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Fantasy The World of Engranussia (Closed)

Buh'roham looked at them with a knowing smirk. "You know, I know what's going on. You should've seen them a while ago in the courtyard. They were practically maken' out!" He said, trying to keep the laughter from jumping out. 

Alistair would quirk his brow at that, resting an arm on the back of his chair as he blinked. Curiosity getting the better of him, he asked. "What... uh... What did you do?"


"Nothing at all? Gods, how much did y' drink!?"

"Enough t' make me loose track of where I put my flamethrower..."

Malvo quirked her brows at that, sighing softly.

"It isn't like I wanted t' be that drunk, I--" Reaver whined. "Now there's this heart wrenching awkwardness between the both of--" cutting himself off, he looked up to Buh'roham, shifting a bit.

"Oh, nothing too interesting." Malvo would remark, glancing to her uncle for a moment before returning it to the newcomer. "Hoe you're finding everything alright."


"We got drunk and i found myself laying in his bed. Naked and ashamed. Reaver doesn't remember anything of it, but i do and i can't get anything out of my head. I just feel like i broke something between us because of this. He may be normal, but i'm not. I'm not gay. Well, at least i didn't think so at first. Now, i'm utterly confused on what to do and i just . . . i feel terrible. He's already forgiven me, i can't forgive myself. I feel like i took advantage of him, i don't know. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like such an fu- idiot." He said, remembering that there was a little girl in the room. "Ali, what am i doing? What's happen to me and to Reaver? I just . . . i just want him to be happy and all i can think about is that i took advantage of him." Graham sat down, groaning into his hands. 
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Buh'roham looked at them with a knowing smirk. "You know, I know what's going on. You should've seen them a while ago in the courtyard. They were practically maken' out!" He said, trying to keep the laughter from jumping out. 


"Were they, now?" Malvo grinned in response, her brow lifting more.

"All he did was remove the snow from my hair... with an adoring smile... a smile that lit up my own-- AH! Thoughts need to stay in the mind!" Reaver hit his forehead a few times with the side of his fist in sync with his final words. Soon whining with a sigh.

"Uncle Reaver, nearly everyone knows. It's almost as if it's written all over your face. Why don't ya just tell him?"

"You make it sound so easy."

"We got drunk and i found myself laying in his bed. Naked and ashamed. Reaver doesn't remember anything of it, but i do and i can't get anything out of my head. I just feel like i broke something between us because of this. He may be normal, but i'm not. I'm not gay. Well, at least i didn't think so at first. Now, i'm utterly confused on what to do and i just . . . i feel terrible. He's already forgiven me, i can't forgive myself. I feel like i took advantage of him, i don't know. I don't know how to explain it. I feel like such an fu- idiot." He said, remembering that there was a little girl in the room. "Ali, what am i doing? What's happen to me and to Reaver? I just . . . i just want him to be happy and all i can think about is that i took advantage of him." Graham sat down, groaning into his hands. 

Alistair would listen intently, watching as he sat down before sighing and gently clapping him on the back. "Sounds like one heck of a night. Now, listen, I know y' both are best friends - and y've always been that way. From what I remember, back in the day when I was in training, you both were practically glued together." He'd then shift in his seat, elbows resting on the table as he looked to him. "So, I suppose, in a sense, it's a pretty normal reaction t' have to a situation like this. But... maybe this may be a sign of some sort. Maybe you... eh, I dunno... have stronger feelings for him than you thought you did, and that's playing in to you not being able to forgive yourself."
"Were they, now?" Malvo grinned in response, her brow lifting more.

"All he did was remove the snow from my hair... with an adoring smile... a smile that lit up my own-- AH! Thoughts need to stay in the mind!" Reaver hit his forehead a few times with the side of his fist in sync with his final words. Soon whining with a sigh.

"Uncle Reaver, nearly everyone knows. It's almost as if it's written all over your face. Why don't ya just tell him?"

"You make it sound so easy."

