject you. I would never hurt you on purpose. I will always accept you, no matter what. EVEN IF YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD THREE EYES! I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE!" Graham laughed as he pulled Reaver into a hug. "I was so scared. I was so frightened when i took advantage of you last night and that i . . . i thought i ruined this. . . that friendship. I thought you hated me for touching you while you were so far gone. I hated myself. I hated that feeling. I am fine with hating myself, but i couldn't live . . . i could've live when i thought that you hated me. I was so very afraid of the damage that i caused."
"Play outside play outside!" She immediately cheered with excitement as she wiggled in her fathers arms happily

Alistair laughed happily at that, keeping a hold of her as he nodded and walked over to grab some winter gear for them both. "Alright, we'll go outside. We've got to bundle up, though. Don't want to get frostbitten in the snow."

After she sets the dagger down Buh'roham flicks a lever, and the whole thing comes to life. The machine is like a big box without a lid and front. On the inside the corners are resonating with a low hum and the daggers start floating. The gloves Buh'roham put on start resonating with an orangish glow, matching the glow in the box as they pulse together.

He starts muttering to himself, not in Common (English or Normalspeak) but in his language. Then he begins moving his hands as if he were conducting an orchestra and as he moved them the daggers responded by floating where he wanted them. Four Crystals float out off the back of the box, glowing a deep fire red. They begin to circle a singled out dagger and a ray of light is shot from one impacting the point where the blade meets the hilt, shearing it off. The other three head to the back, and pull out the base components for a new blade, and in a frenzy of light the crystals craft a new blade, sharper, sleeker, and the four crystals orbit the dagger. All the while Buh'roham orchestrating this with his hands. The dagger is dipped in a glowing fire red liquid and set on a hook on the side. 

They attack the other one next. Soon the work is done. Buh'roham takes off the gloves and presents both daggers to Malvo. "And these, my Lady, are the improved daggers. As you can see the faint orange glow on the sides and tip. This will slice your enemies up like nothing. The blade is made of an metal my people manufactured back in the day. Sharper, sleeker, and lighter than (whatever metal is used most)." 


Malvo stepped back and marveled at the work being done by the machine. Her ears having slowly perked - grinning once it was done. Her eyes would then scan over the daggers in awe once presented. Taking notice to the sharpness most of all. "Thank you." She did reply, her ears having remained perked as she went to grab them to get a closer look.

Graham smiled. "Next time, don't hide the truth from me, okay? I don't want you hurting because you think i'll reject you. I would never hurt you on purpose. I will always accept you, no matter what. EVEN IF YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU HAD THREE EYES! I WOULD NEVER LEAVE YOUR SIDE!" Graham laughed as he pulled Reaver into a hug. "I was so scared. I was so frightened when i took advantage of you last night and that i . . . i thought i ruined this. . . that friendship. I thought you hated me for touching you while you were so far gone. I hated myself. I hated that feeling. I am fine with hating myself, but i couldn't live . . . i could've live when i thought that you hated me. I was so very afraid of the damage that i caused."

Reaver blinked, a smile forming up his face as he heard him. And, lowering his hand from the back of his head, he'd tightly return the embrace. His eyes glancing to Graham before he allowed them to fall to his shoulder. It was then he'd smile and tighten the embrace a tad as he'd nuzzle into his shirt and speak. "Well... Just know that I could never hate y'..."
Reaver blinked, a smile forming up his face as he heard him. And, lowering his hand from the back of his head, he'd tightly return the embrace. His eyes glancing to Graham before he allowed them to fall to his shoulder. It was then he'd smile and tighten the embrace a tad as he'd nuzzle into his shirt and speak. "Well... Just know that I could never hate y'..."

Graham smiled again, "and just know that i could never hate you. I'm happy that i found out. Now, promise me that you will never keep secrets, especially like that, again. We're Fpace buddief after all, right?" He chuckled.
Alistair laughed happily at that, keeping a hold of her as he nodded and walked over to grab some winter gear for them both. "Alright, we'll go outside. We've got to bundle up, though. Don't want to get frostbitten in the snow."

Malvo stepped back and marveled at the work being done by the machine. Her ears having slowly perked - grinning once it was done. Her eyes would then scan over the daggers in awe once presented. Taking notice to the sharpness most of all. "Thank you." She did reply, her ears having remained perked as she went to grab them to get a closer look.

Reaver blinked, a smile forming up his face as he heard him. And, lowering his hand from the back of his head, he'd tightly return the embrace. His eyes glancing to Graham before he allowed them to fall to his shoulder. It was then he'd smile and tighten the embrace a tad as he'd nuzzle into his shirt and speak. "Well... Just know that I could never hate y'..."

"It's snowing!!!" She yelled at him in shock clearly surprised by this
Buh'roham smiled, clearly proud of his work and bowed low. "Anytime Miss. I can also do this to armor, strengthening the outside, or allowing more freedom of movement. And regular clothing giving it Magic Resistance. And other things that I don't even know about!" @xXLittleLokiXx
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Graham smiled again, "and just know that i could never hate you. I'm happy that i found out. Now, promise me that you will never keep secrets, especially like that, again. We're Fpace buddief after all, right?" He chuckled.

Reaver would give a firm nod of agreement, once again looking to him as he chuckled, as well. A smile remaining in place on his face as he closed his eyes and added in the lisp to confirm the fact. "I promife, fellow fpace buddy." 