Alistair would listen intently, watching as he sat down before sighing and gently clapping him on the back. "Sounds like one heck of a night. Now, listen, I know y' both are best friends - and y've always been that way. From what I remember, back in the day when I was in training, you both were practically glued together." He'd then shift in his seat, elbows resting on the table as he looked to him. "So, I suppose, in a sense, it's a pretty normal reaction t' have to a situation like this. But... maybe this may be a sign of some sort. Maybe you... eh, I dunno... have stronger feelings for him than you thought you did, and that's playing in to you not being able to forgive yourself."

"So? What should i do? Should i . . . say i love you? I don't wanna say that i love him. I am so scared if this whatever doesn't work out. I want to be best friends with him and i don't want to break up with him and never talk to him again. What happens if he hates me if we ever started . . . that? Gods, Ali, what should i do? What should i do? I feel like i'm going to grow gray hair in a minute from this."
Buh'roham was cackling at Reaver's exposed thoughts. He calmed down when things got more serious. "Well my friend, you have a choice. Tell him, with a possible chance of rejection. Or not tell him and wait for him to make a move. Of course with that is the chance that he won't make a move and you'll be essentially stuck in the infamous 'friend zone'. A limbo, my friend, that you do NOT want. It's hell. Trust me I've done this before. I am the love whisperer." He said the last part in a stage whisper. 

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"So? What should i do? Should i . . . say i love you? I don't wanna say that i love him. I am so scared if this whatever doesn't work out. I want to be best friends with him and i don't want to break up with him and never talk to him again. What happens if he hates me if we ever started . . . that? Gods, Ali, what should i do? What should i do? I feel like i'm going to grow gray hair in a minute from this."

Alistair let a sigh slip from his teeth, but he then soon leaned back as a smile seemed to climb up his face a bit. He never thought he'd be the one to disclose this, but... here he was. Maybe... just a hint? "Would it soothe your thoughts at all if I mention that doing so would make the wolf happy?"

Buh'roham was cackling at Reaver's exposed thoughts. He calmed down when things got more serious. "Well my friend, you have a choice. Tell him, with a possible chance of rejection. Or not tell him and wait for him to make a move. Of course with that is the chance that he won't make a move and you'll be essentially stuck in the infamous 'friend zone'. A limbo, my friend, that you do NOT want. It's hell. Trust me I've done this before. I am the love whisperer." He said the last part in a stage whisper. 


"And by the gods, don't I know the friend zone..." Reaver grimaced, his ears lowering even more so.
Alistair let a sigh slip from his teeth, but he then soon leaned back as a smile seemed to climb up his face a bit. He never thought he'd be the one to disclose this, but... here he was. Maybe... just a hint? "Would it soothe your thoughts at all if I mention that doing so would make the wolf happy?"

"And by the gods, don't I know the friend zone..." Reaver grimaced, his ears lowering even more so.

"Really? Kissing his best friend? Don't you get it, he doesn't like me that way. He was just drunk when we did it. He doesn't like me that way, he wants us to be just friends." He looked to Shai with a small smile and waved back.

@Daniel reaving
"Really? Kissing his best friend? Don't you get it, he doesn't like me that way. He was just drunk when we did it. He doesn't like me that way, he wants us to be just friends." He looked to Shai with a small smile and waved back.

@Daniel reaving

Alistair chuckled as Shai hugged his leg, gently lifting her as he looked to Graham with another sigh - looking around before looking to him once more. "Alright old friend, stay seated and you have to promise me that you'll say you didn't hear this from me - because Reaver would probably burn me alive - but... He does. He loves you, and it's clear as day. Ask anyone here! Ask the King, the Queen, even their children - your niece and nephews. Surely you must've noticed, even before he was drunk. He follows you around like a lost puppy, and he pouts when you aren't here... Trust me, Graham, it's... more than what you believe."