"It's snowing!!!" She yelled at him in shock clearly surprised by this

"It is." Alistair had grinned and helped her put on her coat.

Buh'roham smiled, clearly proud of his work and bowed low. "Anytime Miss. I can also do this to armor, strengthening the outside, or allowing more freedom of movement. And regular clothing giving it Magic Resistance. And other things that I don't even know about!" @xXLittleLokiXx

Malvo grinned a bit wider. Her tail having curled as she looked the blades over - sheathing them directly above her swords, just as they always were. "That should aid the Royal Guardsmen here fairly well!"

-casually hops in sob-

Honestly, Owen had no idea where he was. Okay, well, he did have an idea but other than that, the guy was about as hopeless as a blind chipmunk trying to get a ride up a tree from a tortoise when it came to directions. I know I'm near Forrelden, The man thought to himself as he aimlessly wandered down a relatively empty road, a map of the area clenched in his hand as he let his gaze flick along the road, along the trees, and along any other scenery that crossed his path. Alas, no people. He could truly do with some human contact sometime soon, as he'd been wandering own his own for ages now. The native Makrum gent sighed heavily as he towed his horse along behind him, reins held loosely in his palm as he watched his warm breath fog the air before his face. "Quite cold, it is." He commented to nobody, before turning his head to look toward his mighty steed; which was really just an old, irritable mare he'd dragged all the way from Wintergriffin. "Sorry, old lass," He mused, that Makrum accent of his contorting his words and rolling them oddly out of his mouth as he turned to look at the fluffy animal. As he reached back the hand that was holding the map and not the reins, he tried to offer her a friendly pet, but as usual, he received a reply of flattened ears and flashing yellow teeth. "Yeesh, alright." He apologized as he quickly snatched his hand away, lifting it instead to ruffle it back through his curly, reddish locks. They were both cold, hungry, and tired... Not to mention lost. He'd hate to be out here when nighttime fell in case of wolves or bears or actual monsters lurking about, but he refrained from hopping onto his horse to hurry the process along in fear of hurting her. He'd been on her back since early this morning, and he didn't want to risk injuring her from overuse. Once they found civilization again, he'd see about putting a few coins down on a nice, cozy spot in the local stables. 

Dei-Loki let loose a huff, the cold air causing his breath to be seen as he started in the direction of the stables. "Been a while since I've been able t' see Tromluí." The short, royal wolfish male's Makrish tone would sound as he wore a smile on his face, reminiscing the time he spent with his horse. Hell, they practically grew up together. Though, as Dei-Loki wandered in the direction of the stables reserved for the royal horses, he'd slow to a stop and look in the direction of the south gate. Curiosity washing over him as he'd flick an ear, he wandered over and looked out to spot the newcomer, catching him just as he dismounted his horse, thinking with a cocked brow. 'Well, what do we have here?' 
Reaver would give a firm nod of agreement, once again looking to him as he chuckled, as well. A smile remaining in place on his face as he closed his eyes and added in the lisp to confirm the fact. "I promife, fellow fpace buddy." 

"So this is what i was feeling when i saw your adorable smile! Can you smile like that always? It brings some light to the room." Graham held Reaver in his arms, not wanting to move in the slightest.
Dei-Loki let loose a huff, the cold air causing his breath to be seen as he started in the direction of the stables. "Been a while since I've been able t' see Tromluí." The short, royal wolfish male's Makrish tone would sound as he wore a smile on his face, reminiscing the time he spent with his horse. Hell, they practically grew up together. Though, as Dei-Loki wandered in the direction of the stables reserved for the royal horses, he'd slow to a stop and look in the direction of the south gate. Curiosity washing over him as he'd flick an ear, he wandered over and looked out to spot the newcomer, catching him just as he dismounted his horse, thinking with a cocked brow. 'Well, what do we have here?' 

And suddenly, lo and behold, Owen and his horse were in sight of some gates to what looked to be a palace, or... something. He wasn't too sure, really. The red-headed man frowned some as he took in the structures, before he glanced back at his horse and exhaled once more in a gust of visible breath. They both needed a break. They were cold and tired, and most of all, hungry. He would say he could eat a horse, but that would be offensive to his four-hoofed friend here. As his emerald green irises scanned over the gate once more, he couldn't help but look past the bars and noticed a lone, tiny figure beyond the walls. He squinted for a moment, trying to make out the shape. Was it a child? After a few moments of weighing his options, the growling in his belly and the chill on his cheekbones shifted his legs into action and soon, he and his grumpy mare were standing at the gates. "Hello?" He offered, a frown pulling at the sides of his lips as he looked up and around, sizing up the gate. There didn't seem to be any guards around, from what he could tell. 
Malvo watched as Buh'roham had turned to place an entry into his journal. Blinking, she slipped her hands into her pockets. Her face morphing to show a smirk. "Y' ever run out of paper, with all of yer writing?"



Cocking his head, Reaver kept his smile as he looked to him. Laughing gently as he replied, "I can certainly try."

@Forever J


Dei-Loki kept his brow raised, soon allowing his feet to continue to carry him in the direction of the figure at the gate. His own emerald gaze focused in that direction as he pocketed his gloved hands. The green cape of the short male flicking in the breeze that had picked up. The lack of guardsmen around lately seemed to bother him quite a deal, as there should've been at least two at the gate, but he tried not to let it show. Nevertheless, the Irish-sounding male spoke in reply. "... Morning. Somethin' I can help ya with?"


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