@Daniel reaving
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"Really? Kissing his best friend? Don't you get it, he doesn't like me that way. He was just drunk when we did it. He doesn't like me that way, he wants us to be just friends." He looked to Shai with a small smile and waved back.

@Daniel reaving

Alistair chuckled as Shai hugged his leg, gently lifting her as he looked to Graham with another sigh - looking around before looking to him once more. "Alright old friend, stay seated and you have to promise me that you'll say you didn't hear this from me - because Reaver would probably burn me alive - but... He does. He loves you, and it's clear as day. Ask anyone here! Ask the King, the Queen, even their children - your niece and nephews. Surely you must've noticed, even before he was drunk. He follows you around like a lost puppy, and he pouts when you aren't here... Trust me, Graham, it's... more than what you believe."

@Daniel reaving

Shai shyly giggled before being picked up by her father. Hugging his neck she queityly listened as she relaxed in his comfy arms
"Ooh! Or we could forget our troubles and invent things! I like that option." He looked to Princess Malvo. "By the way I'm taking suggestions for inventions and I was wondering if you had any or knew of someone who does." 

Alistair chuckled as Shai hugged his leg, gently lifting her as he looked to Graham with another sigh - looking around before looking to him once more. "Alright old friend, stay seated and you have to promise me that you'll say you didn't hear this from me - because Reaver would probably burn me alive - but... He does. He loves you, and it's clear as day. Ask anyone here! Ask the King, the Queen, even their children - your niece and nephews. Surely you must've noticed, even before he was drunk. He follows you around like a lost puppy, and he pouts when you aren't here... Trust me, Graham, it's... more than what you believe."

@Daniel reaving

Graham put his face into his palms and groaned before coming back up, chuckling. "That man, i swear to the High Heavens." Graham stood up, patting Alistair on the shoulder. "Thanks, my friend. I'll keep you anonymous as i go kick Reaver's butt and kiss his face. That man . . . oh Maker's breath. I'm going to fall for my best friend, and i haven't decided on whether i should be horrified or relieved." 
Graham put his face into his palms and groaned before coming back up, chuckling. "That man, i swear to the High Heavens." Graham stood up, patting Alistair on the shoulder. "Thanks, my friend. I'll keep you anonymous as i go kick Reaver's butt and kiss his face. That man . . . oh Maker's breath. I'm going to fall for my best friend, and i haven't decided on whether i should be horrified or relieved." 

Alistair let loose another chuckle of his own, watching him stand and pat his shoulder. "Thank you. And, though I have faith, best of luck to you."

@Daniel reaving

"Ooh! Or we could forget our troubles and invent things! I like that option." He looked to Princess Malvo. "By the way I'm taking suggestions for inventions and I was wondering if you had any or knew of someone who does." 


"Now that option, I favour." Reaver perked up a bit, a smile forming on his face.

Malvo quirked a curious brow, tapping her cheek as she would think to herself. "Now that ya mention it..."
Graham put his face into his palms and groaned before coming back up, chuckling. "That man, i swear to the High Heavens." Graham stood up, patting Alistair on the shoulder. "Thanks, my friend. I'll keep you anonymous as i go kick Reaver's butt and kiss his face. That man . . . oh Maker's breath. I'm going to fall for my best friend, and i haven't decided on whether i should be horrified or relieved." 

Alistair let loose another chuckle of his own, watching him stand and pat his shoulder. "Thank you. And, though I have faith, best of luck to you."

@Daniel reaving

"Now that option, I favour." Reaver perked up a bit, a smile forming on his face.

Malvo quirked a curious brow, tapping her cheek as she would think to herself. "Now that ya mention it..."

Shai listened to there words and giggled at graham. "Silly big man." She said to him cutely as she curled up shyly in her fathers arms more while looking at him bashfully
Alistair let loose another chuckle of his own, watching him stand and pat his shoulder. "Thank you. And, though I have faith, best of luck to you."

@Daniel reaving

"Now that option, I favour." Reaver perked up a bit, a smile forming on his face.

Malvo quirked a curious brow, tapping her cheek as she would think to herself. "Now that ya mention it..."

Shai listened to there words and giggled at graham. "Silly big man." She said to him cutely as she curled up shyly in her fathers arms more while looking at him bashfully

Graham smiled thanking Alistair again before smiling to the kid. "Yeah, i am one silly, big man, aren't i, kid?" He stood up and began to walk. Soon he found Reaver and smiled to Malvo and Buh'roham. "Excuse me, please. I wish to speak to Reaver alone." He whisked Reaver away from them, shoving himself and Reaver into a room and shutting the door. "So how long were you going to live with not telling me that you loved me, hmm? You know you could've told me. I wish i didn't have to hear it from someone else's mouth, but it went to that. Why didn't you tell me before?"

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Alistair had grinned, watching them go as he rubbed Shai's back with a happy sigh. Soon looking to the little one in his arms. [COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]"Well then. What shall we do now? The choice is yours."[/COLOR]

@Daniel reaving


Reaver blinked a few times, looking over to Graham as he'd been whisked away into another room. An instant shade of red colouring his face following his instant nervous embarrassment. With wide, trembling eyes, he lowered his ears. "Wh-Who told y'!?" He'd whine, soon closing his eyes and flattening his ears. "I-I... I would've told y'. I wanted to, truly I did! I-I was just scared of how you'd think of me after, and I was worried that you would think I was weird and that it would ruin our friendship, and..." A small sniffle was then heard as he'd turn his gaze on the floor. "I was so scared that I'd just chase y' off, so I kept it to myself... I'm sorry..."

@Forever J


"Thank the gods..." Malvo huffed before then perking a brow and looking over to Buh'roham once more. "Well, I know I've been wanting to tweak one of my smaller blades into something a bit more useful."

Buh'roham looked thoughtful. "Are we talking dagger? Maybe wrist blade? Ooh! Or using the Brodian Magicka Crystals, I could magically enhance the blade! Give it some spark maybe?" 

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Alistair had grinned, watching them go as he rubbed Shai's back with a happy sigh. Soon looking to the little one in his arms. [COLOR= rgb(255, 140, 0)]"Well then. What shall we do now? The choice is yours."[/COLOR]

@Daniel reaving


Reaver blinked a few times, looking over to Graham as he'd been whisked away into another room. An instant shade of red colouring his face following his instant nervous embarrassment. With wide, trembling eyes, he lowered his ears. "Wh-Who told y'!?" He'd whine, soon closing his eyes and flattening his ears. "I-I... I would've told y'. I wanted to, truly I did! I-I was just scared of how you'd think of me after, and I was worried that you would think I was weird and that it would ruin our friendship, and..." A small sniffle was then heard as he'd turn his gaze on the floor. "I was so scared that I'd just chase y' off, so I kept it to myself... I'm sorry..."

@Forever J


"Thank the gods..." Malvo huffed before then perking a brow and looking over to Buh'roham once more. "Well, I know I've been wanting to tweak one of my smaller blades into something a bit more useful."


Graham smiled at this. "So . . . you do love me, huh? It's fine, Rea. Perfectly fine. I . . . i can't say i love you back, not that type of love anyway. But . . . i am willing to try, whatever, this is. Is that okay with you?"
Graham smiled at this. "So . . . you do love me, huh? It's fine, Rea. Perfectly fine. I . . . i can't say i love you back, not that type of love anyway. But . . . i am willing to try, whatever, this is. Is that okay with you?"

Reaver blinked a few times at this, slowly looking up and staring at him in a bit of shock from the acceptance. However, after a few moments he'd soon smile and nod. Tears pricking his eyes in the process. "O-Of course it is!"
Reaver blinked a few times at this, slowly looking up and staring at him in a bit of shock from the acceptance. However, after a few moments he'd soon smile and nod. Tears pricking his eyes in the process. "O-Of course it is!"

"Then . . . is it okay if i asked for a . . . a kiss?

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